Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 A. S. VanDeusen Seller of Good Fo~od Central Ave. and 12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meat 514 6. To seek opportunities for Scouts to render civic service. NEW SCOUT COUNCIL 7 To co-operate with other encouraging good reading. MAKES FINE PROGRESS 8. in To keep the public inforn1ed on agencic~ Issue Report on Three-Month 9. To Period Since Inception of North on Shore Organization The ~orth Shore Area Bov Scout council. organized last December, ha s just issued a report on the work of the fir st three month s, \Yhich includes a forward look to the possibilities still untouched. 1-forc troops are needed in most ,)f the communities to take care of the increa sing number of boys '"ho want to become scouts; the report emphasizes. Yet no troop can he organized until som~ institution agTees to sponsor and supenisc it, pro,·idc lea dership and in s ure its perman ency. "A }.'TOttp of boys and a lea1kr is not enough," the report reads. "before a troop can make a perm an e11 t and a rich con t ril nt tidn to the lii e of th e conmtttnit~· . the troop mu st be organizt·d around a group of adults and not merch· around one ,yJH, 1;ta .' · not IH· JH: n 11 a~H'nt." S N T . even ew roops . . Scouting and its aims. secure financial support to carry this work. SPECIAL-Nar.l.i toMa_..l9 New Trier ·Drama Club Will Hear U. of C. Professor The next speaker to talk before the New Trier Dramatic club in the cur.rent ~c~ture . series that that cl~th i:-; sponsonng wtll be Prof. Frank O.T fara of the, University of Chicago. · ~ On fuesday afternoon .. ~~arch 1;1, Prof. O'Hara will sp.cak on "Dr a~natics . i~1 a Universit~' ·" The spea ker ts. espcc~ally. " ·ell cqutppcd to ta 1k \)11 thts sttb.Jec.t masmuch as .he h.as charge of dramattcs at the ttll1\'l'rs tly wht·rt· he teach es . . Be .was n'c<.:ntl(· call~·~l f r~nn .t h c U Ill verstty. ~ f 111 ~not s. ~o ft J1 ~l;ts tmportant po s tttnt~ tl! ll11 cagc:. 1 hat he has succeeded ttl .l11s \H~rk I" 1 \H'll proven by the splc nd1cl pcrlnrtt tances that th e Chicago Uni\'Cr:->ity stu dents present. This talk " ·ill he cspec ialh- int ere -.1· t tl 1 t t ~· 'I' · mig 0 lO S lc sty( cnt s a 1"c' "' llnrr 1 " ·.10 . arc P anntng 0 attetH en .cg · wtthm the next few year .~. Why Don't You Investigate? Many buyers do not know the price they pay for goods. I saw a bill to-day where one ki~d of sugar was billed at a profit of 40o/ 0 · This is ridiculous. Prices like this are often brought to my attention. 74c Ntr::~ ~~~ ~~~~~- ?.~ -~~-~~: .......... 24c A~~~~!:~,~:~~, ~~-~~· ................ 35c EGGS. For soit 36 C APPLES. The 59C ~. GRAPEFRUIT. Cl'l 75 36 .J · ORANGES. 30C s~~~~.. ~~·n·e· ~T~ll.l~,~~~e_c: ~~-·~: ............. Guaranteed fresh. Creening·s. boili.ng. Doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \·er\· Jinest in the 1narket. H) lbs. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . Florida. Black Diatnond Brand. Enorn1otts. size. ·Doz. . . . . . . . . Florida. Ball~ of delicious, S\rcet juice. 150 size, Doz. SOc; 176 size, Doz. 40c; 250 size, Doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COFFEE. Roast Santos. 'l'he price of coticc is dropping gradually. Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C OLIVE 01~. ~~lB.bean1. Pure, s\\·cet. Jn1ported OhYe ()Jl. Quart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1) · PRUNES. Santa Clara. S\\'Cet. Extra fancy Jun1bo 20- 36. Cl' I oo ::\e\\· troops han· hcen fornung at an unusual~\- rapid rate since the formation n( the council. Sen·n new troops han' eit!H·r nrganizt<l or arc no\\· in the final s tage~ (li organization. I . . They include a m·w trnop at th e GJr 11 .. Ben)amtn Pal~y of 623 Ce ntral aH~ coc l"nion church 011 e at St. Flisa·J nue left last Fnday for a two \n·ck-. beth\ Epi:-;cnpal cilll rch. Lake F<.lre <:; t visit i1.1 Pl.liladelphia, Xcw York., and Pre sbyte rian. St. Joseph's rhttrl'h, \\"iJ- Atlanttc Ctty. mette. and the Glcn,·i-cw \f etltodist - - - - - - -- - - church. The report states: , The cxt·cuti,·c hnard oi thv X(1rth Shore council <ll'.;in·s 10 accompli. h What Is the follo"·ing objectiYcs: 1. To stimu!atc the advancem ent of · each scout through Co~1rt . of Hmwr. 2. To p.ro\'ide facilitie s for oittcloor ac ti,·itics, including summer camp. 3. To co-operate ,,.i.t h churches. sc hoob etc., in making the organization oi Ask Your Butcher each troop more cffcctiH·. 4. To provide training and to l'llcourage Scout leader growth. 5. To provide Sea Scouting as a character opp8rtunity for older hays. B. P.. S.? OLI~ES .. Monti~c!lo:. ~pan1sh Queen. Large S0-90 s1ze. ~uc:u t Jdt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · RIPE OLIVES. Colossal. 'l'he finest and largest ripe oli\·e that g-r<)\\'~. \Jt. can .J :i~:.izJ~il~~-. 27~.. 4~~s-~ ................-. : .. 16c ct~;~f~t·~a~~~~~~- ~~~~·............. 9c Plytllotith l{ock. Fancy. Large No. 1 can 44c. l\ o. Y~ can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SARDINES~ I-Iotneric. In1ported. Boneless Large can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richeli~~u. Pacific C·oast. Large can. Doz. $Lt.00, can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASPARAGUS. Monsoon Points. No. 1 square can. Doz. $3.90 can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riche1ieu 1'\ o. 1 Round can. Doz. $2.7 5, can 23c. \Vithout ~ doubt these ~re ~the finest peas ever put 111 a can. Doz. $2.10, can . . . . . . . . . . Procter and · Gamble's \V h i t e Naptha Soap, 100 bar box $4.90; per cake .................... Sc Johnson' s Floor \Vax, No. 1 solid each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c: 60C Cl' I 25 · CIR~Rq~~~~~~~: -~~~~-~-. ................. 17c TUNA FISH. 23 C 30C No. 0 15 oz. 17C· 34C 23 C Butter Sponge Cakes for your Short Cakes For Saturday Only Fresh Rhubarbt Strawberry and Green Apple Pies Prune Filled Coffee Cake HOT CROSS BUNS Twice Daily RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEAS. THE PATTY SHOPPE I 15 3 Wilmette Ave. Phone 575 O'Cedar Oil, 12 oz. hot. ...... SOc P. & W. Ammonia, qt. ........ 33c: P. & W. Bluing, qt ... , ..·.·.. 33c Gold Dust, large No. 4 pkg ... 27c

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