April 1, 1927 . ' WILMETTE .LIFE 39 NELSON MOTOR SALES · I · Choose ·the Star Car ····Because of its Low Cost and Durability Announcement We have secured the franchi~e for Star Cars and patts in Evanston and the North Shore and invite all our friends and Star owners to our s~owroom during SPEC.IAL SHOWING-FRIDAY, SATURDAY ·and SUNDAY A full line of Fours and Sixes. Star chassis with Red Seal Continental Mot~rs have always been the most durable of all light cars, and with the new improvements and Hayes-Hunt bodies are the last word in up-to-date appointments and finish. FOURS ·· 12 MODELS all under SIXES $1,000 CouPE, $650 F. 0. B. Factory SPORT RoADSTER, $885 F. 0. B. Factory r III !I Drive : \I a Star 1 1 I · 1 il 11 Before I . ! ,;I y I . OU :! I 1 SEDAN, $765 F. 0. B. Factory Buy I Then you will. know why all Star owners are satisfied Boosters SEDAN, $925 F. 0. B. Factory CoACH, $675 F. 0. B. Factory ~ LANDAU SEDANJ $975 F. 0. B. Factory MELSON MOTOR SALES 1017 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 2350 OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS