Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 55

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April 1, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE l"OR SALE-HOUSES WTD. TO RENT-IIOUSES ':! ss WTD. TO BUY-RSEJlLD. GQOUM ··~ FOR SALE-HOUSES WINNE.' fKA HOME $19,500 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS · A~nun <R\rrncdl Aw~rrnnn® ()\VNER MUST SAC RIFICE BEAUTIful home, 4 blks. to main e lec. and ~o~t f>~m depots, village and schools ; large linng room with wood burning fire- ATTRACTIVE S ROOM STUCCO WITHin 5 block s of lake ; enclosed 'sun and place ; hot water heat ; 2 car heated s leeping porches ; extra Ia vatorv and g-arage ; high wooded lot 50x165. Small toilet '; gas heat: landscaped lot'; garpayme nt down. balance like r ent. agP. Unusual offering at $23,000. ExMAY FIRST POSSESRION clusi \'e age nts. lHI@mmce Haviland Realty Co. EXCLUSIVE AGE:\TS 7 t; Rlm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 577 · OPEN ALL DAY S UN DAY 340 Linde n Ave. · 5 2I..T~27-llc W AN'l'ED - HOUSE TO RENT, $100 TO WANTE'IJ 1'0 BUY -:-SECOND HAND $125. Wilmette Life B-259. 60L27-ltc furniture and other household ~roods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur 61 WTD. TO RJ:N'f-FURN. HOUSES nlture Stor~. 1004-6 Emerson St.. Ev anston. Ill. Phone Utllv. 189. '12LTN27-tfe w ANTI<~D 1.'0 RENT - FURNISHED hom e for th r summer, three in family, husband, wife and grown son. Desire 4ll Jo'Olt SALE-~IISCELLANEOCS s mall house on North Shore, reply H. V. Scott, 360 ~. Michigan Ave nue, Chi- .:\1 A~'S SUIT, SIZE 38. COSTS $125 61L26-3tc \Vorn only twice; dark fabric; newest · cago, or call State 2281. cut. Will sacrifice. Phone Wll. 2829 ----------------WTIJ. '1'0 RE~T- Y.'OR SUMMER, 5 OR Jw fore 9 &.. m. 73L27-ltc ll room modern furnish ed bungalow .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Write l\1. Bowman, 1120 Lake Shore Dr., FOR ·sALE STRICTLY l<...RESH. Chi cago. 61LT27-1tp P!!P"S. Tel. Wil. 708-M. 73LTN27-ltc · Jo'OR SAI, Jo~-CSJo:D CARS fhon e Wil. 68 6H H WTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOU!!; 52L27-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE - 7 PASSENGER P.A[(iE WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, lOc Touring < ·a t·. Vt> n· reas onable. Wlnn. per lb. 1222 Central AvenuP .. Wilmette l:'-;[<~ OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE A~ D Cotnfort and 71 3. . 6!!LT~27-1tl· HLTN27-tfp HOME LlKE RESIDE:\'( 'ES 0~ 1'HJi; JK THIR DISTIN CTIVE BRICK HO:\lE ~ORTH SHORE. ST UDEBAKER LIGHT 46 lUISCEL~ANEOl!S built 5 yrs. ; beau. r eceptio n hall with :F'OR SALE 525 SHERTDAX RD ., CLENCOE. Six Touring·. ( :11od condition. $250 . Ph. ------------~---'"·ide Htairway ; imnwnse living room; ::i. E. Corn E:' r Sheridan H.d . and H a wthorn Wilnwtte 4:i0. 68LT.:-.;t7-ltp good s ize breakfast room ; pantry: exAv e., tra toilf"t and la\'atory ; full til e bath; Lot: 275 ft. on Hawthorn Aw., b y 255 c all clost- t s larg·e a nd ea ch have a win- FOH SALE - USED DETROIT ELJ·;Cft. on Sherida n Rd . Approx . 1 1-2 a cr es. tric with n ·t:tiftl' r, all c omplet~: . S2fHl. d o w; hot wate r with oil burner; g arage ; ll ouse: 8 rms. , brk k and stu eco, old Eng<'ar may lw s~·t·n at 20ii f'h estnut Ht. landscapt:-d lot with ftn e trees. l\lost li s h a.rchitecturP. C'omplctt·d three years \\· inn. J'hont· 27. 68LTN27-lh· a g o. conve ni (· nt lo ·ation. Ownt- r leaYing Wllmt· tt£· and is taking a JosH . $16,500. 00. ( 1wn er has left town and is for ·ing this F OR SALE - TOl'RJ:\<1 CAR; ~EW 'l\· rUl S. s al e. ])U('O paint; nt' W tirN;; t' XCt>llent tn t' J nspccti o n by a ppointnwnt through : I }Y11 1\llowers Sharpened <'hani cal l'ondition . <'ht-a)). Call Winn. PHONE WIL. 158 P. Stnith Co. 2 17~1. 6SLTX27-1tc Bxdusin· Agents 76L~7-1tc :::: :! Park Ave. Phon e " Wil. 64 0 Pho ne U len t oe 702-:l 11 a7 WilnH::th' ..:\ ve. DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 52L 27-ltc 52LTN27-1 tc 1926. Less than 5,000 miles, $800. Easy \'ILLAGE OF WILliETTE t erms. T el. \\' inn . 1G5. 68LT~27-tfc ~ utiet> of A ward of Contract. For the construction of the sanitary WT]). '1'0 BUY-{;SED CAJtS 69 st--wer system of vitrified pipe sewers in Cash St--m·ca Road and other streets. ·wTD. - OLD AUTO:\IOBILES, ELEC<Wilmette Special Assessment No. J)ELIGHTFl L CDPY XORTH SHORE trics. ·w rite Notarius, 3440 Potomac 184.)0ffice of the Board of Local ome; full of character and comfort; An~ .· Chicag-o, gi\·ing mak e of car. Al.:\IXE ROOMS, li BEDROOMS, H . · w. H Improvements, Wilmette, Illinois, g-in~s joy to tholiie Who dwell therein. hany lOOn. 69L2G-3tp h eat.. g ara g e. Exce ll e nt location . Ea!5y ~larch 30. 1927. H rms . ; 2 baths ; stueco ; h. w. ht. ; garterma. XOTICE is h ereby given to all persons ag.:> ; choice wooded large lot, beautl- ;o intt> rested that the bids for the construe fully la ndscaped: 5 min. to stm . and tion of a. 'sanitary sewer system of vitriPi e<'.: mu s t S(· ll , owm·r lea\·ing city. FOR SALE - SPOOL BED, C HAIHS & fi ed pip.:> sewt.·rs in Seneca Road and other o o i a:i Yt·rnon A\· e. Phont- Gle ncoe !184 2 mirrors. Winn. 1733. 70LTN27-1t< · :streets in the Village of Wilmette, Co~k 52LTX!!7-ltc 1 17'7 Wilmette A n.'. Opp. Vill a ge Hall t'ounty, Illinoi s , Special Assessment No. Ph on e '\\' il. 1iaO and 363 'il 184. wert- ope ned on the 22nd day of FI:\E R RO O ~I ~10D&RX HOME 0~ 52LTN27-ltc ~1an·h, 1!l27, and Cannell Conrad Conlarge eorn t> r lot, we ll landscaped . stru<:tion Co. being the lowest r esponsible Solarium ; 4 h(·dr(Joms : oil burne r; garBargain for Young ag-e; :: IJlockH to " L." Owner lt.·aving 4 ROOM SUITES OF FURNITURE, bidder the contract was awarded to it on For Sale or Exchange tht> 29th day of March, 1927. Said bid town. '\\-. lll sa crifi (·t· f or Immediate sale. each worth $3,000, will take $550 com- wa~ for the work as a whole and is as ('OLONJAL FRAME HOUSE. WOODT.; D Small cash paym ent, balan ce eas y plete or will separate ; 3-piece silk mo- follows: landscaped lot 140x1!10 two blk s. school, t erms. hair parlor suite ; 8-piece walnut dining 4 !80 lineal feet of 6 inch vitrithree from d epot. 5 l\last er bedrms., :\ORTH SHORE REAL RSTATE CU. set ; 4-piece walnut bedroom set; two 2 llaths , 2 s e rvant's rms. and bath. 2 fied til ~ pipe s ewer at $1.20 Wil. 277 8 9x12 Wllton rugs ; library ta.ble ; floor tireplaces, 2 s c r een ed porch es, large sun - 41 ~ Lind (· n An ·. })e r foot . : .. ..... . . . .. .... $ 5376.00 52L27-ltc an table lamps ; 5-piece breakfast set, 40i'i0 lin eal feet of 8 inch vitrir oom, pla.t e glass windows, steam heat. and silverware. Will take $550.00 for Cnusually fin e woodwork, dra wers and fied tile pipe s.:>w er at $1.30 SALE - THE HO:\lR YOU ARE all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sh~rldan Hd. shdves in <.:lOSPtS . N't>eds d ecorating FOH. per foot . .. . .. ... . ........ 5265.00 looking fo r is now being built in Deere r.hicago. TPI. Sunnyside 61!l0. Will ar- 4250 lineal f eet of 10 inch vitrionly to make perfect hom e. Will conPark on attractive lot overlooking Lak e range for d.:>livery. 71LTN24-4tp sid t· r smalle r house pre ft·rably in Glenfied tile pipe sewer at $1.50 :\Ji ch. and Sheridan Rd., adj. park on c ot·. Priced for qukk a<.'tion . ·w. H.. per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6375.00 l'or. Brid{. 7 rms., 2 car gar., e ncl. sun }'Oll SALE - :\IAHOOAN'Y DINIX<: .:\lit< ·he ll, Gle ncoe 30ft or Supe rior 6:~ 14. a!t 20 lineal feet of 24 inch vitripch . Will uf· superbly decorated in your room furniturt· , 10 pieet' set: radio, S 52LTN27-ltc fi ed til e pipe sewer with ::;ele('ti on of toues, etc. Priced $48,000. tube supE:' r ht->trodyne with loop and < :onerete cradle averaging Jum· dt·liwry. C. L. Chatwin, Builder. loud sp.:>a k t" t'; bird':s-t·y t· maplt· bureau ; 2 1-10 cubic feet of concrett' 460 Wlnn. Ave. 52LTN27-ltc EXCI~PTION.AL oak book case : 2 largf' mirrors; antiqut· pe r lineal foot of sewer, rost·wood dt>l'k anrl walnut arm chair. said concret .:> shall be comFOH. SALE- 6 R00:\1, E:\GLTSH s·.ruc711... '1'~27-llt: Phont· Wil. l'i'li. posed by \'olume of one (1) eo house, 2 baths, 2 porch es, attached .\ L.\IOST NEW 7 R00:\1 HOUSE ; FOUR part of Portland Cement, heated garage, H. W . heat with Xo-Kol FOR SALE - COLONIAL :\£AHOGANY lwdrooms , two baths, sun porch, breakthree ( 3) parts· of torpPdo oil burner. Wooded lot in select dining room suilt' : Hepplt.·waite mahogfast nook, att. htd. garage , toil & lav. sand and six ( 6) parts of neighborhood . Owner must s ell. Make any twin-bed suite ; green enamel 1st fir., wate r ht., auto. water htr., urk, crushed limestone or gravel offer. Phone \Vinn. 2236. 52LT~27-lt c twin-bed suite ; odd li\'ing room pieces. from :3-4 to 1 1-2 inches in and stucco, large wooded lot, conv. to All high grad e : practically new. 1018 size at $12.00 per foot.... 47040.00 school, stores and trans., $HI,700 (cut to. FOR SALE - TO CLOSE ESTATE, 7 Ash St. Winn. 2091. 71LTN27-ltc 46 Briek manhol es, cylindrical s t·ll) conv. t e rms or will take K S. lot room house, and 4 room cottage on lot Rl' part payme nt. Phone Winn. 235. in shape, three (3) feet in 50x1S'i' ft. 87!1 Cherry st., Winn. Call F'OR SALE_ .:\TAHQ(;A~Y DI~IX(; R.:\T. internal diameter and with 52LTN27-ltp after 5 p. m. at cottage or phone Winn. tabl t> and chairs: . whitt> enanwl r efrlgwall t>ight (8) inches thick 13G6. L. E . Ande rson. 52LTN27-2tp t-rator: 6 hurnt·r gas ston· : baby hugg~· : laid in Portland Cement $2,500 CASH hrass ht·cl and mattresH. '\\-·inn. 71:t mortar of one part cement FOR SALE-VAVA.NT 71 LT:\27 -1 k and two parts of sand and " ' iLL HANDLE 6 ROOl\I COLONIAL; 3 61 with a cast iron cover and hedrooms, sun porch; hot water heat; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I<~on SALE HOl:'~D OAK DIXJN(; lid weighing 470 pounds full attic with space for additional rms.; room tahh· and fi chairs. good condiaverage d epth of manholes . a tta.ched garage. Terms arranged to Here 1..: an opportunity that cannot be tion , rt·a sonahl f' . Phon ' \Vii. 776-M. E> ight (8) fe e t at $100.00 suit purchaser. Price $16,500. .;ver1t:~oktd by any person interested in 7l.LTX27 -1tp 4600.00 eaeh . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . Stults Co. :'-iorth Shore real estate . HIGH (~R.\DE PI.AXO, 2 PIECE SILK $68,656.00 ... tiO Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 J am offering a wonderful buy In my mohair living room !'mite and other Tht· owners of a majority of the front52LTN27-ltc lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park subhousehold goods. f'all PV.:> nings. Univ. agt' of the lots and lands upon said streets 5028-J . 71L1'27-1tc wherein said work is to be done may, FOR SALE OR RENT - OUT OF THE division Deerfield, Illinois one of the within ten days from the date hereof, as ordinary house, inside and out. Also ~orth Shore's Choicest locations. FOR SALE- :\fATTRESS, FULL SIZE. provided Ly law, elect to take said work unusual location, East side Hubbard Both storm and sanitary sewers are In Also, Hoon·r Va<'uum Cleaner, with at- and entt>r into a written contract to do Woods. Brick, English Colonial, by tachmf'nts. Tel. Wil. 252. :-laid work at ten (10) per centum less than prominent Chicago Architects ; 3 years and paid for, water in to the curb Une, 71 L1'N27-ltp the price at whi<'h same has bePn old, attached garage. Seyen rooms, 2 steel re-enforced concrete streets wUl be awarded. ha.ths, enclosed sleeping porch, hot finished by spring, ground is high and EARL E. eRNER water heat, oil burner, ineinerator. Will dry, not a low marshy spot near this FOR SALE - CHEAP, THOR ELECtric washing machine : Bohm enamel JOHN CLARK BAKER h e sold below value. Address Life B- 'lroperty. lined refrlgeJ·ator; gas heater for water ELMER D. BECKER 257. 52LTN27-ltp If you are Interested in this proposition, tank. Wil. 1:179. 71LT27-ltp WILFORD W. DeBERARD CLARENCE E. DRAYER FOR SALE-6 ROOM BRICK VENEER $2,000 will take tt, one half down and ualFOR SALF.- LAUNDRYETTE WASHPAUL A. HOFFMAN house, sun parlor and sleeping porch, -tnce on easy terms. lng machine and simplex Ironer. Both JOHN F. WIEDLIN bath, tile floor and walls, lavatory on Owner employed in Wilmette and must bargains. Wlnn. 1491. 71LTN27-ltc Board of Local Improvements first floor; breakfast nook ; water of the Village of Wilmette. heat; 2 car garage; lot 50x16~ Just ,.,,..,ke his home in that village. Address 53LTN27-tfp FOR SALE - DINING ROOi\f SET ·completed. Owner on premises Sun- Wilmette Life B-186 with bun'et. Also. Victrola. Tel. Winn. day between 2:00 and 5 :00 p. m. WTD. TO RENT-ROOl\IS 1727. 1361 Scott Ave. 71LTN27-1tc EXTOL WORTH OF "VIGORO., Price $20,000. 1715 Washington Ave. &7 Phone Wil. 3194. 52L27-tfc TWO GENTLEMEN DESIRE ROOM IN FOR SALE - FULL SIZED GIRL'S "How to Grow Velvety Lawns, Luxury w@n~~ (Glfn~~n~ IHl~lfcdl ~&If® \Valter & F. Coletnan .Uurroug-h & Co. ,a lE&~tt §ncdl® IB3~lf~ ~niTil $18,500 Fil\E ENGLISH HOUSE $5,000 lF JJ IffitlllcdlniiD~®If & CC©o Couple BARGAIN SAY E. E. Realty I"OR SALE-NEW 8 ROOM HOUSE; Wilmette or adjoining. Willmette Life bicycle, in good condition. High chair. Beautiful Flowers and Luxuriant 2 car garage; acre lot. Cheap. InB-253. 57L27-1tp Phone Kenilworth 106. 71L27-ltc Shrubs," a subject in which every home quire 805 Elm St. Winn. WTD.TO RENT-HOUSES FOR SALE _ A BOHN ICE-BOX, POR- 1o.wner pa.r ticularly i~ inter.ested, at th_is 1_tP 60 27 2_L_T_N_ 5_ _____________ _-_ rt>l::lf'l lined. holds ·100 pounds. good tune of year espectally, ts treated m condition. Winn. 585. 71LTN27-tfc a little booklet issued by Swift and FOR SALE - NEW 5 RM. HOUSE ON WANTED TO RENT-5 OR 6 ROOM unfurnished house, preferably with>h gar- F"OR SALE - r;: PIECE GRAY ENAMEL company m · descn'I >tng · th e va · 1 Kiest Avenue, Northbrook; modern. ue o f I"t s age, possession Apr II or M ay. I one u · Ready for. occupancy. Tel. Northbrook Winn. 1617. 60LTN27-tfc bre~kfast sPt, with server. Excellent product, "Vigoro," as a ,pectally pre113. 52LTN27-ltp condition. Wil. 3226. 71L27-ltc pared plant food. Vigoro is sold Ill ~HORE, W'l 1 me tt e b y th e o h n M'll t en H ar d FOR SALE - 6 ROOM BRICK RESI- WTD. TO RENT- ON NORTH $12 .00. CALL SALE - DRESSER' FOR ·6 or 7 room house. S unnys Id ·· 8500 . · dence. Corner. Very mndern. $17,500. 60LTN27-ltp Glt·ncoe 104. 71LTN27-ltc ware company. Wll. 698. 52L27-ltc J

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