Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 56

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WILMETTE l"ILLAGE OF . W IL.M.E'l"l'E COUNTY, ILLINOIS LIFE March 11, 1927· plause of the audience as a result of the ease and exactness with which the· children executed the difficult mm·e-ments. A formal lesson by seventh ancl eighth grade boys, and led by Mr. Stone was featured by some interested. back 'work in which the boys drillecl to music. The Norwegian Mountain\ march, demonstrated hy fourth ~rade pupil s in Norwegian costumes, "· a~ ·n ext on the J)rogram. The se pupils were from 'Miss· Loftus' room and· mad e a very interesting picture in the man ner in which they handled themselve s. A formal les son and tumbling by girls from the eighth grade led by :Mi ss Reeser, was pronounced a clever piece of work. The girls \\'Orkecl with the rhythm of soldiers and the grace and ca. e of professional . The~· f ollo\Yecl thi s with an unu sual feat of tumbling. The final number, a ·dog dance, "Turkey in the Straw," exhil_>ited by seventh grade g irls, dre ssed IIi' o·unnr sac k material and st raw hab ~· ith · red bandanna handkerchief~. drew a ripple of laughter. The girl-marched in to the mu ~ic of the '·Pri on ers Song" and the olcl familiar lock step and proceeclrd to render the ir interprctation of thr old n~·g~o ck·12 clann·. .\n<l the wa~· they dtd 1t ,,.a, ;1 1 rn·rlil tfl t1H· ole\ plan.tat~on darkie ... Cltn .\ll ~hrookf'. pl<tlllst fnr all tht lltllllhcr s. 1,roYecl him..;e lf to IH' a gcniu, in playing .fnr the many drill.., ;t nrl' dances. TN THF. COUNTY COURT OF COOK sioners were duly appointed by said Court :Cor a special assessment to raise the Iand cost of said improvement ; that commis- PUPILS SHOW SKILL to inv stigate and report the just compt·nsation to be made for private prope rty GE='l'ERAL NUMBER 54,977 to be taken o'r damaged for said improvement and also what real estate will .N otlce be ben fit ed by ::mch . improvement and the amount of such benefits to each ~otice of proceedings- to ascertain the parcel of land benefited thereby and t~at just compensation to be made fo1· private said Commissioners duly made a ~pe91al property to be taken or damaged for asst'ssment to nuse the cost .of said 11~1-. opening and extending· Main Street from provenw nt .nnd duly filed thetr r e port m the North line' of Elmwood A venue to the otfi<:e of the Clerk of said Court un the east line of Fifteenth Stree t, in the the :::1st day of February, A. D. 1927 ; Village of 'Vilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the total estimated cost of said improveand for a SlJ cial assf'ssment to raise the m ent bf'illg Twenty-eight thousand six cost of said improvem e nt. hundred and e leven and 85/100 ($28,61Ul5) 1~ 'rHE COUNTY OURT OF COOK IJollars. COUNTY, ILLINOIS Thereupon a summons issu ed out of GE~ERAL NUl\IBER 54,977 !:iaid Court against the said d efendant:> STATE OF ILLINOIS l 0-s above named and All Whom It May ConCOUNTY 01<' COOK j et·rn returnable at the County_Court Village of Wilme tte vs. James Edwin How;e in the C ity of Chicago, in said Dempsey, 1\lary Josephine DempseY, his County on the 4th day of April, A. D. ~\· ife, Village of Wilme tte, a ::\1unicipal 1!.127, as is by law r equired, which procorporation, George Essentrot, Elizabeth cee ding- is still pending. Essentrot, his wife, Theodore R. 'Vhitt, :-.row, unkss you t he said d~ f ~n dants Lecta Margaret Whitt, his wift\ Henry designated as All ·whom It May Concern J. Koll, Emma Koll, his wife , Standard shall bt' and appear hefor e the said Trust and Savings Dank, an Illinois cor- county Court of 0 ok County, Illinois poration, as trustee, known as Trust No. at th e County Court House in th e City 838, General Outdoor Advertising Co., c·f <'hi<'ago for the said County on or Inc., a corporation, And All '~'hom It lwfon· th e 4th day of April, A. D. 1927, 1\Jay Concern. and ohj<'et to the r eport of the CommisIn the t'!)atter of the petition of the sioner::; a.foresn id , th e same, and th e matVillage of Wilmf'tte for the ase"ertain- tt·r s and things th t·n· in c harg·(·d and ment of the just compensation to be made statt' d will he tak('n as ronfrsscd and a for private prope rty to be tak en or dam- judg·nwnt t·ntt·rt·d in aeC'ordance with the aged for opening· and exten ding :\fain snid report and tlw pray ' r oL said llCtiStre£>t from the North line of Jt:lmwood tion. Avenu e to th(' east lin e of I· iftl'elltl1 Thr following i::> a dt·Reriplion or th e Street in the Yillage of \Vilm t:>ltP, Cook lots, lJiod'"· tra('ts, pil'<'l' or p a ree ls of County, Illinois, and for a special assess- land sought to hC' tal>:L'll or damng-<·d for ment to raise the cost of said imiJI'ove- tlw Jlrot>os('{l impron·nwnt afon'said: mrt~t. I. "' ll or lots seventeen (17) and nineTO ALL WHOl\f IT :\fAY ~ONCJ~R~: tt ·<· n (l!l) anct that part of ' <H.'h of Tl.le sai.d Court by ordl·r duly entered , lot ~ o1w ( 1), two (:!), three (:n, four hanng dl!'C'<'t ed that notice be gi\'en to ( ·ll. fiw (i)), s ix ((i), :o;<·\·('n (I), eig-ht th e said defend::t nts and to All 'Vhom It . nn. ni1w (ll), tt ·n (10>. f'it'n' n (11) l\fay Concl'l'll by publication as bj· Jaw and l'ightt ·t·H ( 1~0 . lying· C'aSt('riy 't>t r equired in \\rlL.i\IETTE LIFE, a seC'ular a lin r ::;i.·ty (ti0) (l' ·t' southWC'Rt of n C \'-.3pa~ e r of general circulation, printed and pnraii C' I with the sout1nn·st lin · and published in th e Village of \Vilm ctt <.· of tht· rig·ht of way of I h e 'hicago Count~· of Cook and Statt· of Illinoi s' aml Xorth \Veslt'l'll H.ailwaY. all in notke is hereby giYen to ALL 'VHOl\1 I1~ hind< one (1) or .8. 'L'. Paul'~ ~ceond MAY COXCERN that the Villag.t· of \\'iladdition to \VilnH'ttP, being· a s ubmette heretofore tiled its petition in th e 1 di\·isioll of the ('fist l:t04 aC I' l'S of tlw County Court of Cook Coun tY. Illinoi s South half of th e fra ctional southpraying for th e a~Ct'ftainlllt'llt the just \'HI't qual'lC'I" " ·c·st Of the railroad of compensation to be made for printte SC'etion twt·nty-t'ight (28), town::>hip rorty-t wo ( 42) Xorth. Range thirteen prop£>rty to be tak e n or damaged for opening and ex te nding l\fain Stn·t·t fl'(·m ( 1:n East or tlw Third Principal th e no1·th line of Elmwood Ave nue to the I ".\l<' ridiau , <>Xef' ptin g- tht· ::;ouLh G.~H t>a~t line of Fiftee nth Su·c·(·t in llw Vit- I 1'11ains: also lag'e of " 7 ihnc tte, Cook County, Illinois,, .~ . Lot fort;v-thrf'e (.t:n nf Kt' nilworth IN DEMONSTRATIONS . I T . . Ph ~Sledca · Atamln~ por plct HID ttdraGc IVe ~ogram at owar ymnaslum W k D e-1 Sen~ral hundred parents and children gathered at the Ho,· r ard school gym~ nasium last Tuesday night for the phy sical training demon~tration exhibitecl hv the children of the Ho\\'ard and Logat~ schools. This entertainment wa s the largest indoor affair of its kind held ii1 \Vilmette for a long period of time and was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the larg-e and attentive crowd. · The aim of the program. which \\'a s under the supervision of Director Daniel M. Davis and hi s associates, ~1 iss Luc,· l<eeser and Duclle\' Stone, wa s to sfww the result of -physical training in the schools as laid clm,·n by t he plwsical training department, as it lta s he~· n conducted since its beginning at th e ~tart of the pre se nt school year. Beginning wi.t h the little ~i nging g·a ml'"~ of the primary gro up, th e differcnt phases of the training through and including· the fir :-t eight grades for h~th boys and g.irls were presented. Dr. ( arl~trop1. an tnten· stcd ~pcctato r f~om th.c American .College oi Pll\~s ical Lducat1011, stated Jt was one ot the mo st co111plete exhibitions oi its kind he h;.HI t'\'t·r \\·itne. sed an<~ rorc.red pract 1rall.v e\·ery phase ot phy~1cal tr;tining taught in elementary scho<d:-. First Graders Entertain The I of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___J Winnetka Opportunity I This charming. substantial homrspun pressed brick residence has 5 large bedrooms and 3 baths-two with tiled walls and showers. There is a sp.acious sun room 1 ox 18 ft.; hot water heat; Flaxlinum and double Cabot's insulation; valleys, · gutters. decks, etc., all copper; butler's pantry; sleeping-porch; all ceilings meral lathed; all walls and ceilings painted; steel construction; 2-car brick garage. If boug~t this month, it will go for $34.ooo, which is $ J.ooo LESS THAN REPRODUC TION COSTS. REINS EN REALTY Exclusive Agents co. program started promptly at U 0 ITS TOURN 7:30 o'clock with a number ]>,· lir:-t I __ _ grade pupils from ).!i ss Slown's . room. Recreation Board Receives Tw~nty"Hickory, Dickory, Dock." "Punchin four Entries for Silver Cup Event tO' ello." and "Thome Rosa" were exhih Begin March 18 ited In· the little tot s, and drew ruund after ~ound of applau::;e from the auThe sin gle s tournament tn qtH· if-._ \lience. This wa~ follo"·ed by another sponsored by the \\' ilmett e Pl<~-'· lirst grade number of pupilis from o-rotmd and Rec reati otlf.boa rd, heg111" ~f rs. Clegg's and ~[is s Ferris' rooms, · F riday, March 18. with twcnty -.f<111r in which the little ones demonstrated entries who will strive for the s1h·C'r ho\\· to play "Ten Little Indians, "I'm cup and individual champion ship (lt Very. V cry Tall." and "Round and Wilmette. Round the Village." The next numThe li st include . all of the htnt· r h<'r \Yas hv second grade children from quoits tossers in the ,·illa~e and oth('r..; ~[is s Dtcker's room. who played "Didwho haYe aspirations of ~etting int o dle, Diddle, Dumpling" and "\\'ooden the cxclnsiYc circle ,o f experts. Trr Shoes." This was followed by an- fact. the championship may go to an~· other second grade number l>y the onc of four leaders. it is . aieL Th ~· pupil's from 1Iiss Nash's wom. These dope see ms to f a\'or L. F. Ball. Fdg;uchildren, dressed in patriotic costumes Polley. L. F. Todd. and James Du sh;tm. o-ave clever exhibitions of "Yankee The latter ha s been playing hut :t Doodle" and "Dixie." ~hort time ],ut ha s bern pronotlnrcct An exhibition by ~{iss :M eyer's room hY one of the leader s as the be st pit· nf tl1e triple posture test wa s giv~n. chcr he has n·er encotm tercd. The re The drill '"as conducte<l by · ~l1 ss arc enough dark hor:-es present. hn"·Hecser after 1lr. D~n-is had explained ·c\'Cr, to spoil the dope en'tirely. Onl' to the audience \\'hat the tes t was and of these is H. 0. Von der 1foff. ,,·her what it \\'tl. S expected to acc omplish. h a" .hc c n pit r h in g only two "" r c k s, ],u t "A Hunting \Ve \Vill Go" and "Dan - ·\Yho has a tendency of making hi :: ish Dance of Greet ing, " a clcYcr t1Uill - quoits stay "p ut ." Another is J. R. ber hy third g-raders from :Miss Harper, whose game has been impro,·Schrrmerlwrn 's and ).f iss \rVitchcr's ing so stcadil.,· of late that ht ma~· rooms performed by pupils dressed in prm·e the s urprisc of the tou rnam en t. costm;1cs of an unu sual Yariety ot colAltogether. this tournament slwul(T ors, was next on the program. This he enntful for the lovers of l>arnYarcf was followed 1)\· an illustration of go lf. either inclonr s or out. games and relay~ by fift.h grade pupils The first round. played ~[arch lX. from Miss Van Horne s room. fhc youngsters played the indian club rc- will hring together the fotlo\\'ingiay, the hopping relay, and a game of pairs: L. F. llal1 vs R. F. Lynch ; , ·am Johnson vs Frank Krcutsch: Benton dodge ball. Stalling vs Tom Thursby: Edgar Pol Flag Drill Thrills lev vs Dr. \V. \\!. Hawkins: vVilliam A patriotic flag drill by pupils from Miss Corco:.-an's room drew the ap- Bianksheim vs A. Schopen; D. Burns vs E. \Vellman; ]. R Harper Y s J. Park Addition to Wilm t:> ttc, in the Schopen; H. D. Van dcr Hoff Ys P. :-;o uth Nt~ t quartf'r of Sl'ction twentyWagner. The following players drew ~·ight ( 2R) 'l'o\vnship forty-two ( 42) :-.l'orth, Range thirtN' n (13), East of a byo for the first round and will play tlw Third Principal 1\fC'ridia.n, all for the first time on March 25: L(m·situatl'd in the Village of Wilmette, ell F . Todd \ 'S Harvey Hopp; Art ( 'ook County and State of Illinois. Dated at the City of Chicago, Cook Hitis vs Bob Blasdell; E. Brammer C'ounty and State of Illinois, this 21st day vs C. C. Bohannon; Bob Steffens , ..., of F'ebmary, A. D. 1927. James Dusham. ROBEH.T 1\1. SWEITZER, Clerk of the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. Mrs. I. F. Loewenbeig, 389 V/oodCHARLES H. JACKSON, lawn avenue, Glencoe, who recently unAttomey for the Village of dcn\·ent an operation at the St. Luke's Wilmette. L22-4t<' hospital, is getting along nicely. - - Q AMENT 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winnetka 254

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