Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 14

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14 WlLKBTTB LIFE ' March 11, ·1927 dead in trespasses and sins. Ially The Holy Ghost through the cannot save himself because he is spiritu- Loans A recent change in National Banking Laws permits us to make real estate loans. We have unlimited funds for this purpose at the lowest inte~est rates. Telephone Wilmette 260 or 74. First ·National Bank of Wilmette MOTORS SERVICE ~-----------------------------EVER.VTHING AUTOMOBILE Incorporqeed · ./Ore me REPAIRS may be done promptly and cheaply Gospel creates faith and love in the heart of man. Having thus been brought to faith in Christ, the believer serves no longer sin but O!lrist whoin he lo,:ve~. By these good works, which the Chrtsttan does out SERVIl~ES of love to Christ, he does not to save 9 :30 A. M. Sunday .school and BiblE' himself but proves to the world that he cla~es · is a saved child of God. . . 9 :45 A. M. First servicE' and sermon works are a fruit and evtdence 11 · :oo A. M. St'cond service and sermon of Good the Christian's saved and consecrated Sermon: "The Wastt>d Life." state. L .K N'rEN SERVICE '\\···dnesday evening, March 23, at 7 :45 J.uthc·ram Fucts and }"lgurefi P.M. Sermon: "Christ with the Church in the The Lutheran Churo~1 in the . ~ nitf>d State:; and Canada has approx1mat~ly Courtroom" four million baptized me mbers on lts Jl Ef~'fi~Wo! membership roll, attending 15,091 churchMonday and l<'riday at 4: Children's es and served by 10,744 pastors. 'J;'hP classes largest individual ~ynod of . the ~meriea n Monday and Friday at 7 :Hi: Evening Lutheran Church 1s the MisRoun Synod, classes which also has connectiom; in Germany, Australia, Engbim1, Brazil and t·~le ArgenThe young p eople of the <'·~1\l,rch a~e tine. . meeting with unusual success tn thetr Since its organization by 12 pn~tors 111 efforts to place a church papt>r into 1847 the Missouri Synod has. achJevf'd a evt'ry homf' in thf' pn rish . 'l'lw Lutheran rem~rkable growth. Today tt:-; paRtoral Witness, the official organ of tht· church, roll numbf·rR 3,272. Thes men se~\'1: the Wam1er Leag·ue Messenger for young 3,565 congregations and 866 pre achmg people, and th · Young- Lutht>ran's Maga- stations, with a total of 1,08~,800 soul:-:, zine are leading in the subscription list. 667 987 of whom are. commumeant memOtht·r literaturE', t·~tw<'ially that. connectPd ber~. Th(· value of its chur<'h property with ·Bible study, and with th<> history aggrt'gatPs $i 4,404,34!.1,. and the total and the t<·aching·s of the Lutheran propl:'rty \'alue of educational ~n<l bene v<?church is al:o;o on view in t·~le church lent institutions i::; com:!Prv~tJvely estt,·estlbule. matt-d at $17,78a,9:\8, makmg a grand total of $!12,H10,287. . . Lentf'n services arc held every W<'dDuring- 1 !l25 t·!le congregatiOn rau;ed nesday evening at 7 :45 o'clock. Every- nearly $14,000,000 for homt' and t·xtraone is very cordially invitE>d to comE>. f'ongn·gational purpos('s, an. average of The soloist for Wednesday evening-, $20.61 J>(·r nwmbPr. Coll(·ctwn5t d(: vote<~ March 16, is Mrs. H. F. Rohrmann. On to misionary purpos('s amountPd to O\ ··1 'Vednesday t·vcning, March 2~. the chil- $1,177,000. 'l0 .. drt>n of th<· week-day classes will sing. At the present tim(' lh('re ar(' 8&.. n~~~sionaries, in both home and foretg.n Man is saved by grace without any fit:>lds, st·n·ing 20,021 stations. · Wo~k 1:-: merit or worthiness on ~is part. Man heing dont:> among de~l.~ mut<'s .. Indt~n;'3· Jt-ws, fort-ign nationahtlcs, and. Ill Chmct, India, :\lt>xico and South AnwrJca. As a mt·mlwr of the Synodif'al Conft·r.-nc ' th1· l\Jissouri Synod also SUJ1ports a numlyH of missions among the n ·gro po}1Ulatl0n of this country . During 1!125 th e Synod maintaiJwtl J ,:l88 full time parochial :-:;ehonlH 111 which 1,272 men and 4-17 wonwn tNt<'hen; 401 pastor::; and 97 stttlh·nt tPaf'lH·rs instructNl 80,1 n pupib. , Tlw Sund;~~: School pnrollnwnt waH lh2,148: 32,8t,,, children and 1 ,ii27 adults wt·J"I' baptizN\ : 2:!,H5H childre n nnd 4,806 adults \n·r· · .confirmed; 1,330,802 JH·rsons partoo.k of the Lord's Supper; 12,9~4 marrH~J;I ' H were solemnized and 12,77a were gJ\·1 ·n a Christian burial. · . . . In 1925 Valparaiso rmvNsltY · . \_alparaiso, Ind., was ]Jurchas~d, b:m~mg the total number of NlucatJOnal InstituAI~l'.l~TIZING tions owned or controlled by Synod, or its members, up to l 8, with an approxOur chef has made her busiimatt> t-nrollmf-'nt of ~ . 000 stu~ent!';, ness into an art. It is the taught by 120 professors and 44 assistant flavor of food that really professors. At t·he 18 hospitals and lwalth n·tn·ats makes it appetiz\ng. Every 2!),679 patients were trf' ate<l _:~nd 18,:128 dish we serve is sayory. operations wl:'re performNl. 1 hr<>e hundred and five ( :~05) orphans Wt~ r<· ha!: . Tempting Service bored in e ight (8) orphanages and Lt.) homeless children were cared for by 1·1 home-finding societies, 493 aged Jwople W(·re cared for by nine homt>s for t hf-' agPd. . . f 'J'h£> yarious lay orgamza~10ns. o t 1H ' body have also increasl'd 1n sJZ(· and membership. The 'Valt·~1er League, a young pE>oplP's organ. zation, now has .l iSt Wilmette Avenue 1 471 local societies with a general m emh~rship of 5ii,OOO. 'flw Lutheran Laym<·n's Leagu(· has 15,fiti0 nwmbers, tht· 11 A. M. to Midni1ht American Luther League 20,000, and th" American Lutheran Publicity Bur(·au G,OOO members. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 St. John's Lutheran I ~ c:IO 0 D ~~~~0·'-··u 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 MAC'S Bowling Lunch 0 · · , n, I - 0' D 'OQ :;·IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ t NEVER. CLOSED First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETIE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue I "' NOW SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Wednesday· Testimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sun11ay School Exercises 9:45A.M. ~ '- March. 13, 1927 Subject: "SUBSTANCE" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: The Bible and Works of Mary Daily (except Wednesday and Baker Eddy and all other Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. authorized Christian Science Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Literature may be read, borSaturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. rowed or purchased. - J.C.Siown ~B. 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