12 WILMETTE LIFE March 18, 1927 Thursday, March 24. Mrs. King Mrs. Borgfeldt will be hostesses. ~hurch Wilmette Baptist and Specials .for. Friday and Saturday COFFEE Chase & Sanborn's Santos brand, lb. "Blessed Are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the Sons of God," will be the sermon theme at the morning service Sunday at 11 o'clock. It is the seventh in a series of studies in the Simplicities of Jesus, based on the Beatitudes. The choir under the direction of Mme. Gllderoy Scott will sing "Praise the Lord," by Wooler. For the offertory Mme. Scott will sing "Teach Me to Forget," by Stephens. William H. Barnes will preside at the organ. Tomorrow night the . choir of the will banquet togt"ther at Ye Olde Haylofte in Evanston, ~.fter w~ich the regular weekly rehearsal will be held at the home of the orgapist, WilHam H. Barnes. 31e ORANGES Florida's Sweet and Juicy, 2 doz. 49e SA· VOY BRAND Peas and Golden Bantam Corn, 6 cans $1.35 LETTUCE Large Heads, 3 for The Wilmette Baptist ehu. ch is locatf'd at the corner of Wilmette and ForeRt avenues. The pastor, Rev. Francis Carr Stifter may be seen at his study in the church during the mornings of the week except Monday, and at ol-!ter times hy The completely graded Sunday school appointment. The church otfic~ is open daily from 9 to 12 and 1 to ~~. closing will convene at 9 :30. Saturday at 12. Church telephon·~ . \Vii. The pastor will meet with <'hildren of 2235. junior age at 3 :30 in Children's hall. Parents and others are welcome to come with them. Greenleaf avenue and 7th street The High school B. Y. P. U. will meet Sunday, March 20 in Ghildren's haH at fi :30. Leslit> HuntMorning worship at 11 o'clock. Rt' \'. ley's group lt>ads. The theme is "ReliR. Heim will preach the sermon. g ion in Life." Bible school at 9 :4G, Jose ph Johnson superintendent. A. D. Gash will teach This chur<'h <'oopt>ratl"s with the Sun- the bible class. New scholars and visiday E\'ening dub which presents this tors al:ways welcom e. week at the Congregational church Dr. Charles Stelzle, former pastor of the LaADDRESS NEIGHBORS bor Temple, New York, who will take for ~is subject "Religion of the N<'W The ,regular rneeting of The NeighDemocracy." English Lutheran ~ ! I .bors was held Tuesday, March 15 1'he Camp Fir£> Girls will hold th<'ir The speaker of the afternoon was Dr. regular meeting in the church at 3 :30 F.r ank Bohn. traveler and lecturer as P.M. well as feature ·w riter for the New The second of the series of ~PN·ial Prt.'Easter mid-we<'k meE>tings will be h e ld on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in Children's hall. :\Irs. C. H. Jones will be in charge. There will be a J)eriod of song under E>xpert leadership and an hour of conferf'nce and feBowship. T·~l c publi<' is invited. 'Phe Boy S<'outs will tn<'<'t on Thursday f'\'t>ning at 7 :30. 'rhe \Voman's society of th e church will tt>nder tlw young p eopl e , on Friday night, a banquet at the rhurch. The progranJ following- will include ·th<' performance of "The District SchooL" Link "F" of t·~1 C 'Voman's soC'iety will mct>t this noon at 1 o'clock for luncheon, with 1\lrs. R E. Smith, 1214 Forest avenm·. Link "R" will m ee t at tht> home of Mrs. King, 734 Reba place, Evanston, 25e FRESH STRAWBERRIES DAILY York Herald. He gave a most elucidating talk on Mexico, its conditions economically, politically and religious ly. ~f iss Laura Purf!in is coming home todav from the University of Chicago. The -first few clays of her sp ring vac.ltion she will spend in \Vilmettc. ).fi:'s Durgin will pass the remainder of her holidays as the guest of ).f iss Gwen do- . lyn Randall of O shkosh, \Vis. Papantony & Sons 1135 Central Avenue Phones: Wilmette 154-1361 -oand Mrs. Ed Spancoc, 1015 ~fain street, left Sunday for a trip ~o Ke\,. York, and will return about April 1 after repairs on their house ha,·r: . been completed. 1f r. FIVE - Free Deliverie~ Daily - FIVE MOTORS SERVICE Incorporated Special for Saturday CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE EVER.VTHING AUTOMOBILE ...' .Jil,eelle - After the rough driv.ing of winter, the car needs a good tighten.·I .. NEVER. CLOSED ing up all over, and of course lubrication. No doubt ·a bout it. a wonderful devil' s food cake made from the best butter, eggs, sugar, flour and other ingredients; filled and iced with a delicious rich chocolate-butter cream frosting. + Phone and haoe us saoe one of these popular cake ., for you. f THE WILSON BAKERY 0 The Home of Everything Good Tba(s Baked,, 116 2 Wilmette Ave. J.C.S(own Phone Wit. 414 A.B.VanDeUMA;