50 WILMETTE LIFE LECTURE ON ART March 18, 1927 Eat FISH Telephonwour orders-Wilmette 649 · No Toil We De liTer Dudley Craft \ Vatson 1 extension lecturer of the Art In stitute of Chicago, will address the rhi ldr en of the Byron Stolp school during the assembly period ~lonclay morning, March 21. He will deal with various phases of art and will probably illustrate hi s lectures with a cha lk talk or slides. \\' inogene Springer. 724 ForcsL a,·cnuc. \ Vilmdte, has rec overe d from an appendicitis operation and returned Tuesday to S\Yect Briar co il~ Sweet Briar, Va., to resume her studies. LAKE AND SHERIDAN· TO GET STOP LIGHTS. Board Passes Ordinance Licensing Cab Drivers; Would Get Water from Winnetka Ordinances providing ior the licen :-;itw of taxi drivers and authorizing· the a<i~ertising for bids on the installatinn of '.'Stop and Go" signal lights a_,t th_e intersection of Lake avenue a ncl S hendan road. were passed by the Village board at its regular meet ing held at the Village hall la st Tuesday ni g-ht. Installation of the proposed signal li£tht ~\· s tem . follo\\'s a period of conI :-.idcra t.ion on the part residents and i the Village hoard. It t:' cXJH'cted to · pr rl\·idc a ~afe cros:-.ing- for the hun drecls of bather:-- pa~:-;ing- to and from the \\'ilmdt c bathing beach and the (1 11h· meatb of checking· trani c pcriodica lh· for that purpo:;e. ton~iderahle anx.ict \' nn thr part of parent=- <,f I childn:tl usim!· the beach daily during i the summe r · months l1 as occasioned 1 c(ln~idt"rah le interest in· ' the · projec t·. I · with tlw result that ·ctYtc organtza; tinn:- aud other group. are ttr~ing, its l'a rl y rompletion. · The :-\·ste m is to he identical with that rlTl'lltlv installed at L~ke streyt : ;tnd Ridge aYenuc and wtll con. t..,t of fnur -\\'a\' signal box s on two . ta ndarcb located nn diagonal corner~ . Con..,irlcratinn of the propo~ed rn·r 1 ti(·ll of a ~imilar -,y . tem at \\"ilnll'ttc . and Central an'tltiC-i \\· a~ pn-.tpon('d. until thl' nn;t rnr ular lllettitlg of thv 1 hoard. Require Examination The ordinanc~ providing inr th(' licen si ng of taxi-cab drinrs crratr~ a w~tem of examination and regi ~tra tiot~ of cab driver s operating- car' within the village of \Vilmette. Each candidate for a cab job will he re quired to pay an ann ual license fee ni $1 and . to submit to a thorough examination as to his driving ability. A re . olution favoring 1he forcible annexation of the "No Man's Land" territorv, as called for hy a bitt now · before - the Illinois State legislature, was also passed hy the hoard. A discussion of the proposal to re-zone the two blocks on Ridge a ,·e~ lllH' known as the Pine Crest subdivision. for business purposes, resulted in a d ecision hv the } )(lard t o uphold the action of ·the \Vilm ette Plan commission in ruling it a..; a rcsidrntial district. .... MJ6if_,MJA§J~..UKf 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston _........._.-srrr o! 1 I ! liI Remembering a Happy Day N cheers the heart as to be OTHING so warms and I E VERYtelephone added to this system during the past ten years has required an average investment higher than for those in· stalled ten years _ ago. This condition will cpply to each tele· phone added for many years, if pres· cnt price levels hold. The company is pow· erless to control these advances. remembered by relatives and dear friends on some pleasant anniversary·. And there is no pleasanter way of extending congratulations and good 'vishes than by telephone. Distance need be no barrier. Though hundreds or thousands of miles may separate friends, Bell long distance lirtes will bring them face to face. A telephone call is easier, quicker and less formal than a letter. It carries the intimate, personal touch which might otherwise be lost. Car for Fire Chief Authorization for the purchase of a car to be used in con nection with village activities, especiall y by the Fire Chief. was g iven by the board. Trustee DeBe rard . was instructecl to cons ult with H. L. \Voolhi ser. vVinnetka Village manager, regarding th e purchase of water from the Village of Winnetka for the northwe st section of vVilmette. A petition from resi dents of "~o Man's Land" for pGlice protection and for water . uppl~· in th e di stri ct wa s denied by the bo.ard . ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM ~Policy SERVICES FOR MRS. I(IND . Funeral services for Mrs . Florence Kind, wife of M. E. Kind, residing at (:IJ7 Greenleaf avenue, who pa ssed away on Tuesday, March 8, were held from the Graceland cemetery chapel Thursdav, March 10. Burial was at Grace land. Mrs. E. P. Fatch entertained sixteen guests at dinner Thursday evening at her home, 611 Washington avenue, in celebration of the birthday of M.r. Fatch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner. son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fatch, came on from their home in Blackwell, Wis., for the dinner. One _ S ystem Universal Service -- . - - . ~