March 11, '1927 WILMETTE LIFE 15 Kenilworth . Happenings Mrs. G. R. Lc.1g, of Memphis, Tenn ., left Kenilworth Tuesday after visiting Mrs. W. W . Wheelock, 132 Oxford road, for a week. \Vheelock entertained in . her honor at a luncheon at the Skokie Country club on March 4. -0- -t- I Mr. and Mrs. Th~mas \Vhite, 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, and Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter, 422 \\foodstock avenue, returned from the south · ~{arch 1. They we·nt to New Orl~ans, Cuha, Palm Beach and Miami. Timely Toy T'opics Goodness what a changing world ~ven toy fashions change! Visit our Third Floor Toyland today and see our marvelous displays of new playthings. 531 E ssex road, Kenilworth, entertained at a luncheon bridge for twenty on February 28. -o-\V. Ruf. 23() Cum nor road, left Kenilworth March 3 for ~~ rs. Arthur -0).f rs. ] oset)h Joyce, Electric Questioners In.dian Suits $1.75 up · Every boy wants one now that the warmer days at"e coming. Khaki pants and coats trimmed with. gay fringe, and bright feather headpiece. $3.50 A fascinating game-turn on · the current, ask your questions and electricity will do the rest. Instructive, too. Texas to visit her son Ba sett for two or thr ee week s. - 0- lfr. and Mrs. David R. D eCamp, (,15 Abbott s ford road. Kenilworth, spent last week end visiting their son, \Viison , at the 'Cnivcrsity of Indiana. -0- Roller Skates with Service, $2 pair "Chandler Service" goes with every pair of roller skates we sell. for boys and girls. . Roller skate displays on. second floor. Styles li iss Dorothy ~~. Olso n, of 736 Roger aYenue, Kenilworth, \vill entertain at three table s of bridge this enni1tg . BOYS! Come Up and See Our Marble Display Third Floor . - 0- lf r s. \\'. J. Taylor, 310 Cum nor road, Kcnil\\'orth and her son, Clive Taylo r, ldt Kenilworth la st Friday to ·s pend a few days in Exc elsior Spring , ll issouri. - 0- ll r s. l lamilton I Iov;c ( ~fargaret Backus l arri,·cd in Kenilworth Sunday t(l \ ' ! Sit her parent s 11 r. and 11rs. Trumh a ll Backus 2-tS Cumnor road whil e her husband , En sign Howe, is on a crui se. University 123 Elevator Service · rs FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON High Sch~ol Store-Church Street BUY TIRES NOW PREPARE FOR SUMMER DRIVING GOODYEAR TIRES are now· lower in price than ev~r before. Let us quote you on your size. It is a revelation in ttre ecomony. Try the new Goodyear AllWeather-Tread Balloon Tire. We will put them on your rim and inflate them to the correct pressure. Service for your Car GASOLINE--OIL-GREASING TIRE REPAIRING-HI-PRESSURE 8 BALLOON J' . I BRAUM BROS. 723 Oak Street · Phone Winn. 1565 2 Stores .+ Wilmette Ave. & Ridge Phone Wilmette 290 =