Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 3

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March 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 3 ·MAIN STREET PAVING AIR 'MAIL EXPEDITES I Present Lenten Recital TAX-PAYING BUSINESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____;,__~~ NEARS FINAL SOLUTION Town ship Collector Hale Cites Instance of Californian's . Prompt Remittance ,. Village Officials Push Big Improvement Project Including Paving of Forest Avenue Public hearings on the proposed Main street and Forest avenue .Paving if all the tax payers of New Trier projects were postponed to Tuesday, lt)\rnship were as much concerned in March 29, by the board of local t l:c township receiving its own percent improvements at its regula.r meeting ot the taxes, which are paid to Towr1last Tuesday night. Consideration of ship Collector Hale, as is one tax-paythe bids on the installation of a sewer er. and one who, by the way, is not ·a and water system in the Indian Hill re sident of the township. Mr. Hale says Estates subdivision was also deferred; there would be a far g.reater sum to the date being set for Tuesday evening, turn over to the various tow·nship funds March 22. than is usually the custom. The Main street project, which is to In the particular case in reference, Milan Lusk M.i E h 1 Fl be a link of the McCormick boulevar~, the tax paver is in California. He sent Mme. Alvene Reueaouie a as t e entye connecting with the Evanston section a letter by air mail requesting his tax Milan Lusk, of Wilmette, a violinist "who should be heard oftener of Isabella street and the Kenilworth hills be mailed to him. Collector Hale replied by air mail, special delivery, around Chicago," according to Edward Moore of the Chicago Tribune. portion on the north limits, has ben at 5:15, a week ago last Sunday. It is appearing in a Lenten recital for the benefit of the building fund of held up for some time by condemna· \\·as received in Pasadena at 8 ·p. m. the Woman's club of Wilmette Tuesday evening, March 22, at 8:15 o'clock. tion proceedings against the J. E. Tuesday, and the man, who was de- Alvenc Resseguie. recent Apollo club soloist, whose recitals throughout Dempsey property between Elmwood t e rmined to assist Ne\Y Trier town- the country have been artistic triumphs, and whose rich contralto voice has and Ashland avenues. Definite action won her marked success in musical. cl~bs, will share. the prograt.n in several was postponed pending the outcome of ship with the two percent on his taxes, groups of songs. Ethel Flentye, pl~ntst and a re~ld;nt of . ~llme~te, who I the proceedings, which is expected to replied, along with his check, "I'm get· has JUSt been. .awarded the state pnze by the Artists assoc1at10n, 1s to be be disposed of 'Yithin_ a few weeks. The ting on the bus to go down town to the accompamst. project will cost in the neighborhood mail you a check." of $300,000, and, it was said, should the The cl1eck, hy \\·hich the to,,·nship hearing result in a favorable decision, \\·ill profit something like $40, came the board would be in a position to Aying hack by . air mail to Collector I·recommend its construction. It is unHale, who received it Thursday mornderstood that should the project carry, ing of last week. \Vith only ei.ghty-six. the cost of constructing 40 feet of the hour. consumed in the dispatch of the proposed 48-foot highway may be borne ~1 arkcd ability along lines of athleChicago business men who live in by the county, while the Village would tax bills and the receipt of the money. . "Fine business." exclaimed Collector t~c endeaYor has been amply demon- \Vilmette are to have the opportunity meet expenses involved in paving the Hale, a s he opened the air mail remit- stratecl by \Vilmette boys and girls in' to meet at lunch next week all the remaining 8-foot strip. Unless u.nfortance and began to compute the speed tlH· varied prqgrams of the Wil~1~tte men who 'for the next year will man- seen difficulties arise, the project would \\·ith ,,·hich it all hacl been accomplish- Pla\·grotllld ancl Recreation board. Now · · 1 ff · E er be completed by August, it is said. it r.emains for the youngsters to exhi- age . 1oca 1 mumc.lpa . a a 1rs. v. Y l' cl. The Forest avenue imp,rovement will hit their prowes~ a:; musician s. And cand1datc for pub1c office at the spnng inYolve the re-paving of that street be"And there are a lot of remittances elections has beery invited to be the tween Fifteenth street and Michigan coming in l(lcally, just as promptly, here's the stunt. The Recreation l,oard has arranged guest of \Vilmctte Civic Luncheon at avenue and would cost approximately too," he hastened to explain, ('but there arl also man:\' \\'ho have not yet paid. ior in ~ truction on the harmonica for the regular monthly meeting to be $97.413, it is said. ··rt is not too late, either, to get in," any interested boy and girl in the vil- held Friday noon. ~1arch 25, at the Bids on the installation of sewer and water mains in the Indian Hill Estates h e said. "as the hooks will still be open !age. Classes are to he held e\·ery Uninrsity club of Chicago. " ·ere opened apd discussed but final fn1· a limit e() time." Tuesdav afternoon at 4 o'clock under action was deferred until next Tuesday the direction of an expert instructor. The meeting is in no wise to be Colkctor Hale says he will give noA little later we will hear of an Har- controversial. it is explained. Heck- eYening, ~1arch 22, when a special tice when the hooks will be turned in, hut he urgently requests those who monica tournament, because all these ling will he barred. The whole pur- meeting will be held for that purpose. The project will cost approximately han not paid. to do so at once, ever things the Recreation hoard sponsors · pose of the occasion being to have $100,000. Consideration of the proposed hearing in mind the advantage this must sooner or later. culminate in tour- the large membership of the lunchstreet lil!hting project on Lake avenue pr tmlpt payment. to the collector· brings naments. That's the way champions con organization meet and get acfrom Ridge avenue to the Indian Hill are found. quaintecl with all the candidates in a t(' t he township. friendly, neighborly fashion. Each E:'tatc:; \\'as al.;o postponed until later. candidate will he Introduced and his rJUalifications for office briefly desAttendance Grows at cribed. Then, it is planned. one spokesLibrary Story Period man each from the two rival political ~7l1 Attendance at the ston· hour ses- parties will give a short talk on the sions. held eYery Saturday morning at objectives of the respective groups. The directors of the lunch club exThe · world's largest Resen·e Officers The first rollcr- ska,ting meet given 10 o'cl0rk at the 'Vilmettc Public linumbering some bY the \\'ilmette Recreation and Plav- brary. i.; steadil~· increasing-, it was pcc.t. a. turn-out that will tax the club's Training Corps, stated by ~fiss "'inifred Bright, chil- faCJltt1es. Therefore they u~ge mem- 3.200 men. has among its officers, the g~ound hoard under the direction hers to make earlY. reservatiOns. I following young men from Wilmette: Daniel ~f. D;n·is '"m he held Satur- rlren's librarian. early this week. C. W. Kraft. 1236 Greenwood aveday morning, March 19, at third street The ston· of Abraham Lincoln and and Lauh.:l avenue. and \\·ill consist of the poem. ;'Barbara Fritchie," read at Average of Three Cases of nue. appointed captain in the infantry unit: R. E. Kuhl. 630 Maple avenue. racl's for hnys and girls under faurteen a recent story hour, attracted probably Measles Reported Each Day appointed first lieutenant in the inyears of age. the largest attendance and ,,·as listened ~r easles cases haYe been reported to fantrv unit: E. T. \Vheeler, 623 Wood There will he three clas:;es ior hoth to \\'ith the greatest interest. Since hoys and girls. under 8 years, under 11 then the . tories chosen ha,·e been :>f the Health department on an average court·, appointed captain in the artilunit: T. R. Peter on. 1202 Crestand under fourteen years. The Class an older type and have been even bet- of three a day during the past two lerv nut avenue. appointed first lieutenant E ter liked hy the children, according to A starts at 9 o'clock,' the Class B at 10 \Yeek~, according to Dr. E. ·. ~[oore, · D R B 1 · ~rov:er, o'clock and the Class C at 11 o'clock. ~fiss Bright. La~t week's presentation Village Health Commissioner. In that in th~ cava ry untt; . · perind 35 cases \\'ere quarantined most 720 F1f_th street .. apo1!lted ~rsl heuRaces for Class A wfls tlw st0n· of "Lohengrin" and the 111 the engmeermg untt. . st 1. Straight race for 50 yards. poem "Abott. Ben Adam_;. This com- of them located in the Laurel ~chooll tenTalnt . · 'x~1 '1 · · 1ese men are among some 306 1u v 11 e t 1 1e rate ot contractiOn f · · · tl · reat · 2. One legged race, one skate on ing Saturday, 1-Iarch 19. ~{iss Bright cl1stnct. 11 111 about the same as \Yhen warn- 11 ~ f!1tec1 or co~lmt~s:ons 1 t st · g t's and carry other. \Yill tell the stqry "The King of the remains · · '11 ·1 · fi 1111 1 an· orgamza 1011. ns rue 1 on 1 f th e servtce. of '"ere rst g1ven . : · · 3. Double race, holding hands across Golrlen River," and read a number of mgs 1 a 1 poss1 · > e· epJC · em1c · 111 s1x 1)ranc 1es o · tssttec, t 1e situatiOn 1s JUst as acute, Th' · t t t th 'th all body. spring poems. according to Dr. ~[oorc. and no pre- tl tstl app~m tmen , uoged er aWs1 de Races for Class B and C. · 1 1 k 1 'f · · 1e o 1crs JUS anno nee , w rna 1 00 It IS because of proficiency in military Recreation Council Holds caulttons ~~a)l Je over ·ec 1. Straight .r ace for 100 years. to )C avol ec · work, scholarship standing, and gen2. One legged race, tie two inside 25 March On Conferences eral trustworthiness. legs together and have skates on outPAY TAXES NOW The 'Vilmette Recreation council side legs. SALE AIDS ORGAN FUND 3. Three legged race, tie two inside comprising representatives from every Township Collector Sanborn Hall' On Satun-lay, March 19, the Ladies' legs together and have skates on out- "'ilmette religious and civic organizareports that tax collections arc not Aid and Missionan· societv of St. tion. will hold a dinner ·u1cl conference coming in as good as they did last side legs. . J olm's Lutheran cl~urch is · giving a 4. Double race, holding hands across at the Central Cafeteria Friday eveyear. He respectfully urge3 that all Bakerv sale at the Van Deusen Grocery ning, March 25, at 7 o'clock. Plans who have not mailed in their checks body. and :tv{arket, twelfth street and Central 5. Backward skating race, (boys are to be formulated for the spring and kindly do so as soon as possib!r, as avenue. The proceeds of. this sale a.r e summer program of activities conduct.:. he expects to .r eceive notice any day only). . to be given to the organ fund of the No entries are necessary, everybody ed under direction of the Wilmette to turn in his books. church. Playground and Recreation boa.rd. be on hand at the appointed time. Boys and Girls Local Candidates Offered Lessons to Be Guests at on the Harmonica Lunch Club Mar. 25 R oiler-Skating eet to be Held Tom orr ow Morning Local Men Win Commissions in R. 0. T. C. Ranks of 1

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