Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 53

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March 11, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 53 Fast Train Kills @M!~~MIMIM!!W!!WW!IJ..\llii.\!WJ.!JI.VJIMIM!l!JIIWJI!.giMMJ!ll!JMf21MI!.\®!..!!~ . Evanston Woman at ~~~~ Elm St~ Crossing ~ Mrs . Charles Wilbur Hess, . age 53,· of 1225 Forest avenue. Evanston, was in- ~ stantly killed at the Elm street cross- ~ ing in · Winnetka, Saturday afternoon ~ of last week when struck by the south- ~ bo·u nd limited train, No. 210, from ~I itwaukee to Chicago. The accident oc- ~ curred at 3 :~5 o'clock. Ei ~).Trs. Hess had ju.st left a north Ei hound train and \vas hurrying across ·~ the track to hoard the on-coming train, which, however, is not scheduled to ~ ·stop in vVinnetka. She \\'ClS rcturniilg ~ from Chicago and for some -reason did J not leave· the train at the D ;.n ·=~ street E sta tion in Evanston. The body wa s removed to Jordan' s undertaking- parlors, 612 Davis street. E\·anston, where the corner's inquest, '-l't for ).funcla y afternoon at 2 o'clock, \\'a 'i continued until ).farch 16. ).fr. Hess. the lnt shand , was unabl e to attend, being confined to his bed, irom the shoc k re sulting frnm the tragic death of his wife. . ;,~ ).frs. He ss \\'a s a daughter nf J ohn ·~· I..:- . Harmon one of the founders of F' \1 arshall Field & Co. Be side s her ~ hr~:>hand arrcl iathn. a brotht·r, Fred H . ~=!~ !.Iarmon. \\'ho lin·-., at tiH· llc ~s home, :trHl two .-,i -.tns. \fr s. \\'ill iatn ).facTI vain. 1100 Lak' Shore Dr i\·t· Chira . '. ,' rJ and :\f r.,. ( ·harks l.ou ghr id gt.', of lkn - ~~ . \·.n. l 'o lo .. '- tlrvire . . ~~~ She \\'a" a mt·mhn ni tilt' ( ·l,i r ago ; \\'oman's club, the f,·athtnn \\ 'o man's ~J cluL . ( 'hira . l.!o \\'oman·, .\t lllt:tic cltd,, ~~ .' the C o untry rluh f1i 1·\-; Jthtrl!r. a nll..' tl'1 , hn oi thl' h<,: trcl (Ji 1hl' IJ! inois Chil F~ dn:n's llom l' and Aid :-,uritt,·. and of the PrO\·idence Da\· :\urscn·. :tnd scrnal golf rlnh s. . . :\dditirmal tn lwr rlrarit\· an d club acti,·ities. ~f rs. I lc . . s \\·as ·:tl .- o acti\·e in t h c \\·(!Ill ~~ n '.; g u iId o f St. ). [a r k ·s Fpi -:ropa 1 r h urc h. and nH·mhtr o i other f,f the rhurd_1 (1rganizatinn s. Funeral. seniccs \\'LTC held 'l'ucsda\· afternoon ;1t 2 :JO o't·l<,ck at St. ~[arl/s J·:p iscopal church. Buri:d \\'a.; at Graceland Cttlletcr\'. E Renew Your Christian Service Now the Lenten Season Is HereSon1e Chri-stian scr\·tce 1s done so personally and quietly as to lack the appearance of haYing organization. Such '.vas the personal \\·ork clone bY Christ for indiYidual tnen and "·otnen. Such \\·ere the little ser\·ice~ recorded in the Gpspcl as renclercd spontaneously hy n1cn and \\'Ol11en and little chi ldren for Christ. IJ'he tnag-nitude and n1ethod of the ser\·ice is of lc~s in1portance than the spirit of it, \vhich nn1st be essentially sacritical. Christian scrYice n1ust ha\·e the cletncnt of yielding- ourselves \\·illingly to carry out God's progran1 for the \Yorlcl,. recognizing that personal con1fort ancl convenience and self-indulg-ence n1nst often be the price of seryicc. as it is ah\·ays the price of character. Wilmette Churches Are Calling You <I Fate dca!t a cruel blo\,. t~ Fred ~fal bon. rngincn on the Chicago & Korthwest C'rn train K o. 210. the ).f ihrauh·"Chicago limited which killed ~[r s . Charles \\'il hur 1r(.':-S , of EYanstnn. at the Eltn :-,trcet cro. sing in \\'inntka. ~aturday aitcrnoon. ).f r. ).fa lhon has IJcn pulling a train (Jn the Xorth\\'estern for thirtv-fi\'e years. ;tnd \\·ill retire the first o( next month. This \\'as the fir st person kil!rd h~· a train which he wa s driying, throughout this long sen·icc, a record which he had hoped to terlllinate without this regrl'ttabk. though tllla\·oidablc exception. Winnetka Accident Thwarts ·Engineer's Hope for Record t1 ~· ~ ~ Come * Services at 11 a. m. Come Come g) Directory of Churches: The Wllmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Francis C. Stiflet Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street g New Trier Takes First § Honors in Cage Season ~ In view of an apparent misunderstanding regarding the ha.,kcthall situation among the teams of the old Chicago Suburban High School lcJgue, \V. L. Childs, director of physical education at New Trier High school has submitted the following correct and final standing of the leading teams in both heavyweight and lightweight diYisions: g-a nws HC'n.\'~\\'(' ig-htR pln.yC'd won lm~t pet. } ir~-;t ])Ia<'~', ~('W Trit-r 12 ]() 2 .833 Second p!ac(' 1 h·{'l'field 11 9 " .818 · Lig·htwPightR J<'irst ])l::t<'t', H.ivnRid(· 1 :~ Jl 2 .S-t5 . ~econd plaCt\ ~<.·\\' Trit>r 12 9 3 .750 Fttst Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer St. Augustine's Episcopal Church I I The Fust Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. George P. Magill 40 Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith Mrs. Lorin Hall of Sterling, Ill., left Monday after a visit with her son, Thomas L. D. Hall, and Mrs. HalJ, of 1008 Greenleaf avenue. Pt~bliJhed by the l"terclat~rcla Adwrli,jrtg CoMmitt~t. Wilmette Church Federatio,. '"' . \tiff \lll lllll

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