Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE March 18, 1927 · Popularity with Society During· Lent Benefits Pi-evail tn Kappa Mothers to Give Garden Club Has Dinner to Precede Select Program for Bryn Mawr Benefit Benefit for House Fund Active Week at Lenten Musicale to The Kappa Kappa Gamma mothers Among the dinner parties planned Flower Show Be Given as Benefit are taking charge of the New Evanston before the program of monologs by By JEAN TEN BROECK theater Monday evening as a benefit Wilmette may well be proud of the for the hous.e fund at Northwestern distinguished musicians who h a v e chosen it as their habitat. Seldom it university. Since their opening in the is that an audience here has the oppor- fall the Minturn Players have become tunity proffered to hear on one pro- a popular institution with Evanston g.ram, two artists of . its own of such and north shore people, and their pretalent as that of Milan Lusk and Ethel sentation of "T~e First Year" on MonFlentye, who, with Alvene Resseguie, will give a Le,nten musicale for the day is expected to be as well received benefit of the building fund of the as their previous work. The proceeds are to be used in furWoman's club· of Wilmette Tuesday evening, March 22, at the Woman's nishing the sorority house, which is now under construction at the corner of club. Milan Lusk, violinist, who has a host Orrington avenue and University place. of admirers along the north shore, is This benefit is one of a number that making this his first appearance in have been given for the Kappa fund, Wilmette since his return from a Eu- among the many sorority house fund f the ropean tour. Mrs. Resseguie, one of affairs given since the dream o· .Chicago's leading contraltos, will sing, new \voman's campus has approached accompanied at the piano by Ethel reality. The evening will be of added interFlentye, .r ecently awarded a state prize est to the sorority, as Nancy Harris, for her Jnusicianship. The artists have chosen to give the a member of the Minturn Players, is a Kappa and a former actor in camfollowing program : pus dramatics. Miss Harris was re1 Three transcriptions of classical man- cently married to ]. Robert Pershall of uscripts Evanston. (a) Adagio (1750) . . . . . . . .... Bach Tickets and reservations are being arranged by Kreisler handled at the box office of the theater (b) On Wings of Song (1830) . .. .. . in Evanston, and anyone who is inter. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendel ss ohn ested in furthe.r details can reach Mrs. (c) The Cuckoo (1790) ...... Daquin Charles R. Bixby at Wilmette 2577. ar.ranged by Manen Milan Lusk II (a) Allerseelen ............ Strauss (b) \Vidmung . . Schumann (c) Maus-Struchlein ... .. . ... Wolff (d) Vision . . . . . Kreims 2 Alvene Resseguie III (a) Slavonic Dance in E minor . . . . The wedding of Miss Gretchen ....... .. ~ ........ Dvorak-Kreisler Stratton of Chicago, daughter of Mr. (b) Romance (albumblatt) . .... ... ... and Mrs. Norwood Stratton of 7410 .......... .. .... Wagner- Wilhelmj Drexel boulevard, and J. Keith Davis (c) Allegro molto vivace . . . . . . . . . . . . of Wilmette, will take place Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn afternoon, April 2. Miss 'Stratton and Milan Lusk 1· f r. Davis met at the University of IV (a) Patillon . . ... ... .... Fourdrain Illinois where the former was a mem(b) The Cry of the First Bi.rd . . . . . ber of the Pi Beta Phi sorority, and ... · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guion the latter a member of the Phi Kappa (c) Me \Vtld Crab Apple 'free- . . . . Sigma. Mr. Davis, who is the son of ..... · Frances Copthorne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Davis of 727 (d) Your Eye!' . . . . . . Schneider Ashland avenue, is well kno·wn on the Alvene Resseguie north shore. He has lived in Wilmette V (a) Chanson d'Amour (love Song) . . twenty years. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·.· · · · · · · · · · · J..Suk Among the many attractive affairs (h) The Old Refram · ·: · · · · Kretsler being given for the bride-elect a.re (c! The Blue-eyed Matden (Bohen~- luncheon showers with 1\frs. George Ian Folk So~g) · · · · · · · · · · · · Sevctk M. Spangler of Glencoe, Miss Mary . 1ftlan Lus~ \Vorthington of Glencoe and Miss T1~kets for the. mustcale .may be Alice Shipman of KenihYorth the hosobtamed at the vVtlmette MUSIC shop. t\esses. . Miss Cornelia Otis Skinner at Skokie school, Winnetka, Tuesday evening, March 22, at 8:15 o'clock, are those to be given by Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Miller, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James F. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Scribner, all oi Winnetka. The Bryn Mawr scholarship fund is to be the beneficiary of this delightful entertainment which will draw a large north shore attendance. ·T ickets may be secured ftom Mrs. John R. Reillv. Winnetka 986, or from Mrs. Skinner's Book store, 724 Elm street, Winnetka. By F. B. M. Woman's Catholic Club to Celebrate Birthday The Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will celebrate its fourteenth birthday at its next meeting on Friday afternoon, March 25, at 2 o'clock, at the Woman's club of Wilmette. The program for the afternoon includes a talk, "A Mediterranean Cruise,' by Mrs. Mary Ridpath Mann, daughter of the historian, Ridpath, who has been a lecturer for the Chicago historical society for ten years. The illustrations for the talk were t~ken by George _ H. Connor, of the Travel bureau. Decorations for the afternoon will be carried out in the club colors, yellow and white. There will be a birthday cake with fourteen candles to celebrate the occa:;ion. ·Keith Davis Will Wed Chicago Giri Saturday, Aprt"l College Alumnae to View Foreign Travel Pictures The north shore alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college will hold a luncheon meeting Saturday, "March 19; at 12 o'clock, in the Gold room of the Orrington hotel. Mrs. Alfred R. Bates, president of the North Shore Alumnae association, announces a most attractive p.rogram. The Travel bureau of the City National Bank of E\·anston will present its de"A Trip lightful moving picture, Through Europe," which tells the story of last sum mer's student trip as conducted hy this tra\·el bureau. Work to Talk on Bridge Ex-Service Committee Talks of Hospital Plans Plans for curtaining the recreation hall at the U. S. Veterans' hospital, North Chicago, number 105, by the Woman's clubs of the tenth district were di cussed at the meeting of the committee on co-operation with ~x service men, which was held at the home of ~{r !'. Willis Hutson, 1112 Elmwood avenue, on Monday afternoon. The Wman's club of Wilmette will make a donation to the fund. Every day except Saturday at the hospital the boys are entertained, ,and apples and candy mean a party. So homemade candy for forty boys a day is needed, and the appeal has gone out for the candy to be contributed. Anyone who would like to send candy to the bovs can either call Mrs. Hutson or s~nd it direct to the hospital in care of Mrs. Finnegan. The birthday pa.rty for March 24 at the Great Lakes hospital has been definitely postponed until April because £.f the quarantine for catarrhal feve.r. The wedding will be informal. The service will be read at the Engleside Methodist Epi scopal church and a reception for .relatives will follow at the \Vindermere East hotel. Mrs. Craig Ruby will be matron of honor and Delwyn \Vorthington of Glencoe will act as best man. The young couple will be at home to their friends after May 1, 61 at Forest avenue, Riverside, Ill. Panhellenic Luncheon The Panhellenic assoctatwn will hold its annual luncheon in Chicago Saturdav at the Illinois \Vomen's Athletic cluh at 12 :45 .o'clock. Miss Daisy B~lmore of · "The Vagabond King" company is to be the speaker, and Miss Belle Forbes Cutter is the soloist. The delegates from each sorority are handling the reservations for the luncheon. tfrs. Ralph E. Heilman cf Evanston is president of the associa-· tion, Mrs. H. E. Robinson of Chicago, vice president, Mrs. Thomas Gonser oi Evanston, secretary, and Mrs. Eleanor W. :Moffman o£ Chicago, treasurer. The afternoon card committee of the Ouilmette Country club, through the court~sy of the Chicago EveningAmerican , is offering to women along the north shore interested in bridge, a lecture by Milton C. Work, Mon- Wilmette Girls Chosen to day afternoon, April 4. Mr . Work. the well known authority on bridge, will Assist at Voters' Bridge give his talk at the Ouilmette CounPlans are nearing completion for a try club, 911 Michigan avenue, V\Til- charming social affair of the early mette. springtime, the benefit bridge next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes. 714 Ashland Club Plans Bridge Tea avenue, given by the Wilmette League The Southern Woman's club of Chi- of Women Voters for the purpose of cago is giving a bridge tea at the raising the yearly quota for the league. Georgian hotel. Evanston, Tuesday, Assisting at the tea tables will be March 22, at 1 :30 oclock. · Tickets may a group of Wilmette girls, Frances he obtained from Mrs. William Ekhols Cutler, Louise McCoy, Helen Evans. of the Orrington hotel, University 8700, Mary Louise and Frances Scheidenor from Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of helm, Dorothy Anderson, Winifred AdWinnetka, Winnetka 803. kins, Pauline Wolf, Margaret \Nilson and Margaret Youngberg. The "·eek of the great flower show. March 7 to 12, at the Hotel Sherman, was an active one for the Wilmette Garden club. Great credit is due Mrs. B. L. Davis, the club's rep.resentative on the garden clubs committee, for its successful participation in the show. The president of the club, Mrs. Walter Gore Mitch ell, Mrs. B. L. Davi s, and Mrs. C. D. Ewer, acting as a committee, were present each day of the exposition. Wednesday, Wilmette day, reservations for seventy-five members and guests were made with Mr s. Mitchell for the luncheon in the Gray room of the hotel. The number was limit~d because of the size of the room . At the close of the luncheon, the president, in behalf of the club, presented a bouquet of pink roses to Mrs. Ewer, as an expression of appreciation from the club for the beautiful tables she had set, which had won two honorable mentions for Wilmette. On Friday morning, Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut, program chairman of the club, acted the part of fairy gn(lmother to the crippled children of the Spauld ing schooL Sbe arranged with Mr. Servas, the manager of the exposition. to have the children invited to the show and taken through hy tl1e \Vil mette Garden club. Several bu ses brought them to the hotel. The mem bers had a delightful, memorable morning escorting the happy and grateful children through tbe wond er s of the flower show. Only one thing was need eel to make the party an unqualifi <:d success, and that was not lacking. For suddenly, in the lane by the shadow boxes. Mrs. E'nr appeared, '"ith her arms filled with flowers which she had gathered here and there from generous exhibitors. and in a few momenb every child had a bouquet of his own to carrv home. Stories told by the teacher s who accompanied the children shmverl hm\· clearly any flower, even an artificial one, was treasured by these children. manv of whom \\·ore brace s and wer~..· wheeled about in chairs. On Saturdav member !; of the club were in charge, under ~1 rs. Ewer. tlw club's representative in the Chicago Fruit, Flower. and Plant guild, of the room at the show devot ed entirek to the activities of that organization .. The guild will have its r ece iving hooth again thi s year in the North \Ve stern dep ot. Will Be Tea Hostess A. ]. Balaban will entertain the hoste ssc for the Chicago Junior schoo l annual benefit at a musicale and tea \,Vedncsclay at ber home in Glencoe. The dance and card partv will be given at the Drake hotel nex-t Friday evening. Mr ~. Auxiliary to Meet The Junior auxiliary of the Infant \Nelfare so<;iety will meet with Mrs. R. C. Taft, 900 Central avenue. Wilmette, on Monday, March 21 at 2 · o'clock. Mrs. R. W. Armstrong and Mrs. Charles N. Evans will be assisting hostesses. · ·

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