Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 . Merchan~s Demonstration of PAINTEX by an Art Director from New York See how easily and simply you can .. Put Style Into Decoration" with Paintex, the marvelous new liquid color, and with Liquid Embroidery, the sensational new means of embroidering without a needle. The amazing art that is· beguiling thousands of women . into new beauty and individuality in apparel and decorative pieces for the home. Demonstrated and taught by an Art Director from the Paintex Company. Display offashionable new finished mode/$ Demonstration all this week and next SECOND FLOOR Cooperation of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce irt the forthcoming annual fund campaign of the Wilmette More traditional fur was to fly ·when Communitv Chest association was I\ev.· Trier walked on to the floor at aske.d by -Harry C. Kinne, ·president 3 o'clock Friday, for he.r first game in of the association, at the meeting of the the divi sional baskethaP tournament. Chamber Monday night of this week. which is being held at \Vaukegan thi s Mr. Kinne decla.red that, since the week -end. Exactlv whv enemies of Community Chest idea originated with long standing like Ne\\' 'J'ricr and E,._ · men who are n1embers of the Cham- anston should dra\v each other for ber of Commerce, he felt that the busi- their first tournament engagements can ness and professional people would hardlv be understood, unless the offineed no urging to assist in this unified cials ~·;ere afraid that the crowd might charity solicitation campaign. He get bored with the ordinary variety asked t.he husiness people to include of haske! c~gi_ng. However tha.t tn <.1y in their advertising some mention of be, cer.tam .'t ts tl.ta-t the two wtll, f~r the Chest campaign which is to take the thtrd ttme thts season, lock the1r place Sundav March 20.. · mythica~ horns and battle, not only Hector Do-<lds secretarv of the Com- against elimination froin th~ tournatmmit\' Chest al~o addressed the meet- ~nent h~t also for the seasons last say ing. · 111 a prt\'atc feud. Accidents have been known to hap pen, c\'en in the hest of regulated tournaments, but since K e\\· Trier clc featl'<l Evan ston on February 25 to th e tune of 30 to 15 , early dope sters h;wc alreach· schedtllcd the game fnr a ri ck nn tht.~ ice. 0\'cr confidence, it is qid , i:-; not liktk tn prr)\·c a prop puller. nutY han~ withstood attacks of t·llls and on that· basis Xe\\' Trier " ·i ll prob llllti JIOWIIers. drugs und liniments ab!Y meet th e winner of the Arlington -lmt give ..lllountatn I h·~ghts. \\·auconda and Cumec tnatc:l Yolley Water. from cs at three the follo,,·ing aftl:rn on n. Hot Springs, Ark., Th e tournament is o ne Cl( a nunll l\·r a trial. It has of such meets now hl'ing held through altletl in relle,·tng out tlte state under the au:-~pices oi tlh· thousands, e v e n Illinois Athletic association and is he nrt<'r other remMles ing played al the \\·auk cgan g_nnnas falh~1l-lt should tlo iu111. \\·hich is said to lH' ntH· oi tl1v the snme for you. fi IlL':-; t in t h l' ~I icl d k \\ · c ~: t. 'J' h c ',. inn t.: r Uo<·tors prescrliJe lt. ni thi.~ m e l'! is automatiralJ.,· ht·ld eli Come to our ontt·e gible ior the Sl'Ctiona! tourm·y wh irh n1111 rt·all their re· will he held at J olict the ]att n part ol JIOrts and o u r testimonial letters nl'xt \\'l'l'k. Provided 1he\· \n111L' from hundreds or through \\·inner:; at Joli\.'l, .thvy arc for m e r sufferers. thl'll L'lltl'red in a subsequent state Surely the JlrOSJJect tournatnent at Champaign. of relict Is worth a New ·T rier Cagers · Promise Help in Community Chest Drive in Division Play Over the W eek·end Stubborn Rheumatism · trial.. Phone for a CUSf,l, RosENBERG's. Davis Street- Downtown Evnnston -We Deliver- Mountain Valley .Water Co. 2609 Broadway Greenleaf 4777 Evanston. Ill. Chicago Office 739 W. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 5460 · 4 The Perfect Apartment Realized! Have you wondered if there is a perfect apartment? The so:t you've pictured in your mind but never realized ... with an impressively beautiful entrance and lobby ... cleverly )aid out rooms ... lux~rious, distinctive appointments ... plenty of fresh a~r and sunshine ... ~bund~nt cl?set space ... completely equipped kitchenettes ... electnc refngerauon and all household duties taken over by the central management! When in Doubt Drink Milk! " When you're on the sick list. with little or no Indeed there is! The delightful kitchenette apartments at the Geor~ian measure up to these requirements in every particular. appetite. and d.oubtful as to just what to adopt as your daily diet. drink Visit us today, or call Mr. Walton, Greenleaf 4100. sonally conducted tour of inspection. He will arrange a per- milk. Live at I ,[ iJftle ~eofl\iail « Jl,n Addreas of Diatinction" at H I N M A N-E V A N S T 0 N-P H 0 N E G R E E N L E A F 4 1 o o +

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