Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, Front Page

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WILMETT'E 1'11blish r tl ll"l ' r ·T ; ltJ LIFE Entered as seconcl class matte1· , Sttbscription p1·ice $2. 00 a y ea1-. :lf(/1'c h 1.1 ) 1!1 1 L r1t fiH' 11osl ofti("(' at ll'illll cft(. IlliHoi.<~. mulc1· tlt e Art of Mm·ch 3) 1879. l'JI Uoyd llollistn·. flit ' .. 1.! .!2 C'r11tnrl Ave.) n·ilmette _ , Illinois. \ 'OL. XVI, :t\0. 2-t \\' IL~1ETTE, ILLINOIS, ~I ARCH 11, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS A. J. MOUAT HEADS HOME PART· YTICKET CarYeth \ Yells, F . R.G. S., author and world traveler, is to give one of his · poses, prompted renewed intere st this famous ilJustrated lecture s before the \\'~: ck \\·ith h:->th proponent ~ ancl oppo\\' ith the announcement this week of ~-----------------. : nl' nts of the i:-.stlt to he balloted upon ·\Yilm cttc Sunday Evening club March a complete ticket to represen t the J lome !'arty Ticket l at the April 5 'l'o,rnship election get- 13. The s ubject of the lecture has Home party in the approaching Village I ~ing cl om1 t(J m ~ r~ _intcmi:e ~amp~i~n- been announced as "My Six Years in I e.lecti<.m o n April 19, thE local po~itical For \ ' i~la ge President: : tn .~ · amc~l.tg t1; ~ .c1 ttz,<:~ns o t ); c.w .1 ncr. I the Junglr s of Malav." The soloi st sttuatt.on pre se ntecl t ~1e ?pecta cl.e of twko :\X DR E \\' J. :, f 0 C A 'I' . H~ .'\ e\\' rtt·r axpayc r ~ 1 eague, . , . ·. . <?rgamze<1 gro ups a tgnmg t 1 1etr wor l{t,bert IJ. \Y~dlacc oi. \Yinnetka . chair .. I tl;J_s ~t~nd~y .c':~mng Will he Miss Anna ers in the. preliminary skirmishes of For Vill..tgc Treasurer : l ttlan. came torth \nth the (·mphatic \1:\.\ berg. 'tolmbt. what prom1ses to be one of the most GEORGE F. ILIFF :--tatl'l11l'llt .that it "fi.nd~. the nt\\' $500.).fr. \\'ell-. !1as gi~·~n.his lectu~cs he - i·J:t~re st in.g campaigns in Wilmette muFor Yillagc Tru stee: ()(J() bond h~uc Ull\\'ISL·. and an addl'd 1 tn!·e the leadtng sc ient ific and ~1terary mc1pal h1story. cx tra yagant tax burden. This position : soc idic s in Atllcrica and has heen espeConfusion incident to the memorable EL~IER D. UECKER \\'as sub stant iated by the l(· ag ul· i11 a cially popular audiences of young peo- Home party caucus session of F ebrua\V. \V. DeBERARD ch· ail<:d cnnsid<:rati ::m c1i the pr<q>Osc:d 1pic. ry 23, wh ich resulted in the formulation _.ICIIOI.:\S ]. ).IlLLER h(ond · i-.~lll' co ntainin g pointed argu- 1 "Certainh· no man has caused such of a new po~itical group-the People's End ::>rsc d iur f,ihr :1ry 'l'rust L't':-o : 1llt'1lt:- ag ainst th (' propo:--ition. ! a rtndutio.n in the form of the illus- party, ·wa s disseminated this week J. R IT:\RPER Thv_ gTc·up oi citiz<.:n.; ian>ring the I trated tra\'t.'l lecture as thi s delightful ,,·hen the two ~acti01~s squared .away. to1 F. C. BE:\'l'LEY \ \<·t:11 ~ ,.Fng~i:--Lman, Can·eth W~lls, .F. figh_~ .out the _J SS~e 111 a mo_ : hnJ·J·<~ t - -. t~~· '~:t·~l· a!'() ht~:-~· ;_tnd. through 1 n tn of m-· ' - . . . ; . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' t ~~l 11 · pttl~ltp~d .... ~~o_kL·<;m,tn . :\ rtl:ur .r."-..c..s ....\nttc~ a ."'·~11 . known sc1entlst. \ t en:>!'~ cam,patgniJ~g. . , . ,. :\ndr~\\' J. :.r ouat, r,Jr, Lakt· an:n ul·. ~)o.nn<:t.. ~~~ K L·11 11" ::n_ th .. \\ ' Cf(' se ttlll~ I . ( oml>1mng thl'_ :· 1 ns s ttu~lcs of cxplor- 1 \\ ht_ le the ~ om~ P.art) lea.cl~rs \\e,rc .1 t .J~·11 _IJW,t. r1 111\'llll'tng ar~ulncnt~. l l ll,lL the actna!tttcs of hfe among th e rcplac1~1g the_ 1r 'am_shed ttc~e t , tne :'·as this '.~t.'ck ;~nn_(_lltl1Cl·d <~-> ~-anrltdate II It t 1 tor the ·cdllce o t \ db gt· P roHkn t un < _ lt priilctp ~t.l tl tttrl':-t \\a~ a debate pc op k~ he !tas kno\\'n and the unu sual P eop le s c.01:tm~ent was .gettmg ~etr ckr ~)H: hanntr oi th · H ctll.ll.' J>art.\ . ht!cJrl· tltt \\ IlnH·ttt· l '~w mhLr oi l'<·lll- i in natura l hi..;tory, he has developed <1 u.nd er\\'ay wtth ~ts c~mpatgn orgamza()fftrlal annuut lCL·tllt llt , 11 \I r . .\1 ou - , lltt·rcl' 011 ~ltllHI:! ~ "1t h . .\1 r. BCJnnct i nC\\' form of tran·l talk '"·hich is also t10n under the c~ trect10n of A. F. Ho?pat's candidacy ~-amc i_n a ~tatct~lent i s~ anrl ~I r. \\ all:tcL· . tqdHdc\Jng their n:- I a mo:-t pleasing entertainment. Peop~. c er, ge!1eral chamna n of the campatgn 1 :-ucd I>\· th e l·.x ccuttn: cotnmJtlcl· ol ~pt·r!J \' L' "tan dard , ,,·ho thouQht th cv would never be in - commtttee. 1 the Tio~11e P ar.t y IJL·aring th e iDlhJ\\·in g ---tcrc ..;t vcl i.n ).1ah;y, the subject of his I · Ot-·~n He~dquarte~s name s : i i fir:-t lecture, sudden ly discovered that \\ e<l~le::iday e~·enmg 0~ this week t!le _ \!bert :\.. \lcKL·igh:tll, Clarl'IIL'l' E. ' · 1 .\lalay. as presented in the Carvcth People. s party 1ormally mauguratecl 1!5 Drayl'r, C . T. 11L'll;llllth, :.r ax Zahl'l, ' \\' ('liS ia . , hion. wa s a most fascinating campatgn he~dqu~rters a~ . 607 Mam John If. Ilopp, J I L'nry Fo\\'kr, P. \ '. topic. So cleverly, so entertainingly st:eet. at " ·htch tl.me addltwnal comBright, J o hn Clark Baker. K 1-:. !~i rk- I 00 I dne:' h c present his facts; so picture s- i m~tte es were app::>mted and other de-.011, John Bnmtl>au g-h. \\' illiant .\ . ~I L·l -; Due to the itH' rUl"l'd a·t tl'nd :tnce at : qnt·l_,. dot ' he present the true, that I tatls a':rat~ged preparatory to the actu:-tl, ~- hior, and J ohn F. \\'e idlin . · the nutrition cl ini c. hi t hcrtP l'<l ll<lu cted fr,r him has hcen coined the phrase : camp~lgnlllg. Com 1 t N T' k t \ hy the Cro~se Point TTralth Center at 1 ·Truth is stranger than Traprock.'., \\ hdt· th e Ho~n c party has a!l'1 r 'I Cl ttapt elt~·tcl ~ew_l t!Oclllel,l··t·· IlL'\\.' its oflicvs at \Yiimctt<: and Hidgc an·- i The ).blav lect ure is the one on lnoulncedl no defit nllte h.edaldqualrterst,t Its ·' · :' ' . ~: ·' ' '~ ·- \\' '] , · . .. · · . . . eacers laYe no ><'Clll e an( ma ers. 1 mettc. tt ha ;-, ~)<:.(11 found n ee- · " Inch ~[r. \V eils lllade h1s repu tatiOn. ! f 1 11-:ke t Ill oppo,·twn to the canc!Jdate. l lllH ~. 1 · 1 t 1 f 1 11 t 1 . _1 ntllt.tl'ltt··l l ·t~t · \\'t'<·l · ))' ' tl ·· l ")I·l·.'.., ! es..;ary to remo\'<~ the cl!Jlll' t() the 1 fn\\ It i . . ck.;cri:Jccl as a thrilling fascinat in c r a,re :u p:, .tape or t ef Ja It .eho Ja. ::>ls, 1L 1' ll ' ~ ' ·' " ·' ' ' · 1 ·I 1 1 J · · 1 · ' :-... t tc openmO' guns o w 11c mav Je >a rt\· \\·hiclt h a~ \ 'i Pa "t: P re:-i<knt Far! . at r ~r Jn() ,.- 1c:·c achht10nal quartL·r.; and Jugltl.\· hunwro us narrative of per - 1 , 1 ~:-. · . .1 ll ·. t 1 1 ! · r-. I Jnn· hl' · 11 ·" cur ·<I tllr r j1 tl . t 1 · · t~:ar( to )OOlll t 1e1r c 1a enge a a .1 1 1 ; ()rtlCl' at t't . ll··lt ll I . l ~ , t ~l\1).! ll' l :> ur L'~Y ~l)J);l expcnencts w 11 (' su r ve" ln O' cl · · I ·· ' ~ " · · 1 \\"1 · 1 · .J r-. moments not1ce 1 mctk ~c 11 'PI hoard. '· For \ ' illage trt~'>tees the Il ~>lllt' partY 01 1 IC' l hc ratlroad thro ugh th e Jun g le of Malay . . . . · . , has ~e h·rtc:~l Elmer D. Beckn :utd \\··. ro ::>ms yr~ locatL' C~ 111 _the no.rtlt end nf It tell' of fish that c~imh tree s, worms Pet1t10n · m b~hal_t of ~he People:) \ \' . De Berard. prv..,cn t me In bn-. of t lie 1the hmld111g, ma ktng _a pCh:-Jhle to tl:' c that ~ in ?, the pigmy deer that can be party have he en 111 .etrcul at10n for m?rc . _ .. II · . .. . , ... 'l ' ll . 1 thL· nort h L'n tran cc " ·nh tht· tca-.t JH·s~i - iril'd "hole in 'l fn· itw t>an . T1'c than a week and . 1t was expected che 1 1 1 . ·' 1 cr, \ 1 dg<: 1 Jo,u<, 1 , lJI< 1 _'\lclo,ts . . . ' · r-. · · H ·· 1d h · · 11 Jl!·e -.cnt \ ' illage clerk. . > ~'. li~tL· J:t_l'rl'J~ce) ':·nh cl;~~~es. , . lect_ure inclu ck-; ll~t~rative, M~lay mu sic. .~ m e p~~ty . pe:lttons "·ou e tn evtFor the o ff1cc of trca:-urer till' part\· I .1 ht (: 10 '~L I <nnt _ll ect lt_h ltnt cr I" a dt sp lay of exqulSltcly beauttful Malay clcnc e tim; \\eek. ha:- ch(hCll Ccnrgt F. Iliff \\l'll ktlll\\.;l l ~till tttatntatm·d . at It:- 1"-tdl!L' an·n_u e costumes and other handic raft and i-; How They Line Up itl re:tl estate ~·ircks an'cl a ionner quarter..; \\'here tt !Ja, llll ll l.oc a tcd_ .t.or , I II u..; t rat c d by handcolorecl ~antern I The part ,· tickets, in the order of 0 . ( ll' ,. c·· .1 the })ast Years It.()l':O.. · · · 1·llle ll\) as f 0 11 0\\'S: . lllt'lll Ill'r ct l 11cag0 It\· l'!HlllCI. . ten . ' ~ '·tnd \ft..;~ . " \.> rtfl111 ' · i :I llOllllllattOll, 1 '\. 1 Tltc part\· abo l'tHi or sl' d · 1. I~ . liar - ~ht' nurse. 1:' ther e 1nr consultatitlll dttr - i I p 1, p t ·!Ill! each noo n hour. I ' ~?Pes ar '. ' . . per and 1 ·.. L. Bentley tnr thl' uthcl'S . ') . . . . 71,.,. I I· 'II lag-<' Prt>!-Hdent: IIi Lihran· trustl'L'S, both of \\'IWlll abo ) lan s a.r~ hetng 10111ltlla ttcl. l~lr a pn:· · lt'.l. II II , E<~l'l E. Orlll'r tl · t i tl p · sc hool cl1111C ancl ~~ dental clllllC ancl 1t I· or \ ' tllag·e Treasurt'r : 1ta\'C H' l' liC 1llr:-C1llcll 0 ll' l'Op 1t':; is )l() ))ed .that both ,,-jl} h·' e~t ... J)Il'sll · ] 0 . ll a~~·y \V. )filler party. . . . " ' n .. : u I· ur \ tllagt· Trustees : Prominent Builder 'nthtn th e lll'Xt inY m nnths. \ hltor=Ernt·st C. Cazel · · · are welcome to attend the nutritin 11 Paul A. Hoffman ~fr. ).Jouat, th e home part _ , . ~tatL'- clink an~· \\' dnesda\' afternoon, , c-·, J. ).[. Dtckms.on, Jr., of W111net~a, Han:-; ,·on Reinspergtnent points out. is a successiu~ hu:-i- cording to ).fi:-s Griffi;l. and it is IH·P c1 ':·~t~ elc~tcd prcs td cnt of the New Tner Home Party ness 111an \\'h o is iorwarcl looking <1n d they take a< h·antagc ni the rlinic fac il -1 ~ tttzens league, a~ the an.nu~l meet For Yillagt· :Presiden t: abl e to dir ect the large affairs of \\'il - ities. l 111g of that to\\'ns htp organtzatJon held Andrew J. Mount 111ettc. He is engaged i1i. the .r ea l estate lat e ~ast \\'eek at 'the City club in ChiFor Villag-e Treasurer: n~· org-e F. Iliff business and was forme rly in the print- , 1 cago. For Yillagt- TrustPt>S: e a ey ngineer I Tl executive COIIllllittee of the ing and hi :Hling hthines s, hi s company I·;Inwr D . Heckt·r W. ,V. lk lkrnrd lat er consolida ting with the Library hu- · to Address Men's Club Ieag{t~, '"hich is comprised of repre se n - 1 :'\h-hola:-; J. ~Iilll · r reau of ~rhich he \\'as. for sontc time I D. H. Howard. chid emdneer 0 11 tatiYc cit ize ns f.rotll all the village s in Both part ic. haYe endorsed ]. R. \\·orl:s. t_w nagcr :n:l a ss_Istat.Jt trea~ur_c::. ron stnt ctic.)n of tJ 1 ~ Skokie \ ·~tlk~· route ~e"· Trier town ship, also formally Pctitl?ll~ n bch.tlf ot th_c HnnH: p.tt.- of th e CJ 11 cago, 1\orth Shore and ).fil- nominated candidates to appear on the Harper and . E. G. Bentley for Library ty canr.lldates ~v.erc to be ctrculated tills wauk ee railway~ is t o he the speaker ticket in the annual town election trust ees. (t\YO t~) he electccl), these week, 1t was s<ud. at the ~farch dinner of the Congrega - Tuesday, April 5. These candidates are offices not being inYolvecl in the camtiona} chmch ~fen's cltih \\.edne sda y \Va 1trr T. Fisher of \Vinnctka, for the paign. cYening, ).f arc h l (i. in · th ~· church par·- office of Township school trustee ; and CARRIER EXAMINATIONS NEW C. OF C. MEMBERS The United States Ci vii Sen icc co lll- lors . Clark Gapcn is to chairman of ] ohn A. Schildgen, of Wilmette, for the program. The dinner wiq be se n ·e d Township constable. These are th~ Five new nl'emhers were admitted ta mi ss ion announces that an cxatnina tion only offi'ccs to appear on the ballot this the Chamber of Commerce at the regwill he held for th e position of Gl rri crs at 7 o'clock. spri ng. ular monthly me e ting which was held for th e Kenilworth posta l delivery on Mr. Dickinson was elected president at the Central Cafeteria last Monday April 16, applications for . which mu st W AL TONIANS MEET MONDAY he in the hands of the local sec retary The \Vilmette chapter of the I z~ak of the league to_succeed John R. Leon - evening, March 7. They a.re as folo.f the Civil Se.rvice di s tri~t, Mrs. Har-~ \Valton kagu~ of America " ·ill mr ct ard of \'linnetka, who expressed the low s : Pav!ik Brothers, ]. H. Williams, n et' Savage, at the Kemlworth Post ~!onday evenmg, March l·t at the desire to retire after several terms as J. E. Roy, S. J. Burman and Harry C. head of the organization. Kinne. Office . by April 6. Central Caf e teri~, at 8 o'clock. · 1 Village .T rustees Becker and De- l L 1e proyositlOn t~ iss ue bond s in the amount ot $5()0.000 tor the purcl1ase of Berard Secured by_. Party_ that part of "0o ).{an' s Land" ~ying to Seek Re-elechon ""est of Sheridan r ::>acl, for park pur- Park Bond Issue I HEAR TRAVEL LECTURE Becomes Subject I Carveth Wells, - Famous Author and 0 I H eate d D e bate Explorer, to Speak Before Wilmette 1 CAMPAIGN GUNS BOOM CHALLENGE TO s·lnLE· Jl . Opposing Parties in Annual Viir:o· lage r..lection Fight Line Up Forces for War ' '1 · Sunday Club March 13 · 11 1 1 1 I · 1 i 1 I I Nutrition, clinic Takes Quarters tn h H d .S h t e owar c / I J D-ick-inson J r. N ame d p rest·J ent / I N. T. Citizens' Body . (I}' r Skoki V 11 E. ·

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