Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1927, p. 10

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tn . WILMETTE LIFE April 1, 1927 "Save a Life Day" to Be Seek to Eliminate .. Slogan for Health Week ·Justice of Peace With diphtheria thirty per cent more prevalent in Illinois than at this time last year, G'o vernor Small has desigThe elimination of justice of the nated April 24 to 30 · as Health Promo- peace courts and the substitution of tion week and recommends in his proc- regular courts . such as the municipal tarnation that activity be concentrated rnurts of ·Chicago, was discussed by largely on diphtheria prevention. Gen- Illinois legislators at a meeting reeral ·. participation in the project would cently held in Springfield. save approximatelv 500 lives. declares R~presentatives from various llliDr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health di- nois cities attending the meeting were rector, who has charge of the pro~ram told how the total fines alone, withand who suggests '"save a life a day" out costs. paid in Cook county by as· a slogan for the occasion . . Den tat autoists, in 1926; amounted to $1,300.~ygiene is offered as a companion suh- 000. And of that total, only $400,000 Ject. , 1 was c~ollected in Chicago and · $910,000 For local programs the st~te d~part- in Cook county outside Chicago, where ment of . health offers motion ptcture the costs 0 to the courts in man\· films wht~h tell the whole ston· of . t g · . h t h erta · prevention, · I'tterature on · t1 d tp 1e ms ances.. · same subject for geileral distribution ; The ~t.scusston ~ame a~ resu~t. of and speakers prepared to make puhlic the dectston of Chtef J ustt.ce Wtlltam addresses. · These se rvice s are avail- : Howard Taft of the Umted States able for the asking. Toxin-antitoxin ; Supreme Court that an Ohi~ justi.ce is also available . without lnca t .cost of the peace was not an tmparttal through local physicians. i judge for ~he reason that he col~ec.ted "Up to March 26 a total of 1.632 1the costs tn the event of co~vt_chon. "ases of diptheria has been reoorted . and hence profited by a convtcttOn. tliis year compared with 1.232 for the . J. H. Braun of the Chicago Motor 1:()rresponding period in 1926." said Dr. club presented the figures on Cook Rawlings. "If this rate of increase count\· collected as result of the orr,·ails throughon~ th.e year the ex- "spee~t' trap" campaign of last year. cess loss over 1926 wtll amount to I in which it was estimated that $700.00( 1.500 <;ases of illness and 135 deaths. , in costs alone were paid hy Chicago Last year there w~re 4,5~1 ca~es and motorists. 411 deaths from dtphthena. mne D esp t 't e tl1e f ac t tl1a t c~l 11cag · t 1 ~" ~· ."' · · f 11 per · t1 o cent o f t 1 1e cases termmatmg ata Y . ,· 1 · 365000 , vente es. an d th e res t o 1 h. ~!iss Rehecc;-Fitch~ who ha s been county only .100,0()0. there were 175.. 1 · · G · ·n, G 000 arrests 111 the· F count\' and only spe n d mg t 1c wmter 111 amesvt e. a .. 145 OOO · Cl · ·.,. . 100 was expected to return to her home ~ · . 111 · ltcago. or C\ c:r) a rat 1033 Elmwood avenue the latter part I rests m Clucago, tw~1 were fined;. fo.r . every of this week. 100 arrests . 111 seventy- ctght _ 0 _ count~· towns, fifteen were fined. 1 Office in Illinois HAVE y· ou TRIED ELIZABETH ARDEN II I 1 · for Wrinkles The Elizabeth Arden Treatment for 1s I· wrinkles as based on given in the famous Elizabeth Arden Salons, these Venetian You can method at Toilet lowing home. Preparations. the same I our 75 cent Table d'Hote Dinner, served from 5 p. m. io 8 :3 0 p. m.? If you have, you know how good it is-unexcelled on the North Shore. If you haven't, a trial will convince you. Bring the family and give them a real treat. 1 J I obtain wonderful results by fol- 'The Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall ' i. 1 1 Venetian Oranae Skin Food. A rich nourishing cream. Rounds out wrinkles a.nd lines. Excellent for a thin or aging face and as a preventative of fading and Meals that satisfy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iB~e~a~c~h~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... _____ . ~-.--- ·-· --------- - - · ?vir. and Mrs. ]. H. D:ron of 1310 i Ashland avenue returned Tuesday froru · ~Lr. and ~ rs. \\' arren Dyon nf 12.29 a . ..three weeks' trip to St. Augustine, Hill street motored to Ka·nkakee ancl Tamp·a, St. Petersburg. and Palm St. Anne last week-end. In St. Anne thev Mrs. William Dyon's and R. Dyon, and Mr. in Kankakee they were the guests of Mr. Dyron's sister, Mrs. Henry La- · caurlo. -0- vis~ed M~ p~rent~ Jines. $1.00, $1.75, $2.75, $4.25. L~t U1. RENEW Your Old Ha: 75c Venetian Muacle Oil. trating oil which sunken tissues, fills lines and furrows. A penerestores out deep $1.00, $2.50, Another season's wear can be had from that last year's hat of yours. Our method of cleaning. CLEANS, and RENEWS the hat so that you can't tell it from a new one. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE -U-WAIT Kuelzow came home from the University of Illinois to spend the last week-end with her parent s. ~[i<, ~la\'hetle ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN! Art> you in need of compe te nt hookkeeping service? Call Wilmett<· 27!l0 and let me explain how your accounts l'an lw ketlt efttelently and at modt'rate <·ost. $4.00. ,., j Venetian Lifts and Special tightens A.trinaent. f 1a b b y Wilmette Shoe Shining Parlor No. t ELECTRIC PLACE, just around the cornet from State Bank WILLIAM D. MILLARD 1 i:!l Fur.-st .\ ,·.-uue, Wilmette, 111. muscles, restores the elasticity of a lose wrinkled skin, keeps the contour smooth and finn. $2.25, $4.00. FRENCH COFFEE CAKE Lovers of thoroughly good coffee cake are in for a r ul trut. the Sunday morning breakfast table. The most dtlect~ble morsel that ntr graced We are the exclusive representatives of Elizabeth Arden in ·wilmette. On Saturday we will have eating samples for you-Come in and tty a sample -and judge fo, u urself. -NOTICEWt are making a sptcial size laytr cakt o rxua fint quality, in a variety of icings, such as chocolate, cocoanut, pintapplt, orange, ttc. + I Remarkable Value at 50c. Phones 28-29 TWO STORES One Store Ceatral A Wilmette AYeDuea 1129 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 1504 Howard St., Chicago ' , Phone Sheldrttlu 9638 ., I I I I

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