Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 1

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... LIFE l'ttblished tvet>1dy bv Lloyd Hollistm·, lnc., 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette lllinois E tere<l as se d Mm·ch 13, 19 n, at the p<Yst office at Wilmett e, Illinois, mtder the' Act of Ma;·ch ~· 18.7!). ~ubscription ~~~~e ~2~:g l tt ::eae:. VOL . . XVI, NO. 25 \VILMETTE, ILL.lNO IS, MARCH 18, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS Seven men sat in conference Thursday evening, March 10-a conF i n a I Pre-Campaign Message ference convened at the joint invitation of Lloyd Hollister and B. B. Sent to Villagers This Week; l:dell, publishers of Wrr.::-.n:TTE Ln~~ Campaign Force Ready . I and \Vrt:\lliTn: Ax xoexn:::\tEXTS. The 1927 fund campaign of th e \Vii Aaending the session were two .mette C:.>mmunit \' Chest association representatives of the People 's par\\'hich is to hegi11 Sunday, ~1arch 20: ty: Ralph C. \Ves se l and C. D . finds the \H1rking personnel of the Heller: and two leaders in the association prepared to launch upon an Home party: Clarence E. Drayer intensive so licitati on that is de sig ned to a nd A. A. ~fcKeighan. reach en~ ry hou sehold and business Here was discussed the desiraplace in the \'illage. The goal of th~ hility and possibility of conducting campaign is $25,000. ' the current Village political camIn a final pre-campaign message to paign in strict adherence to the the resident s of the communitv the · genuine issues involved, and keeping cam{Jaign coinmittee of the Chest 'assothe written and oral expressions of ciation this week circulated the follo'vvthe opposing groups free from all ing letter: ·matter tending to cloud the real "The 1927 campaign of the \Vilmctte · issues with petty attacks upon inCommunity Chest association will start dividuals or g.roups. March 20, 1927. The object is to colThis discussion resulted in a genlect in only one drive and solely eral unanimity of opinion regarding through this one agency, sufficient the se ntiment embodied in the folfunds to provide. for the participati1w lo\\·ing stater;1ent presented hv the charitie. li . ted below, as much money a~ publishers at that meeting. · they \\·ere able to rai se by their indi "The prospect of · an intensely . vidual drives during the years previous fought political campaign preceding to the association's first drive in 1925. .the annual Village . election on April List Beneficiaries , 19, prompts us in a decision t.o bend "The following charities previouslv : every effort toward bringing before made individual dri\·cs in the villag~ i the voters of this commu·nity only during 1925, and will during 1927 pa.r - 1 those facts which have a direct ticipate in the results of the drive in hearing on the issues invo lv ed. the ratios set after each name: "\Ve are determined, in the inter"1. Arden Shore, 20<;~. 2. Kear East .·st of the communicv as a whole Relief, 17.5r/c. 3. Infant Welfare that, insofar as our ·publications are 20%. 4. Young \\'omen's Christian As~ · concerned, thjs campaign shall be sociation. 3Y.i~(. 5. Salvation Armv, conducted on an absolutely straight50~. American Red Cross, 7.5 ~. ·7. ior\\'ard. common-sense basis, toVolunteers of America, ~~r/r. 8. Local tally de\'oid of tactics that a.re an Charities, 14.5,./ (. 9. Emergency Fund, ! in sult to the intelligence of our 6~.' . . . I enlightened community. It 1s the smcere behcf of all those "In a community such as ourswho have given ti1 l a1~d thought to \\'hose citizens are home-loving and the work that the association is a di srepresentative of the highest type tinct benefit to the community as w.ell of intelligent Americans-political as the charities concerned. The cancampaigns that degenerate into ,·ass ing will he done by volunteer petty attacks upon individuals or captains and workers . The association groups have no place. ' has no expense other than for actttdl "\Vilmette has not been whollv clerical assi'itance and the necessarv free from such unfortunate situacost of printing, postage and the like: , tions in the past. It is time that the Must Raish $25,000 I bars are raised and that our political "\Ye must raise $25,000. \Vilmettc : campaign~ becon~e what they should must not fail in her effort to serve he-a senous e!1deavor to select ~he those who so badly need the thoughtful hest ~an possthle . f.?: our elective and generous assistance of a communoffice; ~f responstbihty and trust. ity filled with happy homes, the memIf this Is _not. done ~e shal.l soon hers of which know almost nothing of learn that It will be difficult, mdeed, the di st ress and hunger of those babies. I to secur~ . the e:onsent of . the .bes.~ , . ~ type of citizens to sec puhltc office. (Contmucd on page 8) The publishers of \\'rutr.TTE Lrn: and \\'IJ.:.tHT£ Ax~ol-;q·~~tf.:r-;Ts arc Troubador Concert to convinced that the sentiment exBring Array of Talent pr~ss.ed in. the a~ove staten~ent . comc1des w1th the views entertamcd Ar~ array of genume talent has beeu by all fai.r -minded citizens. obtamc~l for the first annual c~nce~!. There is every .r eason to believe of the froubado~tr · Glee cl.ub whtc~ !S and expect that the leaders and ~o take place Fnday e':enmg, Apnl 1, workers in the two parties are inIll the Jane. Kuppenhem~er Memor.al tent upon conducting this political hall o~ Skokie school, Wmnetka. . campaign along standards reflecting Rollm ~ease, well !-:nown bass-b~·.nthe splendid character of our village, ton~, _of Eva.nstOI~, w1ll be one of ·th~ but, should there be any departure ass1stmg arttsts 111 sever,ll g.roups· ot from those standards, marked by a son~s. . ... . . descent to indulgence in slanderous . J nnnue Gunn, Scotch comedian a~d attack-whether outspoken or inImpersonator of Harry Laud_er, w1ll timated-against any candidate of also feature the .program, ass1ster~ by either party, it is sincerely hoped Miss Lena . McNeil and Hortense K1tch, that the citizens will repay such folk dancers. . · untoward tactics with stinging deThe Troubadours are under the d1nuriciation at the polls on April 19. rection of John · G. Gunn. OPEN ·cHEST CAMPAIGN . FOR $25,000 SUNDAY SCHOOL VOTE APRIL 19 A Plea for Clean Politics Annual School District Election to Elect President and Four Members of Education Board Wilmette's School district election will take place Tuesday, April 9. At its regular monthly meeting . this week the board of education of School District ~o. 39. which operates the Wilmette Public schools, ordered an election to he held that dav. from 1 to 5 p. m., at the Village hall. The purpose of the election is to fill four vacancies on the board and to elect a p.resident of the board. In sending out the notice of the election, the board drew attention to the fact that \Vilmette re sidents proverbally pay little or .no attention to voting at the sc hool election. Ordinarily the schoo l elections are kept o ut of part\' politics. Rarclv are there contests or· controversies at such election s. But, it is only o n the occasion of comp"etition that nwre than :1 s(nre nf n~sidents have voted, notwithstanding the fact that there are over 10.700 people in the school district. more than 1,500 sc hool children served and expenditures of o\'er $200.000 yea rly in tax proceeds entrusted to the hoard nf education. At the last election when an addition to the Howard school was authorizcd. costing over $55.()()(), only t\\'ent~·nin e persons yoted. COURT VACATES CALL FOR BOND ELECTION "No Man's Land" Park Proposi· tion Not to Be Voted Upon; Push Annex~tion Plan I 1 o. I County Judge · Edmund Jarecki Tuesday of this week issu.ed an order to vacate the call for an election April 5, on the proposition to issue $500,000 in bonds for .the purpose of acquiring "No Man's Land"- the territory lying along Sheridan. road between Wilmette and Kenilworth~for a New Trier township p~rk. In . other words, there will he no election· on the proposition. The action by Judge Jarecki was largely at .the instance of the Citizen's committee, a group of New Trier re si dents who, several days ago, were successful in securing favorable action in committee on House Bill No. 51. de signed to bring "No Man's Land" into Wilmette by forcible annexation. This bill is soon to be acted upon in the legislature, it is thought. In a s tatement concernng the order to vacate the call for the bond issue election, and setting forth the s.tatus c1f the a nnexation measure. Arthur Bonnet, chairman of the Citizens' colllmittee, comments as follows: Would Protect Homes "The Citizens' committee is interested mainly and only in prot~cting F IRST CAMPAIGN · GUN I the homes and the community ltfe of the north hore. People's Party Comes Forth With An"And the only way we can accomnouncement Opposing Flats and Fa- plish this in our fight against the "No voring Economical Administration Man's Land" developments is to hav~ a united public opinion behind us. \\'ith Village election da,· still a "\Vhen the bond issue \\'as proposed month in the futu:·e, leaders in. thl' Pe~ ) and the petition submitted to the plc's part\'. which is a:-king the r e- County court, we had in mind the election of Earl E. Orner to thl' offiu possibility of putting on the Illinois oi \-illage president. launched their law hooks a statute permitting c.o m, campaign this " ·ee k \Yith announc~ pulsory annexation of the tract. But ments re-iterating- the party platform we did not know how far we could a nd emphasizi11g tht· fan that the or ·· g·d with the idea. . rr;wization is "::>ppnsrd to flats" and ··However. in the matter of forcing ·'favors a strictly t·conomiral arlmini:'- additional taxation, no matter how tration." small. on a community, there is alThe first announcement of the par~\' ways hound to be- a difference of opinhears the signatures of John B. Boddir. ion. One can never hope for unanichairman of the Exec:mtiYc committe\?: mous con se nt. Therefore, when last A. F . Hooper. chairman of the Cam'- week, we succeeded in getting the· paign committee: David Kelson. chair- Municipalities committee to report man of thr Finance committee: favorably on our compulsory annexaCharles D. Heller. chairman. and R. C. tion statute (House Bill No. 51), we Wessel. vice-chairman of the Adn·rtis- felt that this was the action that should and would have the united ing committee. Home party leaders. \\·ho arc espous- support of the enrt:rre north shore. ing- the candidac~' of Andre\\' ]. ~'fonat "Therefore, to clear the atmosphere for Village president, and a complete aurl bring- the issue down to the single ticket in opposition to the People's par- poi!tt for which we have always conty candidates. apparently plan to hold tended- the control and policing of their fire until later in the month. no these 'No Man's Land' developmentsannouncements having come irom it. we have, through the legal avenues open to us, prevailed upon the County campaign organization. Judge to vacate his order on the bond C. C. SCHULTZ ILL issue. Now "Single Issue" C. c.·Schultz, superintendent of puh· "~ow · ·~o Man's Land' stands belie works, has been confined t::> his home since last Fridav ln· a severe fore the north shore as a sing-le issue cold hut expected to !{ave· sufficient tv on which we can all unite. And the recm·erecl bv the end of the week t~1 Citizens' comm,ittee has gone as far as it can, up to this point. The rest he able to l;e hack at his desk. must be accomplished by a united public sentiment. PRESENT "ELIJAH" "If the people of the north shore Charles Lutton and Rollin Pease will be the soloists with the choir of the do not want to see a second Wilson Wilmette Parish Methodist church avenue district at their very door; if Sunday afternoon, March 27, in the they do not want Sunday moving pic(Continued on page 53) rendition of the cantata, "Elijah."

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