Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 45

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, shore line of Lake Michigan to the center line of Harhor ~tn·t'l if extended; thence southwesterly along t·\H' cf'ntt'r lirw of Har·hor Street to the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Rang·, . 13. \\' «·st <'t·nt ,:r linP of ~.·ction :!7: t ht ·n·'<· c·;tsl ;dong- said .. ast a nrl wt·st C<·Ht··r lint· of St · l'tit~n ~7 to tli· · Ct·ntt·r· lin" of '1'\\' t·lflh Strt·Pt. in I ht· Yillag-l' of \\.ilnwtt··; t ht ·Jl<'t' south a long. t lw eentt ·r litJt· of T\\·Plrth ~tn·t·t and said T \\"t·lfth ~tr· · t · t produ<·· ·<l to tht · <"hi<'ag-o and Xorth \\.··stt·rn HailrParl. tlw )Joint of lwginning . .\][ in Town~hil) 42, Hang·e 1:\. J'olliu~ Pollfni Place-: F. A. Reid, 904 Lind l'll .·b·c., ·winnetka, Ill. DISTRICT 5. Beginning at the intt>rseetion of Prospect A.Ye ·nue and Tower Road; ther.ce west along the centt>r line of To\ver Road to the center line of the C'hicago and Xor·th \\.P!'<tPrn Hailroad; thence northwesterly along the centf'r lint> of th·· C'hil"ag-o and Xorth Western Railroad to the <·<·ntt'r lint~ of < ;ag·· Stret:>t; then"e RouthweRterly along th<· <'enter line> of <"i<tg-e · ~tr('l't to the <~{ nt('r line of Cordon Terrace; the:-n<'e south a longthl' c·f·ntl·r lin<~ of Gordon Terrace to tht' c<·nter lint· of Tow··r Road: thence west along the center lint· of Towt:-r Hoacl to tllco WeHt linf' of Section 18; thence south along tlw \\'(·st lint· of' S(·('tion 18 to the sout·hwest corner of Section 18 ; thence <·ast along tlw south line of Section 18 to the southeast conwr or S<·ction 18; thence north along the· ea:-;t line of said S(·ction 1 s to tlH· C'l·ntf'r line of Fig Strl·t:-t: the:-nct> t·ast along thl· <···tlt··r· · line· of I,... ig Street to the center line of the Chicago anu Xorth "·Pste·rn R<lilroad; thenct:> northwr·stc·rly along tht-- <'hieat:n> and Xnrth "rl·stern Railroad to the c-nter lint> of Eldorado StJ·t·t·t : t lwnce nortlH'astf'rly along the Cf>nter line of Eldorado Htrf'<'t. t' · t h<' cente-r line of Prospect Avenut> ; th('nct:> northw(·stc.>rly a longt.hf' Cl·ntl'r line of ProspPct A \'l'Jlll(' to th" point nf h··ginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. l'olling ]'Ia('(': (;(·o. "·· ]·f'ak, !IIi J,iJJtlc·n .\n·ntu·. Plnl'l': \ "IJiag-t· Hall, Wiluel'ftt·, Ill. 1>TSTHICT 1 -L l:t ·ginning- at tlw nor· t!J lirw ot' t~H ' \'illagt· of \\.ilmctt<· and Tl·nth ~tn·l't: tht ·JH'(' \\' Pst along till· north lint · of tht> Yillagl' of \\.illlldlt> tn tlw e·· ·nt ·"l' lirw of Twl·lfth ~ll'l'l' t: thPilC'C' ~outh ;.dong· th· · ct·nt .. r lirw of Twt ·lfth Str·· ·e·t and T\\'c>lfth Htre·t·t product·d so11th tn Ill· · Ct·llt· ·r lino · nt' < :n ·t·nit'af .·\ \'o ' l1ll«' : tiH·Iln· ··:t~l along the· l'f'lllt ·!' lint · of ( ;rt ·t'llle ·:tf .\\'t·lltt·· to th· · l't·ntt·r lin<' of TPnth Stn ···t t hl' ll('t' north a long tift· c·· ·nt<·r lin·· of Tt>ntlr Stn ·cot Ito thv north lin<· of the· \.iiJagp of \\.iltn«'tlt' . tlw point ··f lwg-inning . . \II in Township .J~. Hang· · J:L l'ollln.: I'I:H'I': \'ill:~g-c· 11:~11. I >ISTRl<.'T 22. B<'g-inning at the center line of the Chicago and North \Vesto.rn Railroad; and the south limits of the Village of Kt·nilworth; thence west along the sout·~ limits of the Village or K1 ·nilworth to tht:> north and south centt·r line of Section 2S; tlwnce south along the north and south center line of Section :.!~ t o tlw v e nter line of LRkf' An~ nue; thenet' east along the ··· ·ntt·l· line of Lake Av(·nut> to the ct>nter line of Park A venue; t lwn<·t· sout lwa~terly along· tlw centt'r Jinf' of Park A n~nue to the center line of Highland Axenue; thence northeasterly along- tlw yenter line of Hig·hJand Avenue to the center line of tlu ~ Chic%c~ and Xorth \\-estt:>rn Railroad; thence northwesterly along tnt> Chicago and North "\'\'estern Railroad to the south limits of the Yillage of Kenilworth, t·~e point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. ~· ....., is:: ::r' n i§ l'nlll!l!l' l'hH't': ·Fire.· ~tntlnn. !>0:!9 ~tnln :-;t ·· "·llmette, Ill. Wllml'tt1·, Ill. " DISTRICT 6. Beginning at th<· short· lirw of Lalo\l' :\lil'lligan and tht:> center line of Tower Roao, if <·xt· ·n<ll'd: tht · nc ··· wPst along the <'enter line of Tower Hoad, if t'Xtc>ncl('(), to the · centf'r line of Prospect Av'nUP; tht·nce soutlwastt·rly a long tht · ccnt<·r line nf Prospect A\'cnuf' to th(' cE·ntt·r lin" of I·:Jdorado Str(·ct; thcnce soutlnv<>sterly ~tlong thP <'t·nt<·r Jirw of J·:Jdornd" Strf'f·t to tht:- ccnter line of tlw C'llicago and ~ort h \Vt·st<·rn H.ailroad: tlwnn> southt-asl<'rl~· along tlw <"<·ntt'r lint · of tlw C'llieago and Xorth \Yestern Hailroad to the ct·ntf ·r lint· of Elm Stre<·t; thf'nct· f'ast along the centpr line of l·;lm Stn·c·t to th·· -shore line of Lake 1\tichigan: tht>nce northcastf·rly along tlw shorf' line of Lake ::\Tichigan to tlw polnt of lwginning, all in To\\'n&~lip 42, Range 13. Vollln~ I·ISTH.T<'T ~~~- l;t ·g·inning· at thP shon· J:rw of' I,ak·· .\licllig·an · :tnd tht· north lilnits of tht· Yillagl' of \Yilmt·tt··: PH·I1<'t· \n·st along the· north limits nf tlw \.illag·1· of \\.ilnu ·ttl' to thP ,~t·ntt·r litH' of TPnth ~tn·t't: lht ·tH'· · south :tlong· tlH' l't ·nlc·r· litH· of Tt>nth Stn·f-'t tn a point oppnl-'itl· tht· m:tin t·ntra!H't' to thP huil<ling- on tlw ~<'hool l'I'OJWrty ht ·ing- t ·~H' t·ast and we·st ('f ' lllt ·r Iilli ' or Lots !I and 10 in l:Inck ~:1, , . ill:tgl' or \\.ilnwttc Suhdi\·ision: the·n··«" ··ast on a lint· thr···ngh tlw n1:tin < ·ntratl<'t' tn thl· north huilcling· on tht· Schon! l'nqwrt~· to th l' ce ·ntPr· lirtt· of Xinth Strt·t·t; tht·ncl' north nlong tltt · <'l'ntt·r litw of Xinth Str;o··t to 1·~w CC'nt<·r lin· · ··f For· ·st .\\'t ·llUt · ; tlwn<·t· ··:tst and north· · astt·ri~· :Llong tlw c<·ntt·r litH' of Fort';.;t A YenUt' to the · <'t·Jltt'r lin<· of ::\Tichig-an .\n·ntJt·: tlwnct" southPastt·rly along th v <'· ·nt e r lint· of ::\1i<'hig-an ~\ \'I ·J1Ul' to tht · «'t ·ntPJ" lint' of Lakt· "\\·l·I1UP: 1 h· ·nct' northt"aslt'rly ;dong- t·~l<' ('Pl1tPr litlf· of J,akt· A\'t ·nUt· to th·· shnn· of l,akP ::\1 i<"hig-an: I h<·n<'l' north\\'P!'trrly a long- t IH· short· of Lain· )I it'higan to tlH' 1llac" of lwg-inning. .:\II in Township 42, Hang-· · 1 ;l, l'ollin~ PI:H·f': . B,lron ('. :-;tol}l :-o;t·hool. Wilmt·ttt·. 111. lHSTRlCT 1ti. Bt ·g-inning- at tlw short· of' Lake ::\lichigan and fhl' ct·ntf'r line· of Lak~c· .A\'I' nttc> in tlw \.ill~rg«" of "'ilmt:>ttP; thenCl' snuthl'astt·rly along the <'Pillt·r litH· of I ,akp A \' l' llUf' to t-~H' cPnt .. r line> of ::\lirhig-an Avt·nu .. ; tlwnc e northwf'~t('r]y along t ht· ('(·Jltl'l' .lint· of .\I i<'l1ig-an A \'t ·llllt' to t ht· (' l' J1tl'l' litH · or FCJJ't·St A \'t·nu<·; tlwtl<'P soutllwcst.('rly and WP:-it along the <'t'nter line of Forl'st A\'Pnut· to tlw c<·ntc ·r litw of Kinth Street; thenCl' l';OUth along· tho· <···nit·!' lin·· of Xintll ~tn · ··t to a point oppositl' tht· C'l·ntc·r litw of Lots !I :tncl 10 in Block 2:~ in \\.ilnwtt<' Yillage Subdi\·ision : tllt·ncp '.n·st t hrnugh t·llc n1ain entrance to the north building <Jn tht· School Property to the center litH' of TPnth Str~('t; thenc'<> south along Uw ('C' nter lin(' of TPnth Strc··t to th·· c-e·lltt ·r· litH · of <:r·t'l'lllt ·nf .\\·e·nu· · ; tlH· tH: t· l'HSt along· the · .e·e·nte·r line of <~n·t· nl<·af .\\'PJHIP to th«> cent e r line of Eig·~tth Ht rt>Pt; thcncP north along· tlw ct·nter line of Eighth Street to tlw C(·nt,,r lint· of C'entral A\' 1' 1111<'; thc·nl'<' <:>ast along the centt·r line of ('(·ntral .Av e nw' to tlw c(·ntPr line of Sht'ridan Hoad: thf'nce southeastPrly along- the center line of Sheridan Road to tlw <'l'nt<'r or t-he Xort h Shnn' Channel ; tlwnc e northeasterly along the Xorth Short · I 'hamwl to the !'hnre of Lake l\'lichigan; f hcnC"e northw(·stc·rly along tlw sllorc of Lake 1\Tichigan to the puint of b(·ginning. ..\II in Township 42, Hange 13. Pullin~ J'hlc·t·: HJron ( '. :-o;tolp :-idwol, \\'ilmtoftt·, Jll. DISTH.TCT 17. Hl·ginning at thc s·~wrc line of Lake l\Iichigan and tlw c··ntl·r· linP of tlw ~orth Shorf' Channel; thence :-:outhwt·l.:itt>rly H long t ht· N· nt~ r I ill{' of th e North Shore Channel to thP c<·nt<' l' litH' of Sh<·ri<lan Hnad; thPnC"P nort ·~nve.sterly along IlfSTRICT 2:L 13eg·inning at intersection of \Vinnetka AventH' :1 nd Locu::;t Road, south on center · line of Locust Road to inters· ·C"tinn of Ha.pp Hoad a!Jd Locust Road, east on center linl' of Happ Hnad to intersection of Reinwald Avenue, southt·:tstvr·Iy 011 Hl· inwald A\·t·nue to intt·rset·tion of Greeley AvenUf' sonth on (;n ·t·h ·.\· .·\\'l' llUP to l't·nt<:>r of Central Street, east on middle> of ( ·~·ntral StrePt to cPnter line of Ridg-e Avenue. North on centt·r line of Ridge Avenue to intersection of "\Vinnetka AventH'. \\···st on cPntt·r line of · "\Yinnetka Avenue to intersection or Locust H.oad, plac e of beginning. Pullin~ l'hu·c·: llofl'mnnn Jlros. Hull, Ultlf.l'l' .\·n· ·· "·limettl', U':. DISTH.lC'l' 24. Beginning at the intersPction of the Chicago and :\'orth "r<·~t e rn Railroad and the c<~ nter line of Fig Street; t hl· nc ·c- wt>st along· th e center line of J·'ig Street to the west line of 1-'l·l'tion 17: tht' nce south along the \Vest linP of Section 17 to tlw n·ntt·r line of Pine Strt:>et; then<:P east along the center line of Pint· ~tre{:'t to the Chicago and North '\Yeste:-rn Railroad; thencf' north\\·f':,;terly along the center line of the Chicago and North \\·N;t Prn H.ailroad to t·~e place of ·beginning. All in the Village of \Vinnetka, and in Township 42 ~orth, Range 13. 1'nllln~ l'luc·f': II~'~' :F lorist :-;hop, l'iJi Phu· :-;trcet, l\'lnnetka, I II. JH'tka, 111. J·Ja('(·: ('ommunlty Jl OUS(' 9 6:W ],iiii'HIIl .\ H'IIIH'. WIll· DISTRICT 7. Beginning at ·ow ]>oint or int<·rs .. <·tinn ··f th· · eenter line of the> ('hiC'ago and North \Yt-'st!:'rn Railroad and the ct:>nter line of Pine StrPet; thencl· west a long tht> <'ent<·r line of Pine Street to the North West cornf'r of Section 20: thence south from said cornf'r and along tlw W('st linf' ·of said Rf'ction 20 to the ct>nter line of Elm Stred ; t·~ll·ncc <·ast along the center line of Elm Street to the CPntPr line of tlw Chicag·o and North \Vestern Railroad: thence northw<·sterly along tlw center line of the Cl1 ieag-o and Xorth \\·t·st··rn Hai Iroad t.o t·~H· place of beginning. DJSTHICT 2;-i. Beginning at the intersection of the center lin e ~ of the Chicago and North \Vestern Railroad and of Cherry StrPt.' t; tlwnce west along the center line of said Cherry Street; to t ht' Wl'st line of Section 20 ; thence south along t.'le west lint> of St>ction 20 to the centf'r line of Willow Street; thence Past along- th<' center line of \Villow Street to the center line of tlw ( "hil'ag-o and Xorth \Ve~tern Hailroad: thence northwestt·rly along the e~:>nte,r line of the Chicago and North Western Hailroad to tht-- plal'e ~f beginning. All in thf' Village of \VinJwtlw and in Township .J~ Xorth, Rang·<.' 1~. Pullin~ ~ ...... t'"'4 ~ tl1 ~ ~ tl1 Phu·t·: Firt' ~tatlnn, Hidgt· .\n·. Utili .\!>ih :-;t. r.... 'TJ tl1 nl'tkn, IH. ~ollln~ Place: ('lurk 'f · .:\orthrup. ;;;-,6 t'c·ntf'r :-;r., \\Ill· DISTRICT 1\. Beginning at th<· int~·n;e·ction of tht · rentt-r· line of the Chicago and Xorth \\.t·stPrn nnilroad anrl tlH· c<·nt<T line of Elm Street; th(;'n<·<· west along- the c£>nt··r linP of Elm Street to th' west lint- of Section 20: th,· nC"e south along thP we.st lin' of Section 211 to thl' ('f·ntt ·r line· or Cherry :-;tr('Pt; thf'lll'l' east along the e<·ntf'r lin<· of Cherry Strt·t>t to tht· <'<·nte·r lin(;' of. the Chi<:ago and Xor·th \\'<·stt·rn Railroad; the·n<·e· northwPst··rly DI~TRIC'l' 211. Commenc'ing at intersection of Locust Road and \Vinnetka. .A \'PilUP·. west in center of 'Vinnetka. A venue to the intersection of Harms Road, south in center of Harms lRoad in ccnt<'r line of Central Street, east on center line of C<·ntral Str<·<'t to <'Pnter· lin(· ·Jf Grt> eley A venue, north on center line of GrePlt·y Avt>nue to r'enter line of Reinwatd Avenue, northW<' sterly en cent e r lint.' of Rl'inwald Av<.:>nUP to center line of Happ Road, wPste rly on eentl'r !ine of Happ Road to center linP of Loeust Road, northt:>rly 011 ce:-nter line of Locust Road to eentl'r line of "\o\7 innl·tka Aver..Je. place of beginning. I-·olllng l'lnc<': '\"r 11m cttl', Jll. A \ ' OC'U School, A ,·oca Jtoa11, nf'R r Locust ltd. The Officers to be elected are : one School T rustee and one Constable to fill vacancy. 'f'he 'I'o\vn Meeting- \\'111 open in \\'innetka Con1n1unity l-fousc at the hout· of 2 P. 1\1., and after choosing a 1\ioderator \vill proceed to hear and considet· reports of officct·s. to appropriate n1oney to defray the necessat·y expenses of the to\\·nship. and to deliberate and decide on such illeasures as n1ay. in pursuance of ]a\\' _ , con1c hcfot·e the tneeting. ' .Gl\'en under tny hand this lXth dav of l\Iarch ..'\. l) .. 1927. lVI.A.RGARJ:c:tr S. PIERSON, Town Clerk. ~

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