Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 14

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14 Tbe Fintst of Conctn or Dance Orcbesrras WILMETTE LIFE April 1, 1927 FRANK SPAMER Music and Entertrinmtnt 110;; Lawrenc-f' A ··e.. f'h 1t·narn Phone Longbeaeh .tl4'0·tl;l l.nld;....sc·rat·ed-'C teaned-Rettnlsbed t:!lltlmaates Free lludwood Floon DUIU'BB FLOOR CO. l'ltuau· · 441 N. DEARBORN ST. f)elawure !i81 Chlengu ·The .MightyWa,ter Boulevard iff ~UROPE, I trip, sail down the sheltered St. Lawrence frOm Montreal or Quebec via Canadian Pacific Empresses or Cabin Class ·hips. CABIN TOURS TO EUROPE-Sl days$8SO all expenses-England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 'Holland and Belgium. Other Collegiate Tours, $260 up. Pull infonnadcm Gnd 1e1ilin~ dGw /Tom loce~l ltee~mship The First Presbyterian church is located at t·lle corner where Ninth ~trt>t· t Winnetka, Kenilworth, and Evans- crosses Greenleaf avenue. Northern .-.xand Evanston cars stop at Eighth ton are the three villages that gave to press stli-eet and at Tenth street, ont· block about one hundred boys o'f the Arden from the church. · Shore Winter camp their annual reP. Magill, D.D., )la~tot·. union dinner last evening at Gads Hill The Rev. George 1011 Lake avenue settlement. Members of the Arden Residence Phone Wll. 189R Pastor's Study, Wil. 157:i Shore association · in these towns donated the food and served the boys. Each Sundar morning our ~mular Mrs. Marcus D. Richards of Win- school meets at 9 :30 o'clock with tht· netka, Mrs. Mark Cresap of Kenil- exception of the \V'omen's and 1\ft.· n·~ Bible classes which meet at 10 o'<'lot·k . . worth, and Mrs. Ernest Palmer, Mrs. Classes for all ages of young J>POJllt·. ' Richa.rd Gambrill, Jr., and Miss Ellen Morning worship at 11 o'elork. Our Drvden of .Evanston were those in regular Communion service will ht· ohserved Sunday. Reception of nwmh· · r~ charge of the arrangements. on Easter Sunday. The musical pro,::Ta m Villages f u r t her north were in Is as follows: Prelude, "Waton of th<> Angt·l charge of the reuni:: >n dinner served Qaan "'cuardlan" ............... . .... l·it ·nH· to the girls of the Summer camp Sun- Anthem, "Blessed Jesu" ........ D\·(,l'ak Anthem, "Ave Verum" .......... Elgar day at Arden Shore. Organ Offt·rtory, "Welsh Melody" I . . ................ Arr. by Ducoucl ra ~ DELTA GAMMA DANCE Solo, "::\fore Love to Thee, 0 Ch~st" j The alumnae of Delta Gamma will · · · · · · · · · · · ·~ir: · C~ri~~~. · · . · :-;h PI<lr.n give a subscription dance for the be~e Organ Postlude, "Dona Nobis P:H'f't~l·· fit of the house fund, at the Georg1an (Mass In ·a) .... .... . ..... . . . ' ' l'lk t' hotel, Saturday, April 2. Junior church at 11 o'clock i~ thP .TunThe dance will be informal. The lor Assembly room downsta1rs. Tl~· · patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs. leadE>r is Joe Hayes. The subjPct w.tll · George C. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry be "How 'Ve Should Grow as ChrisH. Adams, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ross tians." Talks by other JuniorH. Obj··l'l lE>sson on "Orowth" by leader . ~~' rm .. n Barrett. t>ttt" : SJH·dal music. North Shore Towns Give Arden Shore Reunions Presbyterian Church r Ggents, or Earl E. Ornl'l', ( ·. & X. W . Station, Wilmt-ttt·, or R . H. ElworthY. StPamship (;t"ll t' J'al Ag·ent, 71 E . .Ja<:k~on Bl\·d ., TPl t>J~hont~ '\VabaRh Hl04 , Chit·ag·o, Ill. For Freight apply to W. A. h.Ittl:'r rnastt·r, ( ;. tlt 'l'al \Vt·stt ·rn l·'rt·ight .-\.g-Pnt, !14{1 'l'h... Rookt' r.r, Chi , · : ~ ChriRtian Endeavor at 5 ::lO o'l'i n ( ~ l\ . Members of the Tuesday club met The leadtor is FrNl Quayle and tlw top iC', for luncheon and bridge this week with "W·hat Is Ht>al Christianity?" LaRt ~ttn Mrs. Clarence Worthington at her day P\'P ning sonw of the boys Hl'r\'t·d n ·freshnwnts to tlw :;;o<'i<>tY aft(Jr tlw Jl lt ·l'! home in Glencoe. ing, ·nw Pats lH"ing· (·njoyt·d hy all. -0Mrs Joseph F. Comee. 1612 Fore st avenue. accompanic'd hy Mrs. \Vesley M. Barrett of Los Angele s, recently visited Catalina Islands. 1\lid-wet·k St·n ·iC't' on \Vt·<ln t· Hcla~: ··:···ning- at 8 o'C'Iot'k V\.(' nrP ('onttllllllllr our Pre-Eastt>r R C'rvice with tht· liSt· ·.'f the little booklt·t, "Fellowship of . Prnr.··l' for 19 27," tlw dc-tilY suhjerts b1·1ng- ~11 ~ ·c ussed by nwmb('r!'-1 of th e congTt·;..:-at H·ll. o, l Canadian Pacific World's Greatest Travel Syateln -ofor the West Indies. Mr. and Mrs. George Goudy Moody Th e H ebN't' a Rpok·' will m ~ d Tw ·sday of the Georgian hotel left W cdncsday at r. ::lO with :\I iss Ann e \"..hitmal'l< ;tt thP Orrington hotE>I, E\'anston . Annual ('httr('h and ('ongTt ·g-ationa l mt·t'ting, \Yt·dm·sday, April 6. J)inJH ·I.' at f) :3(1 o'elo('k . R t:ports from ~hl' '\'Hl'.Jnu s nganizations of Pw church w11l be gJ\'1' 11 and otht-r official bm~inP s s tak(' n up . E\'eryone ts asked to r eserv(· thi:-; I· Y· · ning. A Motor Oil That Proves Its Superiorift Here's an oil that proves its superiority bJ· a single, easily grasped fact. Quaker State Medium Motor Oil has an e%tra quart of lubricant in every Aallon because Quaker State's exclusive super-refining process removes the non-viscous content which makes up 25%, or more, of the volume of ordinary motor oils. Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is alllubricant100%. That's what makes it so superior-that's why it has set such remarkable performance record.ct and ha·s won the recommendation of the makers of many of our best-known cars-among other.5, Franklin, WUls Ste. Claire~ and RoDs-Royce. RE>gular sclwclule of young peoplt" s ;w livitles for the week will be carriPtl ··ut as usual. Roy Scouts )[onday CVt'11ing al :: :::11 downstairs. ·OlLI·CU!··sES ~~ .\l!nlH'haiHt Troop of Girl Scout::-; 11·i :J nwet Friday at :J ::to upstairs . --- . The Presbyterian Training school i!" holding a bazaar April 7, opening :t t 11 o'clock. Afternoon tea will be serY!·d. Dinner r E>servations may be mad e hy C'alling :\Iich . 0578. Dinner servPd · :- 7 o'C'Iock. · English Lutheran ( :reenlea f avE>nue and Seventh stre<·t Regular morning worship at 11 o'cloc·k . Sunday, April 3. Rev. R. Heim will preach the sermon. Come and hear these inspiring messages. We know you wilt f'njoy them. Mr. Helm ranks with our very best ministers. We invite all Luthf'rans who are not attending church to join with us and help build up our ntis!"slon. In unity there is strength. H(·Jp us in this noble · work for the Master. It will benefit you and it will benefit u~. We will look for you Sunday and 'l.ssure you a hearty "'elcome. Services during Lent every Wednesda~· night at 8 o'clDck. Rev. Helm Is eonducting these services. Sunday school at 9 =·5 a. m. Mr. Joseph Johnson is superintendent. Mr. W. D. Gash will teach the Adult Bible class. H·: is a very able and Interesting teacher. We wel"Come you all. Come and join with us. You will enjoy it. ! Braun Bros. Oil Co. Winnetka 1565 H. E. Vroman, 1400 Hill street, was in Milwaukee on a business trip last week. · TOUPEES and WIGS as the Jfalr tllat was 011ee ro·r own. Nataral 0 ~ ,, ~ Ph. Central 16M FUNK A CO. It So. State St. Room Ul @' ,.; . . .,

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