Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE April 1, 1927 · Clubs Play Big ROle tn Society as Spring Advances · Poster Competition Betrothed Is Novel Feature of Annual Art Exhibit ' - - - - - - - - - · By W. W. The annual art exhibition of the Woman's club of Wilmette will be held this year on April 29 and 30 and May 1, in the clubhouse at Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. This event has become an outstanding feature in the ' · artistic and social life of Wilmette. One of the outstan.d ing services performed by these exhibitions is the way in which they earn for Wilmette the recognition and appreciation as an art cel.lter, to which it is so richly entitled. Exhibitors are limited to present or former residents of Wilmette, and it is the sincere desire of the committee in charge that every qualified artist should participate, with his (or her) friends and neighbors in making this exhibition truly representative of the artistic talent of our community. The high standing of the exhibition will be maintained through scrutiny of all offerings by a discriminating hanging committee, but there will be no fees for registration or other purposes. Arrangements for the submission of pic tures, or other works of art, may be made through the art committee of the Woman's club. The m~bers of the art committee are Mrs. Gordon Wilson, chairman, Mrs. J. Burrill, Mrs. Harry Clark, Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburn, Mrs. David Davis, Mrs. J. R. Harper, Mrs. Harry Hooker, Mrs. J, S. King, Mrs. Sumner Mason and Mrs. Ashton B. Taylo.r. One feature of outstanding interest in this year's exhibition will be a Poster competition for pupils in the: seventh and eighth grades of our Publie schools. Work on these posters is no~ under way, under the able leadership of Miss Caswell and Miss Scheidler, and a great deal of interest and enthusias!ll, as well as som~ r~al tal~nt, are ~emg shown by the Jumor artists. ·. Pnzes have been offered by · the \Voman's club for the three best posters, and these will be a feature of the exhibition. I Patroness for Benefit · Marian Dawes to Marry in Christ Church April 30 Christ church on the top of the hill in Winnetka has been chosen by M i ~s Marian Dawes as the setting in which she will become the bride of Go.rclon Butler Bilderback, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Bilderback of Champaign. The se rvice will be read at 4 :30 o'clock. Saturday, April 30,. with Dr. Douglas Cornell of th e Glencoe Union church officiating, assi ~ tcd by the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard. The reception will be held at the home of Miss Dawes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam R. Dawes of 187 Hazel avenue, Glencoe. The wedding party vvill consist of the matron of honor , the bride's sister, ~1rs. \V. Hamilton Walter of Glencoe; the bridesmaids, Miss J can Dawc . , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dawes of Evanston, and Miss Eloise Hazard of Rochester, N. Y.; lh.ron Bilderback of Danville, Ill., who \\:ill se n e as his b.rothcr's best man: and the ushers, Burnham Harris, Frank Robeson, Jr., Stanley Kaufman, of Champaign, Angus MacLean of St. Loui s, Robert 0. Law of Evanston, Ralph J. Mills of Oak Park, NeiJ B. Dawes of Winnetka and W. Hamilton \\alter of Glencoe. Among the affairs for Miss Da\ves prior to her wedding are th e kitchen shower given Wednesday by ~fis s lean Dawes of Evanston and the ~mall dinner party for the bridal party gh·.en this evening by Mr. and ~[rs. Kt>il Da\YCS of \Vinn etka. R eick Photo Mr. and Mrs. George E. Shipman, 432 \Varwick road, Kenilworth ann u n c e the engagement of their daughter, Alice, to Lester M. Branch, son of John \V. Branch, 2101 Harrison street, Evanston. Miss Shipman attended the Unive rsity of I 11in oi s where she \Yas a member of Pi Beta Phi. ~fr. French was graduated frqm 1'\orthwcstern university and I S a member of Phi Delta Theta. ° Catholic Parish Sets April 6 as Bundle Day Bundle day has been· decided upoq by \Yomen of thr St. Francis Xavier parish for children of the St. Mary's Training sch ool at DesPlaines. The day to be set aside for the collection of bundl es is Wednesday, April 6. A f 1 't bl f h"ld ny ar Jc e sm a e ?r c I .ren from 3 to 16 years of age ts requested by the committee and will be acc epted gladly. Those in charge ask that all bundles he brought to the St. Francis Xavier auditorium between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon on the day designated. The exhibition will be formally opened with a reception to the artists and their friends on Friday evening, April 29, at 8 o'clock. All residents of Wilmette who are interested in art in any of its phases are invited to attend this reception. There will be music by the Wilmette trio a·nd refreshments will be served. The exhibition will be open to the public all day on Saturday, April 30, · and on Sunday afternoon, Work Lecture a Gala Event May 1. No admission fee will be The coming of Milton Work, authorcharged. ity on bridge, to give a talk for women Among the former residents of Wil-· of the north shore next Monday aftermette who have already signified their noon at the Ouilmette Country club is intention to exhibit are Mr. and Mrs. to be the occasion of one of the largest Cady Ewel1 and Anita · Willettes Burn- and most attractive social affairs at ham. Resident exhibitors will ·include the club. Reservations for about three Mrs. Milan Lusk, Miss Alice Jackson, hundred guests already have been M.rs. Ashton · Taylor and Mrs. Ferd- ·made. Luncheon, which is option a!, inand Betzlmann (Irl!la Reisner). Mrs. wilt be served by the club at 1 o'clock, Alonzo J. Coburn will show some of with the talk on bridge commencin~ her recent work in sculpture and :Mrs .. at 2 :30. Charles Triggs will present some of her artistic creations in lamps. Among the male artists will be William Give Dinner Dance Schmedtgen and Carry Orr, whose Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vaughan work as a cartoonist in the Chicago Tribune has attracted such widespread Bright, 731 Ashland avenue, will be and ·favorable attention during the ab- host and hostess . at a Ia rl{c dinner sence of the veteran, John T. Mc- dance tomor.row evening at the OrCutcheon. Pictures will also be shown rington hotel, given in celebration of by W. T. Jones, Pierre Kinder, Charles their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. L. Morgan, Reinhold Palenske and a Their son and · daughter, Philip and number of other artists whose talent Medora, are returning today from has been generally recognized in circles Beloit college for the affair. They extending far beyond Chicago and the will remain in Wilmette for their ten day spring vacation. Middle West. 1 Mrs. Frank Oel erich, president of the \Voman's Catholic club of \Vilmette, is to be one of the patronesses for the large benefit luncheon and bridge for St. Francis hospital Monday, April 18, at the Georgian hotel, Evanston. Tables will be arrang-ed for bridge, bunco and five-hundred and a prize will he gi,·en at each table. In addition, there v,·ill he a door prize. Mrs. George Ortseifen and Mrs. James Schaefer arc in charge of the prizes, Mrs. A. L. Smit h, Mrs. C. W. Gebhardt and Mrs. ]. Kramer compose the luncheon committee, Mrs C. A. Bunte and Mrs. P. ]. Joyce are arranging for the bridge game, and Mrs. George Ludwig and Mrs. E . W. Bell have the bunco tables in charge. Mrs. Paul Fieberg and Mrs. Harry Davies make up the committee for cards and tallies. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Frank Jones, 1336 Central avenue, Wilmette, who is general chairman for the affair. 1r ,. Wilmette Girl Is Among Prettiest at U. of I. One \Vilm ettc gi rl will be in the midst of the eight chosen beauties ~t the l.Jnive.rs itv of Illinoi s wh en the\· arc prescn.t ed tonight. She is Mis-s Cecile Gilroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ecl"·ard Gilroy of 124 \V oodhine avenue. These eight prettiest co-ed~ wert· selected hy popular vote last week-end. The girls arc to be ushers at Pierrot's ope.ra, "The Prince of Pilsen," tonigh t - - - - - - - - J and tomorr ow night, and they arc to he presented from the stage tonight. Last Subscr.t"ptt"on Dance More votes were cast in this election for Club Fund on April 2 conducted hv Pierret's fir st ann ual "Van it_r Fair· Beauty contest," than in Tomorrow evening brings to a clo se the series of six" subscription dances any other ever held on the campu~. given for members and friends of the l7o3 ballots having been cast. vVoman's club of Wilmette for tl1c benefit of the building fund. These affairs, which have taken Circle to Meet at Church The Crescent circle of the Congreplace at the clubhouse monthly since October 16, with the exception of Dc- gational church is holding its April cembe.r, have been arranged by Mrs . meeting at the church next Tue sday. George Edward Walk, chairman, and It wilt be an all-clay session, with the members of her dance committee, luncheon served at noon. The hostMrs. H. W. Mons, Mrs. J. B. Denman, esses for the day are to be Mrs. C. Mrs. Daniel R. Brower, Mrs. T. E . W. Cozzens, Mrs. F. E. Allworth, Mr ~. Thompson, Mrs. J. H. ·Stackhouse, C. L. Mohr and Mrs. H. B. Pruden . Mrs. H. ]. Newton and Mrs. R. A. Wheelock Plan Wellesley Benefit Entertain Former Resident The Chicago Wellesley club is taking over the Blackstone theatre for Mrs. David F. Anderson has return- the evening of April 20, for a pe.r formed to her home in Dallas, Texas, after ance of "Trelawney of the Wells" as spending two weeks with M.rs. Robert a benefit for the scholarship fund. Kenyon of 1011 Greenwood avenue . During her fortnight's stay here she was guest of honor at a tea given by her hostess, at a luncheon given by Bridge Tea Today Mrs. Percy Skillen, an evening bridge Mrs. William H. Rehfeld, 210 Ninth at which Mrs. T. B. Potter was host- street, and · Mrs. Frank H. Seubold, ess, and at a party given at the Opera 921 Sheridan road, are giving a bridge club by Mrs. George Bi.rd. Mrs. An- tea this afternoon at the latter's home derson at one time made her home in for the social committee of the Wo~ Wilmette. man's club of Wilmette.

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