Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1927, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LI-FE Class C-Boys-100 yard dash 1. Arno VonReinsberg 2. Arnold Sobel 3. Donald Campbell Class' C--Girls--one-legged race 1. Tom Temple / 2. Roger Palenske 3. Arno VonReinsberg Class C-Girls-double race 1. Kathleen Welter and Margar~t ' Benz 2. Katherine Burmingham and .Jean Munro"' 3. Janet P earn and Marion WelJ~r Class C-Boys-double race 1. J)onald Camt)bell and Roger Palenske 2. Tom Temple and Tom Obermeier 3. Ste\·e Hopkins and Arnold Sobel Class C-Girls-three-legged race 1. J eanette Peard and Marion Vlebe ·· .-.., 2. Margard Benz and Kathleen \ Vi!lter 3. Jean 1\lunro and Katlwrine Bermingham · ClaHs C-Boys-three-legged race 1. Donald Campbe ll and Roger Pale nske 2. Tom Obermeier and Tom Temple 3. Arno Von Reinsberg and P:utl Williams ClaRH C-Boys-backward n .ce 1. Stew! Hopkins 2. Hoger Palenske PltO Jl()~,\ L~ PA \"l~<; THE l·'IH.ST ALLJ<:;Y ~OH.TH OF LAKJ<~ AVENUl~ EXTENDING FHOM SIXTH STREET TO SEV- Mar~h 25, 1927 SKATING EVENT BRINGS OUT ·MANY REAL STARS First Annual Recreation Board Roller-Skating Toamament Proves Fine Success A large crowd of boys and girls braved the chilly' weather last Saturday to enter the village-wide roller skating meet conducted by the Wilmette Playground and Recreatioin board. This was the first event of its kind ever held in Wilmette and proved such a success that it will probably get a place on the annital recreation program. Results of the meet follow : (.. C'la.ss A-Wrls-50 yard dash 1. Dorothy Davis 2. Betty Tod('t 3. Adelaide Koenen Class A-Boys-50 yard dash 1. Ja<·k Mitchell 2. Phillitl RogerH 3. Bobby Kay <'las~ .A--Girls-on e-legged raGe 1. DoroU1y Davis 2. BPttY Todd 3. Adt>laide Koenen ("lass A-Boys--One-legged race l. Howard Moulding 2. Lionell Toeppen 3. Walter VonReinsberg Class A--Girls-double race 1. -Dorothy Davis and Betty Todd 2. Adelaide Koenen and J ean Finlayt~on struction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EARL E. ORNER JOHN CLARK BAKER ELMER D. BECKER WILFORD ,V. DeBERARD CLARENCE E. DRAYER PAUL A. HOFFMAN JOHN F. WIEDLIN BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS L26-ltc FOR E~TH STIU~ET Class A-Boys--double race 1. Howard Moulding and I...ionell Toeppen 2. Phillip Rogers and Jackie Mitchell 3. George Lamb and Bobby Kay ('lass B-Girls-100 yard dash 1. Else VonRelnsberg 2. Mar" i e Benz .;J. Eleanor Shapiro Class B-Boys-1 00 yard dash 1. Tom Finlayson 2. illy J enkens 3. Bill Youn~quist Class B--Girls--one-legged race l. Else VonReinsberg 2. Marie Benz 3. Iva May Obermeier Class B--Boys--one-legged race 1. Charles O'Connell 2. Tom Finlayson 3. Edward Kay ('lass B-Girls:-double race 1. Eleanor· Shapiro and Greta Von Reinsberg 2. l<~lse YonReinsberg and Nancy Butler 3. Mary Lou Peterson and ~Iarliss Smith <:lass B-Boys--double race 1. Bill Zoernsh and Tom Finlayson 2. I<Jdward Kay and John Frederick- son 3. Billy Jenkens and Warren Moore Class J3.-.-Girls-three-legged race 1. Else VonReinsberg and Eleanor Shapiro 2. Iva May Ob<mneier and Marie Benz '3. Katherine Shank and Nancy Butler ('lass B-Boys- three-legged race 1. Tom Finlayson and Billy Zoern·c h 2. Gordon Keith and Frank Koenen 3. Billy Culver and John Adams Class ..B-Boys-backward race l.Tom Finlayson 2. Frank Koenen 3. Billy Zoernch ('lass C--Girls-1 00 ' yard llaRh 1. Kat~leen Weltt'r 2. Jean Munro 3. Margaret Benz Wilmettt·, Illinois) (\Vilmette Special Assessment No. 181, Sealed proposals for grading, paving and otherwise improving the central eightt,.-.n ( 18) feet of t·~e first alley north of Lake A venue extending from the west line of Sixth Street to the east line of Seventh Street in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois in accordance with the ordinance and specification::; for said improvement, will b e r ecei\'ed by the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A. D. 1927, at which time said proposals will be publicly opened, examined and declared by said Board of LoC'al lnipro\'ements in the Council Chamber in the Village Hall, in said Village of. Wilmette. The spt>cification:s for said improvem ents and blank proposals will be furn!Rhed at the office of said Board of Loc::~:l Improvements in said Village Hall. . Proposals must bP- made out on bla~ks furniFhed by said Board of Local ImJ)rO\'t:· ments, and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois and indorsed'\" Prp-posals for Improve~ ment of the ltrSt alley north of Lake A venue from Sixth Street · to Seventh Street, and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette for a sum of not less than ten (10) 'per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such c·neck or cash The contractor will be paid in bonds and vouchers, payable solely out of the assessmf-nt for said improvement, when collt. ·'",t('d, in accordance with the provisions of the ordin!lnce the refor, and in the manner preRcribed by law, w-~1ich bonds will bear interest at the rate of six (G) per centum pE>r annum. The contractor to whom the contract may bl· aw:uded will be r<>quircd to furnish a bond to th' satisfaction and approval of th e said Board of Local Improvt--mt·nts, in a sum equal to fifty (50) pt>r centum of the t'ontract price, conditioned for the faithftH performance of the contract. Proposals will bt· r(·Cl'i\'ed for th e con- titled check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Lo·c al Improvements of the Village of Wilmette for a sum of not less than ten (10 per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash . The contractor will be paid in bond~ and vouchers, paya ble solE>ly out of th~:· assessm ent for said improvem ent, when collected, in accordanc with the provis ions of the ordinance thf'refor, and in the manner ptfescribcd by law, w~ich bonds will bP:-tr inter f>s t at the r ate of s ix (G) pe r et·ntum p t>r annum. The contractor to whom the contrac ·t may bE' awardt>d will he r equired t o furPUOPO~AI.~ nish a hond to th e satisfaction and ap FOI AVJN(; THE F'fHST ALLEY proval of th e said Board of Local Im SOCTH ·'ST OF PARK A VENUE pro\·enwnts, in a sum t·qual to fifty ( 5()) FRO:\[ \V SHJNGTON AVENUE TO per centum of the eontract price, em ,THJ<~ ~ORTHWESTERLY LINE EX- ditioned for the faithful performanct· ··. 'T'ENlH~n SOUTHWEST OF LOT 7 IN thE' contract. RLOCK 1, IN DING BE & ~kDANLP.LS' Proposals ·will ht· rl'ct·in· ll for tlw t:onSUBDIVISION. struction of Haid improve m ent as <'\'ilnwttt· Spt>cial A:->~f>~smtmt N'o. 178, whole : and said Board of Local lm Ilrovenw nts r eserves the right to Tl'j ··ct ·wilme.tt ', Illinois) SPalNl propo:-.als for grading, paving any and all bids. EARL l~. OH.NEH and otherwise improving the central .JOH~ CLARK BAKEit t> ightef'n ( 1 R) fet-t <·l thf' first a lley ELMER D. BECKF:R southwt>st of Park A venm· from the ·wiLFORD \V. DE>RiijRARTl northwesterly line of 'Vas hlngton Ave<:LARENCE R DRAYER ntll:' to tlw northwesterly lin e extended PAlJL A. HOFFMAN l't)uthw(·st of Lot S(>vcn ( 7) in Block .TOHX F . 'VrEDLIN Oi1e ( 1) in Dingf'e and l\fcDanids' SubBOARD OF' LOC ,\ L di\'ision of Block!'> 3, G, 9, 10 and the IMPHOVEMBNTR south half of Blork 8 in Wilmette Vil-L26-1t lage, in t·~e Village of ·wilmette, Cook · f'ounty, Illinois in ac(·ordanre with th e ordinance and spN·ifkations for said imProposal:-; will IH · l't--C' f·in~d at tht· Vil)ag. lH'o\·ement, will he recei\'f>d by the Board Hall 7 :~0 P. )f. TuPsday, April fith, 192: of Lof'al Improv··mentR of saiu Village for furnishing and in~talling an automati c· of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'elock P. M. on trH fli c· l'Oiltrol systt·m at lht- intf·rRt·ctiOil Tm·sday, the 5th day of April, A. D. of L <~ kt · and Hht>ridan Road. Bids shal l . 1927, at which time said proposals ·will itwludt· tht· insta.llation of st·rvic·t· fron . be ]mblicly opened, examined and de- sourc·p of suppl.y hy tht· Public Servit·t· <'(I rlared br ~:;aid Board of Local Improve- of ~ortht · rn Illinois at the alley eaHt ot ments in the f'ouncil Chambt>r in the Shl·ridan Hoad to thP str".-.t intt·rHt·t"ti on . Villagl· Hall , in said VillagP of '\'il- Tlw cahlt·s shall lw installt·d under grcJund mette. and shall ht· so arrangt'd that the amht ·r The spedfications for said improve- lig·ht will not indkatt:· from n·d to grt·t ·n. m e nt~ and blank proposals will be fur ThPr<' sludl lH' t'urnisht'd two four way nishe d at the office of said Board of Lo- ("Hl:lt aluminum tht·t·t· stagl·, 8 3-8 indw~ cal Impro\'ements in said Village Hall. Ttandt · ll~ mountt·d on sen·n foot post~ Proposals must be made out on blanks c·ompll::'tt· on foundation as twr blut· print. The autornatit· eontrol shall be lol'att ·<l furnished by said Board of Local Improvem e nts, and must b e addr<'ssed to at tlw twt·thPa~t t·orn Pr of tlw interst·t·ticm thE' Board of Local Improveme nts of the and shall ht· comw<"tt--d to the st--r\"i<'tVillage of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois twrt>inabon· nwntiontd . Plans and ~JWd and indorsed "Proposals for Improve~ fications art· on tilt: at the Village Hall. ment o( the first alley southwest of ThP VillagP of Wilmdtt· r est- rVt'S th P riJ!ht Park Avenu e from Wa~hington Avenue to rt'jt·c·t any and all bids. Ht·spt·<·tfully submitlt·d, to th·· ~orthw este rly line e xtende d <~ . C. HCHlH... TZ Southwest of lot 7 Block 1 Dingee & ~1c- Supt. Public \Vork K Danit-ls Subdivision," and all proposals L26-ltc must be ·accompanied by ca&~. or a cerr r · I I l ~ The 8 B est B uys at These 8 P ·r ices / Atrranive 6 rm. bung.: hot water heat; beautifully wooded lot. 9 zx 1 92; 2 car garage. Reduced to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.soo Homey 6 room English Colonial: extra toilet-lavatory first: hot water heat~ fine lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . $18.soo Delightful · English home: 3 bedrooms: sleeping porch: 2 baths; hot water oil heat: attached garage; carpets go with bouse. Offers invited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 2, soo 8 rooms : hot water heat: 2 baths: 2 car garage: lot 6ox18o worth $200 per foot: in Indian HiJl section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,000 Attractive 8-room Spanish brick; 2 baths: hot watu heat: vaulted ceiling in living room: 2 car brick garage . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,ooo ~ ; J S E· R'VI C E for all Cars ~ Charming modern brick Colonial; · 5 bedrooms: 2 baths; heated sun and sleeping porches: toilet-lavatory first; Minneapolis heat regulator: attached garage; beautifully wooded lot. Change necessitates quick sale . . . . . . . . . · .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500 8 ro~m Colonial : 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; toilet-lavatory 2nd floor; Jmrnense sun room 14x28; 2 car garage; fine lot 75X190 in choicest neighborhood. Owner bought other larger home and determined to sell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27.500 Almost new American brick Colonial; 5 bedrooms: 3 baths; sun room; .hot water heat: toilet and lavatory 1st: 2 car brick garage $34.000 ' WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA W inne.tka 165 HEINlEN .REALTY Exclusive Agents co. 720 Elm St'., W innetka Phone W innetka 254

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