Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 55

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March ">) .,_ 18, 1927 }'OR SALE HOUSES 60 W .\.~TED TO WILMETTE LIFE !tENT-HOUSES i'l 55 c.. lag·e of Wilmette; Cook County, Illinois, and for a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement ; that commis FOR SALE -6 ROOM ~-RICK VENEER r ~ · FOR SALE- LlBRARY TABLE RUG sioners were duly appointed by said Court house, _:mn parlor and sleeping porch, \\-anted to S(·n·ing table, bed, cot, chairs, kitche~ to investigate and· report the just com bath, tile floor and walls, lanttorv on ·w are, La.dies' black suit size 42. Tel. !lrst floor; · breakfast nook; water lieat; hotnes winnetka 1236. HLTN25-ltc pensation to be made for private property 2 car garage; lot 50x1GO. J·ust compltt(·U. . to be taken or damaged for said im Owner on premises Sunday lwtwcen longer. I FOH. SALE-LIVI~G ROOM SE'.r SOFA provement and also what real estate will 2 :00 ~nd 5 :00 p. rn. Price $20,000. 1715J and two chairs; two library 'tables, be benefited by such improvement and '\Vashmg-ton Ave. Phone Wil. 31!)4. ~ L RTL\) 1 ERH_ \r om· QuPt-n Anne, mahQg~ny buffet. the amount of such benefits to each 1 52 2 r.easonable. Winn. 1443. 71LTN25-ltc parcel of land benefited thereby and that -:-::-:-:-:-----------L-_;;-~trcj-tO X. Dearborn St. Chicago said Commissioners duly made a special FO_H. S"~LE --;- SLJ_:\1MER COTTAGEOr· t·a.ll 1 ;]··n··o~· :!ti7, or Wil. 218. FOR SALE-FOUR POSTER COl.. ONIAL assessment to raise the cost of said im :\ Ollht. rn \Viscons.m. 2 bedrooms, kilt:h60LTN25-ltc mahogany bed with. box springs. Ex- provement and duly filed their report in the office of the Clerk of said Court on en, liy1ng room w1th fireplace, additional - - - - -· ------------cellent eondition, $:10. Winn. 1704. ~ll· eptng quarters in attic. Hardwood WA:"\'n:u TO Jl.EXT-6 OR 7 ROOM 71LTN25-ltp the 21st day ' of February, A. D. 1927 ll~1ors. B~ilt 1!'122. Completely furh·,u~(· in East \Vilmette or Evanston. the total estimated cost of said improve 111shed. Garag-e. 100 feet lake front~. r.::. Dl'dl'rnuul. U:reenleaf 293]. ment being Twenty-eight thousand six age, sandy be{tch. $5,500 cash or $6·,000 GOL25-1tc .FOR SALE - 54-IN. ROUND OAK DIN- hundred and eleven and 85/100 ($28,611.85) terms. 1-'hone Wilmette 1002. . I ing· tallle. Good condition. Wil. 1482. ·Dollars. 52L'rX25-ltp ii, l·'OJt S,\LE-USED ~ARS 71LTN25-ltc Thereupon a summons issued out of \\'ILL SACRIFICE HSEHLD. GOODS. said Court against the said defendants Leaving for New York. 926 Sheridan above named and All Whom It May Con FOR SALE- 8 ROOM FRAME HOUSE. J<'()JUJ Tudor Sedan (two) 1926 ...... $325 Rd., Glencoe. 71LTN25-ltc cern returnable at the County Court furnace heat. 4 bedrooms & 1 bath on FOH.D Touring 1926 ................ $225 House in the City of Chicago, in said 2nd tloor. 3 blks. from N. w. station. I·'OllO Touring 1!125 ................ ~ 5P Lot 50x 182, large shady trees 1 c:ar gar-! FORD Touring 1924 , ............... $50 FOR SALE - 9x12 RUG· SEWING County on the 4th day of April, A. D machine, dishes, draperies' etc. Tel. 1 1927, as is by law required, .which pro age. $12,500. $2,500 cash. Terms. 340 ('JIEYROLET 4 pass. Coupe (two) \Vinn. 22!Jl. ' 71L25-ltc ceeding is still pending. South Ave., Glen. 'l'el. Glen. 332-W . 1! 124 .............................. $::!25 Now, unless you the said defendants 52LT~2:~:3ttl ('HE \·no LET 4 door Sedan n ' W designated as All Whom It May Concern ·--------------_.;...--~ · paint lfl24 .......................... $2l!5 i:! WTD. TO BU\"-HSEHLD. GOOJJS ('llKVROLET ' 4 door Sedan new shall be and appear before the said FOR SALE OR REXT-2 YEAR OLP, paint 1923 ......................... $175 W ANTR'D TO BUY - SECOND HAND County Court of Ceok County, Illinois ~ room Colonial : sun parlor and slt::t·p- STUDEBAKER '!'(Juring- special six furniture and other household goods at the County Court House in the City tng porch ; 2 rooms on :3rd flo(·r · 2 l!J22 ..................... . .... . ' ... $125 Highest prices for same. Crost Fur~ of Chicago for the said County on · or baths; also, lav. on first tloor. co'nv. l; A RD~ER Roaa:-;tt-r 192:~ .......... $225 niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- before .the 4th day of April, A. D. 1927 :-;(·hoots and Trans. $250.00 month. STl"DEnAKER Brougham Big· anston, Ill. Phone Unlv. 189. and obJect to the report of the Commls < >ne or 2 Yl·ar lease. Gleneoe 1224. Six 1924 ........................... $825 72LTN:!5-tfc stoners aforesaid, the same, and the mat 52LTN25-tfc CH 8VROLET Coach 1926 ........... $450 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ters and things therein charged and DODGE "B" Sedan 1925 ............ $450 .W .ANTED TO BUY- USED GRAND stated will be taken as confessed and a Piano, 5 ft. size. Must be first class judgment entered in accordance with the Dabe-Xe,·itt ~Iotor Sale stanc.lard make, in good condition. Tel. said report and the prayer of said petl !Ill Lind(·n Ave. Highwood, Ill. Univ. 6485. 72LTN25-3tc tion. Jluhhard \Voods, Ill. Tel. Highland The following is a description of the Tt:·l. Winn. 296 Park 56 lots, blocks, tracts, piece or parcels of ,\II car:-; !iOld on st·rYkt- g·uarantet>, terms. j:J· }'OR SALE-JIISCELLANEOUS land sought to be taken or damaged for 68LTN25-1tc the proposed improvement aforesaid : 1. All of lots seventeen (17) and nine- · BLACK COAT, ERl\IINE COLLAR, ~0~ SALE - N f~'\V 5 ROOM HOUS.E OX J lEUSI~~HEH.G STRAIGHT 8. WILL teen (19) and that part of ~ach of $5.00. Xew imported silk sweaters, h.1est Avenue, Xorthbrook; modern. sacrificP my private family car lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four sizt>s :16 to 40. $5.00. Tel. Winnetka fh:acty fbr occupancy. Tel. Northllrook I l·quippPd with 4 wheel hydrauli~ (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight 145!i. 73LTN25-ltc 1.1.3. 52LTN25-ltc brakes, 7 passenger Rubay aluminum (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) hodv.. ti _new tires, 6 wire wheels. FOR SALE - 110TORCYCLE 'WIT!! and eighteen (18), lying easterly 'f>r Ft)H. SALE 1719 ELMWOOD :\ VE a line sixty (60) feet southwest of l:<"aymg CitY: Ready sale. Cash only. side cat·. Good condition. Winn. 1723. \Vilm tte, 8 room frn.nw: hot wate.r ht.·; hl'mlworth ];.)~. Lawrence. and parallel with the southwest line 73LTN25-ltp tt·rms. Owner Phone Wll. 2399. 68LTN'25-ltc of the right of way of the Chicago 52LTX2:5-tfl' and North Western Railway, all in DODGE DELUXE SEDAN H WTD. TO Rl:I--'IISCELI,AXEOUS block one 01) of E. T. Paul's Second ·'OR SALE-SOUTfl EA~T \Vf~XETJC\ I :·~H. L(·ss than 5,000 miles, $800. Easy addition to Wilmette, being a sub ti roo1~1 stUC('O housl', sun room and t.-rms. Tel. \\rinn. 16G. 68L'l'X25-tfc '\VAXTED TO BUY-SET OF :\lONTESdivision of the east 13.04 acres of the hn·a.ktast nook. Bargain. Phon" \Vinn . South half of the fractional south :-;ori ma tPrials, l:Om}Jlete· or incomplete. SS2. 52LTX25-tfc east quarter west of the railroad of flU WA'XTED 'fO Rr\"-USED VAllS Phone Winn. 850 or 1245. 74L25-ltp Section twenty-eight (28), 'township forty-two ( 42) North, Range. thirteen J:.'Olt S ,\J,E-YAVA~T W.-\XTED OLD AUTO:\fOBILES WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS 10c (13) East of the Third Principal per lb. 1222 Central A venue., Wil~ette. - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I t·l('etries. ·writ~· Xotarius, 3440 Poto~ :\[eridian, excepting the south 6.34 mac Ave., t'l11eago, giving make of 7-lLTN25-tfp, chains ; also . car. Albany 10073. 69L25-3tp 2. Lot forty-three (43) of Kenilworth Park Addition to Wilmette, in the Here is an opportunity that. cannot be ;u YILLA.GE OJ<' -.~ lL~lE'l'TE southeast quarter of Section twenty overlooked by any person interested In Xorth Shore real estate. LITTLJ~ HOUSE OF INTEREST TN 'L'HF. COUNTY COURT OF COOK eight (28) Township forty-two (42) filled with antiques, old rope-leg maple COUNTY, ILLINOIS Xorth, Range thirteen (13), East of T a.m offering a wonderful buy in my ta?le, hicko~y fireside seat, pole screen, the Third Principal Meridian, all lo_t _6~x19i situated in Woodland Park sub\Vmdsm·, Httchcock and barrel b·~mirs. GEXERAI. NUl\IBER 54,9 77 situated in the Village of Wilmette diVIsion Deerfield, Illinois one of the ::\[any other good pieces of furniture _ Cook County and State of Illinois. !Xorth Shore's Choicest locations. Tinfoil pictures, old prints and steei ..N ouc.e Dated at the City of Chicago, Cook Png-ravings dated. Staffordshire and County and State of Illinois, this 21st day Both storm and sanitary sewers a1·e 111 Chelsea china, gold banded . china tea of February, A. D. 1927. and paid for, water in to the curb line. set, Lafayette clews platter, silYer and . Xotice of proceedings to ascert::~in the ROBEH.T l\1. SWEITZER, ste;l re-enforced concrete streets will bf glass. Imported novelties. Tel. Glen- JUSt compensation to be made for private Clerk of the County Court of Cook flmshed by spring, ground is high and coe 732. 312 South Avenue. Glencoe. 'lrop~rty to be taken or damaged for· County, Illinots. dry, not a low marshy spot near thl!:< 70LTN25-ltc ·pcnmg and extending 1\Iain Street from CHARLES H. JACKSON, _ the North line of Elmwood Avenue to Attorney for the Village of orOJH?rty. If you are interested in thi:> proposition . HEDUCTION AXD CLOSIN'G OUT t~~e eal'lt lin~ of Fifteenth Street, in the 'Vilmette. L22-4tc $2,000 will take it, one half down and balsale oC antique fumiture and inter- \ tllage of W1ln~ette, Cook County, Illinois, allc:e on easy terms. esting old glass, at Glen Gables 376 and for a .!iJJ<:ctal aS!S~>ssment to raise the _ Park An: ., Glencoe. 701..2,5-ltp t·ost of smd Improvement. Ownel' employed in Wilmette and must T:\1 'l'HE COUNTY COURT OF COOK Jnal;;c· his horrw in that Yillng'l·. Addn·ss i'l }'Olt S,\Ll~-HOrSEHOLD GOOUS COUNTY, ILLINOIS '\\.illnt·ttt· Life 13-186. 53LTN24-tfp G OF EXERAL NUMBER 54 !J7i STATE ILLIN'OIS l . Bargain for Young Couple CO!:JKTY oF cooK 1 ,:,S ROOM SUITES OF FURNITURE, v Jllage of Wilmette vs. JamL·S Edwin \Vell Located IIon1e Sites I each \\Orth $3,000 Wlll take $550 com- D~mpse~, : 1 \Iary Jo~~phine Dempsey, hus \\"E Ol· Ff·:l~ A FEW VERY (. HOif'l~ plete or will sepa~ate. 3-piece silk mo- · wife, Vl_llage of \V1lmette, a :\lunicipal (Wl·ek <'nding March 5) lots at a 1!126 pri<·l·. Sizl' !lOxliiO, 41~ hair parlor suite; 8-pi~ce walnut dining (·orporatwn, George EssenttQ~tJllOuilmette Council, K. of C. blocks to l'lhopping- and trans. .\II illlset; 4-plece walnut bedroom set; two Essentrot, his wife, Theodore R. -\Vihtt7 Tt·am~ Won Lost p t prO\'t' lllt·nts in, l'Xt-f'llent valul . ..-\ real !lx12 Wilton rugs; library tflble; floor ICW h itth,. his 'fwifeS, IIemy Tigt>rs 30 15 1 1 0 d1atH't' at $75 per ft. and table lamps; 5-piece hrealdast set ;; · ' ~ <. IS WI l, ._'tandard Indian~ 28 17 .622 · 111 8 and silverware. Will take $550.00 fo; ~~~~~{io~;H\:~~ ~ B~nk, an Illinois eor- H.Pds 25 20 .555 l~. Stults Realty Co. all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd. 8 ., 8 G ' c us ee, nown as Trust Ko. Sox 24 21 .533 ~ljtl'\ \\·. Railroad An. Univ. 8081 C:hicago. Tel. Sunnyside 61!'10. Will ar- I~l.' ·tenceorralo OtutduorA Ad dvertising Co., Yanl\t't's 22 23 .489 iJ :U./~5-ltc I range for deli\rery. 71LTN24-4tp ·· · P ra wn, n All ·whom It 1 Cardinals 21 24 467 :\[ay . Concern. I Giants 20 25 :444 FOH HALF;- GOOD BlJII...DI~G LOT IN FOR SALE-~EW 9 TVBE COXSOLE .In the matter or the Pl~tition of the Cubs 10 35 .222 WilmNtc, l<'S:-1 than $100 per ft. in the radio, new W. E. gas rang·t>, new ice VIllage of ~Vilmette for the asl'ertainWilmette Business Men's Leag·ue IH·a rt nf \\.i lnn·ttt·. box; gatelcg- table; dining· room ruent £?f the JUSt compensation to be made :\fc~amce's Store 56 10 .848 chairs, huffet and server: child's bed- for pnyate property to be taken or dam- Herbon 'raxi 44 22 .667 Paul Schroeder Co. room furniture, and all other house- . aged tor opening- and extending :\lain Snider-Cau·l 40 26 Wil. 6!18 ·lt)7 Linclt>n Ave. hold goods. Owner city. Apply Street from the North line of Elmwood Schultz ·a nd Nord 39 27 5;lL25-1 t·· 1-116 Isahl.'lla. 71L25-ltp A\·.enue. to the. east line of Fifteentllj Ridge Ave. Pharmacy 36 30 .1>45 ~tt eet, 1n t.he. V11lage. of \Vilmette, Cook l\Iac's Lunch 34 32 .515 FOR ~:L\LE-WOODED LOT ON LIN- FOTI SALfi - CO::\IPLE1'1..: FURNISH- Count~ · IIIJ!lOIS, and for a special assesscoln A \'t'. 100 ft. i'l'. of Eldorado. ing-s of 9 room house, including Bram- ment to rmse the cost of said improveGoodwin \Vomen's League Bt' ftutifully woodl·d 100 hv 130. Will hach baby grand piano; l\Iinneapolis me!'lt. (\Veek ending March 8) Sl~ll in one piece or divide. $200 per .957 llt·at Hf'gular. Phone \Vinn. 1403 after ~:o AL!- 'WHOM I'r :\1 A Y CO)l'CER~: Supt>rior Fur Shop 66 3 foot. Tnquin· :\f. R. Clt:·ary, 369 Hazc:l .797 ~ p. m. Saturday. 71LTN2u-ltc . I .l.le. sai_d Court by ord~r duly entered, Coodwin Beauty Shop 55 14 A \'l'., I1 ighland Parle H. P. 1!\riO. .348 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ha.\ mg. directed that not1ce be given to 1 MillE:>n Hardware 24 45 5H:I'X2·l-1tp FOH. SALE - 2 PAin l\IAUVE BRO~ the satd defendants and to All Whom It Taylor's Stores .319 22 47 .304 <':tde> ])rapt'!'i, ~atin lined. 2 pair And- May Concern by publication as by law \VilmPtte Cafe 21 48 .275 irons.. 1 fire H('reen. N'et curtains, etc. reqnircd in WILMETTE LIFE, a secular New Tri~r Conf. 19 50 HE.\L t·;ST,\TE 620 Sheridan Rd. Glencoe 810. nC\\.spaJ~~r of general circulation, printed A. T. Sherman, 892 I. 0. 0. F. .744 71LTN25-ltc a,nd pubhs?ed in the Village of Wilmette, Team No. 3 49 17 \Y.\~TED 1ST ~\ND 2ND 1\IORT- - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - ( o~nty_ of Cook and State of Illinois, Team No. 5 .695 45 21 ga.g-e loans. on imJH'OVf'd ~ort h Shon' FOrt SALE .545 :\IINNEAPOLJS HEAT not1c:re Is ~ereby given to ALL WHOM IT Team No. 1 36 30 l'l'al estate. RPas. rate>s. Call Winn. ·1fi8. .394 Heg·ulator, in first class condition, wilh :\L\Y COi\CERN that the Village of vVil- Team No. 2 26 40 56L'l'X2i·2t}) .394 S day clock and electric niotor. Install l~lette herdofore tiled its petition in the Team No. fi 26 40 .288 for $7u.OO. Phone Will. 79. ( oun_ty Court of Cook County, Illinois 'l'eam No. 4 19 47 71LTN25-ltp pra.ymg- fo_r the ascertainment of the just 60 W'J'U. TO n·;NT-IIOnn:s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eompensatwn lo be made for private Mr~ Blish ret d S t d f \VANTED TO RENT-5 OR 6 ROOM FPn S.\ LE DOUBLE IRON BED, to be taken or damaged for . ti. · urne a ur ay rom unfurnished house, preferably with gar<·omplt't<' mahogn ny finish, "\Vindsor opemng- and extending Main Street from to be wtth. her daughter, age, possession April or May. Phone ~~· :' ~'. almost nrw. $18.00. Phone \Vinn.l' the north line of Elmwood Avenue to the, Louts Jones, 325 Rtchmond road, Ken"\Yinn. 1617. 60LTN25-tfc 2l.>S. 71L1'~25-ltc t'ast line of F~ifteenth Street in the vn-' ilworth for several weeks. FOR ~ALE-US.EHD. GOODS I and uniurntshcd . . SU111111er or l .. Rent-F urntshed for .. & ' ' ' ---------------------------- I SAY I With the Bowlers 1 E. recl~'l.oll:\Ial~1g1 ·1a1nreat .6~7 & l<~aYing- :~g~ I prop~rty Rac~ne Mr~.

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