Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 49

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7 :: March 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE musical organization as she wildly flourished a kitchen fork for her baton. The heartiest laughs of the evening were evoked by Mrs . . Henderson in her singing of that sweet Irish song of lofty sentiment, "Me Faither and Mither Are Irish." The "Kitchen quartet" accompanied her, with Mrs . Peterson at the piano. To close the evening, light refreshments were served, Mrs. L. E. Matson and Mrs. Birong assisting the hostess in the serving. Before the guests left, the pre ;;idcnt spoke of the objects for which the PreSchool ci.rclc has been organized and invited non-members to join. 49 s t, Pre-School Circle Has Merry Time at St. Patrick's Party 1, g · le it (' ~~ ... ~ le ll (_' H y h. f (Contributed) "Sure art' it's wan gran' toime we'll be havin', a-wearin ' of the green and honorin' St. Patrick in the evenin'." So ran the invitations for the March party given at the home of Mrs. R. H. Henderson by the Logan :.. Howard PreSchool circle, An' begorrah, the fun proved to be foine indade! Club mem bers and their guests pronounced the party a success from the standpoint of affording an opportunity to make new acquaintances and of provi.ding relaxation and at least temporary forgetful ne ss of home cares. ~Irs. Hector Dodds is chairman of the social committee but, on account of illne ss at home, was unable to take charge of the evening's merriment. Mrs. Ru sse ll Flood acted in her stead. A unique potato race was followed by seve ral intere sting contests. Mrs. Victor Klebba won first prize for recognizing the most of a numbe.r of rrish melodie s played on the piano by ~1 rs. S. M. Peterson ; while Mrs. V. H. Jones and Mrs. P. B. Birong were tied ior first place in a game called "Animal Twi sts." Paper napkin s with St. Patrick decorations and st rips of o f kelly green crepe \\'ere tised by the guests in making paper hat:-. ~Ir s . D. H . Maxwell exhibited these creations when fini shed a11d acted as one of th e judges in thi s 1 millin ery contest. Tt, wa s decided that for ori gin ality of des ign and skill of execution. ~r rs. Cochran desc n ·e <l fir st place. In the olcl-fa:-;h ion cd ~ame of iorfeits, I highest honors went to th e hastily improvi sed performance of th e "Killarn ey Kitchen quartet." Mrs. V. H . Jone s made an excellent leader for this novel 1 ca-h1paign is to give leadership to a general spring house cleaning. Scouts are setting the example in their own back yards to eliminate .r ubbish that Henry King, director of "The Wincollects along fences and hedges, back yard s and alleys. ning of Barbara Worth," at the Village "Give the grass a chance" is one of theatre, needed a dese.r t bred rattlethe -slogan s the scouts are to observe . . snake for a scene in that picture, which was made in the Nevada desert. So Scouts arc to urge the use of sidewalks the actors, including Ronald Colman and di sco urage cutting across corners. and Vilma Banky, poked gingerly into Fair play for shrubs as well is asked . .cactus plants and sage brush after The scouts will he careful of them in snakes. One by one the hunters came their play. back to camp. "No snakes;' was the The scouts are making bird hou ses unanimous report. · "Never mind," said to welcome the return of the birds, and King, "one of the local cowboys caught whenever possible, are planning to one in three minutes." Boy Scouts as "Beauty plant trees. They are to have a p1 :blic tree planting ceremony on · Saturday INSTALL TRUE KINDRED Specialists" Open Drive aftemoon, April 9, at 4 o'clock on the Lake Shore Conclave U. D., True \\'alter McPeak. scout executive for Public library grounds. ' Kindred, will hold a public installathe North Shore Area council, told the tion Tuesday evening, March 22, at Bo\· Scouts of Wilmette Wednesday TO HOLD RECITAL 8:30 o'clock, in the Wilmette Masonic afte rnoon what their duties would }.{i ~s Edith Ray Young is holding a temple. Jennie E. Brice, worthy grand when th ev sta~rt the drive to become "beauty si)ccialists" for the village, as clas s recital this afternoon of \Vilmettc commander, will officiate as installing Supt. J. R. Harper, who inaugurated and Glencoe Pt\)ils at her studio, 630 officer. the movement, has called them. The Park avenue, at 3 :30 o'clock. Miss Chicago families use 88 per l!Cnt Scouts met for thi.;; special session at Lenore Herbst of Bush conse.rvatory wilt entertain with a Beethoven pro- more electrical appliances than does the Byron Stolp school. the average family in the United States . This · ·~fore Attractive \Vilmette" I gram. [ At the Movies be COMPANION CAR TO CADILLAC 11 rn e d d lS · TREAT YOUR WIFE WELL! Don't let her tire herself out getting meals and washing dishes. Invite her to take dinner with you at the Wilmette Cafe. You will find the food and service above the ordinary. Fourteen years ago the principles tc be found in' the La Salle ".vere established in the Cadillac. Four years ago Cadillac engineers first formulated the plans which were to be materialized in the La Salle. Then, as today, Cadillac engineers and craftsmen pos.. sessed the most comprehensive fund of accumulated experience in the field <'f fine cars. And their findings were broadened and verified by the full cooperation of General Motors Laboratories and the General Motors Proving Ground. As was 'to be expected, the public has discovered in La Salle a new note in motor car design -distinct from Cadillac- for a different field -yet carrying the au.. thority of years and of knowledge. You should see, examine and study this most recent ·contribution to the forward movement of the motor industry-La Salle, companion car to Cadillac. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, EVANSTON BRANCH · 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston University 8600 Rogers Park 9132 ~~ The Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hail ·ltf.eals that satisfy . I : .! ( : .... 'Uf., ~··. ·..:~~;,...,. ... . : .J. . · .

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