Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 40

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V]ILMETTE coupled with his drop and curves, was Evanston All-Stars Win a big factor in the success of his team. From Local Indoor Champs The St. ] oseph team played exception An indoor game ar.ranged by the Recreation board of Evanston and Wilmette was played last 'J.'hursday night hy the Evanston All-Stars and the St. Joseph, 1, team. The scor.,Y ·was 13 to 3 in favor of the All-Stars. The game was much closer than the score indicates, for the A~l-Stars got seven runs in the first inning before the St. Joseph team was warmed up. No runs were scored in four of the nine innings. The All-Star pitcher was good: He had almost perfect control and this, LIFE CONGREGATION SUBJECT March 11, 1927 "From Baruch Spinoza to Ahad Ha' Am"-representing the twenty-five ally good ball, but the rules ·we.re a year period between the Rejected and little different than those thev had Accepted Jewish Philosophers, will be been employing. · (By Critic) the subject at the services of the North These teams ,,·ere to p!ay again Shore Congregation Israel to be held The third season of Artist Recitals, March 10, at the Howard gym. Sunday morning, l\[arch 13,. at · 11 spon~ored by the \Vinnctk a .Music club, o'clock in the Hubbard \Voods school. came to a close Tuesday, March 8, with a song recital by the Russian col- . Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hickman, Jr., 1458 Lake avenue, entertained Mrs. C. Mrs. H. ]. Imus, 547 Linden avenue, oratura soprano, .Maria ~ urenko. She D. Parker of Chicago, and her mother, ·entertained at luncheon and a miscci - gave a widely varied program and Mrs. Nettie Hatt of Hillsboro,. Ind., laneous linen shower on Wednesday, sang it all with perfection of technic, and ~1r. and l\[rs. G. M. Martin of March 9, in honor of Miss :.forma though sometiq1es lacki.ng in interpreEvanston, at a tea last Sunday, March Schuettgc, 804 Greenwood avenue, who tation. ·She has a voice of ~n~ at beauty and is unexcelled in her mastery of 6. will be married in May. coloratura. She sing~ with style and elegance. \\' hilc 1fadame Kurcnko's voice has been modiQ.cd, it still retains an exotic saYor. and, like the voices of all Russian \\'omen, it trends to\\'ard" sharpness at time s. Her Russian g-roup ,,·as gi,·cn \\'ith great freedom and spontaneity, and in her French songs she was cqua lly bcilc. ln the hnal group. "Time t)f Parting-," IJy Hadk,·, and the iamiliar "Lass \\'ith the Delicate Air," secmnl most pleasing. She was most graciuus \\'ith encores and L'tH!cd her prog-ram \\'~th a fascinating little sung ca11cd "Hain." The composer's name \\'a~ not a\·ailable. 1Ir. :\lacDonald's accompaninlL'Ilt:i were good hut sho\n·d a. lack oi prac t icc in t h c i r c n s t·m h k. The women oi the True Kindred oi \Viln)ctte will meet on Tucsda ,., :\[arch 15, at the home of ~1rs. J. B. Ho,rhish, 1501 Lake street, E\·anstun. iur thetr charity se\\'ing, i rum 10 ()\· l<>rk to -l o'clock. ~ K urenko Pleases in Season's Final Music Club Recital """""f One--Day Excursion Rate · Wilmette to Chicago Loop and Return Same Day 60c Round Trip Somewhere, somehow, some people have heard that the AMPICO is expensive. and yet you rna y own one for as . little as $1975 Somewhere, somehow, some people have heard that there are similar instruments almost as good as the Ampico - hence the CHICKERING AMPICO offers itself gladly for comparison anytime - anywhere - under any conditions. A liberal allowance for your prestnt piano-and the balance over a period of years. From Kenilworth .. 65c Tickets good for transportation to all downtown Chicago stations. Returning, tickets good .frotn Roosevelt Road, Adan1s t1 Wabash or Grand Ave. stations. Special Tickets on sale at Wilmette, Linden Avenue and Kenilworth stations. To take advantage of this special rate. customers must purchase round trip tickets before boarding trains. ~ Co~ Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad The Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Tel. Wilmette 25 J 4 Baggage Checked Gfiljcitritig _gfubiris Carleton Kaume'ler .527 Davis Street . . ovanston Ill 9/kp/111,,,_ Cmnkaj )2)0 Opm Tues .. Thurs. a"d Sat. Evenings

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