Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 27

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March 11, 1927 WILMETTE LiFE tJ Marshall Bidwell, Organist at Free Concert March 15 IPi Phi Alumnae Sponsor Performance of "Penelope" The alumnae of Pi Beta Phi sponsored a benefit performance of "Penelope" at the Goodman , theater, Chicago, Monday, - March 7, the proceeds going to their settlement school fund. Miss Anne Guthrie, Chicago executive of 'the Y. W. C. A. and president of . the alumnae club was in charge. Miss Mae Morey, 1129 Main street, was in charge of ticket selling by members of the Northwestern Pi Beta Phi chapter·. The Little Pigeon Settlement school was established by Pi Beta Phi in 1912 with an attendance of 13 pupils. a.'h~ present enrollment is 125. The third year of high school has recently been added to the curriculum, and the entire school is maintained by Pi Beta Phi. In c~nnection with it the Jennie Nicol Memorial hospital has been founded. Many "New" Things You will be surprised bow our original dry cleaning process restorn lift, smartness and wearability to garments! Look through the ward· robe and pick out one or more things to send to us for dry cleaning. Make up a trial order today and learn what transformations we contrive by our method! . I The biggest concert to-date of the N ::>rth Shore Communit\' Or(!an free series jg announced for- Tues'day evening, March 15, at 8 o'clock, at St. Luke's c~urch, Evanston, when Marshall Bidwell, A. A: G. 0 ., will giYc a program sponsored by the Illinois Chapter A. G. O.,"ancl the nationa~ asS<>ciation of organists. A graduate of the New England Conservatory, winner of the "earned" ass.ociatc degree of the American Guild of Organists, pupil of Wido.r and of Libert in Paris first prize-winner in t.he Fontainebleau conte st of 1921, ·he is one of the most dic;tinguished young organists in this country and one whom his teacher Widor called '1a truly remarkable artist." Hi s program which incluclc s so great a cla ss ic as the Bach "Fantasia and Fugue G Minor," li sts a! sn so me delightful tran scription s in the playing of which he is noted for his "fastidious ta ste and fine regi st ration ." The complete musical program is as follows: lntr·ndw·ti~tn J usc call W~lmette Wtnnetka 14 4 Plant 899 Linden Ave., Winnetka and Alll·gTn (~onata X ·1. 1) .. ........... ....... f:uilm ant < 'hr·J':ll·· Pt·· ·lud. ·. "~Ty !wart i~ filh·d ~ , \'." t h loll'~in .. ·· .. .............. Darh <' ano n in B .\Tinor .......... fi<'humann Fant : t ~i<L and FU "ll·· 1; .\Tit!lol' .. .. Bat ·h l'ro ·lud t· to th1· "l:lt·ss··<l T>amoz .. l" .... . .. ..... .. . .. ....... .... . ... Dt ·bUSRY . , . \1 1·~~· \i\'a t· o· (:->y!nphnu~· \' . ) .. .... . . ....·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '\Yi(1 or ~(·h· · rzo (Sonata in E :\tinnr ) ... Hn!!o ·r :-; t'l:tir di Lu n·· .: .........J . . . . . Karg--E i ert Li· ·l ... ~l!ll l f'non1 Tri~tan and I sold · ............... . ............ '\Yagnr- r Allt' g"ro, " Thnu nrt tlw H(t<'k" .... :\Iull'l Viennese Educator Will Lecture at Northwestern Dr. :\rt;111r I fa as. profe sso r ui ph\· ~ ic s at the Cniversity of \ ·icnna . \\ill .hL' a gues t of the depart111cn t 11 f piH· ~ir " · Xorth\\'e!'lcrn uninrsit,·. ).fare!; 29. H e ,,·ill lecture during the m o rning oi that day tn st nd r nt.-; in phy s ic ~. an e\·ent that al"o will he open to the public . f n the C\'Cilillg he wiiJ deJi\·er a seco nd address, prohabh' in Harris ha!l. E\'anq n n camJHt ". The topic .; of his addrr. ~t:s at ~ortlnn· ster n "·ill be: "TI1e At om as a Somct· of Encnrv" ' and "Ohjer t i\'e and Human Phnics." Dr. Haa s, \\·ho hear s an cm·iahl~ rrp utation in Eurnpefi n sc ientific circles, is making a tom nf 1ht l'nited ~tatl" and . ha s selecte d \.'nr tlnn··, tern uni Yrr . ; ity a~ o'tw of till' in.;;titutinn: lw dc·-.irl' . . tn yj ·it and '" lwn· hi-: ' m, ·.; -:a ,.,_. .., o n scientific matters 1\·iiJ rc ar h a synl patl]t'tir audience·. WITH THE Purple Track Team Has Easy Win Over Purdue I Nortlw:estern's track t ram had ~~n easy time \\'inning from Purdue h ·irl:l" l night by a score nf 36 to 25. Tlw : Purple athlrtrs took fir..,t plarc in 7 1 of the 9 e\'(.' nts and won all three place s in two of them. Tiny Lewis was hi g h scorer of the meet. with Grsts in the s hot put and high hurdles. ~nrth western won all three places in the shot put and the two-mile run. The Purple swimming team lost a close meet to Minnesota Saturday night by a score of 36 to 33. The meet was tied at the close of the individual events. Victory in the medley relay gave the Gophers the edge. Wally Colbath, star Northwestern diver, continued to show his superiority in that event by easily winning first place. .r devclo?n1ent tb~t the eye cannot see, nor the n1ind fully grasp until a road. test has been experienced. Make that test with our cordial assistance-at your cotfvenience, but soon. 2. T l-IE Shock-less Chassis is ph~~~.on1en:1.l · ELCAR MOTOR COMPANY 'Builders of Filze Vehicles Since 1873 CARRIE S. ROBERTS Prh·ate Lessons-.t:nsentble Recltuls - Coaching Hleuu Dillard Ounn School of .Music Chicago Tel. Wlnn. 1226 The Elcar is the only Car sold with a 90 DAY FREE SERVICE Guarantee Pianist- Teacher C. WILMETTE A. FRIDMAN Phone Wilmette 3895

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