Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 15

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April 1, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE CIRCLE PLANS STYLE SHOW 15 ' Xext Sunday will be the ftfth Sunday in Lent commonly known as Passion Sunday. There will be Holy Communion at ~ a. m., church schools at 9 :45 and Holy . The First Congregational, locat~d at the {'ommunlon with address at 11 o'clock. point where Lake avenue crosses WilSunday, A}>ril 3, being the ftrst Sunday mette avenue and Eleventh street, Is open to everybody every day. The aim is to In the month, will be Corporate Communmake it a House of fellowship and prayer ion Sunday for both the Boys and Girls · to all people. Its ministers count it their t ·ommunlon leagues. greatest joy when they may serve InXt'Xt Sunday is known in the church dividual needs, and its officers are hOD· ored when the church is permitted to a~ as "Passion Sunday" Introducing the .sist in promoting the welfare of tht:· l'Om- wet:'k know as "Passion Week" because the church bemunlty. Twenty-one dt:"nominations are the teaching of directed toalrea<ty represented in Its memlu-rship gins to be- speciaJiy and a whole hearted wPlcome awaits all wards the sufferings of our Lord <the old English meaning of the word who will accept its hospitality. Passion, being suffering.) The following On 1:<-.riday the Central ave. Circh· will wt>ek begins with "Palm Sunday" and is be entertained at a 12.a0 o'clock luncheon known as Holy Week. at tht· home of Mrs. C. A. Eldridge, 1029 Lake avenue. .i\lrs. E. R. Sholes and :\Jiss The Women's Asso(·iated nuilds wil! Jean Munro wil !assist the hostess . .;\Jrs. me~t t.oday, Fri~ay, in th .... ('Jub Hous··. J ..M. T. Boyd is the chairman of the Cir- ht>gmnmg at 10 :.~0 with luncheon at noon . Ministers Stephen A. Lloyd William E. McCormack cit'. . _ ~- Tlw t·xtra :-wnices In Passion Week The Boys' club meets on Friday at :: ::w will Itt·: l-lo,l): <'ommunlon, \Vt·d!wsday , p. m. under l'he direction of l\Ir .McCor- a . 111. and I· nd :ty at 10 a. m .. w11h \Vt·d mack. · 1 nl'sday En,. ning- SPn·ke at R 11. m. On Sunday morn!;;'g the different \ partments of the Church school l.w~ill tht·ir services at ~:av o'clock. The Co\'enant dass meets with Dr. Llo,·d in th(· church office at the same Ume: The Inh·rmedlate and Junior departments meet together at 10 :30 for the Junior Congregation service, where Mr. McCormack will speak to them on the subject of "1'ht' )lt-anf's t Boy I Know." ~unday 1st Congregational St. Augustine,s TO PLAY IN RECITAL Pupils of th~ Wilmette branch of the Columbia School of Music under the instruction of Miss Anna Chinlund will play in recital Saturday afternoon, April 2: at the home of Mrs. W. C. Doering, 424 Lake avenue. The Central Avenue circle of the Congregational church will conduct its annual style show f9llowing the guild luncheon on April 8, at 1 o'clock. The dresses w.ill be displayed by manekins. Established 1854 1 1 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Years . 6 1 :1 D.1vis St. Pbooe University 44 9 Wilmette Office Phone Wilmettt 3354 1 1 CHICAGO 1oo E. Erie St. Phone Supuior 7709-7710 .. .... -.. .....__.,., . . . . . ~ ... ~ ...... ~ .........."='................. ~..........~·~·~·~ - ·~·~·~·~·"='*'"· de~ ~ ~----------------·------- NA8H ~~·~· ........ .... ,.. .~·~ ........... -·~ ~!..,.. . ·~·~·~ ·· ..\ t thl' 11 o'clock service of worship on morning Dr. Lloyd will preach on ".lt"sus, Lord and Saviour." The 'Vilmette Sunday nwt'ts in this ('hurch at 7 :30. Evening duh The Harp quartet, dir ~ct<· d l>y Clara Louise Thurston, will give a. < ·on<·t·rt. .:\liss Anna ~y bt·r,~. violinist. On ::\f(Jilday ~Trs . K X. · TidE:-num, 1025 Liuden avenut-, will be hostess to lht· East End Cir('le at a. lunchc·on. I The Cn·seent ClreiP, ::\1rs. P. E. Parry, l'lmirman, will hold its April meeting at .tJw churl'h on nl'Xt Tuesday. ~frs. C. ,V. t 'ozzt·ns has < :harge of the luncheon and wi 11 lw assisted hy Mrs. F'. E. All worth, :\Irs. ( '. L . :\1 ohr, and l\Irs. H. n. Prud ·n. 'l'ut'sday the H.oost·Vt>lt Troop Xo. 2, Boy S('outs, mt ·t'ls at lwadquarte rs at 7 :1!J Jl. m . .,l'h < · ~('a 7 :::u at thP ehurch. Scouts nwct Tut:sday uight at Ewart Cook, skiJ!Jlt'l'. aft<:rnoon the .Junior ( >n \Vt·dn esday c ;iris' dwir lllPl'ls for reh\'arsal at ;~ ::l/1 p . m. u11dt·r the direction of :\ft·. :\fe( 'orma<"k. at G ::w p. m . l\lr. )fcConnack will i··ad tht· st>rYil' · o( song-, and Dr. Lloyd will ~·onduct th<: brief dl·Votional ~l'rvin, aftt·r which he ~- Ill talk on till' ".He).lg-ion of Holwrt [.;OUIS StP\'enson," rf'\'H:wmg- "lir . .Tt·kyll and )Jr. Hyde," as illustrnti\·e matt·rial. At 8:00 Wt· dne~day nig·ht the Pt'c'>pl(·'s ehoir rehearsal Is held. \\'. HPaps, direetor and org-aui~t. Tlw <'hun·h Family Kight dinm·r will lw hl·ld lh'Xl \V<·d nPsday night as usua : n -uu1-!· Portt·J' Tht· Cozy Corner Cirde wili hold a 11 all-day meeting at the church on Thursday. ~Irs. C. A. Lindstrom will haw L"harge of the luncheon. On Friday, APril 8, the Woman'R Guild will ha Ye its ~· meeting at thf: church. Thl-' .:\lissionary Book review will be givt-n at 11 ::w a. m. A board meeting wtll bt· hdd In the parlor from 12 :30 until I. The 1 o'do('k luncheon will be served by thf' · 't>ntral a venue Circle of which 1\lrs. .J. )1. T. lloyd is the chairman. Directly foll owing the luncheon the Central aventk <'ircle will sponsor a Style Show put on uy local mert·hants of ladles' wearing apparl'l. The speaker of the afternoon will be Mrs. Roy Rogers from Glen Ellyn, Ill., who will speak to the Circles on "How you can help your Southern sehools." or$6otothe own paymen~ on a Four -andget a Nash Nash 6-c-y Iinder, 7-bearing perform· windshield cleaner; Rear-view mirror; ance costs little, i/any, more than Gasoline iauge on instrument board. ··cylinder performance. 5 Budd-Michelin steel disc wheels · You can buy a Nash Light Six en· Alemite chassis lubrication, instead closed car for as little as $925 f. o. b. of old-·fashioned grease cu.ps. factory-an amazingly low price for Air cleat.~r· and oil filter to seal the a car like this. engine; steering gear especially en· For besides the exceptional smooth· gineered for balloon tires. ness of ,Nub 6-cylinder, 7·bearing performance, tbe Nash Light Six has And, in closed car ·bodies, genuine ·very worth-while feature of hardwood frames with rounded rear modern motorin': roofs like the costliest custom cars. · Full force-feed lubrication; Nash You ~n buy this car for about the mechanical ··wheel brakes, with same priceasoneofthe higher priced front wheel brakes totally enclosed. fourr. At the most, you'll only need Doible-beam headlights; Automati(!· ....t~~~d $50 or $60toyourfirstpaymeat. Now! Berttr care can be siven to Decorating before tbe !Spring Rush. Fret E1timat11 i I M. Portenhauser Painting f1 Decorating I 030 Greenleaf Ph. 2764 728 Suburban Nash Sales Elm Street WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 2 707

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