54 WILMETTE 42 ~OR LIFE FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 52 March 18, 1927 FOR SALE-IlOUSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Genetal Nott.Ce Classified advertisements will be charged only - - to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMET'l'E LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. . · in1\If~fM{;;~ CHARGE ~0 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all casll with order advertisements w.Ren brought to our ofllce at 1222 Central ~ ve., Wtlmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Rates- ~~pec;s~ts 3~ li~:nt~n a0 n~ln~ap~. a~5 t~r~~ ~a~!~:. Deadline for Insertions-Classified advertisements will be ac~ cepted up to Wedhesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE--LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 16 LOANS J 36 SI'l'UATION WANTED-FEJIALE \VA~TED 1st and 2nd Mortgages- Charles H. Brethold INSURANCE 545 Main St.. Wilmette Tel 65 16L25-tft - POSI'l'ION AS HOUSEGood kee})er in C'hicago Suburbs. cook, no laundry. In answering give telephone numbe-r. Wilmette Life B-231. 3GL25-ltc RENT - 6 ROOM APARTMENT light, sunny, unfurnished, large living· room with open fireplace, heated sun-MUStr BE room, with 10 windows, 1 open porch, hot water heat, modern in every way. Near village and schools. $100 per mo. Phone Winn. 2158. 872 Pine St. Cornet B EAUTIFUL G Rl\1. STUCCO, DUTCH Colonial and 1 car gar. ; 3 well arranged Birch. ' 42LTN25-ltc bedrms.; breakfast no"ok and kitchen very complete ; h. w. ht. 9il syste~ ; FOR RENT - LARGE KITCHENETTI·. fireplace. Many other appomtrt?ents InApartment in the Franklin Bldg. 5t6 t e r esting to purchase. Beaut1ful terCenter St. Possession May 1st. Phon e raced lawn, well shrubbed and wooded; Winn. 382. 42LTN25-tfc tHJ ft. frontage; 2 blod{s to shopping district and trans. and 3% blocl<s to H .F OR RE~'l'-UOUSES lake. A cozy home priced right surround ed by very high class homes. Owne-r Ie-a\'lng city and wants offer. Price RENT' $22,500. Terms to suit. $5,000 cash. G ROO~I RESIDENCE, COUNTRY Stults Realty Co. Hot \Vater Heat, All Improvements, 60S \V. Railroad A"e. Univ. 8081 2 $80.00 52L25-ltc S ROO:\[ BRICK RESIDENCE, CON venie nt Transportation & Schools, Im N e\Y Brick Bungalow mediate Possession, $125.00 LARGE LIVING ROOM, \VITH FIRE.place, 2 fine bedrooms, with tile floor, hath between.,. glazed sleeping porch, hot 'w n,L HEXT ;, H.OO~IS FOR $65.00 watPr heat, Hpace on second floor .for a ROO~£ BRICK BUXGALOW, ON additional bedroom and bath. Finest State Road, All ImpronmentR, Garage brick and tile construction, with steel (Country) $75.0 0 be ams. Lot 50x150, $15,000. SPECIAL SOLD-SPECIAL FOR . E. E. - 18 MENDING SITUATION WTD. MENDING AND plain sewing by the day or week. Call Univ. 2449. 18LT25-ltc !IB HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES TO work for board, room and small wages after school hours. Call WO. 3059. _______ 36_LT_25-_ltc ·wA~T:fJD DAY WORK, OR LAUNdry to take home. Wil. 516. 36LT25-ltp DAY WORK OF ANY KIND. REFERences. Phone Victory 7135. 36LTN25-ltp SI'l'. WANTED girl. Experienced Phone Glen. 1272. LAU~DRY 4 ROO:\I tJ·~·) FH..DIE t 'OT'I'AUE (COUN $~0.0 0 Eddington & Allen, Inc. End of "L" 410 Linden Ave. Phones Wil. 407-408 52L25-ltc ~· JJ JHio §~lffifB1®~®Jf & CC©o 0 vVIlmette, Ill HLTN25-lt c WILMET1~EJS U~IJER BES'f BUY LANDSCAPE LIGHT COLORED maid, good cook. 36LTN25-ltp STUR.\GE & FCT:.~ITUI-:.E CO. $1G,OOO.OO, OXLY ONE BLOCK from "L" Station in choice new neig-hhm·hood, 6 room Stucco, 3 good i.>edrooms, larg · living room, sun parlor, ni ce lawn and yard, garage and driveway. $14,500.00. c. Spring Is Cotning; Your Garden \Vork ,vVaiting LANDSCAPE GARDEN WORK. CAN still take care of a few home gardens. Wilmette Life B-235. 21BLTN25-ltp Phone \ Vihnette 32 HL24--H c FOR RE~T-6 good condition. Call ".il. 515. ROOM Xt·a1· at nights. AKD WATCH CHILDREN Wil. 3600-Y-4. 36L24-2tc ., u :lG Lindf'n Avt' . :J; SITL'A 1'ION W'fD.-~IAL F. I lOUSE OX LARGE LOT, SUROU~DED COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE. Plans furnished at a slight charge. Esti- SIT. WTD. - DAy WORK, HOUSEby for t-st tn.'l'S; heautlful garden with mates free. Call \Vii. 732-W. Leo Karl. elcaning, painti'ng, cleaning walls, gn:r- FOR RE~T - GOOD l\IODERN SEVEN fruit tr E'l'S, currant and berry bushes, room house and small garage, we 11 21BLTN25_1tll dening. Would like regular places all etc. ; stl·am hc·at ; natural fireplace ; enlocated. $110. Phone Winn. 231S. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ summer. Best ref. Taylor. Winn. 958. <'lost>d pot'ch es; 2 ear garage. 4 blks. to 44LTN25-U c 37LTN25-ltp dt>pol and 3 to j ·hool. $15,500. Terms. LOST AND FOUND SIT. WTD. F IRS'r CLASS ALLF. Coletnan Burroug-hs Co. LOST BILLFOLD, CONTAINING round housC'man. Can drive . Phone FOR RE,XT - 7 ROO":\I HOUSE, HO T Phon e \Vii. 6·10 37LTN2a-trc wa.ll·r lwat, garage, near trans., schools 1 1:>7 \Vilm c·tte .An'. tickets, cash and keys, at New Trier Drexel 2083. 52L25-ltc golf r lub. Tel. Glen. 235. 44LTN~5-tf c High school, March lOth. Wilmette Life B-238. 31L'l'N25-ltc GARDE~ING, FURNACES AND FOR SALI~ - ATTfiACTIVE 7 R00).f housework E. J . Beck, Glen Vi e w Rd. -:18 },01t JU~X1'-S1'0UES & OF.F IVES stuc·<"o, on fine 70 foot wood ed lot, exHELP W ANTED-FE~IALE Wil. 347!1. 37L25-3tp n·lll· nt <"nnuition; 2 l:1rg-P porc h Ps ; gar<IA't'. Own1·r mu~t sdl. Pri ce $19,000. WANTED-GIRL, GENfERAL HOUSESl'l'. W'l'n.-JlALf: & }' t~ ~I AL t~ work, .white, good cook, references. 38 STORES-NEW BUILDING Own room and bath.' Good wages. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EACH SHOP ABOUT 14 FT. 6 INCHE s 47 Indian Hill road, Winnetka. Tel. by 70 feet, splendid live location, im Wil. 3083. 32LTN25-ltc mediate possession, suitable for del iCHICAGO HAS A NEW EMPLOYMBN'l' oftice under good German management catessen, florist, market, grocery, var iWANTED-vVHITE GIRL OR WO::\IAN, ety store, dry goods or hardware es for steady household help. 2 days a week for laundry work and Ph om· \\'il. fiX Elite Employment Service tablishment. cleaning: Call Kenil. 3462. 52L25-1 tc 820 Tower Court, Chicago 32LTN25-ltc Suite Gl!J Tel. Superior 7481-2 38LTN23-3tp FOn SALE- IX SKOK£E HEIGHTS WANTED-EXPERIENCED MAID F'OR (; h. 'l'C"Oe, m ·w 8 room st u<·c·o houst·. general housework. Call Gleneoe 909. Winnetk a Bran~h 541 Lincoln A vc. Tile roof, :: baths, 2 <·xtra. lanltoriel-i. ::12LTN25-ltc COLORED COUPLE, BEST REFER48Ul'~2a-3 t c ·.\ t ta<-IJt ·d lwat1·d gan1gc·. Lot 80xl70----------------cn~es. \ 'Vife good rook. ~[an chaulfeur butler. Will also tal{\' separate rl ·Btric-tt>d district-:3 bloc·ks to dt pot. HELP WANTED- GENERAL HOUSEOFFICE SPACE, 2N D i>la(·~·s. Douglas 370!l. 38LTN25-ltp FOTI. RE~T 'nusually tint-t hou::;<>, can lw houg-fil work, white. Experienced, 4 in family. lloor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen for ll-ss than it would cost to imild. No washing. J\. enil. 565. - 32L'l'N2G-ltp COuPLE, ~TA~ AS HOUSE:\[AN, WIFE f'ral office s11ace. Rent;ll from $20 to Addn·Hs H. H. Shunmn, owm·I', 77 \V. ~50. Apply Rapp Bros., 522 Center S t., l'OOk. Goot.l ref. Greenleaf 1050. \\-aRhing'ton, Chicago. 'l'!·lephone State WANTED- EXPERil~NCED WHITE 38LTN2G-ltp \Vinnetka. 481./1'1\25-t fe 4228 or Unh· ·rsity 443:L cook in family of 4, wlwre st·t·ond g·irl is 52LT.:-.l':l5-ltp kept. Kenil. 2930. 32l/l'25-ltc FlRST CLASS COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR, FOil RKNT - PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE houseman, wife cook. Best refc renCl'S. ideal loC'ation. Franklin Bldg. 526 Cei1WANTED GIRL FOR G 8:--J'J~fiAL t;niv. G229. 38L'l'25-ltp ter St. w inn etka. Phone W!nn 382. housework, to <'ook and scrv<>. Family ' 48L'l'~25-t f e; · of two. Phone Winn. 2589. 32LTN25-ltc vVTLL HANDLE G ROOM STUCCO srT. vV'rD . l\TA~ AS ('HAUl·'FEUI~. home. South East \Vinnctka. Three be~t rcfH., wif<' as mothe r's helper. AdWANTED - WIUTJ<j GIRL FOR GENlw<lronms, sle1·ping· ])()rch; hot water dress Life B-2-tO. ::18LTN25-ltp ;,o eral housework. Ko washing or ironlwat, lot :J0x175, garage. ing. Wil. 3910. :12LTN25-ltc -------------------------------------------------l~. Stults Realty Co. Exceptional \ ralne FOlt JtE~'f-UOOJIS 13 Phone \Vinn. 1800 111-:LP WA:STEU-)L\LE :\JODEnX 3 A PT. liS K T~ WI~~ETK A. 460 ·winnetka. Ave. !i2T/l'~2:i-l te FOR REN'l' - A'rTRACTIVl<:: COH.~Kit ~ t·ar school and trans. vor. lot GOx1 8 7. room in Past Ride home. Easily acces6 & 6 lig·ht rms., ]lOrdws, ftrepla~c a11d North Shore Real Estate sible to villag·e and trans. Bathroom hookcast·s. H. \Y. Ht. Ha,rdwood floo1·s, FOH. SALI':-RAVJXTA. AL~fOST NEW. fac-ilities. Unusually good. Hd. Wil. :l car g·ar., g·a.rdPn. Rent $2,400. On e Built by owtH·r; 5 room brieh:, sll·eping Salestnan 204. 41L25-ltp Apt. [\_yailable now. Price $22,000. vV ill porl'h and hl':ttPd garage atEXCELLEK1' OPPORTUNITY TO CONaccept lot as ])art payment. \Vilmet tetadwd; <'OPIWr guttl·I"s, stone window nect with firm opening high class Sheri- FOR REi'lT TWO LARGE, AIRY Life D-2:l9. fl0I/J'N2!i-1 tc sills, whitC' oak floors; hand wroug-ht dan Road, "·ilmette Office. Complete rooms one with two single beds, one hard ware ; stl'el construction ; lwvclh' d <'O operation for right man. Our emwith douhle bed. Near transportation. i" E8 mirrors and door. ImnwnsP f1n·places, }'OU. SALE-HOl1· S~.· P I oyet>s know of this. Wilmette Life Reasonable. \Vinn. 650-R. '-"'---------------bookt:nRvs, c·hina ('IOBl't, kitehen eabind ; an·ht·d doorwayH and windows. B-237. :~:IL25-ltc 1----·-------4_t_L_TN_ 25--1-tp :\BBO'l~Ts \'i1·w llnt-Xl'\'llt·d. Bargain. \Vilmctte HELP WTD. - BOY ABOUT 15 ~ro 20 FOR RKWI' - 2 ROOl\IS A~D BATH Lif<·. i32:3:l. 52L'L'2G-ltc years for stockroom. 562 Lincoln Ave. for light' housekeeping, everything furIZENIL H ' F'Ol~ S.--\LE OH. H.E~T - 6 ROO.i.\I STlJCWinn. 3:::LTN25-tfc nished .. Phone \Vii. 3429, or call at 11:18 A 9 ROO:\I STUCCO RESIDENCE, 0 N 41 L'r 2o-ltc Oakwood Ave. lot 100x175 feet, fine tn·es; all iml)rO\'Ct'O, with sun parlor and slePping porch; IS SITUATIO~ W'f D.-FEl\IALE nH·nts paid; 4 family l1t'drooms, 2 fa1ngarage ; :1 blocks from transportation. CE~TRAL HO'l'EL LIGHT OUTSIDE h. ily batl!R, 2 maids' rooms and bat EXC't>llPnt lo<·ntion. Price, very reasonrooms for transients and residents. 629 SIT. WTD. - COLLEGE STUDE~T EXMust sell. Owner has put it in o ur abh'. l\fain Street. Phonl· ·wilmette- 1080. perienced in primary and kindergarten le hands at a price of *!30,000. Reasonab 41 LT25-tfc teaching desires position as governC'ss in terms. Posses::;ion at once. north shore home. Prefers position af-1 ... , , , fording full-time service during summer LAR(,E LI0H1 WELL } URNISHJ...D vacation months. Excellent references. r~wm. P~1vate r::bath. Near transportaPhone Wil. 225 Tel. Wil. 179. :~6LTN 25-ltp J t10n. Wmn. 1a43. 41LTN25-ltc . 52L2ii-ltc AGENTS WANTED _ WASHING, IRONING _ RENT ROOM, 40 N. DEARBORN, OR CALL $1,000 CASH WILL BUY A LOVELY cleaning by the dG y, by Swedish worn- , Pll.' ale _home. Close to vlllage. Phone WIL. 218 EVENINGS. bungalow on Highland Ave. Bal. E. Z. an. Tel. WIL 2486. 36L25-ltp W!l. 16d). 41L25-ltp 52LT25-2tc Tel. \Vii. GD8. 52L25-ltc HOUSE I~ transportation 44L2;:;-lt p Phone \VII. 30S 52L25-1 tc '"You \tVill Like 'rhis 7 Roon1 . & FOR H.EN'r-vVINNETKA AT LAS'l'! - I - $3,500 CAST-I E. FOR SI\LE--320 FORD RD., , \VOR1 &I FO~~ PLEAS~N~