Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 16

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16 WILMET:fE LIFE April 1, 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lund of Kingston, Ont., who arrived _ _;last Friday to be ~he guests of their niece, Mrs. C. A. Mair of 327 Fourteenth street, left Thursday for Ontario. They have been spending the winter in California. First Methodist The Fellowship sen·ic~s are continuiug· with unabated interest. 'fhe sup)Der next Wednesday evening will be In charge of the Friendly Circle of which Mrs. 'Vest is the teacher. The suggestion has alre a dy been made tl)at these suppers awi services be continued a~ter the Easter season. The Senior High school group will mt::et Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 We Deliver No Toll --aMrs. George C. Murdoch of Daven- ._,J'IJ ~--MJ.- 0..A1'J(( 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston . port, Iowa, formerly of Wilmette, is nt·xt Sunday evening at 5 :30 in the hom .. the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Cole- of Jan(' Colvin, 1517 Lake avenue. Mr . !Jonald Frisbie will lead the discu ssion on man Clark, of Evanston. --a- "What it mean~ to IJe a Christian in om; High School." Walter H. Williams of 1306 Gregory The OldC'r Young People will meet at avenue returned Wednesday from a the hom(~ of Harold Wegner, 421 Elmweek's business trip to New Orleans. wood avenue. Dr. Voight from Garrett BibliNI.l In::;titute will lead the discussion on "vVhat is the most d esi rable attitud·· we may h a\'e toward our Bible T' The C hurch school worshil) programs of t hesc two depa rtments have been r e lated subjects for the eveni ng discusThe . various classes are takin~ (·hargl· ; last Sunday the Queen-Esther Standard Bt"aren; directed a very good program. );ext Sunday Mr. Miller·H clas!" \\'ill plan and dir ·ct th<' program for tlw High s~hool d emu·tmcnt on the s ubject : "The (; hril;tian's Preparation for Scrvic~:> . " A Hummagc sale· \\'ill be held by th· · Ladif's' Aid sod<>ty on 'J'hurl'day and Frt da~·. AJ)ril 7 and 8, at the Economy Shop . Call one of the division chairnwn or Mr ~. C. (;. Smith, who i!:l in c h arge of thr · RumnULA'l' sail', if you haye any articiPs t1· st·nd . Ll't w; rl'lnind you that artic·les of any ldnd nrc aee<'ptable .and wiT! b e call t·d for. to th e ~ions. ·I I E CELEBRATE DURING ~ c5l\ P'RJ L Tlw L~Lkc Bluff ·orphanagt', through til· · Ladh·s' auxiliary, will he holding- a lm:war, April 5 at the Hotel La Salk Ladks of this congregation are asked to donat e Rui t ah le artiel<·s. Kindly report to )Irs. LN·mnn any gifts you wish t.o. mak e. the 104th Anniversary of the building of the first Chickering piano, , , ~ celebrate with special di~ plays , , , special musical e.verits , , , and most im~~ portant to you,,, special inducements to buy your Chickering now. It will be a matter of great pride to·us if w~ '::..11 make April the largest spring month in our history. Our ambition · is your opportunity , , , for in the matter of terms , , , in the matter of allowances , , , you will find us more than willing to meet you half way. 'l'lH' Bo~· Scout trO(·Jl L·njoyrd a SJH'!'i:d Tut·sday nig-ht. ~Jr. :\fnt.·on was th·· C'lwf ::tnd . st·\" ·ra.l otlwrs nssist Pd hitn in prodding· good tll.ing-s . t<· eat. Thi ~ troop is L'lljoying- a very fitw growth ancl dl'\'<·lopnwnt under the lend<'rship of Mr. l3all. Thl·Y are alruady looking forward to a happy c·n<"ampm<'nt at th e summ· ·r f· · a~t 011 camp at \Vat<'n'lict, 1\liC'h. .\. group of Oirl Scouts from Troops l I and IV hik('d out to the Forest Prese n ·.. last Saturcl:L~- with thC'ir captain, Miss Ifumphriel'. -\!though the wind was cold and tht> log·s \\'C·r <' wet, the girls s\ll'C Pdt·d in p;e tting a fir<' startc-d and W<'rr alllc; In C'ook thC'ir lun c·h before starting· to hik· · had\: home· agnin. In spit(' of the cold wind and thf' consequC'nt diffi c ulti<'s, tlw girls were "Good Snorts" n tHl "t :ood Scouts" nnd th<>rc·fm·;. had :1. ll :tpm· timf' . 'I'h<> r<·g·III:tr monthly m P<· ting of th· · \\"pman's JlonH· ~[isl'innarv Rodt'fv of th·· Hn!'k Hi\'('!' ('onft·rt·n<·r \\'(ll he h r id \Vt ·<l nt->sdH~-. April 1), at J :::0 p. m ., at tlt·· l·~lt · anor <·luh room:-; in tlw Stf'\'<'ns buiLd ing·. Tht· monthly tn<'<'ling of tlw Philatlw:t will he lwld Tuesday evening-, April :i, at 8 o'cloc·k at tlw h ome of 1\fr~. Huhv ';·w.\Ton:'ln, 1::2!1 C ·~ ntral a\'rnu<'. :\lis's 1 lt· lt·n Xt·h;on will asRist the hoslrss. r las~ Tlw J)l'ogr nm for East<'r we<'k is at prrs<·nt d<'\'rloprd ns follows: On Palm Sunday tlH' "!'alms" will be sung by tlw Junior and ~Pnior (·ho ir~. Tlwrc will ]), . baptism of infant ch ildrf'n. A SJ>ecial S<'rYice will lw h e ld \V ednf' ~da~-. Thur ~ day, and Friday nig-hts. The theme on V\7 edncsdny will he "Standing by tlw C'ross." On ThHrsdn~' night a union communion senif·<· will he lwld nt the CongTl·gational l'hHt'eh. On 'Friday there will hf· n. comhined ~··rvicf' or songs and storit' s and ilhtstJ·ntf·d hymns Cf'lltC'ring around ".-\ 'Vigil at tlw Cross." ~ ~Wring & ~ons · illars\.all &- tllendeB ·'ireu.sttr ~ THB AMPICO Eastc·~Sunday will he u sh~ rrd in b~· an c·a rly n orning rommunion serYicc for t host> o high school and l'Ollf'gc ago<' . .-\1 th< 11 'clock hour there will he specia I musi c a d a Sf·rmon :1l11H'OJ)J'intc to thi s most f<>s n.l dny of all the Christian year. Tht> larg attt'ndall(·e on rece nt Sundn" mornings clrn.rly indicates that only thos.t· who <'Om<' enrh' will he ahle to find a srnt ()n Eastc:r morning. On tlH' ~unrlay following Easter thPl'·' will h<' a !':JH'cial st·rvicc and r ccC' ption for .Junim· ho~·s n.nd girls who are to join thr· <'hurch. On the Sunday nftPr that, whic·h '\\'ill he r<>cogniz~d aH "Family Da~·." n.dults will he rce(>ived into lh<' churl'h. · ~<!lUtbring£3fubios , Carl·ton K:aum,e'le' · PIADO~ $2'1 Davts Stnet ._ &vanston 1/lino,fi SWta'-· -(),J,fJ13C · George Mair of Detroit left thr first of last week after a visit with his paretlts, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. )..fair of 327 Foqrteenth street. -oHenry VonDerHoff of 332 Oak circle, who has heen ill for the past week, has recovered and is able to · he out again.

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