Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1927, p. 9

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March 18, 1921 WILMETTE LIFE· 9 Methodist ·Church If the Methodist churoh followed the practice of theaters, a sign would have been hung out at the beginning of the service last Sunday, "Balcony seats only." The auditorium was filled before ' the service began. Those who came late had to take seats in the chapel room. N early the entire "Four Hundred" were present last Sunday morning, and it is expected t·!1at all here will be here n ext Sunday m orning. · ALMOND RING COFFEE CAKE Made of the same delicious rich dough as we use in our famous Alligator Coffee Cake, and generously fi.lled with REAL ALMONDS. Be sure to get one of these Saturday. Pecan Rolls (Schnecken) This sur specialty of the Dutch Oven is available every day in the ynr. A wonderful butter dough, topped with caramel, honey, and pecans. A luscious . morsel. Bran Muffins Of all the forms in which bran is baked, we believe you'll agree that our special methods win. Try these muffins and find out for yourself bow good they can be. Healthy for the children and some- · thing they like. The "\Voman's Home Missionary soc.iety met at the home of Mrs. T. L. Grisamore last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Harpe r r ev iewe d the fifth chapter of the study book. Dr. Smith gave a talk on "Lenten Leadings." Special music was r e nder ed by MrR. 'W illiams and Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Burroughs a nd l\Ir. Fisher a nd Marion Page a nd Margar t Stafford. The First Division will ente rtain th e third division next Thursday at. 10 o'clock at th e e~mrch. 'l'his is to be a n a U-d ay nH'et in g, and luncheon will be served . The Sf'cond division will hold a n aliday meeting bPginning at 10 o'clock . n ext ·Thursday at t he h o m e of Mrs. Carl \Vidnt<Y. !! 18 T ntl~ s treet. The Fourth divi s ion will mef't at the . h ome of 1\Irs. vVest, 1027 Centra l a venuP, for an all-day m eeting beginning· at 10 (/eJock, r,n Thursday afternoon. Tht· Fifth division m('ets on Thursday at tlw home of )frK R ob(' rt Humtlhrf'ys,. 112 \Voodb ine avPnue, at 10 o' ·lock. This will bf' an . .a ll-day m <'eting. Th e wom(·n arc looking fon\·ard to the Eastt·r . lundwo n to be given the fir st Thursday in April. A progr am of unique intt·l't'st is ht·ing prepared a nd a n f'ffort will b(· mad e· to secure the presence of o ·\·o·y woma n affiliat(·d with tl w <'·~lUrch. TIH · F'.-llow:-ohip H(' r\' icc·H conti nu f' to n wd with popular approva l. The int rPHt as w<·ll as attPndanc~· !'<'l'I11S t o g r ow. of HOT CROSS BUNS EVERY DAY TWO STORES 1129 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 REMEMBER THE 1504 Howard St., Chicago Phone Sheldrake ·9638 C 0 M M U N I T Y C H E S T M A R C H 2 0- Tht· pastor HJlt'aks to th e ::\len's cl ub tlw Brondway :\fPthodist churc h op Fri<lar ni g-ht, and t o th e officers and · lt ·a dwt·s of tlw S unday S('hool of th e Hu1·na Pro· sbytt·r ian ('hu r0~1 m~ xt Tuesday ni ght. · Tht· Frit·n<lly Cin·l(· will ·~10 ld its r egular mont hl y soc ial nt tlw Yo ung P eopl[' H omw on Ttwsday ew·ning-, March 2 . Host,·sst·s: Mrs. Pa lnw r, ::\Irs. Pifl·r , ~1 · Pr. 1·c·tor , and )frs. Yroman . . Tl1t- Hipon co llt·ge Glee club will give a conc:(· rt in this c hurch Friday eve ning, ::\JarC" h z;;. This dub is direct ed by Harold ('haml.wrlain, our form er choir lead(· r . Tick ('ts are b Ping sold by the m e mbt·rs of tlw Youn" \Voman's Missionary sociHy. Buy your ticke ts now ! Ht>st·l'\'t' Sunday afternoon, Marc h 27, for tht' st· rYice t o be give n by our o~o ir. Tll(·y will sing· th e "Elijah ." A number of pro min <· nt soloists have bee n securf' d among th(·m · Ch a rles Lutton and R o lli~ Pt>HS('. Tlw sf'rmon next Sunday morning will <h·a l with one of the many changes which might and often do tak e place in the lin·s of indi\·idual men. Professor James of H a rvard has described t·11is parti c ular expe ri e n r t· in the following words: "The proC('SS, gradual or sudden, by which a !'Wlf hithe rto divided, and consciously wrong, inferior and unhappy becomes unifi t> d and consciously right, supe rior, and happy in eonsequence of Its firm e r hold on religious r ealities." ot·~wr· Announcing the Annual HEINZ Cooking Demonstration For One Week Beginning Monday, March 21st MISS CASSIDY The Well Known Food Expert church ('0-operates with the churches In promoting interest in the Sunday Eve ning club. It like wise unit es in the larger fellowship of Wilm ette to mak~ the Community Chest the successful \'t> nture It de::~ervs to be. 1'ht> young people of the church are enjoying th(· Sunday evening discussion groups. Last Sunday l\<Jrs. Eiselen gave to t~e S Pnior High R<'hool group a very instructive and inspiring explanation of pictures and relirs in the John W esley room at Garrt>tt Biblical Institute. This Sunday e vening they will mf'et in the Young P eople's House . Ben Cox will lead the discussion on "What It Means to be a Christian In our sports." An orchestra will play for them. The Older group enjoyed Dr. Gratz w·ry much last Sunday, and this Sunday they will m eet at t·~le home of Lillie Mae Humphries. 255 Wood court, where Dr. Holmes will lead the discussion on "How Is One's Life \Vork Discovered?" This will prepare ·all known recipes with every one of the "HEINZ 57" products. + I Wilmette Groeery For Better Things to Eat Market 1146 Four CENTRAL AVENUE Six Phones ~; · Mrs. A. P. Handke, mother of Mrs. Herman W. Meyer who spent the win ter at the hom~ of Dr. and M.rs. F . Schultz in Min neapolis, has returned to vVilmette and will make her home with the Rev. and Mrs. Herman W. Meyer of 406 Prairie avenue. ~iifiiriiiiieeiii iiDiiiiiaiiiiiiliiiiiyiiiii . i i iDi i ieli i i vi i iei i ri i iei i siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWiiiiilmiiiiiiiiietiiteiiii4ii2iiO-ii4ii2iil-ii4iiii22ii.ii42ii3ii-4ii2ii4ii4ii2iii5 5'1 ,

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