WILMETTE LIFE ).lar ch 11, 10.27 . -.r··~ .. ~:~-II> .. jl /' After Y<)tl . H£lve Pick eLi "V I ()llf pi r kcd y o u r B.1 n !-.. . v o u r hope do 11 t qt1.1inrcd \vith the Officers of vour B.H1~ . ou .1 \ ' c R \' b A 1_:; I uF u c. s rr on g t t ~ ·. I· u .; K ~.., i ,~ .., i o ~ ) ·', ~ ·,; u 1 i 1 Js . l '1.. ·, J, - officers h.lYe their vic\vpoint co nsLuHly rc i' LL'~h .. d .J i1d tnouldcd b,- conferences with the outstJtH.iinglv sut,·cssf ul n1cn of tht' c6n1tnunity. As J rcsu1t thcv Jccuclt~.' h' td lcct progrcssi\'e Jnd experienced thought .1nd Jction. Kno\\' these Offtccrs · no\\'. T~1lk ) our probletns o\·l·r \Vith thcn1 so thJt \\'hen you \v.tnt rhcir experience and JUd,;tncnt .1pplicd to your busincs<;. the: \\'ill kno\\' vou Jnd h.1\·c confidence in you. The n1.1n \vho kno\\'S the Officers of hi~ B.tnk is the \v h o is p L1 n n i n g f o r h is f-u t u r c. 111.<11 ~fhcsr THE WILMETTE STATE Central Avenue at Twelfth Street "Your Home Bank" AN1( Support the Wilmette Community Chest, March 20