Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 55

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- 7 March 11, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE FOR SALE-VACANT 55 SALE-USED CARS :u FOR SALE-HOUSES ·· I~OR it FOR SALE-:-lUISCELLANEOU~ :s l- ' FINE ENGLISH HOUSE $5,000 Cash DELIGHTFUL COPY NORTH SHORE Home ; full of character and comfort ; gives joy to those who dwell therein. II rms. ; 2 baths; stucco; h. w. ht. ; garage; choice wooded large lot, beautifully landscaped; 5 min. to 'stm. and elec. ; must sell, owner leaving city. 7:>5 Vernon A.ve. Phone Glencoe 984 ~1LTN24-ltc SAY Here ls an opportunity that ·cannot be overlooked by · any person interested in North 'Shore real estate. I am offering a wonderful buy ln my lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park subdivision Deerfield, Illinois one of the North Shore's Choicest locations. Both storm and sanitary sewers are ln and paid for, water in to the curb line, steel re-eRforced concrete streets will be finished by spring, . ground is high and dry, not a low marshy spot near this '>roperty. i- i- ~- I[ 8 I' · l DEST :N. E. SI·~CT£0N IN \VILMETTE. 50 ft. lot,. beaulifuily landscaped. Trees If you are interested in this proposition, ia ft>ct high. Lot worth $10,000. Two 52,000 will tak('! it, one half down and balBedrooms and Library. Library with I 0 French Windows. Artificial Re- a.nce on easy terms. frigerating Plant, :Mangle, A-B Stove Owner employed in Wilmette and must and \Vas·~1ing- l\Iachine optional. Garage. Pri<'t> $14,000. $4,000 Cash. make his home in that village. Address Wilmette Lift: B-186. 32LT:N24-tfp Ow1wr, !1:1:: Elmwood A\'enue. :DLTN24-ltp FOR SALE-50 F'l'. LOT, SOUTH front, 3 blorks to K nilworth Station. $u5 twr front ft. Re asonable terms. PhonP \Vii. 9:13-\Y . 32L24-ltc \\-ILL JT ANT H . . I·~ II ROOl\I ST(TCCO honw. South East Winnetka. Three 34 JU: ,\), ·:s'l'.\ T.: IH'drooms, sh~ (·ping porch; hot water - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - heat, lot 50xl75, garage. FOR SALE OR RENT-7 :~OOM .HSE. ; 3 baths and lavatory. Double garage. Sale price $~0,000. Rent ~ 250. Hil) Winnf'tka Ave. Phone \Vinn. 1800 31LTN24-ltc 8 room housf'; 5 bedroom~ 2 baths and lavatory. Italian Archi: ecture. Sale price $27,500. Rent $225. Jackson Ave., FOR SAL£- 6 H.00::\1 BH.ICK VJO:::\'El'~R Glencoe. 'l'el. Highland Park 2411. hous£>, sun parlor and slPeping porch, 34LTN21-4tp hath, tile noor and wall~. laYatory on fir.s t ftour; hr<'akfast nook : water heat ; 2 car garage; lot 50x1GO . .Just complet(·d. WA:\"l'EJ> _ 1sT .\.:\'D 2ND HOH.TOwner on prt>mises Sunday between gagt· loam.;, on improyed ::\orth Shore ~ :00 and :; :00 p . m. Priee $20,000. 171 j real (~State. Rt·as. rates. Call W!np. 458: ' " ashington A \'1.'. Phone \Vii. ~1 94. 34 L 1 N 24 - 2 tP 311....24-tfc 6 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE-BRAND NEW CONLON Automotive Engineering ironing machine. All electric, never Reasonable Rates been uncrd.ted; family of 5. Cost $160. Ross Skelton Will sell for $85. Winn. 2208. Wil. 3555 410 Prairie Ave. 51LTN24-ltc Good Used Cars Among them HAVE A LOT OF GOOD CLOTHING 1 !125 Ford Coupe, Bal. tires .... $200.00 for sizes 38-42. Also girl's sizes 8-H. 1918 Jordan Coupe ................ 150.00 Very reasonable. Call Winn. 938. 1920 Dodge Sedan (like new) .. 200.00 51L24-ltc Buick Tour. D49, new tires 150.00 1918 Paige. Tour., Good rubber .. 125.00 FOR SALE :\lOTORCYCLE WITH List your cars with me. side car. Good condition. \Vinn. 1723. 46L24-ltc 51LTN24-ltc FOR SALE-OAKLAND SEDAN, Hl23 model, Yery cheap. J<~xce\lent condi- FOR SALfj..-COAT AND SEVERAL tion, newly painted, driven 21,000 dresst!s, size 44 1-2. Call Kenil. 598. miles. :\lust Sf'll. Call 700 Laurel 51LTN24-ltp Ave. or Phone \Yil. 1475. 411LTN24-ltc rtl ··olt SALJ<:-~IIS<.'ELLANEOUS FOR SALE - 2 LARGE STRONGL 1 built modern Wardrobe trunks, $20.00 and $10.00. \Voman's black cloth cvat Ia \'ishly trimm ed with genuine Kit Fox excell('nt condition. $40.00. Phone Winn 433. 51LTN24-1tc FOR SALB BEAL'T£FUL BRASS hH hy nib and mattress, like new, cost $:~5.00, sell for $15.00. Phone Wil. 2376. FOR SALE - DRESSES, EXCELLENT condition, ~mall sizes. Tel. Winn. 2008 51LTN24-ltc ;;2 WTH. 'f() n r Y ~JI~('ELLA~EOUS -------· $3,500 CASI-l E. E. Stults .Realty Co. LITTLE HOL'SE OF INTEREST fill ed with antiques, old rope-leg maple tablt", hickory fireside seat, pole screen, Windsoi·, Hitchcock and barrel c·!1airs. )lany other good pieces of furniture. Tinfoil pictures, old prints and &'teel engravings datE:d. Staffordshire and Chelsea china, gold banded china tea Sl:'t, Lafayette clews platter, silver and glass. Importf'd noYelties. Tel. (.;lencoe 732. 312 South Avenue, Glencoe. 48LTN24-lte FOR SALE - 5 PIECES OF ANTIQU:i~ furniture, nearly a hundred years old. Xewly refinished and upholstered In needle point. Consists of 3 small chairs, 1 rocker and large couch. Call Triangle 9826. 48LT~23-ltp 49 'FOU SJ\LJ:-norsJ:llOJ,I> (WOUS · . WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1222 Central A venue., Wilmette. 52L T::\ 24- tfp ::'\liS(;ELLAYEOUS YOl'X(; ~JOTHER. HOLDING TRAYEL ing position, wishPs board in private ·~10m(, where her two small children will rt>ct-in· lo,·ing· care and intelligent training while she is away. Phone l'niv. 3332-)I Saturday e\·ening or Sun day morning-. 35LT24-l tp Bargatn for young Couple ROOM SUITES OF FURNITURE, each worth $3,000, will take $550 c:omplete or will ~eparate; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite ; 8-piece walnut dining set ; 4-piece walnut bedroom set ; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library t~ble; floor and table lamps;. 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland ave., near Sheridan Rd . Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for deliYery. 49LT~2-t-4tp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~ t FOR SALE-REAl.TIFl7L COLONIAL, i rooms, 2 bath~. ~un room; 2-car ~arag1· ; lwalt·d and attacliL·d; lwautiful Wttocl l' d ravinP with bridgP and child's playhoust>. $28,fi00. T Prms East side. liJ!iS ;\feadow Hd . Phone Clenro(' 202. 31L24-ltc :ls WA~TEn 'fO ltl':~T-IIOl'St:s 7 :\:\'D 8 RM. HO~Jlo}S F'RO~'l $100 TO $1 till . Han· rlit·nts waiting for ~lay 1st poss. Ca II E. E. Stults Realty Co. Huerter Legion Post Has Successful Member Drive P. ]. Huerter Post No. 669 of the American Legion has enjoyed signal surccss 111 its part of the state-wide membership drive of the national 01 ganization. At this time the post· counts seventy-four paid-up members as against sixty-four a year ago. The post is looking forward to sccm111g a membership of 100 this year. John Steffens IS commander of the post. ~ I L'niY. 8080-8081 FOR SALE - 8 ROOl\1 FRA)fE HOUSE, 21l08 \\". Hailroad AYP. 38L24-l tc furnace heat. 4 bedrooms & 1 bath on 2nd floor. 3 blks. from N. W. station. Lot 50x182. large shady trees, 1 car gar-. H.EN1~ age. $12,500 . $2,500 cash. Terms. 340 South Ave., Glen. Tel. Glen. 332-W. "'I·~ CAX REXT YOt·n. HOUSE, \~'E 31LTK23-3tp are long on custonwrs and short on houRes fnr rent. Phonf' us. 'Vilmette 192 or 1 !\ 3. \Vilmette Realty Co. FOR SALE - BEAUTIFUL FIVE RlVi. 38LTN24-ltc corner brick ·bungalow. Tile roof, bath, shower, oil heat, garage to match - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO REXT- 6 TO 8 ROOl\1 HSE. building. All improvements in and v.-TD. on Xo1·th Shore, bf'tween Evanston and paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 reduced Glencot> for )fay 1st. Giv location and from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence price. '\Vilmette Life B-220. An·., Chicago. 31LTN24-tfp 38LT:N' 24 -ltc ----------------F~Hl SALE - SPLE;s"DID WELL BUILT 'VANTED TO RENT-5 OR II ROOM ~ room home and double garage on deunfurnish('d hoUSl'. J)referably with garsirable corner, ti0x185 bargain; terms age, possPssion April or 1\Jay. Phone $16,000. cash, $15,500. .Address WilWinn. 1617. 38LTN24-ltc mettc Life B-221. 31LTX24-ltp Sl<~VJ<;~ ROOM HOUSE, WALKING FOR SALE - SOUTH EAST WINNETdistance to ele,·ated station. Maximum ka, 6 room stucco house, sun room and rent $135. 'Vilnwtte Life B-223. breakfast nook. Bargain. Phone Winn. 38L24-ltc 882. 31LTN24-tfc !19 W'fH. TO JtEXT-FlJitN. HOl:SES FOU SALE-VA<.:A~T W'I'D. TO RENT - FURNISHED HSE., $100. Atn·il 1st. Six months or longt>r. Best reft:!rences. Address Wilmette Life \'AC~I\NT B-215. 39LT:N24-ltp \V!\KTED FOR FOR SALE-2 BEDROOM SL'ITES AT sacrifice, 2 large leather chairs, cost $150 apiece. Sell for $15 each. Table, china cabinet and chairs. Call \Vinn. 2185. 49LT~24-ltc FOR SALE-FURNITVRE, COXWELL chair 7 2 inch da ,·en port table, -.lining room' set, pair twin lamps, floor lamp, wrought iron table lamp, Octagonal table. Tel. \Vinn. 2463. 49LTN24-ltc FOR SALB-O-\K DRESSER; GREBX enameled dresser; oak dining table and bufff't: leat~1er bed davenport; kitchen cabinet. Glencoe 465. 49LT~24-ltc FOR SALE-YICTROLA; GAS STOVE; dresser, table and bed; sanitary couch with mattress; chf'st of drawers: Easy f'lf'ctric washing machinE'; desk. Cheap. \Vii. 33!1~. 49L24-ltc FOR SALE - SDDION'S BOW END bed, hox spring and mattress, dresser and chifferette. Real bargain. Tel. \Vil. 9·17-W. 49L24-ltp F'OR SALE - 3 PIECE LIVl~'-; R00.\f set ; 5 piece reE>d set ; one mahogany and one walnut bedroom set. Large and single bed. Wil. 3579. 49LTN24-ltc Girl Scouts Will Hold an Investiture Tonight The Wilmette Girl Scouts are to hold a banquet and Investiture service this evening at the First Presbyterian dlUrch socia~ rooms. One hundred girls will pa.rticipate in the ceremonies which are to he witnessed by several representatives of the national organization. Parents of the Scouts ha vc been especially invited to attend. SPECL-\LS WA~'fEJ) 'r O UK~T-GAR .Ha: -tO 100 ft·L't, will di\·iclc ...... $ 80.00 per ft. FOR SALE - RELIABLE GAS RANGE, SOx177 ....... . .......... $ 75.00 per ft. low oven. In perfect condition. Small 7lx 179 EAST SIDE 184.00 per ft. WANTED TO RENT-GARAGE, CEment floor, near 9th & Forest. WilO\'cn for top, included, $10.00. Winn. 65x178 EAST SIDE ........ 1\Iake Offer meW: 1406. 40L24-1tc 2420. 49LTN24-ltp l 03x1 05 EAST ~IDE . . . . 13~.00 p r ft. JOOxl!iO LAST STDI·~ . . . . 200.00 per ft. H WTD. 'fO BUY-JIOl 'S}~S 60x1~2 SOl TH \VEST .. UO.OO per ft. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE -ELECTRIC WASHING ~lachine in good condition. $15.00. Tel. 70xl32 SOCTH 'VEST l :10.00 l)t: r ft. RESPONSIBLE CHICAGO BUSINESS ·wtl. 828-,V, li35 Lake Aw., 'Vilmet.te. 1 ::\-4 ot<'n·s Indian Hill Club man wants 6 room home with garage. 49LT~24-1 tp <:rounds .................. $3G,OOO.OO C lose to transportation, undL·r $20,000. Kominal down payment. Balance monthly payments. Must he qui t lo- FOR SALF...-OXE llx15 LI\.IX<, ROO)l 75x200 EAST STDI·~ ...... $12ij.00 per ft. rug-; 5 solid oak kitrhen rhnirR. Phone cation. Avril 15th possf'ssion. OwRer 60xl84 EAST SIDf~ ...... 1:10.00 per ft. Wil. 2372. 4!'1L24-ltc only. 58 E. Washington St. Room 1406. 44LT23-2tc W'fD. '1'0 BUY-HSEHn. GOODS \V~\:NTED BU~GALOW OR Sl\'lALL house from owner. Must be reasonable. WANTED TO BUY- SECOND HAND 546 Lincoln Aw., \Vinnetka furniture and other househol<l goods Wilmette Life B-217. 44L'1'24-ltp Office in North S.!wre Station Highest prices for snme. Cro~t F'tr32LTN24-ltc niture Store, 1004-6 Emer~nn St., Ev· anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 1 ~!l. 50LTX24-tfe \Vl~NEti, l Lydia V. Weber to Be Married Friday March 25 The marriage of Miss Lydia V. Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ]. Weber of 1303 Gregory avenue; to Frc>d H. Bailev of Clara CitY, Minn .. will take place. at the bride's ·home on Frida\· e,·ening, March 25, at 8 o'clock . the Rev. Aubrey Moore of the Covt>nant Methodist Episcopal church officiating. ~fiss \Veber is a sophomore at Minnesota State universitv. Mr. Baiter, who ;s to graduate 1;1 June of thts year, is acti"e in student affairs and is a member of Alpha Psi Delta fqtternity, ~orth Dakota chapter. After the ceremony, they will leave on a brief automobile trip, and return to Minneapolis to resume their studies at the university. They expect to return to Chicago again in June. .GLENCOE \\Tisdon1, 'l'hotnpson & En1ert, Inc. \VANTED TO BPY-SlNGLE BED, BOX spring and mattress, must be in good r"·'·nition. Reasonable. Phon~· 'Vii. nt·Ys ·MY EQUITYTN LOT 100 x 187 IN WILL PAY CASH FOR SMALL LOT IN 3407. 50LTN24-ltp beautiful GLENCOE GARDENS, overNorth East Evanston. Must he close to elevated. 'Vilmette Life B-222. looking Skokie, Forest Preserve and 45LTN24-ltc r. 1 FOR SALE-JliSCELLA.Nl:OllS Golf links. ~---------------------------------FOR SALE-USED CARS FOR SALE-ME:MBgRSHlP TO PRI-i years to pay balance of $3535. vate Golf Club located on Dundee Road The R;:d ,v's Friencllv met>ting was nE-ar Wh£>eling. Dues sixty dollars ($60) held on Thursday, March 10, at the Quick action will be necessary to take t924 STUDEBAKER SPEC. TOURING, per year. Details will be furnished advantage of this opportunity to make excellent cond. Easy terms. $375.00. without obligation. Wilmette Life home of ~[ rs. Walter Scott. 1200 Ridge a handsome proftt. Wilmette Life BWersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave., B-218. 51LTN24-ltp avenue 226. 32LT24-ltc Winn. 46LTN24-tfc WA~'fEU 'fO HrY-VA(',\N1'

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