Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 mm News o.F the North Shore Clubs Cl.ub Hears Story of Silver~ Talk on Modern Mexico on Art of China North Shore Women Art League Will Hear Mrs. Hubbard · Join Writing Group Woman's Club Will Hear Talk on· India · The pirate ·caves of · which every Mildred Smith Bolan to Sing Spring Term of Playwriting Class 1hs. Louise Hubbard of Winnetka has planned a delightful evening for . mall boy dreams had nothing on .the · Attracts Local Residents for the March meeting of the North Shore Woman's club on We.dnesday mornmg, Group of American Songs; Dhan Ten LeCison Course Gohpal Murkerji Will Talk Art league on Friday, March 25, at the March 2. It is true that the pirates Th-:- Town and Gown l"'l~· writin~ rlas". whosr spring term commences on 'March 15, will inciudc a mtmhrr of north shore women. The class meet" in the Studio room of the E\·anston \Voman's cluh hut its memlwrs arc drawn from the north shore \'illages as far north as Ravinia and Highland Park. Glencoe. Htihhard \\'oods. Winnc:-1 ka and \Vil111rtte also have rcpresentati,·es amon!-! the p~ay\nights. Some memhrr.; com<' from as far south as Jackson Park. Chicago, to attend the werkiY lessons in dramatic technique UIHlrr the leadership of Theodore n. HinckleY, well kno\\'n critic and edit~r of th~, Dr:1ma ~fagazine. The spring course consish of ten meetings on Tucsda,· mornin,gs hom 10 to 12. The mrmbers of the class usualh· lunch t()(rether after which thev attend a Play Shop production of one of the plays written hy a · member . The histor~· of a success play is ahont as follows. first it is submitted to Mr. Hinck~cv who .reads it to the class and leads ~J~e criticism. after 'Yhich it is rewritten: it is given a privatr afternoon Play Shop performance at Northwestrrn universitv after which it is criticised hy the class and then again rewritten; then four public evening pe.rformanres arc given hrforc the students of the scho~l of speech of tire universit\', ·the memhrrs of the 'l'hra tr·" guild, ai1-d frif'.nds of the play writin~ class who criticise it, after which it is rewritten for the third time; then it is p u h 1 ish e d in the serir . entitled "Northwestern Play Shop Plays," or else"" here. Six of the Northwe"stern Play Shop plays will he pnt out hy the Samuel French Publishing companv this month. They are by Edward Staadt. a former student in the sch:)ol of speech: Alice C. D. Riley (Mrs. Harrison R. Riley of Evanston), Bertha Burrill (Mrs. .T ohn Burrill of \Vilmette). Julia \Vhitely (Mrs. Arthur · Whitch· of Evanston), Shelton Sackett (Mrs. Samuel' Sackett of Evanston). and Marion Lawrence Nelson (Mrs. Herbert U. Nelson of \Vinnetka). Admis.sion to the class is not limitt d to those who are active writers but anyone "·ho is interested in the arts of the theater may join. O.pportunit,· will be given these. to act under the coaching of universitv directors, or to criticise ancl to join .in the discussion of current plays as wrH as of original manu scripts. Mrs. Charles Andrews of Ev·anston is the chairman of the class and act<; as registrar. Communit\· House, \Vinnetka. Mrs. Hubbard -has recently returned from China, having made -..;hile there a comprehqlsiYe study of the a.rt of the theater. ~Irs. Hubbard is deeply interested in ..,haclow puppets and will speak about the Chinese theater and its development, presenting the shadow puppet pia}·, "Love in a Temple." She O\Yns the most comp~cte and finest, as well as the largest private collection of Chinese puppets in this country. On the same evening there will be on exhibition pictures painted by the class now in progress under George Ohcrteuffcr of the Art institute. Both ~f r. Obcrteuffcr and his wife, Amiarcl Obcrtcuffer, have paintings in the present exhibition at the Art institute. : M rs. Obcrteuffcr has received the Logaa prize for her picture, "Y elJow Gown," while Rudolph Ingerle, former president of the North Shore Art league. received the ~lunicipa~ Art league prize. Other painters of the league whose pictures are on exhibition arc: Frank Pevraud Allan Philbrick. Anita \Villits. Bu;·nham Carol-Lou Burnham, Percv B. Eckl1art, Grace N. Haskins, :\fargucritc Taylor, and \Villiam R . \Vatson. North Shore Artists to Appear at Musical Guild The second of a series of afternoon concerts under the direction of the north shore committee of the ~[ usical (~uild \Yill hl' ~in·n next Sunda~· aiternoon at the Guild House , 716 Rush s <red. The iollnwing artists ,,·ill presl'llt the JH8granl: Amelia Birnbaum, violinist: Tnny Abe1e, pianist: Adelaide C. J one:-., sop.rano; Ethel Fkntyc. accompanist. The pro).!ram is to he: Snnata in C Major .............. Grieg 1\Irs. Birnbaum and l\fr~. Abele Aria "fl (·!'t doux, il est bon," ....... . drom Hl'rocliadt' . . . ........ l\lnsscnPt Adelaide' C' . Jon··~ Praludiam and Alleg-ro ............. . -:\ritlni~· ht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pugnani-Krt' isl cr Bt>lls ...... Heuberger-Kreiskr :Mrs. Birnbaum Y('sterday Hnd Today .......... Spross Four Ducks in a. Pond ........ ~f'edham To the Sun ............... r · · · · Curran A 1\Iaid Sings Light ..... ..· .. MacDowt-11 The Last Song· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rogers · Adelaide C. Jotws Juvenile Horne Benefits by Club Sewing March 1 S Next Friday morning will be the occas ion of the second all-day sewing meeting this month for the benefit of the children of the St. Francis Juvenile l,onH'. The hour of meeting at that time, March 18, will be at 10, as usual, v.·ith luncheon served at 12 :30 o'c~ock. The sewing days this year, which are under the direction of the philanthropy department of the club, have been attended ,~·el!. The department again emphasizes that fact that all women of the village who are eager to do their hit of se wing for charity, are cordially invit ed to attend these Friday meetings. MOTHERS TO HEAR DIRECTOR The Young Mother's club will hold its regular monthly meeting in the evening- of March 14, at the home of Mrs. ' W. 0. Haas, 621 Park avenue. D. M. Davi s, director of recreation and physical training in ~'ilmette, will speak on 4 'The Active Nature and Needs of Childhood." The next meeting of the North Shore WelJesley circle will take place at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. George B. Jones, 1620 Asbury avenue, Evanston. on Tuesday, March 15. Miss Marjorie M. Billow will be the co-~ostess. B. P. W. C. TO MEET The man's next There at the Business and Professional \Voclub of Wilmette will hold its meeting Monday, March 14. is to be a dinner at 6 :30 o'clock First Congregational church. were lacking, hut there was ~it.e:ally a The program at the Woman's ~luh fortune in silverware on exhtb1tton, to illustrate a lecture on "The Romance of Wilmette next Wednesday rnonung. of Silver" by Miss Louise Voltz, of March 16, will consist of period l!:oups Peacock'; jewelry store in Chicago. of American soh~s rendered by Mlidred Not only were there silver utensils of Smith Bolan of Hinsdale. At the a f everv · kind, ranging from tiny coffee ternoon session Dhan Guhp;tl ~r ur spoo;1s to g-reat silver vases, hut there kerji will talk on "The India of .1~ i!)ling was also a most wonderful assortment and of Ghandi." Mr. Murkerp 1 s a of patterns and desigi~s and many Braham of high caste. his propll' )>e pieces of silver in vanous stag-es of inO' the keepers of a temnlc . :\ttt·r completeness. to show just how the re~eiving the hest educat=on possibll' in India, Mr. Murkcrji came to Amer finished articles were made. Fascinating as the exhibit was to ~11 ica and worked his way through col who were fortunate enough to see tt. lege. He is fitted to intcrnre·t lndia tr, it served only as a hackgroun~l for the an Occidental mind. knowing (~ur hack interesting story related by Mtss Voltz . <rrounrl and viewpoint. She traced the history of many love~y ,.., 1frs. Bolan's reocrtnin: include.., patterns, some of which have been 111 songs by ,such well known comiH,..,n:-. process of development for genera- :-~s Francis Hopkinson, Arthur Foote. · tions while others have come down to Rogers ' Homer, G. Grant-;cbadn. us ~tnchangcd, having successfull y Mabel Daniels.· Carpenter. Gertrndl' stood the test of over a century of Ross and Phillis Fergus. MrS. 13olan appears constantly before reprcs.ent~t dailY contact and use. tive clubs and was rerentlv solo1st 111 1iiss Voltz also went into .some Elijah with the Choral club in concert aspects of the manufacture .of sl lv ~r with the Chicag-o Symphony orchestra. warc. which were of parttcular 111Mrs. Bolan has heen accorded the tcrest on account of hemg some_:vhat highest praise hy some of America\ further from the ken of her a~ldten~e best knnwn critics as the po. scssor of as a whole. The romance of s1lver ts an unusnalh- good and natural connot limited to the development of tralto voice .. She is considered one of artistic desig-ns. the very best of Chicago's youngrr The conclusion of ).'(iss Voltz'. ad- sin0:ers owing to her remarkable clrar d re :;:-; cm·L'H'(l the practica 1 use of s t1 \'L'r all'l correct rnunriation. her Po\\"er and ; the home. and the best mc~ns of rangr of ,·oice combined \\"ith a plca c;.n · f ts arsecuring· the tnll ac1 va1~tage o t · . . il'!.!'. tl'fHlest and sympathetic p'l:non.tistic ralue. This portJOn of the t,tlk ~ 1ih·. ).f rs . Rnlan will hr accompanied ,,.·as illustrated hy a dinner tah~e. 0~1. 1)\· · Mrs . l\fa:n· Pearcr ).;icmann, a which every silver appurtenance to. ,t t;~lented and ·accomplished music ian. perfectly scned din ncr appe.~~red ~\'l.t 1~ "·hn ,,·ill render a Concert Etude h~· its proper background of nch. "lnt~ Sternberg-. linen., . Xot onh· did :\1iss \'oltz .d!scu.ss tlll: Voters Start Two New tecbni.que of the proper utdtzat!On ol Classes on Citizenship sil\'erware. but she also .Ltvor<.:~l her _ au diencr ,vith matl\· _ practJc<tl · pn!nter~ 01 ~ '1\\'C) nc\\· classes were ina.u~ttratt·d the selection and ourchast o! <_trtlcle·, thi:; week in tl1e series of ritizen,hip of silver, and the ~ra~lual butldmg. up rlas;;es "·hich arc bring IH·ld in \\'i1oi an equipment 0t s1lv~ r appropnate tnet te lllHlrr the auspicrs ·nf the \\'il mettc Teague of \ Vomcn \·nter:-;. :\femtr, th l· nce<ls of any £am1ly. Dr. Frank R~hn. special feature hers of one beginning class mrt Thurswriter for the Xe"· York Times, spo~e da\· " ·ith tht·ir instructor. :\frs. J. R. · 011 ").,£odcrn 1[e:xico and J:Ier ~rot>- B;ddie. ](>21 Forest avenm'. and they !ems" at t1 1 c afternoon meetmQ." ot thr \\'ill mert tlw next t\\·o 'l'hmscbys at club on iiarch 2. Dr .. I3ohn ~as had 10 o'clock \\'ith ~frs. G. T. Hellmuth. a close acquaintance wtth }.le~tc<;>. and 1705 F~rest aven ue. Ano1hcr class met ... he showed a sympathic appre~tat101~ of for the · first timr T·h ursday with ':\frs.- · their difficulties. The esscn.ttal thmg, Tra Revnolds. 218 1'\inth street, \rho i-; Dr. Bohn said, is the cclucatton of the inst.ructin~ that class. They "·il! a . ).'l exican. He wishes that hundreds .of semb le for their other meetings on hands of sc.hool s could make an m- 'I'hursdavs, March 17, and March 24. vasion into - Mexico. and that would at 10:30 .o'clock. mean the beginning of the development The class "·hich h as hrcn meetin g of Mexico. He thinks we may be ahle " 'ith Mrs. C. P. Evans. 61() Gregor~· to carry them education. a\'cnur. of ,,·hich ~frs. Elliott \ ... Dr. Bohn told of what l~ngths of y~·ungbcrg, ·H9 \Vashingt on avenue, ts sacrifice Mexican women wtll go to J in structor. finished it s series of ten ~vhen somethi11g patriotic is at sta.ke, fif'i:een minute lessons. A group has giving a graphic picture of a r ebeUton been meeting- at M.rs. Youngberg's, in he witnessed. The men locked up the struct ecl by Mrs. Rob r rt Taylor . A11 women in a stockade and wet.lt to the members of the \Vilmctte League of front. In the micl'dlc of the ntght tl~ey \Vomen Voters arc cordially invited to . broke their wa~· out, and the mornmg attend thesr classe s, and other residents found them fighting with the men at of the village are ' 'velcomed to the the · front. The afternoon was pro- d~ sses to study the topics on citizen nounced by members of the cluh one sh ip. of the h,. . t they have ever enjoyed. NEIGHBORS TO MEET LAST COLOR TALK Mrs. George C. Richards is in charge Miss Helen Parker will give Monday of Education day at the Neighbor s' the last of. her talk s on color at the meeting-. which is to he held Tuesday, Woman's cluh of Wilmette. Miss March' 15. Dr. Frank Bohn, who is Parker will take the class through the a feature writer for the New York Art institute in the near future, p rob- Times, will speak, and his subject will ably two weeks from Monday. be Mexico.

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