Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 43

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March 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE The Minturn Players IMinturn's "The Patsy" A · I Play to Write Home About I ·---------------------..J "The First Year" By HUB \Vell, I went down to the New Evanston Monday to see Harry Minturn's "The best comedy of our generation," newest and late st, "The Patsy." Now 1 said Heywood Broun, the noted drama- I don't know a thing about New York tic critic of the New York Tribune, in crowds or New York ta stes when it tribute to Frank Craven's play. "The comes to tl1e stage hut I do know that First Year." "One of the best comedies, if they arc anything like mine, the if not the verv best ever vaitten hv an theatre editors in the big village ,,·ereTHE NORSHORE Sensational Cosmopolitan American," s~i cl Alexander \Vooicott, n't. su_ffcring fr?,m an~thing when. t~oey Cosmopolitan's newest production, 1 11 111 Magazine Story eminent critic of the New York Times. ~?!d tt \vas,.~ wov.· ·. In . Y optnt · "The Cnder. tanding Heart," coming Ever_,. critic, not onl)' itl Ne\\' York, 1 he PatsY ts bv far the htggest of the s d t th " ~ 1 tl · 'd · · . un a,· o e .... ors 1ore 1eaue ts sai hut in every large citv of the United season's presentattons and the smooth· roman t'tc c1rama o f 111 . t ense ' rea 1 .1 · · I , to 1 )e a States, has, without exception, echoed est of the ).1mturn producttons. ts · 1 It · t' · · the kind of a plav YOU write home Itsm. atn_c PO\\f·ert.l IS al s trpnntg ptBcwith t hese word s. · unza 1011 o 1e popu ar e er . . Kyne novel. directed for Metro-GoldDuring th e two-year New York u-un ab,~ut. Clara Bow 10_f 5 · wrot e ,,·yn - ~1ayer by Jack Conway, with Joan :o star~ ."·t th Bar? Con 1_ of "The First Y ear"-second only t o 1 15 ver- Cra\dorcl. Rackliffe FellO\v es, Carmel that of "Lightnin' "-likewise produced a g_ooc~ pla) · It n~m e_s fas~ · . t Antonio Moreno and staged respec tiv ely hy John Gold- - ~attic 111 char~ctenzatwn: tt ts sup erb ).her s and Francis X. Bushman, Jr. it is a tale of the great outdoo!'s e·n and \Vin chcll Smith- the New m humor. Tt IS a comedy ))Ut there ~re Yor k public made thi s· a p p r a is a 1 subtle tou~he s of dramatic pathos m - having for a background the immens~ -STARTING SUNDAYtcr\\·o vcn In such a, manner that !1 :ey timber lands of the Northwest on' the ttnanitfJ ous: Peter B. K.yne's 1 1 \\'11\' ? Because "The First Y car" is could not offend tile . .nost 1 sens',trthve ~·tlJ.ted States GoverJltlletlt prese.r,·r:>s. enthralling drama of life. ·Th e characters arc people y0tt natu~c ~r the mo~t c.nttca ear. e Joan Crawford, br whom big things The Forest Ranges know- living next door-in you.r own plot ts stmp~e but I S complete and _we_1l are prophesied, doe s a profoundlv iamJ'I.v- tH:rhat)S, being even ,_-ou, , _·o ur- r:)llnded. ~ pon the oth~r hand, It ts moving bit of acting in this big picture. the type o,t play that wtthout careful ~elf. The things the,· do arc the cas ting ,,.(luld fall flat in it s presentathings you do. · . tion. PICTURE PLAYER MAGICIAN The storv of "The First Year" is th e Ordinarii~· in the staging of a play During the hot ·summ.er nights in th ~ -, tory of tl~c first year of married life , the entire production is pointed to the l\e\'acla desert where "The \Vinning <..f \\·it h it s comic tragedies, it s laughter acting ni one person and the re st of Barbara \\'orth," current picture .at th< and sor ro w, it s sunshine and shadow, the actors are so medio.c re in contrast Village Th eatr e. was made, Sam Blum. as folks have lived it and are living it that they become mere . stage accesso- the comedian who is "Blanton" · in the with no\\' in every American home. rics irom th e audience vie\\' point. film. exercised hi s hobby, magic. . He Joan Crawford T o mi ss "The First Year" is to miss \Vithout hesitation I mav sav that the in. truct ed Ronald Colman and Vilma th e greatest play ever \\Tittcn and one out standing point .in connection Banky bow t o break a pencil with a Carmel Myers produced hy Americans. e\·cr \Hitt en with the ).[inturn players is that they $5 bill. He showe d the cowbovs how about Americans. and ever joyously ac- arc a·ll good actors . Each fill s hi s part to deal four roya l flu she s in p;ker at -SMART STAGE SHOWclaimed ~,,. Americans in everv section in s uch a manner that it see ms to be the same time. He howed Clvde <1i th e countrv as th e fine st theatrical spon tan eous and prompted hy the sit - Cook, an other player in "The Winn"ing Kirby De Cauce entrrtainmc nt. tl1at the T,,·c ntieth Cen- nati on. of Barbara \Vorth," how to make two w;th Ulrich's Caballeros tun- ha s seen . Tt is onlY once in a Oi course there were o ut :ta ndin~ fack rabbit s grow where none grew SMALL 8 MAYS lii c.time that such a play a-s "Th e First players in "Th e Patsy: " th e con true - before. And when Blum told Cook Year" comes al ong, th er e neve r was tinn of th e play take s care of thdt. that his ambition was t o be a billiard The Ukelele Boys <111<: lik e it L~ ~ iorc. and ther e neve r will ).[ argay \\'illiam s took th e lead and player, the Ziegfeld Re~ue c0m edian he one ~ik e it again. That is the rea- did it excepti::m ally well. In all places replied: "Then all you have to rlo i'j ~~ · ,1 \vl1v th e box o~ce of tl1e . ~ew \\"illi s IIall played it1t o the character of llii~e~d~o~w~n~a~n~d~ro~l~l.~ "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T~:v an ~t~n 'l'heatre report s th e l1eaviest the fatl1er \\'ith tottcl1e s that ,-.~ere ; ; - - . . ale of tickets since the Minturn Play- simply superb. In voice and manner cr~ q artcd th eir season here. he wa s as natural a s real life and in montents of sym pathy for Pat he arose VILLAGE THEATRE Resident North Shore Funeral Director "The \Vinning of Barbara \Vorth," ~amucl Coldwyn's pre se ntati on of the H enry King production of Harold Beil Twenty-two years of suc\\' rigl1t's h c~t se lling novel. \\'ith R oncessful professional service. ald l'olman and Vilma Hanky. come to Personally recommended by the \ "illagc Theatre as the feature for .\1 nnday. Tue sday and \Vednesclay. Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago Tile dramatic . romanc e which feaand a host of others whom ture-; l~ o nalcl Colman and the b\'Ciy we have served on the north \ ' ilma Banky, is a glo\\'ing tale of tho se shore . pion ee r ~ " ·ho battle d \Yith the menace o f \Yater. · fir st in its total absence and \Ve personally attend all then in it s ovcrflo,Ying presence. It is at once th e storv of va st lands re calls, rendering the most rlaimed and the r ~clamation of a man's careful, courteous and consoul. ·"on .· Tut·!'., ""···1., ~rnrt'lt :!1·~:!-~a Mrs. scientious service. "The \Vinning of Barbara \Vorth' ' Lewis attends to all ladies' present s the most unique eternal triangle of any of the more importa!lt and children's calls. film s. with \Villard Holme s, eastern engineer. coming to loYe Barbara just as ; with Private De Luxe Abc Lee, desert-bred westerner, doe ~ : I _ nonnlcl t:ohnnn, VIlma nanky and poor Barbara doc s not know her Ambulance Service Also n\\·n nrincl, loving both. Gary Cooper. i "A Perf<'ct ])ny"-Edu. Come~ly one of the year's "finds," plays Abe ' ancl Pathe News The growing demand for Lee to Ronald Colman's Holme s. And prompt and reasonable am'l'hursllay, 1\larch 2l ~~iss Banky is Barbara \Vorth , daugh- j O~ .E DAY ONLY i bulance service has made it ter of the Jeffe.rson \Vorth who knew 1 Hlllle DoH, Huntley Gonion ! necessary for us to add to In the \\'es t sl10t1lcl he reclaimed. Conflict between the old and the new our Limousine Equipment, an is the basic theme of "Sensation SeekI nva.Zid Coach which is the ers," starring Billie Dove with Huntlast word in Ambulance ServSEEKERS" lev Gordon which will be shown on i Also rce. Located in vVilmette. Thursday o;1ly. ! "Ko Ko Pneksup"-Tnkwt>ll Cnrtoon f'om4.'tly In this motion picture elrama of pernml Pnthe Review sonal life in fashionable society is preOur Display Rooms Are Complete sented the spectacle of the hidebound l'rl., Sat., ~larch 25·26 puritanism of yesterday trying to deTWO DAYS ONLY Our Motto: "Golden Rule" feat the liberty of today, .reducing Douglas MacLean In every person to the rigorous discipline FREDERICK E. LEWIS MRS. F. E. LEWIS of dogma. Lady Attendant Youth break the traces and becomes Parlor Phone "Busy Ll~~~~"-2 Reel Residence Phone lawless beyond reason but at last the Jlermald Comedy \\'ilmene 3 55 1 Wilmette 35S~ and La.test I,atbe News fiery temper, which will not yield to far above the average. I didn't like M.r. Minturn as Tony .nearly so well as in the part of M uggs in "Turn to the Right." His characterization was not quite so smooth. Henrietta Tedro as Pat's mother and June Kerwin as her sister. Grace, were excellent. In every way, to my mind. the Minturns have every rea so n to feel proud of "The Pat sy." Elinor Glynt s HIT" w · "The Understanding Heart" 1 Ji'REDERICK E. LEWIS I ··Th~'Wi;~h.;~-~ I i Barbara ~ortb" I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ""SENSATION I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ""LET IT RAIN" force, is seeh to yield to love. J-~-~---"---·- _j ·------------------------------------------~

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