March 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE BUYS IN WILMETTE W. G. Stacey and company, realtors, have sold through their Wilmette office the vacant lot on Ashland avenue near Thirteenth street, Wilmette, to Wil Mr. liam' C. Hayes of \¥innetka. Hayes will shortly improve this property with an attractive English home, which he expects to occupy late in the summer. ~1rs. A. A. Howard of 1514 Lake avenue has returned from Rochest<::-, Minn .. where she underwent an operation . ~1r s. H oward was gone for six weeks. 17 COEDS IN STYLE SHOW To Illustrate Talk on Costume Design by Profeasor of Art at Northwestern Wed1-'~sday, March 30 Don't Put Off Cement Repairs If your Sidewalk or Porch needs attention, don't let waiting make it worse. We do all repair work on propertyincluding Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. · We give each job our personal attention. A fa shion show, to be staged in An11 ie 1fay Swift hall. with students wearing clothes illustrating a talk on rostume design to be given by Miss Anna H. Hong, the Ida C. Cook profr~sor ot art at X orthwestern university, is. planned for \Vedne sclay after110on, 1 vfarrh 30, at 3. The public is im·itrd. The show will be by the art departmellt and Beaux Art club of the university. Pro f. J oseph Pijoan, who is giving a sho rt srri cs of art 1ec ture s at tl1e /\rt institute, Chicag-o, lectured yesterda y afternoon at Harri s hall, under auspices of the Universitv art departllH:nt. His subj ec t wa s "Spanish Art." Prof. Pijoan was formerly of the Superi or . School of Architecture in Barce lona, the Spanish sc hool in Rome, and commcndator of the 1(0\·a l Order of the Crown of Italy. - MONEY TO LOAM First Mortgage 6% Jtettnanclng and New .Hulla.lngs W. L. PECK CO. 39 So. La Salle St. Central 062a Shortridge & Saxton 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735 North Western Carries .Huge Shipment of Candy A special twelve-car train carrying 2.618.400 "Bah~, Ruth" candv bars, \\'Ci g-h ing OYer 400.000 pounds, one of the largest single consignments of confection cr~· e,·er shipped left Chicago for California and the North Pacific coac;. t rn-cr the Chicago & North \Vestc·rn-Pninn Pacific-Sotlthrrn Pacific q il\,·ays, Frida~·. March 11. Tf placed encl to end, the confectioner_,, woulcl make a g-iant "Bahv Ruth" rand~· har over loS mile s lon-g. The presrnt shipment. an innovation in the ranch· hu sinnc s in the United States. is tlH· fifth trainload moYement of candy har!' manufactured hv the Curtiss C'and~· company of Cl~icago that · has hcrn made in the la st several weeks, twn already h;n·in g been moved to Pacific roast points. one to New York ('it,. and one to Southern points . These fi\·r solid trainloads <1re the fi r ~t of thirt~·-two trainload shipments th ;t t arc being moved lH" this firm to <111 parts of the t.·nitrcl- States within ;t period of sixty cla.n, comprising the largec;.t mm·r mrnt of confectionery in history. Leads the World in Motor Cor Value e· lllh'. Claude E. Fitrh. 1033 Elm\\·ood ay<;:-trriYrd in \Vilmrttc :\[ondav' evening after an abs ence of ne:-trly. eight tttont hs abroad. is never tiring -when you drive a Nash A cheerful willingness to answer your hand on the wheel is one of the very first things you notice, when you drive a Nash. In many ways, Nash has provided for the ease a·n d comfort of the arms that steer the car. ID. getting into or out of a tight place at the curb you will particularly notice the slight effort needed. When you turn a comer, you'll welcome the shorter wind .. up of the ._ steering wheel. In an emergency, this short tum of the wheel means quick responsiveness-and an accident averted. Nash steering is euler-faster-less tiring on the arms and wrists-infinitely safer in dense tra1lic. Nothing has been ~ed to build a more delightful car to drive. This steering mechanism is, beyond queation, the most expensive type built today for cars in the Nash price ~eld. ·Like the steering, everv detail in the car reflects the Nash determination to lead the world in motor car value. Another instance of the outstanding excellence in Nash design is the ?·bearing motor-without a doubc the·smoothut type in all the world. eertn Backache Invalids your backache too li~htJy-lt mny hllllcate a condition fn r more serious than you suspect. Vt'r.r ottt'n back· ache cnn be tracen to fllsordered or o,·cr·wort.ed kId· neys - n. condition which wm grow worse unless It Is remedletl. G n a r d ngafnst ft life of misery by restorIng normal health to your kl!lncys with the aid or :;\fountnln Valley :;\llnernl at e r from Uot SI>rlngs, Arkansas.. Pllyst. dans preserlbe It as nn a.ld In the tr<'atnu·nt anfl 1,re· ' 'c ntlon of kidney 1llsorders. I>J10nc for a case today. -We DeliverHon't regtlrfl 'V Mountain Valley Water Co. 2609 Broadway Greenleaf 4777 Evanston, Ill. Chicago Office 739 W. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 5460 Suburban Nash Sales 728 Elm Street WINNETKA Phone · W innetka 2707 "--5---------------------.------~------~--------~t----------------~()