Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 24

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WILMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 I Mme. Edith Rideau Normelli Soprano Teacher of Voice wilh degrees of Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts, is receiving enrollments now for Spring Term. Make reservations now for Summer term. Studio Building I 718 Sherman Ave., Evanston Studio Phone Greenleaf 3 5 23 · Residence--Univ. 7278 Evanstonian Is Head of North Shore Osteopaths Evanston; Arthur H. Tuttle, Wilmette, and \Villiam Burr Allen. Evanston. Douglas G. Waitley, 643 Asbury ave- 1 .Mr. and Mr s. George · H. Dormat1 nue, wa s elected president of the North and Mi ss Janc Ellen Dorman of S.hore Soci~ty of Osteopathic Physi- 1 P<?ntiac, .1 .11:·. an~!. ::'v[rs. \:'! l,liat:1 1~. ~or ctans organized recently at the group's : tncL~l of. Stthsl.>ttt ~ ' Ind .·. at c expected to . . : arrn·e 111 \Vtlmette thts week end, to first luncheon meetmg at the Georgtan visit with 11rs. George H. Dorman's hotel. parents, Mr. and Mrs. \\' illi am Holllle s, It was arranged to hold these 622 Central avenue. -oluncheon meetings the first and . third weeks of each month. Other officers Ur. and 1£ rs. C. C. Henderson, 1405 were elected as follows: vice-president, Fo~est avenue, are planning to occupy 0. ·E. Andres, Winnetka; trustees, Hal their nevv home at 1632 Forest avenue Shain, Rogers Park; James M. Fraser, <thout the first of May. REPORT SHOWS RAPID GROWTH OF C. N. S. M. Opening of Skokie Valley Route Points Way to Vast Development West . The outstanding feature of the year 1926 on the North Shore lim: wa s the great increase of the facilities of thl' railroad to gi,·e the public still bettc·r service, according . to the annual !'(' - . port of th<' company made public th is week. The large st single accomp\i-,hm ~· nt was the completion and ope ning <·i the Skokie Valley route which ga\·t· the railroad two additional main tracks bct\vc<.·n Chicago ancl \\' aukcg·an an<l direct service between Chic:q.~· o and Libertyville and :Mundelein. Business of the company shn\H:d a substantial increase for the year, both in pa~scngcr and ircight t ra !"lie The company carrie<l a -total (If 19,461.426 revcntl l' passenger · on it..; rail and motor coach line s, th e grtat est .number in the history of the rail road . Freight and merchandise de spatc h busine ss of the company amounted to 656,754 tons, an increase of 120,().:;<) tons over the previous year. Of the JJ.as scngers carric.d l>y tht· company 10,714,4SR were carried em the main line. an increase of K9<J.~(>-l over the previous year. The mot (·r · coach lines. including the auxiliar:-· service givl'll in the city of \\' aukcgan. carried 1,R2l ,603 passengns. Th(' \\'aukcgan city lines carried 4,R4.:1 ..2~-l passeng-ers, including tht au:-;iliar .' motor coa;h se n ·icc and t h~: ~f il""a 11 kre cit_,. lines 3,01~.776 pa.;scngTrs. Gross Revenue $7,568,362 The ~ross operating rn·e nm· oi t lw rompany )\·as $7,56R.3o2, an incrca'-c of $71R.l97 on·r the ,·car l'J!i .\itn deducti ng· operating e~pcnsc~ and Ltx<'" the gros~ income wa'i $1.814,290. an in crea se of $200,669 .o\'er the prt·\< ( l\1 .... year. (Juartcrh· c)i,·idend s oi () pn t'('llt t 1ll the ~),000,000 of preferred ~ tnrk and 11 i 7 per cent on So.o.l2W)() priflr lit·n "t1·rk issued and outstandin:..:· \\'t'l"l' p;tid tCl the amount of ~729.7-lO . "Construction oi 1lw Ill'\\' Sk (l),;(, Yalll'\. routl' incrl'ascd Jnatvrialh· tlw f1:xed. ch<trgl·~ oi the r(Jmpa tl \-." -.;1.' · I the report, "and \\'l!ile thl' til'\\. lin(' r~rcat l y in1pron·d the l'hiL·a:,:o - \1 il\':;111 kce passenger scn·icc hy rl'ducing t 11· · running time of trains, ahd wa:- - ~ tH'Ce..:c; ity hr ca u:-e nf th\' contemplatl.' ·l ! .!Tadc. separation thnugh the comnn! Pities on the Shore Line rout e, SClll1l' 1 ; 111 <· 11 he r cq ui red to d <'HI op t lw 1crritnry to make this line self-s upport - ----------------------~.--------- .. I ' She is Glad Now that Her Laundress Failed Her Last week Mrs. Brown was in despair. For the third time her laun.dress had failed her. And the family simply had to have clean things to wear. She had never tried our Family Lallhdry service-she was quite certain that it was terribly expensive. But something had to be done, so she bundled up her washing and called for our driver. _ Then she was on _needles and pins until her bundle and our bill came back. "Imagine my surprise," she told us, "to find that my week's washing had cost me no more than I had been paying my laundress." "And the work was so nicely done- everything was so fresh and spotless. The little bit of ironing left for me took hardly any tiine at all." You· will find our Family Laundry Service [equally delightful-ey it today and be convinced. We will call for your bundle, and wa8h your clothes. in oceans of rainsoft water, with the mildest of pure, white soap. We'll iron all of the neavy flat pieces, and we'll return your washing promptly, with only a few garments left for you to iron. Just phone us when your bundle is ready. · '"i . ! llg. ,. PHONE WIL. 511-Mo Toll That the den·loplllcnt of the territor ~· hv the new line is alreaclv welJ started indicated hy the report ·which say~: "An · important feature of th e r::)Jlstruction work, one indicati\'C nf the gro\\'th. of the contpany's husines~. is the number of sidings and switch track:-; installed du6ng the year for the('C'O,flvenicnce of industrial concern~: locating their business along the rail road. A total of 30,570 lineal feet, or nearly six miles of such sidings and tracks were completed in the vear c:t twenty different locations." The company added the fo1lo\\'ing equipment to its rolling stock during the year: Twenty steel passenger car~. 1hree steel dining cars, fi,·e rcfrigrra - _, tor cars, four special flat cars. an<l t\\'rnty dump cars. ~L: r\'ccl is FRENCH LAUNDRY VICTOR ORTLUND, P1·esident \fiss Doris vVoodcock. 503 Central a\'cnue, entertained thr alumnae of the Wheelock school. Boston, at luncheon and hr:clg-e, !\1 ondav. ).1 arch 7. -0- EVANSTON John B. Boddie. 1621 Forest avenur. entertained the North Shore Chess club last Friday evening, March 4.

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