Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 20

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20 WlLMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 ====~:_"'"'""""""""""""'"'""""'"""'"'"""""'""'""'"'""'""""'""'""'""""""""'""'""""""""'"'""""""""'""'"""""""'"""'""':"""'"~====-~ POSTPONE 0. E. S. PARTY, I &t~r~ 1gTmi~~~~SJ I rn the Most Beautiful Dining Room .._/' I==· :·lllllllllllllllllllutlllllllllhlllutliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Every Evening-Except Sunday Eight to Twelve P.M.-Informal Saturday Evening-Formal Party Dancing till 2 A. M. EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL ORCHESTRA REMEMBER-the only hotel in Chicago with a GARAGE in direct connection and providing transient storage at a nominal rate-Relieve your mind of your cat l - Edgewater Beach Hotel on the Lake 5300 BLOCK SHERIDAN ROAD TELEPHONE LONGBEACH 6ooo ~ ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ I :-lfiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttlllllllllllllllllttttlllltltllttt ·t· ,. '"'tlltttJittlttttttllllltllltlllllllllllllllllllll¥- = The social afternoon and card party to North Shore Churches for the \Vilmctte chapter, number 743, Under the auspices of the Christian Order of Ea ~ tcrn Star, ·w hich was to be he!d March 16 at M.r s. Anna Ahl- Science churches of the north shore, strand' s home, 1500 \Vilmettc avenue Bicknell Young, C. S. B., of Chicago, is postponed to \Vednesday, March 23~ member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church, Fit st Church of Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Scott, 825 Christ , Scientist, in Boston, lectured on Forest avenue. left on Saturday, March Christian Science Sunday afternoon at 5, for Cuba . They expect to be gone 3. The lecture was delivered at the Varsity theater. The churches parabout three weeks . ticipating were the First Church of -0Chri st, Scientists, Evanston; the First Mrs. Lt<1 ]. Orr of 1002 Greenleaf avenue entertained at bridge la st Fri- Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette; the Fir :-; t ChJ..lrch of Christ, Scientist, day evening. Winnetka; and the First Church of Christ, Scienti t, Glencoe. The lecturer was introduc ~ d by Hugh Stuart ampbcll of the Committee on Publication for Illinois. Follo\\"ing are excerpts from Mr. Young's lecture : Christian Science has gi\·en ·us eyes · to see the real way and the understanding to walk in it, but I would not give the impression that this way and this understanding can come to you without any effort on your part. We can call your att~ntion to the heritage. According to the Bible it is "incorruptible" and "fadeth not away," but if you desire it you must claim. it. There is no realm in which you can do so other than the realm of thought or education,-using the term in the highest sense. The thinking that r esembles God- a11d thinking is the only thing about a human being that ever does resemble God-is the way, and the only way of deliverance. It was the way that Jesus recommended ; it was his way. · The beneficent power and influence of the Christ cannot be invoked through in material means. You and I at this moment are thinking about the healing power of God, which available power apprehended is properly named C h r I s t, Truth. To think about it is a wonderful step for us to take, but it is not the final step. In a certain sense there is no final step. You cannot measure thoughts. Th ey are not r estricted by time or dis1 This new Eitel feature is of tance. "Ve can think over hill and dal e I imd lakes and mountains and fure:;t s and pa:ticular importance to i forests and cities and countri ··s and C. & N.W. Ry. commuters oe(·ans, and even out to tlw st<.irs. \Yhat a wond erful word Mind is! as it makes every minute Bicknell Young Lectures Now Offers You a CHARGE ACCOUNT C. & N.W.Terminal Restaurants Start the Pay with Bowman's Milk vim, for all day Bowman's Milk. Use it with cereals, on fruit, and as a refreshing, energizing drink~ Rich in all of the precious vitaminea it is a health-food beyond coJnpare. There is a flav Jry deliciousnesa in Bowman's Milk that wins instant favor. It has always been the standard of quality. Fifty-one years of dairying experience assures Bowman's Milk reaching you as fresh, rich and pure as when taken from the cow. If you have never tasted Bowman'a Milk, do so today. Telephone our nearest distributing station or order from one of our courteous milkmen. zest, for FOR vigor drink count in Chicago - gives each member of the family more tirue to shop or catch a train. By simply signing the pur- · chase check, charge account patrons may dine in our Lunch Room, Main Dining Room or Suburban Concourse-or take home bakery goods and cigars. Application blanks may be secured at any one of our cashier's desks. 11rs. S. H. Darst of 831 Ctnt ral a\·cnue left last week ior Kcw York to visit Ur. Darst" . si:-; tcr, ~Ir s. 1~ BanderKolk, who is ill. ~lr s . Freel \\'hitclcy. 1 of Chicago, ~lr. Dar st\ s i ~ ter, is at the Dar st hom<: during th<: t\ro \HTb or more that ~I r:-; . Darst is ttJ be ~one. 0- Mr s. T . ]. Ferrenz of jll \\' a shing ton aYcnuc has a s her gue sts ).1 r :-; , B. G. ~I erslwn and .:.1r s. Sad a lbrthol OllH' \\' of Verm ont, 111. 0- ·· ~f rs. F . ·B. Cro ss ley o f W2 \\"a shinl.non a\·enue. wli11 hrnk e her arm last week. is gradually imprnring . Arizona- -California On March I9. I927. two special Pull mans filled wirh residents of the midwest, wiiJ leave Chicago for an I Wilmette r day ~ r 55 This latest feature of Eitel service also enables you to have excursion to Arizona-California. Those making the trip will be shown li and I Checks Cashed These charge accounts also entit!eyoutothesameservice at the new Hotel Eitel, which is under the same management. And we will be glad to make reservations for you at the C. & N. W. Station. o acre tracts of FROSTLESS fruit See and on lands in Arizona, which are making growers independent f~ life. convince yourself These tracts can before be pufchasing. purchased reasonable terms for homesites or mcome only purposes. Special rate round trip to the Magic Mesa with side trips to Los Angeles. San Diego and return: fare, birth, meals. $99. For further fat 51 Mil~l\. p p-. --· - - - · - - -- · DAIA.Y COMPAN~ information wire, phone . or write Walker & Amann, Dept. S. 3 3 2 S. Micb.igan Blvd., Chicago, Ill. - - ·- - - - - - - YEARS THE STANDARD OF QYALITV ·

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