Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 37

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March 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE ' 37 intelligence, the goodness, the kindness GIVES LECTURE ON of Mind which is Love. Here is the of progress, our divine destiny-to CHRISTIAN SCIENCE goal discove·r and to demonstrate the spirit· ual selfhood of man. E4litor's Note: Following is an excerpt from a lecture on Christian Science given The home of Mrs. Mary Schaefgen, by Paul Stark Seeley, of Portland, Ore., Saturday evening, March 12, in The First 810 Park avenue, was the scene of the Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette. successful card party given last Sunday SERVICE for all Cars By Paul Stark Seeley (Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.) . . Peter once :tskcu Jesus how many t1mes he should forgive his brother who \\'ronged him. ] esus rep.lied that he should forgive seventy times seven. Does this not mean that the Mind of Christ is that state of mind which is al\\·;t~·s forgi\'in~~. or giving up, the belid that error and wrong are real and rlinging fast to the perfect ideal, \\·herein our hrotl1e·r is the image of Cod? An unforgiving thought clings to err or and so becomes its victim and its agent, bringing only unhappiness to it self. ancl no helpfulness to others. Fnrgiring a \Hong is the same process a s healing a disease. It is realizing that the \\Tong is not of Go.d and no part of the trne man, so is nothing to accept as reality. "ForgiYe us our dl'hb, as \\T forgin our debtors" is nttr pet it ion in the Lord's Praver. How rl·asonahk ancl stricth· scie·;tific it is \\·lwn \\'C' src that in the vcr~' proporti()n tklt \\·e gi,·e up the belief in the rcalit.'· o f \\T :J ng, we find our freedom fr nm all that is r\·il and wrong. In plan· nf regarding- n·il as a qualit~, of ttur broth er J es us taught u. to sec it :1nd to oppo:; e it a s a common enemv. Tn their true meaning- Love a·ncl \1 inti arc the same. Love is the crown o f intelligence. The universe abounds \\·ith the cxpr cs.; ion s of JoYing intelligence. E,·cry useful and · good thing \\'(· hav e is the giit of intelligence, or Lon·. \ \" e sec Love made man if est in good I hought . . in the sunshine, in night's starry g<;:ms, in the ' flowers and n :rclant earth. in the hircls that sing and soar. in the pure affection of little childrl'n. in the prO\·ision hy communitics of li!Jrarie s, civic centers. schools, parks, and pla~·grmmds. in good roads tl1at unite a1Hl hring men together in fricndh- fratcrnitv. Love is found in the rh ;trit\· of me-n like Lincoln and of \Yomrn like Florence Nightingale, in the unselfish dc\·otion of friends, ;n incrc(lsing kindness to tl1c lower creatures . LO\·e is found in the efforts of nat ions to con fer in f.riendlv counsel and let LoYe's impartial {ustice be r,·idcnt to all. Love is found in the growing sense of cooperation between the group we call capital and the group \H' call labor, in fuller cooperation bet n-rrn industry and industry, between nation and nation, and in the gradual weldii1g of the bonds of Christian unity, tl1at in its fuller appearing is to evidence Lo,·e's so,·ereignty over all. Tn all of these and in a multitude of un n am e d wavs Love's infinite and eternal prescnc~ is appearing, transfortll,ing a world, gladdening sorrowing hearts, removing sick burdens, revealing the one great primal power and presence by '\\'hom, and for whom, and in whom \Ye all exist. Let us each day join our hearts and our thoughts more fully in Love's great symphony of being. Let us recognize and fill our place in Love's universal concord of true thinking. Let us give, and give, more a ncl ever more, of our unselfed true self, the self that has always been and always will oe, the self which lives to image forth and make evident the ELMER D. BECKER, Vice-PrP.sfdent LYJIA:N, RIVIIIE & COMPANY evening by Ouilmette court 848, Catholic Daughters of America, for the benefit of St. Vince~n asylum. -o-The Reading circle is meeting with Mrs. Louis Bruch at her home in Ev.anston next Monday afternnon. .W ersted Motor 562 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA ·co. Winnetka · 165 Announcing Beethoven Centennial Week March 2o-26t 1927 (Sponsored by the Columbia Phonograph Company) On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the death of Ludwig van Beethoven, the Columbia Phonograph Company as a special triLute to his genius has recorded by the new . electrical process all the nine symphonies, the Moonlight, Kreutzer, Pathetique and Appassionata Sonatas, the "Archduke" Trio, the Rosoumousky Quartets, three Quartets from Op. 18, Quartet, Op. 95, and the last quart<>t, Op. 135. This is but a partial list of Beethoven Master Works recorded for this Memorial. They are complPte and in permanent art albums. · Headquarters !or Evanston Golfers · LS JOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON High School Store-Church Street University 123 Elevator Service Inaugurating the Season with an Extraordinary Value! Beginners' Sets Made by Spalding Exclusively for Chandler's! During This Week Wqr <nqirlteriug ~tu(lina will have a series of informal Beethoven programs from three to four o'clock every afternoon. You are cordially invited to attend and hear these truly marvelous rt>cordings. Set consists of 3 splendid irons -putter. midi ron and mashie; choice of wood clubs-either a brassie or driver; and a good quality golf bag. The complete set for only $8.95-by far, the North Shore's greatest "golf" value! For Particular Golfers-A Set of I Kro·Fiite Irons Matched Registered Really a most unusual offer for golfers who demand matched clubs. Your set of 8 clubs are perfectly matched and registered by us so when breakage or loss occurs we have a complete record. ~ Gfuic&ring ~fubios Carleton /Caume'ler Competent Insurance Service on all classes of protection. 175 w. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. TELEPHONE: WABASH 2008 $27 Davls Street ... Cvanston Ill Sf"'*"'-0--'-/JZJO Open Tues., Thu.rs. a~Jd Sat. Bvllli"'ls The new line of Spalding No nRust Clubs now on d i s p 1 a y in Sporting G o o d s Section. Goll Balls Kro-Flite, Spalding, Dimple, KroFlite 2nds., Baby Dimple and Silver King are only a few of the many brands we carry. Sporting Goods-Second Floor This is the season for automobile Insurance. Why not talk with me regarding your coverage?

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