Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 Woman's Catholic Club ISt. Francis to Open to Study Arts Today Ward for Children; c7lnnouncing Walter A. Wood as Salesmanager NCE a business conducted in a small room; today the largest and finest equipped laundry on the North Shore, is the story in a few words of the remarkable growth of the Washington Laundry. Such progress is due to forty years of Quality w.ork. When an enterprise reaches such a development where Service becomes paramount, it employs a salesmanager. Mr. Wood fills this capacity with a background of many years' experience with nationally known concerns. Further progress will now be measured in two words-Quality and Service. Foreseeing the need of a man of Mr. Wood's ability is indicative of the Washington Laundry's ever ready effort to "keep pace with the growth of the North Shore." The Woman's Catholic . club of Wilmette is meeting today at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. ]. McArdle, 111 A children...s war<l will be opened at Broadway avenue, with the program St. Francis hospital this spring, accor~ in charge of the fine arts department. ing to an announcement made thts The program includes study of litera- week by members of the staff. The tu~e, art and music. war,d will occupy the sun parlor. on the Mrs. A. D. White of the Argyle Por - fourth floor, pre:viously occupted by tia club is to give a resume of the out - student nurses who are now accomstanding books of the year; Mr.s. modated in the .new nurses' .home. It Frank Thale will report the art tnp will have capactty .f?r 20 ~htldren td of February 16; Mrs. A. H. Rohol will ' hegin with, and additions wt.ll be made give a paper on 41 Art Conservation," as there are demands for more space. and Mrs. Charles Norman, assisted by Partitions and other alterations are Mrs. Frank Kaye, Mrs . Frank Rothing to be installed in the next few days as and Mrs: Charles Broad, are in charge a preliminary to taking care .of the litof. a Vtctor ~er~ert yrog~am. Mrs. tle patient s. At yres~nt. chtldren are Mtchael Morns wtll gtve ptano selec- · cared for at St. I· rancts 111 the regular tions. Mrs. T. \V. Mayherc:y ~nd Mrs. wards. In order to raise money for furnishB. F. Patterson are to be assJstlT)g host esses. ing the ward the Glenola club of Rogers Park is sponsoring a benefit musiSORORITY HOUSE HOSTESS cale to be held Friday, March 25. Mrs. Ralph F. Pettibone of EvansSig. Francesco Daddi, the famous ton entertained at a· luncheon at the tenor Lazora Laxman, Evanston so .. Chicago College club Saturday, March prano' and Leah Shelters, accompani st. 5, in honor of Mrs. vV. A. Thrall of will pre sent featured numbers, and 416 Elder lan e, \Vinnetka. Fo~lowing there will he a concert hy the New the luncheon, bridge was played at the Trier High school band of which .T. C. · Drake hotel. Schumacher is the conductor. Mrs. Thrall is to asume the position The benefit wilt be s·t aged in the St. of hostess at the Alpha Xi Delta soro- Ignatius auditorium, at 1300 Loyola ritv house at Northwestern universit\' avenue, one block we st of Sheridan in ·September, when all of the fourtec;1 road. · houses will be completed. Mrs. PettiTick<:t s for the etitcrtainment arc on bone is national president of Alpha Xi sa.tc at all north shore drug stor es. Delta. · The Glenola club ha s adopted the Mrs. ]. T. Kelly, Jr .. and her two children's ward as its especial enter children, 1539 Walnut avenue, returned prise. recently from Philadelphia, Pa., where 1fr. . Ho\\·ard J. Koehn , 923 : M ain she visited for six weeks with her street, entertained la st week \Vcdne sfather. dav at luncheon and hrid gc for Mr s. -0Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, Lo-uise Parker, of Sturg is, ~[ich .. wh o 927 Ashland avenue, left last Saturday is the mother of :\1rs. John H . Brum baugh. 1612 Lake annue. fo~ a four week s' Yi sit in Cuba. B enef·t ' March 25 ..;. I Help us grow! The Washington Laundry Evanston, Illinois Phone University 5 900 1 Franklin St. L Station 2 Van Buren St. 3 One block south Jackson Blvd. Where business men are buying Although located at our main wholesale plant, our Fourth Floor City Sales ::tffords everything for your comfort and co.nvenienct that you would find in the finest retail store. Our courteous service is a real time saver. Try it. . ! -. · · · · · · · · · ········· 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · .....-.-............. . OIL TO BURM A Grade for E"ery Burner BUG BEl A COMP AMY Ceaeral Oflicea, 144 Ruah St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 1411-Z-3-4 Telephonea: Nilea Center %17 Gnenleaf ·3451 Ro~rera Park OIIZ C-.. CITY SALES-FOURTH FLc:>OR ~. ~ ·). 319 West Van Buren Street ·· o?onps·························~······-L.······· -

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