to N. U. TO GIVE PLAY The Campus Players of Northwestern university will present "Kempy" by E. C. and Elliot Nugent on Wednesday, Friday, an.d Wednesday evening's, March 23, 25, and 30, at 8 o'clock, in Annie May Swift hall on the Evanston campus. The Nuge"ts are the authors of the "Poor Nut." WILMETTE LIFE OPENS RADIO SHOP William Steinhoff, or "Radio 'B ill," Wilmette and Park ave nues, Wilmette as he is familiarly broadcast by his Herman W. :Meyer, M.A. pastor many friends, has opened an electric 40 6 Prairie Avenue · Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111. shop, on Ridge avenue, Wilmette, to SERVICES be known as the Ridge Electric and A. M. Sunday school and Bible Radio shop. Mr. Steinhoff has been !l :30 classes employed at the F. W. Norton gas fill- !l :45 A. 1\I. First service and sermon ing station at Lake .and Ridge avenues. 11 :00 A. M. Second service and sermon Subject: "The Fruitful Life." John 15, 5. LEXTE~ SEltVICE \Yedn sday evening, March 23, at 7:45 o'clock Subject: "Christ and the Skeptic" JUEETINGS Children's l\1onday and Friday at 4: classes Evcnlng ~ronday and Friday at 7 :15: elasses March 18, 1927 a bakery sale at Van Deusen's store. The proceeds will go into the organ fund. Plans are now being made by the .American Seating company for the new o~1ance l furniture, altar, pulpit, lectE'rn, baptismal font, chancel cha irs, and. altar rail to be installed at the church m the near future. Until now the church has had to content itself with provh;ional furniture. 'l'he new furniture will add considerably to the beauty of the churc·~. St. John's Lutheran CJ{eal 'Transportation SerYice -FARES: · $1.50 for the Six.. Day Week's Transportation to and from Chicago Only 12% cents a ride from Evanston and Wilmette to any part of Chicago * · · · * -. outwa.rct uerormntlon \'S, Jtt>gt>nt'rution of the Heart Man cannot be made good, much kss righteous and just in the sight of God, by laws enacted by the state. The state can only attempt to k eep order outwardly by iaws and penalties of fines and imprisonment. Laws cannot change the h~:>art of sinful man. Man is made righteous and just b<>'f O 1'IIE VISITOR ..\:VD fore God through t·he re-creation or reTHE UNCHUU.(:HED gPne'r ation of the heart, which is brought -while the invitation to attend services about by the Holy Ghost through the at t~1is church always goPs out to every- preaching of the Gospel of .Jesus Christ . one ·without distinction, the Lenten sea- ' son only makes this "urging of people to Thf' l:clu,·utlonul ]Jro~rnm nt the come in" all the more in sist<>nt and eml . uthuan Church · phatic. \\'e have a clt>ar cut and vital Tlw :\fissouri Synod of the Lutht)ran message for you. There are always a Chur('h b<>liP\'PS in an eflucat<·d ministry . numb('r of Yisiton; at our church. We Tht·rt·fon· Concordia. S<'minary, St. Louis, welconw you. · insist~ that t·af'h candidate entering the Tlw confirmation of this yl'ar's class ministry takt· a C'las~:;ical cour~e at high of catt>ch umens, numbering seventeen, SC'hool, a · junior C'olh gf' eounw anti a will takt· place in the month of l\Iay, t·~1r<'t' -Yt·ar theological course. _ and at the <'lose of the classes for t,he Every student entering ConcordiR Christian t><lucation of childn:n, held St' minarr-thP theological school-mu~t <>very ~[onda.y and Friday at the chureh. han· a working- knowlPdg<> of at h·a:-;t 'l'he rt-gular public f·xamina.tion of cate- two nwtkrn lang-uag-es and a reading chunwns wilJ. be g·in' n tlw Sunday prior knov,·Jpdg-p ot' Latin, <:re <'k and Ht~bn·w. to tht>ir confirmation. Tlw :..\Iissouri Synod has - ten preparatorY schools at whkh young nH-n tlt ·The noonday lt-nten spr\"i<'<· ~ to be held sirin'g to prepare for the ministry receive undPr the' ausnices of the Lut·heran t hPi!· pn·paratory schooling, fret· of l-iynoclieal Con ft-r(~ nce will begin on Mon- <"harg-(' , tlw Synofl naying- for th<' tuition day, ..\[arch 2R, and will be held every and the upkeep of t·~le institutions. At day, t·XC'l' Pting· ;;aturday, from 12 :05 to these schools an · enrolled at present 12 ::);; at tht" ..-\delphi theater, D arborn 2:i04 .students, who ha\·e as their goal .street, a few doors north of Madison. tlw ministry in the Luth<>ran Ch urch . You arc inYited: Valparaiso Vniversity, Valparaiso, Ind ., since September, 1925, is under the conou Satu rda.y next, :\{arch 1!l, the trol and supervision of an educational Wonwn·~ soc iety of St. John's is giving society of the Mission Synod. Baby News When the Stork has visited your friends and you want a little gift for the new baby, come to us, we can · supply you, and at reasonable prices too. SZ Weekly Pass You can ride a hundred times a week on this pass if you wish-any member of your family can use it -you can go to any part of Chicago, Oak Park, Forest Park or Cicero without any extra fare. REAL CONVENIENCE Rapid Transit Line trains operate DIRECTLY INTO AND FROM THE LOOP DISTRICT, CHICAGO. A customer steps almost directly from the train into the building which is his destination. Your troubles from inclement weather are minimizedNo taxicabs or street car fares to pay - No time lost in covering distance before you board your train. Dainty shoes made of silk or kid $1.00 and $1.35 a pair. Wool sweaters or jackets, knitted of pure wool in white, pink or blue, $1.75 and up. Booties, 35c, 50c and 75c. Silk coats, crepe de chine. $5.50 each. Silk or lace bonnets, $I. 3 5 to $2.50 each. Flannel petticoats, 5 Oc to $1.50 each. Beautiful b a t h r o b e s, trimmed in ribbons and rosebuds, $1.25, $1.50 each. Esmond blankets scalloped edge, $1.00 and $1.50 each. Sets of buggy robe and pillow cover made of pink or blue crepe de chine, $3.75 to $5.50 the set. Buggy straps shirred ribbon, $2.00 each. ~ J ' ' 269 TRAINS DAILY 128 trains are operated daily South Bound from Wilmette and Evanston to the Chicago Loop. 141 trains are operated daily North Bound from Chicago to Evanston and Wilmette. Service is maintained at 6-minute intervals in the rush hour periods and every 12 minutes during the balance of the day and evening. Rapid Transit Line trains are at your service THE FULL 24 HOURS OF THE DAY. You need no time table on the Rapid Transit Lines. The service is so frequent. · HOFFMAN BROS. 1716 Wilmette Avenue at Ridge Telephone Wilmette 651