Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. XVI, NO. 27 WILMETTE. ILLINO IS, APRIL 1, 1927 LIFE" PRICE FIVE CENTS _;nblishetl 'tveekly by Lloyd I-I ollistm·, Inc., 1!$!2 Centt·al Ave., Wilmette Illinois. Euterefl as second class matte1· arch 1.3, 19 t.J,, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the Act t'J/ Ma~ch s, 1879. Subsc1·iption pt·ice U.OO a yea?·. ~ I -I I HOLD FIRST HEARING I Call ON MAIN ST PAVING · Property Owners Told County Will Assume Burden of Cost 'f or · 40-foot Width of Pavement Voters to Harp Quartet to Give School District Sunday Club Program Ballot April 9 · The famous Harp quartet, und~"r the direction ef Clara Louise. Thurston will give the program at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club 011 A prt 'l 3· A ppearmg · · h the w1t quartet will be Miss Anna Nyberg, Yiolinist, and Porter Heaps, or. gamst. The Thurston harpists have been heard several times in Sunday Eve. nmg club programs and have never failed to attract a capacity audience. Miss Thurston has appeared f.r equently as harp soloist and has ·w on a personal reputation with nort h s h ore music lovers. Miss Ny1 · one o f the best known Sun)erg 1s d ay E venmg · club soloists. She is a prime favorite with north shore '.r au d'tences. l\'1r. Heaps is organist o f t h e F'trst Congregational church of Wilmette and one of the most brilliant of the younge.r musicians in the ~Iiddle West. CHOIR IS FEATURE OF FIFTH VESPER CONCERT Baptist Church Group to Render Dubois' "Seven Laat Words of Christ," April 13 '} fi 1 tc .rst puhlic hearing on the pro· ·1 · o f M am · po~e d repavmg amI Wt< enmg '11 age was 1e ld ree troug tou 1e v1 St t tl l t tl 1 at tl 1 V'll h a 11 T ues<1 · of 1 age ay evemng this week before the Village board of local improvements. Sten, 1535 Spencer avenue; for memher of the board to succeed himself, 1 County o ffi cials, President Orner in- I· 1 El mwoo d ave.mco 1n C . 1' orrey, 13... f ormed the interested property owners nue; f or mem b er o f t h e b oar d to suewho attended the hearing, have agreed cee d h erse If , M rs. · I_.aura ,.V · " . D urgm, to pave 40 feet of the proJ)Osed hiahr.27 F ores t avenue: f or mem b ers h.1p on ,.., u way at a cost estimated at $100,000. tl1e b oar d t o fill vacanetes, · M rs. H e1 en The cost of the remaining 8 feet of the s·nnon d s, 834 s· 1xteent1 1 street, an d proposed 48-foot roadwav will he borne G a 1 ,,~ B roo k s, 835 F'ft J e ·"·. 1 een tl1 st rec t . c ··an d.d by . t)roperties benefited by - the im1 ates f or tl 1e sc 1 1001 boar d ar~ provement, as established in the court nominated by a special committee assessment procedings, he explained. made up of representatives of the leadT~e total cost .to the property owners ing women's groups in the . villag-e; inwtll be approxunately $10.50 per front eluding the Woman's club and the f 00 t , M Promise I Parent-Teacher associations. r. 0 rner Additional &t a t ed · Aid I '· I The fifth Vesper concert, in this, the · d annua 1 senes · o f concerts at t h e t h 1r w·1 B apttst · c h urc h , Wl'11 b e giVen · 1 mette 4 · 1 k s d ft at o c oc on un ay a ernoon. A ppropriate to the Easter season, the choral society of the church under the dt'rectt'on of Madame Gt'lderoy Scott wt'll st'ng the Sacred Cantata, '"The Seven Last Words of Christ," by Theodore Dubois. The choir will be en)arged by the addition of many new vo 1 ·ces and will be assisted in solo work by Madame Scott who has done the solo parts with .m arked success in various sections of this country and in England . . '! d s 1 h · '1 Besides 1" a arne cott, t 1e c o1r wtl be supplemented with by LeRoy Hamp, tenor soloist at solos the First Presbyterian church in Evanston and noted Pre sid ent Orner explained further. for many years as the tenor in the that, while it was at first anticipated quartet of the First Presbyterian that the countY would .defray the cost church of Oak Park, under Edgar Netof only 20 feet of the roa(h~·av. ncgoson. Mr. Hamp is in constant demand y and has recently heen theand soloist tiations started some t. imc a. go- had re.the Swedish Choral club the with Chisuite d . a few weeks smce, 111 the decsA S h 1 . t · t 1 t' · Rev Jol111 Herbert O"'lllat1 pa ·tv.. · S ·1 h 1 1 1 sion hy .the county commissioners to 1 K ~~ annul a c oh~ I( ts nc c. etc lOll lldl of th~ Mont Clare Banptist 'ch;rcl;' cago Singverem. tt 1 ot er so o parts tl It f t f f t enllwort 1, at w tc 1 a presH ent an will be taken by Rollin Pease, the 40 ass ume te > trc1 en o .ros or . ee two members of the board will he near Elmwood Park and residing at north shore's favorite basso, and recog1 me tt e, narrow- nized as one of Chicago's best dramatic of the j)avcment, JHO\' tdcd the V11larre . . ,.., e 1 ec t e d an d a measure provt·d·mg f or 1123 L1'1tden a"ettue ~ · W'l woul<l a~r~e ~~ 0 f the wldenmg of the a three-vear term for the president of ly escaped death early Wednesday interpreters of great religious music. pavemen o -tO eet. the boa.rd will be voted upon. will he morning, when the car he was drivingGreat Musical Setting County Commissbner O...;car Schmidt, held between 1 and 6 o'clock Saturdav was struck bv a limited t.rain on the Dubois' "The Seven Last Words of re sident of \Vilmette and a fot"mcr pres- afternoon, April 9. The Village hail Chicago . and . North \Veste.rn railroad Christ" is one of . the world-famous ident of the villag~. has heen largely has been selected as the polling place. at the Lmden avenue crossmg, Pa,sion week musical creations. Theoinstrnmental. in conjunction with Arthur T. Mcintosh, who has pre~{r. Bo~\·mau, it is said, approaclwd dore Duhoi~ was a French organist 1 County Commissioner \Yilliam Busse, sided OY"r the Kenilworth Board of 1 the crossmg and as the gates were and composer of the last generation in bringiitg the' additif'nal financial aid Education for the past four years, will I raised, started across. He. had just who has in this cantata given to the fr om the countv fnr the !\fain street he a candidate for re-election while reached the center of the right-of-way great closing utterances of Christ what improvement, P.resident Orner emphil) John ~L Roberts . and Mrs. John L. it is said, when the gates were sudde!l~ critics generally regard as their most sized. \Vilds arc the candidates for the posi- ly dropped, halting .... him square]~, in dramatic and finished musical setting. Following ' variou:-; ouestions put !o tions now open on the board. front of the approaching train. The The program on Sunday will begin the hoard .hy several ~fain street pro;l-. In the past it has been the custom gateman frantically attempted to a~ai :1 with an Organ Prelude by William ertv owners relating to the extent of to elect the president of the scho,)l lift the bars but the margin was too Harrison Barnes, who is the directing the. assessment roll. Tues<lav's hear- board annually, \vhereas the memht'r,.; close an.d as the train thundered d ::nrn genius 1 behind the entire series of coning was adjourned to Tuesday· t.'\·ening, of the board are elected for term :~ oi upon htm, Mr. Bo\'\·man leaped for certs. Mr. Barnes will play MeditaApril 26. three years. Recently a mc:tsurc w.ts safety. ducking under the gate just as ti01~ a ~ainte. Clotilde, by ~hil!P Jaf!le.s, passed by the Illinois State Legislatu.r e th~ car was hurtled down the track. whtch 1s typically Fren.ch m 1ts ?~tgm making it possible for a municipality \Vtlmette poli~e we.re called and tlw a1~d char~cter, ble.n.dmg exqUISitely Chamber of Commerce in to provide for a three-year term for wrecked machme taken to a near-hy I w1th Dubo1s composthon. Because of the nature of the proSlogan Contest Here the president. The hill which will he garage. voted on in the coming election, is in gram. the audience will make a definite The \Vilmette Chamber of Comaccordance with this measure. It Wanderlust Grip ' a· Boy,· contribution by coming promptly, it is merce i' offering attracti\·e rash pritcs explained. A silver offering will be in a vitlage-wide conte~t which ha~ a~ would not take effect, however, until Wilmette Rainbow's End made. its purpose the selection of a suitahlr after the expiration of the coming term. s1:::>gan or "catch phrase" that '"ill he \Wanderlust claimed its first spring The election this year will ht.' held victim last Sundcty night when littlL· Pre-School Circle in employed hy members of the C'hamher in their business announcements as in conjunction with the New Trier Bobby Press. 10 years of age, and un Open Meeting Aprii 7 well as in all Chamber of Commerce To,vnship High school hoard election, der ordinary circumstances, residin~ The Logan-Howard Pre-school circle literature. The contest is open to all contrasting with former years when it with · his aunt at 1209 Farwell avenue, will hold an open meeting at the How., was held at a diffe.rent time. · Thi.; residents of the village without reRogers Park, sta.r ted a journey for ard school Thursday evening, April 7, strictions. Suggested slogans are to change was considered expedient as it "most any. pl~ce in nowhere" and at 8 o'clock. ·'A Pre-school Program he directed to the offices of the Cham- will eliminate the necessitv for the hoarded a north bound "L" train. For for the Home" will be the subject of her of Commerce in the \Vilmeth· voters to make two trips to the polk some unknown reason the "L" tracks a discussion bv Mrs. Alfred S. AlState hank building. ran out and Bobby had arrived-at ·schuler ot Win.netka. The meeting, it track's end; all dressed up and no place is said. will offer an excellent opporScouts Will Plant T.rees to and at 4 o'cloCk in the morning, tunity for mothers of children of tho Woman's Guild Will Hear on Library Lawn April 9 too.go A short time later, a sleepy and "run-about" age to obtain practical of Work in South Schools Wilmette Boy Scouts are making disillusioned Bobby was telling . the help in meeting this problem. Anyone The Woman's guild of the First plans to plant two trees on the grounds \Vilmette police where he lived and desiring to attend is invited .to do so. Congregational church is to hear Mrs. of the Wilmette Free Public library how he'd like to "wander back home." Roy Rogers of Glen Ellyn, Ill., at its Saturday afternoon, April 9. The BACK FROM FLORIDA meeting Friday, Ap.ril 8. Her subject ceremony is to be a public affair at Harry W. Miller, candidate of t~1e HOMEWARD BOUND v..-ilt be, "How You Can Help Your which time there will also be held the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brethold, of 1102 People's party for re-election to the Southern Schools." Luncheon is to regular monthly inspection of Scout office of Village 1~reasurer . at the Vilbe served by the Central Avenue circle troops. The trees are to replace two Central avenue, are expected home this lage election on April 1Q. returned week-end from Biloxi and New Orof the church. A Style show is to be trees taken away from the parkway at from his winter sojourn ·rn Florida an added feature of the afternoon pro- the library when Wilmette avenue was leans wher-e they have been since early \Vednesday of this week. in February. gram. · widened last summer. \Vilmette's School district election will be held Saturday, April 9, with the single polling place at the Village hall open from 1 to 5 p. m. . Candidates in this year's school elcction, who are unopposed and whose ~)c· titions were filed more than a week ago, are as follows: For prest'dent of the board, Enoch w. Kent·lworth Holds Minister Escapes Its School vote Deat~s car Is W db · Saturday April 9 re e Train

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