March 18, 1927 WI~METTE LIFE 47 NEW TRIER FIVE IN ,OJjMIM!P~&rMJMM!MrM!MJM:g~IMMfW!M~MIM!MI+MMM!~~~ SECTIONAL TOURNEY ,, · Local .Five Wins District Cage Meet at Waukegan and Enters Second Meet at Joliet By virtue of victories over Evanston, Gurnee and Deerfield, in the district haskcthall tournament held at \Vauke~;u ·J last week, New Trier went th~ough for .high honors and thereby earned the right to take a swing at the scction;.tl meet being held in Joliet this week end. The local champions hav~..· dra \\'ll St. Charles for their fi rr;t game at 7 :30 F.riday night. Indications have heen pointing to prct ty strong competition at Joliet hut when the boys boarded the coaches for the trip ci:Jwn 'l'hursday, things also pointed to a "free ride" for St. Charles and all other comers. "Tf determination and Duke Child's skill count for anything-and Evanston claims it counts for quite a bit"-the boys declared Thursday, "it's a straight ride, no !'>tops and a fast train to Champaign ;1 r a try at the State meet next \\'eek." In the l\ew Trier-Evanston game at the \Vaukegan tournament last Friday, the spectators \\'ere treated to on~.· ni the fastest and hardest fought gam('s oi this season. From the starting \\'histle to the la ~ t one, rivalry of long standing and a common deterlllinatinn to he one of the teams in the next game, proviclccl a stimulus ~urtiL·ient to make th e contest a memorable "free-for-all." Slippin)i first to l·:va11ston and then to New Trier, the lt?ad changed side!i so fast that the . scorekccpr found it almost impossible to J,;cep hi s board straight and the excited fan s began to suffer from an over\\'orked vocal ensemble. Finallv a i rl'l' throw ll\· 1focrher tied the ..;ror~..· and a b ask-l't In· \\'addv Palctti cinched the victon· 30 to 2H as the .gun \\'ent off. · Win Easy Victory The ~econd of the contests \\'as won S·) easily that it might have been called a practice match and Gurnee \valked off tlf the floor defeated by a 3() to 8 ::\e\\· Trier landslide . . Consfderahle exciteiiH'nt was cau:-.ed just before the game started by the Gurnee mascot. \\'alking on to the floor, a miniature dude dressed all in bright orange, he dr:)pped f1vc out of six baskets in CJttick succession, apparently setting an example for his older brothers. They, howl'vcr. forgot to get started and the !neal hcn·s chalked up another "leg on the chatnpionsl;ip journey." In the championship game, New Trier found themselves confronted bv the iorm iciablc Deerfield basket-ha\\'k-s and there ensued another one of· those g a 111 t'" t hat Inn g stories art.: to Id a h out. The game was a grill throughout; lllor~..·\wer a rough one, and son1e sixh.·cn points were scored hy thr locals on iree thro\\':'. Hoerhcr starte d the scoring \\'ith a irec thro\v and from then on it was nip and tuck. As the gun ..;ounded the end of the first quarter t ht' score board rrgistcred 5 to 5. Ne\\' Trier then buckled in to even 111ore strenuous \\'ork and at the half hacl tipprd "Dame Fortune" to their sick and had gained the long end of a 11 to R score. After the n.' st period, another close fought hattie carried the scnn· to ]() to 13. I\e\\' Trier still leading. The game' finally came to a close and Xew Trier had won once and for all time the 1927 district ba sketba ll title . . \Yilliam A. Durgin, 627 Forest avenue, left Tuesclay fo.r Springfield 1o a ttencl an Illinois Public Utilities convention. Mr. Durgin is director in public relations at the Commonwealth Edison compa·ny. I Why Do We Enjoy Going to Church? Because attendance at church g1ves a satisfaction nothing else can supply. Because we meet with Christian citizens of the community with whom we like to associate in any capacity of life's activities. Because we are delighted with the worship of God. in the name of his dea·r Son who will intercede ·at · the Throne of grace in our behalf that we may continue to associate with all Christians in the future life. Are these swe.e t associations here and hereafter not sufficient reward to bring us regularly to church? Answer by being at the church of your choice next Sunday morn1ng. Directory of Churches: 1 1 The Wilmette Baptist Church forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Francis C. Stifler Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Sevenrh Srreel First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmerre Avenues St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmeue and Park Avenues Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd Rev. Herman W. Meyer St. Augustine's EpiscopcJ Church 1140 The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Streel and Greenluf .&.venue Wilmette Avenue i\ev. Hubert Carleton Rev. George P. Magill The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmerte Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith Published ·by IM ltderchurcla Adwrlilirtg Co,..illet, Wilmette Church Federatio,.