Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE March 18, 1927 , DID YOU KNOW- Wnllmm®li:U:® ILnlbiFca\If.Y NEW BOOKS Fiction AustetJ-Eillllla Austen- Sense and Sensibility Bart-Delectable ~[ountains Cahle-Grandissimcs Chamhcrlain-Silver Cord Clifford-In a Corner of Asia Cobb-Ladies and Gentlemen Cohen-Black and Blue Garnett-Go She Must Kaye-Smith-Spell Land Le Sage-Gil Bias clntvre- Shot Tower s ·Marsl;ali-Squire's Daughter Nason-Chevrons Pe.rtwee-Rivers to Cross Thevenin-Barnabe and His \\"ha le Venner-Imperfect Tmposter \\'alpole-Castle of Ortrento Non-Fiction Srars-Song Index \Vhite-Boys Then and 1\o"" Hoover-American Tndi,·iduali sm Dewe,·- Exprriencc and '\"aturc Lre-S torics in St ~nc Xorthcnd- Amer:.ican Gla~:; Clemcnt-Srlints in Ar Atlantic Clas ·ics- Fi··..;t Sni('.. . Tones-\~. 4. Rcprrs<'nta : in· Pia.' " Bull en-C' rui ~<: of tht· Chnrlwht C(lllin..;- Tran·l Chart .. and Trani Ch; 1ts Franck-Ya<ral>nnditll.!' thr!lt t<! !t ( " 1. ; "1 ~' inC!' Crr 111 ;~ 1 ,· K cn t- \Yilder; 1css ('lara narru ..;- 1ohn Bttr:·ntt~ Jt., SC'clg,rick- Cnrte.:; tl1e Cnnqttert-.r \\'~.;Hlh a m -- Sir Arthur Sulli~· an _____ That the first book chosen btJ. the editors of the Literary Guild is " Anthony Comstock" by Heywood Broun and Margaret Leech? .FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Telephones Untversity 1024 Wilmette 3 700 Rogers Park 112 2 Have You Read These New Books? Elmer Gantry Sinclair Lewis Harcourt, Brace. ~ Co. $2.50 · Divots P. G. Wodehouse Doran Decadence Maxim Gorky McBride Song of Life Fannie Hurst Alfred A. Knopf East Side, West Side Felix Riesenberg Harcourt, Brace ~ Co. The Silver Cord George Agnew Chamberlain Putnam $2.00 Angel Esquire Edgar Waftace Small, Maynard ~ Co. $2.00 The · Pope of the Sea Vicente Blasco Ibanez · E. P. Dutton $2.00 Far Above Rubies Heart Stories of Bible Women Agnes Sligh Turnbull Revell $2.00 All at Sea Carolyn Wells Lippincott $2.00 New French Fold Cards are now in! Deckle edge card, folded or flat, in delicate tints of Sistine Blue, Driftwood, Oriental White, Anchor Grey, and Sea Spray. $1.1 o and $1.25· The publishers of Sheila KaYeSmith's work have seen fit to bring out another of her early books, "Spell That Harrr..t A. Franck , author Land." It is a story which as they of books of travel, is · said to be at have truly said in the preface shows this time in the region of the Nile the beginning of her style and her river, along the banks of which he marked talent for character portrayal. has planned to travel afoot? "Spell Land" is a sombre story. It is that of a triangle, one of those most That Philip Guedella and Calcertain to come to destruction for it veth Wells as well as Will Dtlrant dates from childhood. Emily, her cou have been visiting Chicago very re sin Oliver. and her foster-cousin Claud e centh;? play together from the time " ·hen the former two come to live near C laude's family farm, "Spell Land." Emi.ly i. a "good sport," ancl "true blue." Oliver breaks up ~no st oi ~~1cir g~u11~·s wit.h '·O, sa.y, tl~ts 1!1 .rotten. C.laude ts an nnagThe library of the University of Chi - 111at1v~ marttculatc chtlcl, \\'ayward and cago has purcl~ased from Gabriel 'vVells yet wtth a good heart. j' of New York a volume containing Aiter the childhood of the three \\"C fifty-t\YO manuscript pages intcrmingl -~ are ra:·ried :-\\"iftly over to their young ed with proofsheets of one of Balzac's 111at1 and \\"Oman hood. Oliver is workearliest stories, "Le ·Secret des Rug- ing in London, Emily is trying to fit gieri." The proofs, of which there arc into the uncongenial life of a goverseven sets, arc co,·crecl with corrections ness-nurse and Claude is helping l1i s and additions in Balzac's handwriting, brothers on the farm. Then. Emily, showing that it \\·as his habit to do ,,·ith discouragement as her chtcf mo much of his actual \\Titing on proof- tive, marries Oliver, for though she sheets, using the n1anusc.ript mainly as loves Claude she thinks he docs not a point of departure. The chief donor love her in a \\'ay that '\\·oulcl make of the manuscript is Miss Shirley Farr, him ·a good husband. a graduate of the UniYersity of ChiOliver of course turns out to l>L· cago. am·thing but a good hu sband and -New York Times Et{lilv leaves him, and she and Claudl· run awav and try to soh·e the prohRECENT BOOKS FOR HIGH lem whi~h Barely treated so s up e rbly SCHOOL STUDENTS in "Jude." They c.annot soh·t: it and CerlJault - Fight oi t lw Firl'cr n-t · the sto ry ends tragtcally. . . I tal c of couragl' and prr~l'\"l' ~·anrl' 1·V "'Spell Land" has the h~ht. dellc~tl· a Frenchman \\'hn \1"():- ... l'rl tllt· :\ 1tourh '"hirh ~1i ss .Kaye-Smlth s car~ter !antic abne in a sa iling-bfl<tt . st~rics haYe. but It lacks much of . H'r f amh- Smokn. the cmrltnr:-:.c later sureness and cle_ar charactcnza ·· · Splendid picture (li ranrlt. rod1 ·n ;tn t1 ·1 "0 · 11 Tt is an amazmCYlv unmodl'rll t Elmer Gantry · M · · · < 1c;;cr . ])()ok; it might have been \\'ntten fi I ty Ho\\:ardSinclair Lewis ...... $2.50 Go She Must in:-tcacl of fifteen years ago. Ten \Yceb \\ ' ith Chine~(· lh ndit-: David Garnett ...... $2.50 -EsrHBR Gon.TJ. Thrilling \rcll-told talc of an Ameri Forever Free can doctor' s captirity amotig 1J,. .\1111 D()ngla s ~edge \\·irk's imp at ie 11 t.~ (a novel of Abraham Lin-) 0utl;nr .. h· a\\·aited tlnn.' l. "The Olcl Countess coin) Ayscougll,~· ill he published 011 ).farch 31. Thi)i Honore W. Morrow .. $2.50 Autohiograph~· of a Chinc~c l), ,gis \I iss Sedg-e wick's fir st book since Magic Garden Delightful an(l humorou s pictu:-c <·i "The Little French Girl." Gene Stratton-Porter . $2.00 Chinese customs . Children of Divorce Drinkwater- 1·f r. Charlc.~ Owen Johnson ..... $2.00 \V eil written and interesting story Song of Life of the most prominent of the Stuart <:.. Fannie Hurst .... . .. $2.50 r,CC'-Storics in Stone Introduction to the winders of geology. BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, By Maurice Walsh RogersETC. Letters of a Selfmade Diplomat · A wind-swept, cloud-dappled Palmerston Todo.roff-\Vhat's \Vhat in Groceries story of ~he Crampian Hills of Philip Guedalla ..... S 5.00 \Varncr-Surprising the Family Wilhelm Hohenzollern Scotland. The book is freshly Charming essays. conceived and has a passionate feelEmil Ludwig ...... Ss.oo \Voodwa rd-Gcorgc \Vashingt on ing for loch and hills, freedom Byzantine Portraits \Valdo-Saga of a Supercargo and the wilderness. Charles Diehl ..·... $5.00 Interesting tale of the little known The Larin Quarter life in Greenland from the Norsemen frederick A. Stokes Co. $2.00 Past and Present to the present day. Jean Emile Bayard .. $4.50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GmYen-Asia In Borneo Jungles William 0. Krohn ... Ss.oo Rogues and Scoundrels Phit;p Sergeant ..·.·· $4.50 That "The Keen Desire" by Frank B. Elser has been dramatized and will be produced in New York next fall? "RPELL LAND"-Sheila Kaye-Smith . u ! I BOOKS Fiction The Key Above The Door Subscriptions Taken for All Magazines. BALLARD'S RENTAL LIBRARIES Village Theatre Bldg. 1150 Wilmette Avenue I=-==== Lord'·-Fint Floor Juat Imide the Weat Dauia Street Door. Phone Wilmette 2566

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