Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 41

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' March 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE .,. _ IKenilworth ..Happenings MUSIC MEETING The music department of The Neighbors will hold its next meeting Tuesday morning, Marc~ 22, at 10:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Edwin Bluthardt, 415 Essex road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Charles Howe is in charge of the program. · ~[r. and Mrs. Fred Butley, 41 Mrs . W. ]. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, returned to Kenilworth Wednesday from her trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo. -o- 220 Sher- Karl Kor.rady, 527 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth spent last week-end in New Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumberland avenue, returned ·to Kenilworth Tuesday York. -ofrom Californiq. Mrs. Ridgway and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, 336 Leicesher daughter, Miss Jane Ridgway, plan te.r road, Kenilworth will be hostess at to stay longer. a luncheon and bridge on Saturday. -o-oMrs. Ca.rl Keith, 310 Warwick road, Mrs. David Sanders, 415 Cumnor and her son, John Keith, expect to leave Kenilworth · Saturdav for Biloxi road, Kenilworth left Wednesday for Cleveland to spend a few days. where they will stay a week. Alexander Hannah, 256 Woodstock avenue, · returned to. Kenilworth March 10, from California. He will be he,·e about two weeks. -o~ Read This Notiee Because we don't think you are past saving, and you owe yourself time to come to the Mrs. Clyde Recksacher oi Los Angeles · arrived in Kenilwqrth Tuesday to -ovisit her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. . ~{r. and Mrs. Karl Korrady, 527 Ab- and Mrs. Irving Babcock, 229 Essex · bottsford road, Kenilworth have sold road. their house to Dr. Marzano, who will -omove in about the middle of April Mr. and Mrs. James H. P.rentiss, 201 · )A r. and Mrs. Korrady and their daugh- Cumberland avenue, returned to Kenilter, Margaret, will make their home ~t worth March 3 from SL Petersburg, the · Orrington hotel ·temporarily. Fla. idan road, returned to Kenilworth March 9, from Biloxi, where they spent two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Steele from Toronto joined them in Biloxi and returned to Kenilworth with Mr. and Mrs: Bullev. Thev left · Kenilworth Sunday ~for their home in Toronto, H N q~(~ :n~R~~e~n~ EINAR Contra<'tor Pon:hes. Sun Parlors, Garages, Roofs, Storm Sas~1 s, Screen, Porch Enclosures 1110 t:tth ~o~t., Wilmette Ph. wn. 1913 BIGGEST MERCHANDISE FEAT ever staged in Winnetka, Illinois. CARRIE S. ROBERTS Pianist-Teacher Private Lessons-.t;nsemble Recltnls - Coaching .; lenn Dillard G unn School of ~1 nslc Chicago Tel. Wlnn. 1226 -o- R.H.Schell&Co. A $5o,ooo stock of standard brand merchandise selling mighty cheap. :\fiss Bernice Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, who is attending \Vellesley college, wilt leave the last oi March with several girls from the college for Bermu.cla to spend spring Yacation. -oPhillip Burnham. 53() Roslyn road, . Kenilworth arrived 11 ondav from Canton bury school to spend~ his spring,·a.cation with hi-; parents, Mr. and "\f rs . C. G. Burnham. He "·ill return t t") schnol the last of the motith. - .O - CLOSING OUT 8oo-8o2 ELM ST. J~1111es Burnhatil, 53G Roslyn road, Kcnil\\"orth. who is attending Princeton uniHrsitY. has passe(l the entrance ~·xaminati::)lls. for Baltiol college, Oxi,Jrd. and plans to attend that college thi ..; summer. ~1 r. and "\f r~ .. S. D. Fh):::><l. 133 · Kenihn)rt h a \"t'lllll', kit Kenilworth ).f onda~· morning t(l drive to Virginia whae the,· \\·ill yjsit ~1 rs. Flood's sistl'r . They- ""ill aiso spencl some time nHltt)ring in the East. 0- ~.rrs. Ballard of \Vinnctka is giving- \t ission talks every Monday in l..:·n t irom 2 to 3 o'clock to the gui:d tH. the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kl'nil\\"orth . - 0- -o-\1 iss Virginia \\' ooclland. 33ri Ll·irL· ... tcr mad, arrives in Kenih,·urth :\1 arch 23, to spend spring vacation " ·ith her parents. Mr. and ~1rs. LeRcy v,·.<lOdlancl. -0- Frank Young, 333 Cum nor road, Kenilworth entertained at luncheon and bridge on Thursday for a few friends. ~r rs. T -o"\frs. E. M. Hunt anti her daughter, Dorothy. of 142 Abingdon road, Kenil\\"orth, left Sunday for New York. Tlwy \\'ill visit Mrs. Hunt's . parents -0- \1 rs. ]. H. Farley, Jr.. 300 Ahhottsford road. Kenil\\'orth was called to Pennsylvania on account of the death of a re lative . She left la st Saturday. -0- home-like furnishings, quiet and exceptional comfort of this hotel appeal to people who want better than the ordinary accommodations in the best environment. Inspect our beautifully furnished one or t·w o room kitchenettes at any time. HE DRESSES DRY GOODS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR NOTIONS SHOES HARDWARE PAINTS TOYS GARDEN TOOLS We could go on and give you a lot of prices. But they would mean nothing until you see the articles. So be here for these further reductions this week. Sale continuing all next week. 531 Essex road, Kenih,·orth spent a few clays last week visiting in Manitowoc, Wis. S lT .1\l M E It T 0 lT R 0 F E l J R U ¥ .t.: Fascinating itinerary, moderate price, limited party, und er leadership of a succt>ssful conductor who knows Europe and understands human nature . .\ROUND THE WORLD TOUR, mainly by land. Not a cruise. Starting October. Led by same conductor. Write for literature. NEVILL}~ S. JIULLITT 1108 Malll!rll' Bldg. Chleago, Itl. ~J rs. ] oseph J oycc. Don't wish you had, but be here. R . H.Scbell&Co. Orrington Avenue, just south of Church Street 8oo-8o2 Elm Street Winnetka, Ill. l!::=============================!l i·············lll

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