Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE March 11, 1927 NOMEY TO LOAN First llortgare 1% .ReUnanelng and New .diaii4Jnge Mrs. Merle ·G, ·Nutt of Moline, Ill., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small, 41l Maple ave. nue, returned ·t o he~· ·home last Fr.i~ay. Vets at Hospital Need Puzzles, Club Is Told Legion Auxiliary W. L. PECK ·co. 18 so. La Salle !!ft. Central Ol!li CJ{eal 'Transportation Service FARES: * * The committee on co-operation with ex-service men of the Woman's club Illinois people purchase more special of Wilmette will meet 011 Monday The Wilmette unit may be called the delivery postage stamps than do the morning with Mrs. J. A. Pancoast, 1301 · "go-getters" of the 7th dist~ict, hy people of any other state. Greenwood avenue, at 10:30 o'clock. right of their unequalled acluevement in the February membership drive. No Unless the quarantine for catarrhal other unit in the district was able to fever at the Great Lakes hospital is reach our percentage gain; as a rclifted, the birthday party planned for ward for this labor, the president, Mr::>. March 24 .will be postponed until April, Harry Hopp, t~.nd Mrs. Dornbos .. who the commtttee has announced. brought in the most membe;~. wtll be At the U. S. Veterans' hospital. I the guests of the state auxtltary at a North Chicago, No. 105, there is a dinner and theater party. request for picture puzzles. At pres- 1 ent the men have two. Any puzzle On behalf of the auxiliary Mrs. Hunot too juvenile will be welcomed, and bert Jordan and Mrs. Harry Hopp re.donors can communicate with Mrs. cently visited the men at Great Lakes Willts H Hutson, Wilmette 1447, about and also at the new psychopathic hosany puzzles they may have. pita! at Five Points, North. Chicago. At -Great Lakes they distributed candy, cigarets, books, and magazines, gift~ Rollin Pease ·Is Soloist alwav greatly appreciated by these in Troubadours' Concert shut:ins. They talked with Frank ' Psenicka who enlisted from \Vilmette. The Twuhadours. a gk·c club com- and who' was very grateful for a visit posed exclusively of Ne'" Trier men , is home. The director at Fi\·e Points exto make its debut before north shore pressed the need for games ami . cht~·~ residents Friday e\·cning, April 1, m boards, and the auxiliary has since supa concert given 111 the Jane Kuppen- plied this needed . entertainment. )l('imcr ~f emorial hall, Skokie school. The auxiliary now has ninety- six \Vinnetka. The group is under the dipaid-up members; so they hol(l no fear rection of John G. Gunn. of making thsir desired goal of 100. Of especial interest is the announceMrs. Hopp (\\ ilmcttc 1404) ha . . ment that RoJ.1in Pease, well kn0\\'11 charge of reservations for the 7 o'clor k baritone. win he the assisting soloi '> t dinner at the Hotel LaSalle, in honor at the concer~ . of the state officers, :\f r:-;. ~I cCauley Feature s of the eYening·s entertainment will be the appearance of Jimmy and Howard P. Savage. :-)he ,,·ill ab1 1 Gu1111, Scotch comedian, assisted 111 a take reservations for the auxiliar .\ tea. :\larch 25, at Field's \\\:dg\\·ood ~ketch hY Lena :\fcNeil and Horten . ;;c Tea Room. This tea ,,·ill abo hotwr Kitch. d~ncer s. Mrs. McCauley. -o- + .I -- $1.50 for the Six-Day Week's Transportation to and from Chicago Only 12Y2 cents a ride from Evanston and Wilmette to any part of Chicago ~Ir. and :\Irs. Farle D. Lyon, 1504 The Foreign :\'fi ss ion socity oi t hl' Elmwood avenue, entertained at three taldcs of bridge last . Friday evening, First Methodist church met on Thllr . . ::\[arch 4, 111 honor of Mr. and Mrs. day, March 10, with Mrs. E. R. I:mJc -, . 1304 Forest avenue. Carl Rodcnhausen of Detroit, Mich. * * * * . SZ Weekly Pass You can ride a hundred times a week on this pass if you wish-any member of your family can use it -you can go to any part of Chicago, Oak Park, Forest Park or Cicero without any extra fare. REAL CONVENIENCE Rapid Transit Line trains operate DIRECTLY INTO AND FROM THE LOOP DISTRICT, CHICAGO. A customer steps almost directly from the train into the building which is his destination. Your troubles from inclement weather are minimizedNo taxicabs or street car fares to pay - No time lost in covering distance before· you board your train. SUCCESS built on - SERVICE all our years of business existence, it has been our creed to serve no~ for the present alone, but for tomorrow. Only on a basis . of such soundness could our present success have been achieved. Only on this basis can we hope to build for the future. Our best recommendation is the fact that ·we have been handling the work of our oldest patrons year after year uninterruptedly. I N 269 TRAINS DAILY 128 trains are operated daily South Bound from Wilmette and Evanston to the Chicago Loop~ 141 trains are operated dai1y North Bound fr~m Chicago to Evanston and Wilmette. Service is maintained at 6-minute intervals in the rush hour periods and every 12 minutes during the balance of the day and evening. Rapid Transit Line trains are at your service THE FULL 24 HOURS OF THE DAY. You need no time table on the Rapid Transit Lines. Under our new insurance arrangement. you are rnore thoroughly protected than euer before tt'hile l/Our ruqs are in our care. ' ' ' The service is so frequent.

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