Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1927, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE ECONOMY SHOP WANTS- March 25, 1927 Sale of CURTAINS Ruffled grenadine curtains $I .oo a pair. New crisp grenadine curtains with full ruffle and tie back to match· 2 I -4 yds. long. 5 piece sets of ecru scrim with colored ruffles and valance, $I. 7 5 a pair. Extra fine barred ·marquisette curtains with ruffles and colored dots, $ I. 9 8 a pair. Beautiful curtains of fine dotted scrim with wide . French ruffle across bottom, $2.29 a pa1r. 5 piece ·Sets consisting of ecru curtains with wide French ruffle (across bottom) made of flowered scrim; valance and tie backs, also of flowered. Very attractive at $3.48 a pair. Who of you has victrola records that you are willing to give to us for sale? We have many calls for th~m . We are in great need of clothmg for children. Can you supply them? Have you seen the· wonderful baby carriage . in our show window? It is a beautv and priced within your reach. So-me very lovely china has been sent to us. Do you need china? Call at the shop often .- You wilt be surprised to find lots of good things for sale. (Note: Proceeds from Economy Shop, which is conducted by the Wilmette Woman's club, are given to charity). Mrs. I. R. Adkins, chairman. Economy Shop. Woman and Child Hurt When Train and Auto Collide Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr., and her daughter Betty, residing at 500 Fifth st.reet, s{tstained serious injuries that necessitated their being taken to the Evanston hospital when the automobile in which they were ridin~ was struck hy a Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee train at the cor!ler 0f Greenleaf aven11e and Sixth street at about 11 o'clock last Saturday night. The two other occupants of the car, Mr. Thayer and F. A. Simmons, 1040 Ashland a\'enue, were not injured The car which was crossing Green leaf avenu'c at the time of the accident , was thrown some 35 feet by tltc impact and was demolished \vhilc an. air hose was torn loose and the headlight knocked back through the front of the train . ~lr:-; . Thayer and her daughter ,n.·rc first t~ken to the home of \Vilhcr P. Robertson at 516 Greenleaf a\·enuc where they wcrl' attended 1)\· Dr. John Scgsworth and later taken to the Evan ston ho sp ital. ~fotorman IIarn \Vhite and Conductnr V. I n· nez of Jiighland Park were in chargt vi the train . Kenilworth Cage T earn in Title Tilt Tuesday HOFFMAN BROS. Ridge and Wilmette Avenue Kenilworth cagers emerged victorious in the lightweight division in contests played with \Vilmette teams last Friday night under the auspices of the Korth Shore Grammar school askethatl league. On Tuesday, March 29, they will play the Boltwood cagers at · the Lincolnwood school in Evan ston. The game is a critical one for the Kenih,·orth lights as it \\·ill decide Steering Gear Breaks, whether or not the" are to be awarded the championship the league. ProCar Hurled Into D'itch Yiding they win, the co,·cted honor ts An accident of minor consequence their s, but, if the game is lost, the and a case of petty thil'n-ry \\Tf{' r.? · three members of the league arc tied ported to the police O\'l'r the la ~t ior the honor. \Yeek-cncl. Late Frida~· eYening, the steering BENEFIT TONIGHT grar on a car o wned and clri,· rn hy This evening at the Drake hotel the Jake Fallan residing on \Valnut a\cannual benefit party i:-; being given by nue, suddenly broke, causing tht: ctr the Chicago Junior school. Paul Ash to lca,·e the road and head into thl' and his entertainers arc to be there to ditch on Lake ;.n-enuc west of \\'ilprovide part of the program for tl?e mette. Kone of the occupant-; werl' evening. The Paul Ash orchestra wt11 injured nor \\·as the car reported to he play for the dancing. materially damaged. of SPECIALS lSe Per Peck Fresh Green Beans Per quart Fancy Lima Beans Per. Basket 39e Florida Oranges Sweet and Juicy LOSES MOTHER BY DEATH Miss Fannie Ferris. teacher at the Central school, was called to her home at Eaton Rapids, Mich., last ,~~,·eek he cause of the serious illness of h~r mother, who passed away Monday ot this week. SPINACH 29e 4 Bunches for 2Se . Try Our GREEN APPLES coFFEE, lb. 37e E 5 Pounds for 2Se 4 for FRESH BEETS 2Se v A s · Showing 3 Dozen for $1 Spring CO·ATS Beautiful S p o r t Cloth and Satin ·t rimmed with Monke··, Burunduki or Ermine. Florida Grape Fruit FrotH $19.75 to $95.00 Sizes I 4 to 56 Papaatoay & Sons 1135 Central Avenue Phones: Wilmette 154--1361 UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Prop. 1126 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2403 WILMETTE FIVE Free Deliveries Daily· FIVE ....._ ............ .l

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