Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 54

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WILMETTE LIFE \18 SIT. WTD.-MALE & FEMALE March 11, 1927 !7 FOR RENT-STORES .t OF .FlUES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Geneta l N 0 t tCe -Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanst<m to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS· . . 15 cents R at eS- papers. 25 cents a line in any two all three p" a pers. MINIMUM to the line. No blaclt face type AT LAS'l'! FOR RENT-vVINNETKA . STORES-NEW BUILDING CHICAGO HAS A NE·w EMPLOYl\IEN'l' office under good German management EACH SHOP ABOUT 14 FT. 6 INCHES by 70 feet, splendid live location, im for steady household help. mediate possession, suitable for deli Elite Employment Service catessen, florist, market, grocery, vari 820 Tower Court, Chicago ety store, dry goods or hardware es Suite 61!.1 Tel. Superior 7481-2 tablishment. 18LTN2~-3tp COUPL~ a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in CHARGE 60 cents. Average of five words used. 10% discount on all cask with order our omce at 1!!! Central A. ve., Wilmette, advertisements wllen brought to or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· WANTS POSITION AS lVIAID and chauffe ur. Call Highland Park 1584. John McKissack. 18LTN24-ltc .F Oit UKN1'-ROO~IS Branch 541 Lincoln Ave. Deadline fot I nsertions-Classi fted cepted up advertisements will be . acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers ; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. .F'OR H.E~T - FURNISHED ROOM, private home, closL · to village. l'hon e Wil. 7!16-W. 21L:!4-tfc ~· Winnetka 27L'fN23-3te LOANS 1st and 2nd Mortgages Charles H. Brethold INSURANCE Auto License Blanks 545 Main St.. Wilmette Tel 65 6L24-tfc THE NEXT TIME THAT YOU REQUlHE the financing of a loan by a Second Mortgage, it will be to your advantage to make usc of the s ·ryicc w e han: to offer. Wilmette, Ill. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 364 6LTN24-ltc DO YOU NEED !viONEY? Phone Wil. 18 Sl'.r. W'l'D.-MALE & :PE'~IA LE .----------------13L24-ltc I . 14'0R RENT OFFICE SPACE 2ND COLORED COUPLE, BEST REFERfloor, sult.able for doctor, lawyer ~r gen- FOR SALE - 1719 ELMWOOD AVE., GIRL WAN fED FOR BOOKKEEPING, ences. Wife good cook. Man chau1Teur, eral office space. Rental from $20 to Wilmette, 8 room frame : hot water ht. ; must have some typing experience. butler. Will also take separate places. $50. Apply Rapp Bros., 522 Center Ht., terms. Owner Phone Wll. 2399. Winnetka Talk B-227. 13LTN2.f-ltc Douglas 3709. 18L24-ltp Winnetka. 27LTN24-tfc 31LTN24-tfc children. 3484. TO PAY FOR 'l'AXES, ASSESSMENTS, interest on mortgages, remodeling, redecorating or other purposes? · We loan $100 to $5,000 without extra signers and give you one to two years to pay. Prompt confidential service. Write and tell us your wants. Wilmette Life B-2H. WANTED- GIRL TO CLERK IN BAK6LTN24-ltp ery Dept. Apply H.app Bros. Winn. 1870. 13LTN24-l t c S !~00:\f .Bric-k Resid ence, <'on \·e nient 1) AIN'J'ING &; J)ECOltA'l'ING 'l nwsportntion &. Schools, Imm ediate 16 Sll'L'A'l'ION W'l'D.-:J."'El\IALI<: Poss«:·sr-;ion, $125.00 or 5 Rooms at $6ri.OO. ONE HOUR SERVICE ON WASHING ! ~r,om Fr_anw Cottage, Country, $30.00. and cleaning cars any make or model, COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVIC'F ;) J,oom Rntk Bungalow, ::\Iod t> rn, (l'oun$2. Ca.rs called for and d e liver ed. Phont: Plans furnished at a slight charge. Estl~ tr.r), (;arag\', $75.00. Winn. 1487. 7L24-ltp mate fre e. Call w·it. 7:l2-W. Leo Kat·e. 8 n~~~~~ F'rame Residence, Fuhl<H:e H ~:·a.t, 17LTN24-1 tp 7B GARDENING SITUATION W'l'D. GOOD COOK. ~110lL JF:. .@_ (FO Colored. Refprences. T el. Kenwood o o ~~l.ill<ID.®K®If ~ ~@ 0 Runnfeldt Boerbootn _9_1_5_o_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_s_L_T_N_24_-_J_tP s:n fiidgl· ..-\,·..... " Wilmette, Ill. GARDEN AND HOME SERVICE CO. Pruning, planting and landscaping. Work L~UXDRY, CLEA~ING AND SERVTXO ~~~~~---------~= m the evenings. neft:rences. Univ. WTD. - DESIRABLE TE~AXTS FOH done by hour or· contract. St-ven room house In Winndka, for sum7646. 10LT24-ltp 1026 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 413 n_~t ··rr ,mc!J~.thl>. ;; bedrooms, bath, lavatory; Winnetka, Ill. leu ge In mg room, fireplnee, dining rm., 7BLTN24-ltc SIT. WTD. - LAUXDRY, CLEANIXn Run room, kitchen, porch, attached g-at·or t>Xtra meals. Call Univ. 5569. _ ag-t:' . ::>l'll'l't East sidl:'. Surrounded by 16LTN24-1 t11 8 PE'fS larg-e houst·s. Convenit·nt to station. :fi~OIJ a month. Addrt-ss WinnE-tka Talk WANTED DAY WORK. GOOD FOR SALE - POLICE PUPPIES, FROM referen<.:es. Call Wilmette 11 8:t H-2:!4. 2H.:l'X24;-ltp registered pedigreed stock. Private home. For appointment phone Glen16LT24-1 tp view 161-J. 8LTN24-ltc HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES TO care for children evenings and Satur19 LOST AND FOUND da:rs. Wit. 2908. 16L24-1 te ~'J'Olt.AUE & FURNI1'CHE CO .. LOST- DOG ABOUT 8-9 MONTHS OLD. SIT. \\r'J'D. CATERER-SERVES Has a German Police marking·. Wearing parties and dinners in the latest styJ;.. harness when lost. Reward. Greenleaf Glencoe 920. 16LTN24-ltp" 24L2-l-4tc 1495. Ask for Mr. Colvin. 12LTN24-ltc SIT. vVTD . - GENERAL HOUSEWORK TO RE~~L' - I~ WlL:\tET'I'E, HOUSE, south ft·ont, corner !.1 rooms, 4 !Jedgood cook. No washing. Winn. referLOST - BILLFOLD TUESDAY AFTERrooms ~second floor, 2 baths, hot water ences: Call Oakland 7259. 16LT24-ltp noon between Central Cafeteria and l~l·at, ~ewport boiler, heated sun porch, First National Bank. Reward. Finder fireplace, yard, garag·e, near lake, eleplease call Wil. 3037. 12L24-ltc C'OLLEG E S'l'UDENT WOULD LIKE TO vated, North Shore. Will rent for term do typewriting at home. Wil. 2344. of years if desired. Possession April 16L24-1tp J.. OST - IN WILMETTE, DIAMOND & 15th to l\Iay 1st. Rt·nt $225. Phone WilSapphire pin. $150 reward. 1118 Fore1n LAUNDRY AND WATCH mette 1123. 24LTN24-ltc Ave. Phone Wil. 1330. 12L24-ltc at nights. Wil. 3600-Y- 4. CHILDREN .16L24-2tc FOH RF.KT - \VI~NETKA 6 Rl\I. HSE. LOST - RED CHOW DOG, SINCE FRI· 17 Htd. sun porch, glazed sleeping porch, day. Reward. 718 Clover Rd. Wil. ~ITT~J\'l'ION W1.'D.-:UALE 2 baths, garage, near trans. May 1. 12 24 Glencoe ·114. ·24LTN24-1tc 2630. . L -ltc SIT. WTD. - CHAUFFEUR, 12 YEARS LOST - GLASSES ON GOLD CHAIN experience. Call Univ. 4388-J. FOR HE:NT- GOOD MODERN SEVEN and pin. Lost Saturday afternoon in 17L23-2tc room house and small garage, well Village. Phone Wil. 2875. 12L24-ltc SJTUA'l'ION 'VTD. -HOUSEMAN \VILL located. $110. Phone Winn. 2318. 24L'fN24-ltc dean windows, garden, etc. Call Winn. lS JIELP WA~'fJo:J)-}'}~liALE 204. 17L24-ltp SI'l'. vVTD. - LIGHT COLORED GIRL Pxperienced maid, good cook. Phon~ WANTED - CAPABLE YOUNG WOM- SIT. WTD. - HOUSE CLEANING AND Glencoe 1273. 16TN24-ltp an exverienced in telephone solicitation; rug beating. Langford Style. Phone pennanent work; salary is measured by "\\'il 911-J. 17L24-ltp results obtained. Phone Wil. 1920. FOR REN1.' - 7 ROOM HOUSE, HOT 13L'l'N24-ltp SIT. WTD. _ GARDNER, GERMAN, 25 water heat, garage, near trans., schools, ~W--A-N_T_E_D ___ R_E_L_I_A_B_L_E_W_H_IT_E_G.,.I_R_I :rears experience. 1809 Crain St., Evansgolf club. Tel. Glen. 235. 24LTN24-tfc 17LTN2<t-ltp 27 FOR RENT-STORES & OF.i"lUES fo~ general housework. Must be fond of ton, Ill. Cl'.NTH.AL HOTJ<~L - LIGHT OUTSIJJE ~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~ rooms for tr·ansi e nts and residents. G29 31 Jo'OU SALE-IIOUS:B S ::\lain Strl:'et. Phoue Wilm ette 1080. 21LT2-t-tfc FOR SALE - ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM ----------------stucc.o , on fine 75 foo!:. wooded lot, ex FOH RE~T- FUHKISHED ROO:\! FOR cell ent condition; 2 large porches; garj 13 llELP WANTED-FE lUALE 1 or 2 !adi·'s . Dreakfast if desirerd. age. Owner must sell. Price $20,000. Phone \Vii. 1938. 21L:!4-lto HELP WTD. - WHITE 'VOMAN l·'OH SE8 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS g eneral cleaning every Friday. Call noo:\1 - TWIX· lJEDS , L .\RGE CLOSET. Sunday after 12 :30. · Winn. 178:t ·winn. 1!.120. 21LTN24-ltc 13LTN24- 1tc FOR hEXT - 2 FUH~I~HED H.00::\1::> \\rA~TED - 1\IAID GENERAL WORK, with garag-e. Winn. tl14. 2LLTN24-ltp good private room and bath; 3 adults. 340 Lindt·n .\n"). Phone Wil. 68 1...or particulars. Tel. Glencoe 403. J.'OR UE~T-AJ>Alt'l'~U:S'l' 8 311..24-ltt · 13LT24-1k FOR RE~T- APAHT~IEX'J', 3 LAI1GE WANTED - GOOD WHITE GIRL FOR rooms, ldt<:ht>ne ttt·, and t·n<.:lost' d porch, general housework in family of 2. \Vii. modt·rn, watt·r lwat. \Vil. 82;,-F::. 247. 13LTN24-ltc 22L24-llc rNDER $l:i,OOO.OO, O~LY 1 BLOCK from "I:· Slat ion in l"hoin· new nt·igh borhood, 6 room Stu cco, :~ good bl·tl \VA~TED EXPEJUENCED WO:\IAK FOR 1U~.'\'J' - LAnt: E Kl'l'l'lH~0rJ.<.:TTE rooms, larg(· living room, sun parlor , Apn.t·tnH·nt iu th e Franklin Bldg-. 526 for general house work. GlPn<'ot'· :no. nict· htwn and yard, garage antl drh·e t ·entl.. · r ~t . Pos~w . ·sion :.\1 ay 1st. Pl1011 l' 13LTN24-ltc ·w ay . $14,500.00. Winn. :Hi2. 22LTX25-tl"c WANTJ~D -WHITE l\IAID FOR C:EXeral housework. Call Glencoe 12:n. FUR SUBLEASE - 2 ROO.:\£ KITC'Hv;X13LTX2-l-l te Plu· apartmt:"nt in Lindt>n Crest. ~ub l«:· ase now until Oet. Phone \\'il. 2174 . 33G Linde n A venue Phone \Vilmett e ~os \VAN'l'ED -: WHITE GIRL FOn GBX22L2.J-ltp 31L24-l k eral housework. Winn. 1835. 13LTX24-1 tp FOR RJ~XT- 5 ROO:.\f FLAT, Ifl<~.\TI·~U 2,nd f1oor. $60. 4!11 :\Ladison St. Te l. WANTED- LADY TO BU~CH RWJ·JI·JT (,Jeneoc :H3-n. 22LTX2-t-ltp \\'1 LL HAXDLl~ 7 TI:\f. HOME, 4 BED-. J>t' a flow rs in gre enhouse. 'J'el. Wil. rms., large closets; hot water heat, ex2221 131.2-l-ltc FOH HE~T - ;j HOO:\I COZY FLAT, tra laY. 2 car garage. Lot 50xl25; fi~·epla<.:l', hot wat<·r heated. Best R('~id. wood<·d. This propt>rty in A-1 eondi \V.ANTED - WOl\lAN HOUSEKEEP!<~ r:. ~d~J~st~r~i<~ · t~.~"\\~r~i~n~n~.~ii~7~::-~R~-~~~2!;;2~L~'I~'1'i:;~"'; " -t;:;-~l~tc tion. Own er leaving city. Price $l:~,tJUu . for general housework ; two in family. = Balance to suit purchaser. Phon e Winn. 2589. 13LTN24-ltp 2-l J.'Olt ltF.XT-1lOn·n:s FOR RENT - PHYSICIAN 'S OFFICE ideal loeation. Franklin Bldg. 526 Cen ' ter St., 'Vinnetka. Phone Winn. 382. 27LTN24-tfe \ VILl\1E'l"l'E'S BES'f BU\- · I l S111all Cash Payn1ent -----------------------FOR SALE E. E. Stults l{ealty Co. $18,000 WILL BU\' 2608 W. Railroad A\·e. Univ. 8080-8081 31L24-1tt· J] JH[ 7 RM. STUCCO; WATER H'r. WITH Nokol burner; tile bath; Pittsburg watt-r ht·atl' t' ; lge. encl. porch ; just decorated; walls and ce ilings all canvassed, garage, close to school and transportation. & F. Colen1an Burroughs & Co. ll:i7 Wilmette .-\\·e. Phone Wil. 640 31L24-ltc BRICK BUNGALO\V BH.AND NEW, 5 ROOMS, FINE DA'l'H. sleeping poreh, 40 ft. lot $10,750, with $750 cash. Balance $80 per month including interest. 4 I Eddington & Allen, Inc. End of "L" 410 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 407-40~ 31L24-ltc FOR SALE OR RI<;NT- 7 GOOD ROOMS, fine location ; hot water heat; 2-car garage ; -large shaded lot ; 3 blocks from transportation. Price and terms. Very reasonable. Phone \Vih11ette 32 1213 Wilmette AYe. Phone Wil. 225 31L24-ltc FOR SALE - 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. New never occupied. Hot water heat, garagt>, shrubbery and lawn. Corner Oak Park and Cornelia, only one block from Addison Bus. , Price $8,000. Will accept very small cash payment, balance to suit purchaser. Apply owner, E. J. Lundin, 500 F'ifth St., Wilmette. Phone 2002. 31LTN24-ltp FOR SALE - BRICK VENEER BUNGalow in Wilmette. One , quarter sawed oak ftoor ; hot water heat. Birch trim. On beautiful lot; trees and garage. All improv<·ments in and tlaid. Three year old. Price $14,500. Phone Wilmette 2376. 31LTN24-ltp. FOR SALE - IN GLEN OAK ACRES Glen Vie,v. Very substantial new brick home on one acre wooded lot; 6 large rooms ; 2 porches ; gas heat ; 2 car garage. Price . reduced to $24,000. Cash $8,000. E. P. Conley, exclusive agent. Wil. 1582. 31LTN24-ltc , Plain cooking. · I 1

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