March 18, 1927 WILME·TTE LIFE ·51 TEST LOCAL SCOUTS Benefit Soloist .FOR ADVANCEMENTS~------· ·Large Group of Boys Appears for Re.view March 9; Many to Receive Awards The group of Wilmette boys who appeared \V ednesday night, March 9, at the monthly board of review of the Boy Scout -council was so large that the men o n the Court of Honor had to work l1ard and fast to re\·iew the candidates for advancement. The conrt for the review of work done during the month is held on the second \ Y rdnrsday of each month at the Byron Stolp sc hool. J. R. Harper is tl1~ chairman. Tendcrf not Sn,uts advancing to ~ero nd claso.; were: Troop 4 of St. Augustine's Ep isco pal chnrch Paul Sterner and Harold Jordan; Troop 5 of tlH.' \Vilm ette PresbYterian church - Dick ~fann and Fred - Robin so n. Many Merit Badge Awards Troop 2 of the Congregatic.nal . ~ church: Harold ~pinne_, .. advanced to I \l1 ~ .Lazora Laxman, Evanston soEa .~ll' Scout and award ni bronze p;dm. )>rano, 15 to pr sent . feature numb_ers \f nit hadgrs in interpreting: athletics. , ~t,l .a cot~cert to be g1vcn l?Y the 1\ew < :lectricit)·. canoeing-. mu:-;ic. ang-lin g, , ~~rter l11gh scho~l band Fnday, .~1arc,h :--a fc t_ \· fir : ; t: nob Rye, :Hh·anced to 1-J, as a benefit IOr the new children s SL1r Sl:nut rank . \[e~it badge s in fire- ! \rare! of .the St. Fr~nci s. hospital. T.hc man ~ hq>. personal health. rarpentn·. co ncert IS to be gl\·en m St. IgnatiU s pathfindng; Robert Crawford. J~ .. auditorium, 1300 Loyola avenue, Rog\f crit badges in life sa\' ing, cooki~H!. ers Park. Tick~ts may be obtained at Craftmanship in Leather. Pathfind in ~;· all .north shore drug stores, it is exDelma Calrlwell. \[erit hadP'cs in in - plamed. t<'rpreting. patl1finclitH!. -~ l;cmi s tn·. c00king: Robert King, \f erit badge in ri\'ic:-;; Gordon Cutler, ~f erit badges in riYic", pathfinding. Troop j nf the ~fethodi st chnrch: R0yal \fartin. ~ferit badges in first "Have you ever witnessed a five-act aid to anima ls : music. play written and produced by a sixth grade class in the public schools ?" · Troop 4 of St. Aug-ustine's Episcopal "If not," continues an announcement, church: Arnold Lindstrom. advanced "this is an opportunity you should not to Star Scout rank and Merit badges in handicraft. patl1finding, carpentry. first mis s. "T h e s e u s, the Rebuilder of aid to animals: John Fowler, Merit Athens,' will be given at the Howard had , g rs in Pathfinding, carpentry, school, Friday eYening, April 1, at craftsmanship in \\·ood. first aid to an- 7 :30 o'clock. This play was \Hitten in English imals: George Bersch, Merit badges in firemanship; handicraft in wood, car- \\'Ork but correlated with every other pentry, first aid to animals; Oscar An- study, it is explained. The story is derson, Merit hadge_ s in handicraft, founded on Greek history taken from the ·regular class work. The music, pathfinding. Troop R of the \Vilmette Baptist dancing, and art work add variety to church: Edward Kunz, 1ferit badge in this school project. \Vith training, the boys were able to make many of the scholarship. stage properties. Proceeds f.rom the play will be used INSTALL NEW OFFICERS toward purchasing a new piano for the The annual meeting and installation of officers of the \\'omen 's society of room. 1 Wilmette Park District NOTICE OF ELECTION An ordinance calling an election for Commissioner of the Wilmette Park District, and providing polling places and judges for said election. BE rr ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the WILMETTE PARK DIS'rRICT: . SECTION I. That an election of the Wilmette Park District be and the same is hereby ordered to be held in said District on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A. D. I 92 7, between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the purpose of electing one Commissioner of said District for the full tern1 of six years. SECTION II: That for the purpose of said election, the said Wilmette Park District is divided into ten Election Districts, as heretofore provided by an Ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance calling an election for Commissioners of Wilmette Park District and providing polling places for said election." Adopted and in effect March 9, I925. SECTION III: The polling places for the several dis· tricts, shall be as follows: · Election District No. I, Village Hall, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois .. Election District No. 2, Village Hall, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 3, Byron Stolp School House, 1n said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 4· Byron Stolp School House, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 5, 4 I 9 Fourth Street, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 6, School House, corner of Seventh Street and Laurel A venue, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 7, Kashian Bros., No. i I45 Greenleaf Avenue, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 8, Lucy N. Bell, No. I 2 I 7 Wilmette Avenue, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 9, Logan School Basement, Central Avenue and Prairie Avenue, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 1 o, Fire Station, corner Main Street and Lake A venue, in said Village of Wilmette. SECTION IV: The Judges of said Election, hereby ap· pointed for the said Election Districts, shall be the persons. lawfully appointed judges to conduct the election for Township Officers, at the said polling places, on the day aforesaid. SECTION V: That the Secretary of said Wilmett~ Park District be and he is hereby directed to provide for the giving of notice of said Election and conducting the same as provided by law. SECTION VI: This Ordinance shall be 1n full force and effect from and after its passage. t .- t·. (' d. l' Sixth Graders Write and Will Prod!Jce Greek Play h c (' h L " r, " d te a th ~~ to le the First Prcsb~· terian church is to be An average of 640 gas and electric held Tuesday afternoon, ).farch 22 beginning at 2 o'clock. ' meters are installed daily in Illinois. 11- g-e ~ · First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETIE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue c- ~~: To .. SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. t - Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P.M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. cc at ed ld el at March 20, 192 7 Subject: "MATIER" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: The Bible and Wurks of Mary Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A. M: to 9 P. M. .Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Wilmette, Illinois. March 18, 1927. en at HARRY W. HOPP, Secretary of the Wilmette Park District. 111 ~ .r. er. nd The Public ia cordially invited to ~ttend the Church Senicea and visit the Readin1 Roem me i.nmlllllnJHIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllltllllllllutl~llllttttiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIHIIIInHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItnltllllllllftllt~ -