Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 44

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· ~ ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION Notice is hereby gi,·en to th<: L..egal \ ' oters, residents of the 'l'o \vnship of N e,,. 'f'rier, County of Cook. lUinois, that the .A.nnual Township Meeting and I~lection uf ()fticers of said '-L\n\·nship ,,·ill take place TUESDAY, the 5th Day of April proxin1o, being the first Tuesday in said month. - The Election \\'ill begin at the hour oi 7 .\. :\1. and close at S P. M. Standa1·d Central'l'itne iu the places designated as follo\\·s: DISTRICT 1. Commencing at the intf"rsection .or the County line and Lake Michigan, th t> nce running soutlwasterly along· shore line of Lake Michigan to Park Avenue; thenct· southwesterly along center line of Park Avc·nue to South Aw·nue; thenct· west along center line Sout·~1 Avenue to the <"t>nter lin e of St:ot'· tlon 12; thence north along the center lin e of Section 12 to tlw south line of Section 1 ; . tlwn<'e Wt'St along the Houth line of Section 1 to th e ·west line of St:etion 1; thence no1·th along tlw west line of Section 1 to the rounty line; thenl't· t->ast along the County line to the place of beginning. a ICing tlw ("t'lllt·J" line or the t 'hi<"ago and Xorth \\'t·Htt'l"ll Hailroad to t!H· pla<'t' lH·g·inning· . . .All in thE-' Yillagt:o of \Vinnet ka arHl in Trn\·nHhip .t2 Xorth ·, Hang-e l :L or l'ullln!,l JJia(·t·: ('hrist Chur(·h Parhdr Strt·Ph, \\"htJH·tka. Ill. llous{'. Oak anti J,lntJt·n Polling I .. lace: Glencoe Union Church, Park A H . · .· (; leJH'O£', Ill. DISTRICT 2. Commencing at the inte rsection of the :,;hure line of Lake l\lichi~an and Park .A\·enue; th e nee HOuthwester1~· along the center line of Park A venue to the center line of South Avenue; thence w est along the cente r line of South Avenue to the west line of New Trier Township; then cP south along the west line of ~ew Trier Township to the :,;outhwest corner of the southeast one-quartt>r of Section 1 2 ; thenf'e east along the south line of the southeast one-quarter of S ec tion 12 and said line produced easterly in Jackson Avenue to t·~le center Une of Groye Street; thence north along- the center line of Grove Street to the centt:>r line of :\Iadison A vt>nue, th ence east along the center line of ::\ladison Avenu e to the ct·nter line of Lake Street; thence south along the center line ot" Lakt: Street to the center line of Harbor Street ; th ence northeastt>rly along the center line of Harbor Street to tht- shore line of Lake Micbigan; thence along -the shore line of Lakt> ::\lichigan to the place of beginning. lJif'TJUCT !l. lh·;.dnning- at tlw shon· Jirw nf Lakt· ~\lil'higan and tlw eentPr lin<· of Elm Stn·t.·t; tht>n1·e Wt'Ht along- tht· <'t·ntt·r line of Elm Strel't to tht' <'hicag·o and Xorth \\"t.·Ht< ·rn Hail road; t·!wnce southwt' stt-rly along· tlw Cili<'ag·o and ~orth \\.t ·l"tern Hailroad to th~· C't·t1tt·r li1w · of \\"ill uw Sti·····t: thence east along tlw center line of \Vill ow Street to the ~hun· lint· of Lakl' ::\li ch igall : then<'e north along tlw Hhort· lin1..· of Lake ::\Iichig-an to tlw t't·lltt·r line of J..;lm Stret-t. A 11 in Township 42, Range 13. Pulling- l'hH·t-: ~orman Dally, i'2:J Oak St ·· \\'lnuetli.a. Ill. tht" centt't' line of Sheridan Road to the center line of Central A venue; thence west along the center line of Central Avenue to the cent<.~ r line of Fifth Street; th e nce south along the center linl' of Fifth Htrt-l:'t tu the south line of thf' Village of 'Vilmette; thc·nce east along the ~outh line of the Village of Wilmette to tht· short- nf Lake ::\lichigan; thence northwesterly along the shorC' of Lake :i\lif'higan to the point of beginning. All in Towns·~liP 42, Rn.nge J :L l'ollilllol' Plnet·: 1\t'ull & Smith, 419 -Uh St., 1-\"llmette, Ill. 1 ·: . Po lUng Plaee: FJrc 8tatJon, Ylllage Hall, G h·nco£', Ill. DISTRICT 3. Commencing at the intersection of the shore line of Lake ::\Iichigan and Harbor Street; thence southwest(·rly along the center line of HaruOJ~ Street to th e ct:>nter line of Lake Street; thence northerly along the centt--r line of Lakt-Street to the center line of l\Iadison A. v e nue ; t·~1e nce westerly along the center line of 1\fadison Asenue to the center line of Grove Street; thence south along the cent0r line of (~ron· Strt·l·t to Jackson Avenu e; th('nc e wt-sterly along Jad~son A\'t.·nue to the southwest corner of Section 7; thence south along tht· X t"w Trier Township lin e to the South <1lencoe \.illage lin<'; thence easterly along t·~e South Gleneoe Village line to the East Glencoe Village line; th e nce north along the East Clt>neoe Yilhtgt· line to the center lin e of Harbor Strt'et ; tlwnc ... t·ast on Harbor Street to the place of beginning. lHSTH.[( "I' ·1 0 . Beg·inning at tl11..· intt· rHt·t·tion of tht· t 'hil..'ag·o and Xort·h V\Tt·st ern Hailroad and tlw Ct·ntt·r line of \\-i llow Stn·<'t: tlwnt'f" Wt'st along tlw l'PI1tPr lint> of \\'illow Strt·d to tlw Wt·st linP of Section 20; tht>Bl'l' north along tlw W('St lim · of S0ction 20 to the north w<·st corner thereof; thence west along tht· north lin t- of Section 1 !I to thf' north wt·st f'Ornl·t· tlwr t>of ; t!1l'nCe SOUt·~1 along the \\"t·st linv of S ... ction 1 !I to the south \n:st <"Ornt>r of said SL·Ction l !I; tltt-nt"t' east along tht· south linl' of Section l !1, 20 and 21 to tht· <' t:o ntPr· lirw of tilt· ( 'hieago and Xorth '\\"t·stern Hailruacl: tht·nc·v northwt·stt·rly along- tlw e<·nh·r lin e of the Chicago and Xorth \\-t·Stl'rn Hailroad to t·~1L· f't·nter lin ... of \\.illo\v Stt···t·t , the puint or ht·ginning- . A II in Township 4~, Hange ] :L ]'olllngI II. I >ISTHICT 18. Beg·inning at the intersection of 'Fifth Street and Central Avenue; thence w est along the center line of Centnll .\Yen uP to the center line of Eighth Street; thence south along the cen t e r lin e o f Eighth Street and Woodbine Avenue to tlw ct·nter lint.· of Isabella Street; thence east along . the centt·r line of Isabella Street to the center lin e of Fift·~l Street ; tlwncf" north along the center line of Fifth Street to the center lilw of Central Avenue, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 1~. Polllu~ r- 3:: trJ ~ ~ ~ " PluN·: l.aurt·l .\H·, S<·hool, <·orut·r i'th und J,aurel.An·., \\' i I JJH·tt~. I II. r"11 trJ rti l'la<'l': 'orth ~hun· ( 'u untr~ llay Sdtool. " ' lnnPtka, Polling Plact>: North Shorf' Distilled "·atcor Scott A ,·enue, Glencoe, Ill. f(·t· ('u. nt 30!l PISTHI('T 11. Ht,g-inning- at tilt · shon· lint> of Lak·· ::\riclligan and tlw <·entt' l' lin t· of \\'illow St r·t·t·t: tht·lll't· \\'t·st along tl1l' l"t'lllt·r lint:' of \\"illD\\' f'tr vet to th· · t't·nkr· litll' of th v ( 'hi!"agu and Xorth \\' t>st<· rn Hailroa<l: t ht·JH't· southt ·astt ·rly a long· t ·:H· ( 'hic·agu and Xorlh \\"t·stt'l'n Hailro ;t<l to tht· !:>nuth lilw 11f tht· Tt·mp lt·'H Subllidsion: tlWnt'l' ('aHt along· tht· south lint· or tlw Tt·rnplt·"H Subdi\·ision to thP ('t ·nt Pl' litH· or Esst·X !{.oa<l : llH'nt't· north on th(' l't·ntt·r lint· of t·:sHt·X Jt·>:Hl to t ·~H· t' t· nto ·r· l int· or \\"innL·tlGt .:\\'t'lllh' and \\'inndli:t .\\'t·rrut · JH"odw·t ·d nortltl'ast< . : rb· to tlw !o<hOI"t' lint> of Lakt· :\I ichiga 11 : tlwncl! north Hlung· th <· Rhon· lint· of Lakt~ ~· i<'hig-an to thl' L't'11lt·r IIJw or \\"illow stn·et, tho~ point of bt·g·inning·. .-\11 in TownHhip .t:!. Hang<' 1 :L l'ullinJC l'lat·t·: ShPltt·r llou~P, lrulh111 IIIli :..tatiorr l'ar· k, \\'1!1ne·tka, 111. I>ISTHIL'T 12 . ..-\11 tlwt par·t uf tltt · \ 'illag·t· uf Kt·nilwo.r·t ·~l arul that part of tht· nor·th\\·t·st orJt·-qtwt·to·r of t IJt· not·t h · ' :t!'t Ollt·quartt·l' of St'<'tion :2R lying W··sl nf tlw <'hi<'ago and .:\'orth \\'· ·stt·rn Hailroa<l and north uf tlw south lint· of th1· \.illag, · of Kt·JJilworth. All in Township 42, Hange 1:1. · l'ulliu~ l'llH'f': \ ' iJiaJ.rt· tHii<·t·, KNJilworth, Ill. J)JSTHH'T 1:1 . Bq.:innin..:- at t-~1t · intt ·rst·c·tion of tltt · ('hicag-u a.nd Xorth \\" l':,;t<'rn Hailroad and (' t·!Ht ·r lint· ur Tw,·lfth ~tr·t · l't in tl11· \'illag t· of \\.ilnwtt t· prndUt"t·d south: tht ·JH"t' north\\" l'~h· rly along tht· Chic<tgo and X nrth \\·t·stt·rn l~a ilrfl:td to it" inlt ·rst·t·tion with tht· .:\' o J'th limits t·f tilt· \"ill:q..:··· ··r' ~\\ " illllf'lt· · : tll t·JH'·· t·aHt along . said Jl<>t'th ·limits litl· · l·l tho · t·a~t lino · nf ::-;, .,·tinll ~S: l·~!l·llt"t· north along- th.·· t·:tst lint · tof So ·o·ti .. n ~~ lu ti t·· t·ast and I>JSTl11<'T 1!1 . Ht:og-inning· at tht" intt->rst>dion of Eighth Street and I :rPt·nlt·af A venue; thenl'e west along the center line of Greenlt'af A venue to the center line of the Chicago and Nort~ Western Hailroad; thence southeasterly along the center line of the Chieago and ~orth \Yest e rn Railroad to th e south limits of the .\"illag-t-> of '\Yilnwtt t-: t1wn<'e east along the south limits of the \"illag.- of \\"ilmette to t·}te center line of \Vo odbine Avenue; tht·nf't· north along the <'enter line of '\Voodbine Avenue and l·:i .~ · ht h St l't·l't to tlw C't.'ntf'r line uf Creenleaf A vt>nue, tlH:' point of bPg-inning. All in Township 42, Range 13. I' oil in~ P hu·t·: 1 U:J (; rf't' nlt·u f A H'll u ~>, ""lim ettt>, Ill. l llSTHICT 20. Beg-inning- at the intersection of the Chicago nJHl ~orth \Yestern Railroad and Wilmette Avenue; thence sfluthwt·stt·rly along· the l'enter lin<' of \Vilm ette AvE;>nue to the t·t ·lltl'r lirw t~f Hidgt> Avenue: t·:1ence south along the center lirw of Hi!lgt· An~nue to th e south limits of' the Village of Wilmt'lt··: thenve Ntst along tlw south limits of . the Yillage of Wilmvttt- to tht> eenter lint> of th~ C'hicago nnd North Western Railr·oa!l: thvnct:> northwt'Hterly along thE' cente r lin e of the Chicago ancl ~ ort·~l \Yt·stern Railroad to the ct.·nter line of Wilmette .\ \'t·nttt' , tlw point of bPginning. .All in Township 42, Range 13. l'ullln~t l'la(·t': lh·ll Urt·ss ~hop. 'l:!t; '\"llm£>ttt· .An·., \\'11· IIH't ~ t·, Ill. DrSTRICT 4. Beginning at the intt·rsection of Haruor Street :uHl the north and south et.·nter line of Section 8; thenct> south along the north and south l"t'ntt> r lin e of S ect io n 8 to tht-· · south lint· of the Village of Glt'neoe; thence west along the south line of the Yillage of Uknl'oe to the wt·::;t line of St·f'tion IS: LiH: · n ("' south along the w est lin e of SE:-etion 1 ~ to t lw cPntt· r li rw of Tower Road; thenc e east along the <·t>ntt'r lint:· of Tow er Road to t·~e 'Center line of Gordon Terra ce; thence north along the centpr line of Gordon Tt>rra cp to the <'<' nter lin<· of <:age Stn·et: th en<'t· north and easterly along- the centt'r lint· of ( iag-t.> StrPet to tht· center line of tht· ('hi<"agn and Xm·th v\"t> st,·rn Railroad: tlwnve southeasterly along thP center lirw of tlw <'hie ago and Xorf.\1 \Vestern Railroad to the center lin e of Towt-r Hoad; thenct> cast along the centt'r line of Tow <:' r Road and tlw ct>ntt.·r line of Tower Road if extended to Lake ::\Iif'higan: thf'nct· north\\'l·sU·rly along I ISTIOCT 21. llt,gillrling at the interst-ction of the Chicago :t nd Xur·th \Yt>Htt-t·n Railroad and th e center line of Highland .\ n·nut·: tlwnt·f· Wt'!"t along the eenter line of Highland Avenue to tht· ct>lltt ·r lin e or Park Av~nuP: thenet> northwesterly along th·· t't·ntPr lint · of Park Avt'nue to t·~1e centt-r line of Lake Avenut · ; tht·Jwt· west along the cente r lin e of Lake Avenue to the t'l'JH e r lin\' of H.irlg~c· Asenue; thence south along the center line nf Ridg·t> A n ·nu<· to thl' Ct·nter line of \\"ilm ette Avenue; thence ··<lst and northeal';t along- the center line of vVilmette Avenue to tht· <"t·ntt·r line of · the Chicago and ~orth \Veste rn Railroad; t ·~lt'IH"t' northwl·Htt>rly along the center line of the Chicago and :\'cll' tl! \\· t·st··rn Hailroad t o the center line of Highland .Avenue, t l1t · point of bt·g·in!)ing. · .\ll in Township 42, Range 13. l'ollin&: l'ht<·t·: Lo~n11 Sdwul hnst·nu·nt. f't·ntrnl u.ntl Prairie \\ t·Hut·.;. \\' llnu·ttt·. .., ~ a:: ::r' ~ ......., (') /

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