Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 12

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12 W .1 L ME T T E L IF E April 1, .1927 ·~- ~~ · __N_e_~_h_h_o_rs_M __ e_et--~ The program of The Neighbors on March 29 was a charming and most picture~que lecture given by the art and literature chairman, Miss Barbara Erwin. She gave a vivid glimpse of the country of Czecho~Slovakia, a republic only since the war. The subject ·she chose was "Czecho-Slovakia, lts Arb and Its Historv." This republic is only the size of .illinois. For centuries this little country ha s struggled against her neighbors, and because it has been rich and prosperous, it has arqused much jealousy among. the surrounding nations. Mi ss Erwin explained that Wasaryk is its president, and that he has worked most conscientiously to make his nation the kind his hard working people live for. Their government now, she said, is similar to that of France. Its capital, Prague, which incans threshold, is a marvelous city of cathedrals, statuary, and lovely old architecture, Miss Erwin told her audience. She said the fact that it had been the capital in former times not only of Czecho-Slovakia hut of a great · < o· 0 At luncheon hour this restau~ rant proves its popularity. Here is where the successfot men and women take their mid -day repast. D 0 0 ' D 0 0 part of Europe. greatly accounts. for its w<;mders. The peasants embrOtde~ beautifully and make love ~Y pottery which is · always decorated 111 flowers or fruit. The Girls' Glee club of New Trier High school sang some charn~ing sonl?s for the Neighbors while Mtss Erwm changed to the peasant costume of the · se ]ect'tons ~ere 'fHymn country. Th etr , · Star" Revels) t o th e E ve!lmg ' "Fatry . , part of Mtdsummer Ntght s Dream , "S.w1~gmg, · · " hY F a~· F os t et· and "Memones by Cademon. Miss Erwin completed her lecture hy showing so~1e sli~es of Pragu~ a~Hl Cze.cho-Slovak~a whtle ~ he was 111 tts nattve dress. She also dt sl?layed a rare c?llection of pottery: et~hmgs, colored ptctures, and embr01denes. Mr. and Mrs. vVilliam G. Beyer and their son, Lowell, moved Tuesday of this week from Roger s Park to . their new home at 859 Vernon ayenue, Glencoe. The 1 Beyer family lived in Wilmette for many years. IHeinsen Company Mak~s Tempting Set"i" MAC'S Bowling ·Lunch llSt Wilmette Avenue 11 A. M. to Miclai1ht -aWilliam Jordan, who is attending the University of lllin_ ois, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. J onlan of the Linden Crest. lb 0' - ..,.... D '0~ r~t~::~, WHITE·CASH 1yj .fo 1:fu ..._o_ftn~Jrs t8t:«~e Better Meats MARKET ~ MEAT IS SURELY FIRST GRADE THEY NEVER SEND ME ANYTHING · BUT THE BEST Lower Pri~es SPECIALS FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL Sth GENUINE MILK FED SHOULDER . , . Remsen Realty company s vVmnttka office announces the following- ree<.· t~t sales: Tanuary 26--346 Wo::>dlawn avcnul'. Glencoe, ]. ' MacArthur to Arnol (l Honegger. Februarv 2--329 Woodland aventH· \.Vinn.etka,· Jennie ~· Martin to J oseplt· A M .11 ·February ern ~ ·17-382 Ridge avenue, \Vinnctka. John W. Hansel to H. · McClure Johnson. · February 22-791 Rosewood avenur , \Vinnetka, Henry C. Anderson to .T. J. Kennedy. . February 19-1004 Che.rry street. \Vinnetka, ]. F. Hahn to Thomas N. \Vheatley. March 2-139 Bertling Lane, \Vin netka, F ·r ed H. Sterling to Geo. V. Dauchy. March 9-655 Linc()ln a\·enue, \Vinnetka, W. C. McDonald to Herber t J. Brooke. . March 12-1010 Cherry street, Win netka, Otto A. Boheim to William S. Traweek · . March 12-Lot on Scott avenue, \Vinnetka, Victor Clottu to Otto A. Boheim. March 17-Propcrty on Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe, Curtis Syndicate to E. T. Leonard. Total- $1 ,9·66,583. The following rentals arc als0 announced: February 19-1240 Tower road, John Coon ley, 1r. to Marcus. Richard s. Fehruarv 28-706 Ash ~t.rect, Winnetka, Peter ]. Schafchen to Frank D. Reynolds. March 4-1010 Spruce street, E. J. Scully to. Daniel Katz. March 25-130 \Voodland avrnue, 'Vinnetka, }. H. Furman to Fred H. Sterling. March 28-1004 ClH.' rry street, \Vi nnctka. Thoma~ ?\. \Vhcatley to Rir hard Fische.r. Total~$8 ,970. Public Many Transfers CHOICE NATIVE LEG OF SPRING LAMB, lb................... 39c Vea1Roast,lb.28c I~~~~ VealRoast,lb.... 19c ROLLED RIB ROAST BEEF ~8. ~::TE lb.... 39c ~:g~TC.:~~ Mrs. Charles Hall of 1242 Isabella stt ect wa :' hostess to a group of friend s at luncheon and bridge on \V eclt1r sd:1,. of this wcrk. PorkS;:~~~M;;t;IbE.30c IP;PorkRoast, lb....... 21c NATIVE FRESH . . BEEF POT ROAST SUGAR . lb·... 19lf2c · PorkLoinRoast,lb. 29lf2c Cured ComedBeef,lb. 17c ~~~~Eo GEN.UINE CAPONS, sPEciAL~u · ~ 49c ~:~~~NE CalvesLiver,lb. 43c I~1~~YFED Hens ............ 37c ~~~~~ · DRESSED PIGEONS EACH ............. 25c . ~ . . .. . ' ' . . . WHITE CASH MARKET CO. Phone Wilmet~e 2538 Four Free Delioeriea-9 a. . 1189 Wilmette:Ave. ' "' ... __ .r,;.. Phone Wjlmette 2538 m., 11 a. m., 2 p. m., 4 p. m.-Four Free Deliveriea ..

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