Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 41

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March 11, 1927 I '"'""'"--.. . .-----------J the three largest are Florida, Idaho and Wisconsin. Florida, which already had made , phenomenal records in membership work, winning four trophies from as ST. PATRICK·s DAY PARTY many other departments in contests on The Wilmette Po~t and Auxiliary 1927 membership, hung up another one will have a joint St. Patrick's Day Feb, 18 by being the first state in the party, Thursday evening, March ·17, at uni on to exceed the 1927 quota assigned 9 o'clock, at the \Vilmette \\Toman 's it. club. ostumcs permitted hut not r.eIllinois, the leading state m total quirc<l. A smal l charge for admission, number of members, held a successful to help pay expenses. Come for a real intensive campaign which that state "..t6" good time . Ask any of those who called its "Big Parade," with more than .attended the Ia t post party-then 10,000 members, ahead of the same date hrin~ .the wife and c-o-m-e! ! last year, "and sti ll go ing," according .. to the state adjutant, Floyd ]. Heckel. \Vilmette Post has just completed a Illinois is attempting to reach a .'ucc~ful mcmhtrship drive as a re- membership goal of 70.000 in honor of ,uJt of which the Post now boasts 124 the national commander, Boward P. paid up 19.27 mernhcrs. The Auxiliarv Savage, whose home ts in Chicago. dri,·c was equally sucr('s.,ful. resulting One of the bright spots in the Illinoi s : 11 a nll'tnh<'r . . hip of about 100. campaign was at Herrin, \\'here Prairie _ Post No. 646 attained 417 memhers. The Po~t Tuc:-.<la\· of this week The post sent the following tckgram iormally appron·d th<.: ommunit\· hand to ~ational Commander Savage: proposition whirh is to appear on the "Tn manifestation for YOU, 417 memhallot at the annual \'illage election. hers make our post l:;rgcst c\'er in Egypt"-which 1s the well-known Tue~day, :\pril 12. \\'ilmcttc Post is . uuthern section of that state. to han: a dinner m · t. Augustinc's · ~fany wcll-organizerl membership r luhhnuse. pn·n·ding- the reg-ular meet- cam 1 ~aigns are in full swing- and conil l~ and initiation oi Ill'\\. llh'mher ~. tests arc being held throughout the -I countrY. .. :\II llll'lll h n :-hip r l' r or d-.; I> r u k t ·n." I . i:: tl.1c rl·!~ort ~I~ a~. ~1 as. r1 'me in to ,N a- 1 ~ 1r~. Jen n ic ~f orris of St,. Louis, Mo., tlon:tl h~ .ulqu,IJ tlt s ot the :\mcncan I returned .to her home last Sunda~·. after I.L·gtnn lrom tnan~· po st.... and depart- a six weeks' Yisit with ~[rs . C. \\'. Hilment~ in all -. t-rtioth oi thl' nation on ton, 1716 \\'alnut avenue. memher:-.hip ra111paigns a~ the second -ot11llllth oi the yl·ar drew to a close, ~[rs. Charles A. Barton 1216 ChestThe gain. nati onall .\·, on Feh . 25, was nut an'tltH', \\.ilmcttc. was hostess at 1 44,091 more than the total ior the same I a luncheon bridge for thirt\·-two on date la~t. year,. whi_ ch then wa~ a new 1 ~larch 1. · rt.' C(Jrd 111 l.t·gJ ( IIl lll ~·.tory. -oThl' three large st department~. nu~fr s . \\·. t. Braun. 807 Central aye1 T nerically, at thi:' time arc Illinois. nue. and her granddaughter. Betty Pl'nn~yh· ania and Ohio. Based on per- Dietrich, left last week Tuesday, n ·nta.gt· oi 19.27 quota s a ss igned the de- · ~farch 1. to ;;pend seYcral week at partments by national headquarters, I Ripl ey, Ohio. · N eWS L egton 'I WILMETTE LIFE 41 SPECIAL ELECTION · NOTICE Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Cook County, Notice is herehy ·given that on Tuesday, April 5, A. D. 1927, at. each of the following named regular polling places in the Township of New Trier, County of Cook and State of Illinois, a Special Election will be held to vote "Yes" or "No" upon the Proposition to issue Park Bonds of the Town of New Trier, County of Cook, Illinois, to the amount of 500,000 Dollars, for the purpose of procuring and improving one or more small parks. NEW TRIER POLLING PLACE I st District. Glencoe Union Church, Park Ave .. Glencoe, Illinois. 2nd District. Village Hall, 673 Vernon Ave .. Glencoe, Illinois. 3 rd North Shore Distilled Water Ic.e Company. 303 Scott Ave., Glencoe, Illinois. 4th District. F. A. Reid, 954 Linden Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. 5 rh District. Geo. W. Peak, 917 Linden Ave.. Winnetka, Illinois. 6th Dist_ rict. Com.munity House, . 620 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. 7th District. Clark T. Northrop, 55 6 Center St., Winnetka, Illinois. 8th District. Parish House, Oak and Linden Sts., Winnetka, Illinois. 9th District. Norman E. Dally, 725 Oak St., Winnetka, Illinois. 1Oth District. North Shore Country Day School. Winnetka, Illinois. I 1th District. Shelter House. Indian Hill Station Park, Winnetka, Illinois I 2th District. Village Office, 417 Richmond Road, Kenilworth, Illinois. 1 3th District. Village Hall, Wilmette, Illinois. 14th District. East Entrance Village Hall. Wilmette, Illinois. 1 5th District. The Byron C. Stolp School. Cor. 1Oth and Central Ave .. Wilmette, Ill. 16th Dlsirrtr. The Byron C. Stolp School. Cor. 1Oth and Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. 17th District. 419 4th Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. 18th District. Laurel SchooL Laurel and 7th Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. 19th District. 1145 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. 20th District. 1217 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. 21st District. ·Logan School, Prairie and Central Aves .. Wilmette, Ill. 2 2nd District. Fire Station, 8 29 Main St .. Wilmette, Illinois. ~ 3rd District. Hoffmann Bros. Hall, Ridge Road. Wilmette. Illinois. 24th District. Ilg' s Florist Shop. 8 57 Pine St., Winnetka. Illinois. 25th District. Fire Station. Ash St. and Ridge Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. 26th District. · Avoca School. Avoca Road, Gross Point, Illinois . Dis~ict. 1 1 1 426 BRIAR PLACE SHERIDAN-BRIAR Desiring Responsible Tenants only who appreciate good taste. Apartments now ready for occupancy. The Building is new and decorated in Spanish design. Bat brooms are large; Kitchens are Fully Equipp~d; Light, Gas, Filtered Water and Mechanical Refrigeration included. RENTS .2 Room Apts. $85 to $I 50 $100 3 Room Apts. 2 4 and 5 Room Apts. $I 8o to $200 The Polls of which special election will be opened at Seven ( 7) ot clock in the morning and continue opened until five ( 5) o'clock in the afternoon of that day. ROBERT M. SWETTZER, r ~·· .; Clerk. Dated at Chicago this 1 .Oth day of March, A. D. 1927. Large Bedrooms Agent on Premises.

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