Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE . March 11, 1927 Let Rough Dry Free You From Drudgeday For it saves you much ironin,g -lt irons out flat work- fluffs bath towels, underwear and hosieryeverything comes to you dry and smooth-leaving only the lighter pieces for you to finish. Rough Dry IJCPound 20% Discount for Work Brought and Called For H_ ome Laundry A. F. Denzin, Prop. 525 Main St. Phone Wilmette 606 · · · · · · · · · college Glee club wm· give a concert in this church. Our members and friends will be particularly interested to know The congregation last Sunday was t·he that these young men are under the nbie largest thus far this year. Before church direction of Harold Chamberlain, former began, the auditorium was filled, shortly choir leader, and he has promised an <"sthereafter the chapel was filled, and fin- pecially fine program. Tickets are bt>ing ally, folks wPre sitting in the alcove sold by Hte members of the Young Woclassrooms. Mishop Hughes preached a man's Mi~sionary soclt~Y. Lila Kirkpatwonderful sermon on the text, "Let no rick in cltarge. man despise thee." At t·he close of the service, seventeen joined the church. They On Sunday afternoon, March 27, our are ·as follows: own choir will present Mendelssohn's Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Anderson, Ethyl "Elijah." and 'Arthur, Jr., of 930 Chestnut avenu e : Mr .and Mrs. D. C. Stone, of 913 Central The Young 'Voman's Missionary socin \'t> nne: Mr. and Mrs. 'V. M . Rogers and ety will meet Tuesday evening, March 15, son, Robert Rogers, of ·814 Linden a venue ; at the homt' of Miss Rose Varley, 1014 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ives of 1630 Wash- Oakwood aYenue. This is to be a "Chinington avenue; Mrs. Paul Leach of 1055 · est> 1\fePting." Miss Alice Brimson, presLinden avenuP; Mr. Albert n. Ackerman ident of the Baptist Training school wi!l and Albert Jr., 811 Park avenue: Mrs. bt> tlw spf'aker. A 11 young women in tht" Charles Fleming, 500 Fifth street; Mr. churc-:1 are cordially invited to mt'et with and Mrs. ll. Paul K e rnen, 1741 Highland us. an·nue. l'h t· " 'om·m's Honw :\lisslonary so<"it-ty It is interesting to note the formet· affil- will nwl't on ThurHday at 2 o'clock at htion of thOSE' who joine d. Some Wt're '. " hnm u of :\Irs. nr. T . L . (;risamort·, :\ft>thodists. som<> LuthE-rans. others camt> 5fl7 Cn·enlt:>af avenu e. :\Jrs. Harper will from the Swedenborgian, ('ongrt>gational give the fifth chapte r of the study book. and Community churche s . r)" . ~mith will gin· a talk on "Lenten TA·adings." 1 Tht> F !· llow ~h·p ~·1Jppt·r las t \\·· ·dJll'sclay Tlw two groups of young people who ni~ht w ·1s attc·ncil'cl hy :tn t·\·Pn hunc1rt' <l. ,,, ; Ia ~·· !'{un ,.,,. en·ning fo,r tlw fin.;t ]>roDinnt·r was st>J'\·c·<l hy ;\Jr·s. t'.,x's di\'is- gnun of a s··ri<>s, had a most interesting ion. \Vt·dnc·s!IHy night of this Wf' t·k SUJl- a·· tl t·njoyahlt· time'. The St>nior High · per was ~wrn· rl l>y :\lrs. Lc·hman's di\'i- sehoul group rnt·t at 1\Jaurice Osborne's sion. ).J'pxt ~'e dnN;day night Mrs. Yro-~ hom e fur tlwir ~.)cial hour and discussion, man's di\'ision will sen·e. The arrangt>- with n .. n Cox as thf'ir counst>llor and lllt'nt st·t>ms to nwet with gr<·a t faYor. TJ~,, Eldr<·d f,t·ntlc ·y as tlw leader of the disrl""" . ."., .. , ~-~··· .· , .. wq1 ht·g·in :~t 7 : li· and I <'U~sit~n. Th lrty -~tigh :whnol sturlt>nts Wl"rP close at R ,,.(')oc 1;: aftc·r a brit·f' addr<·ss prc·st·nl. Tht> oldf'r group m et at Frank b:r tht.· pastor. 'f'ht>st~ ft·llowshi}l hours :\lillington's, and enjoyed diseussing sonw arf' O]) E' n to Hll. Rt·s l' n ·a tions should lw of tht-il' probl(·tns with "Dad" Elliott . made to tlw <'hun·h offict· bl'forC' Tu!'srlay Twt·nty youn~ Pf>O])IP WC'I't' th e rc· ancl noon. many m o rl' lHt\'{' < ·XJ)l'PSl·Wd thPir intc ·ntion of eoming- this Sunday en·ning. ::\f'1·xt Sunday mo1·ning thf'n· will 1>1· a This Sunday evening th(· hig-h school ~]wcial st>n·ict·. Tlw .Junior dwiJ' will sine·. Tht· pnstor's !'wrmon will Sl't'k to group will nu·d at t!H· chun··' t at ;, ::W answE-r tlw question, "'Vlt e n dot>s Ea sll'r and tal< t- cars to (iarrf'tt Rihlical InstiEntnston, whPrt· l\lrs. l·~isc· l··n will eomf'?" In his answe r hP will ·~W.\'t' in tutt·, interpn·t the wry uniqu f' display of pi cmind tht> nwrnlwrs of thl' .Junior UPJHtrt- tur, ,s and I'Piic-s in tht· .John \Veslt-y room. nwnt. Among- otlwr thing·s h i' will te ll The oldt·r g-roup will m re t at Mary lht' story of "Blu<·bird," Payton's " Digdn · ~· of t lw \\·<·11" and "C:ar'(·th." H e Ell en B e ntlt:' y's home, 804 J..:lmwoml avt ·will alsn ust· a littlf' J)O C' m Pntitlt'd, "We nttP, for a 1:wcial hour at :. :::o to he · are S<' \'en," in which a .Junior girl plays followe d by the discussion led by Dr. <:ratz, tlw <·cli.tor of tltt· Etnvorth ll c· J"a!d . tlw h' ading part . Dr. (;rntz is \'t· ry popular with young Tlw \Voman's Foreig·n 11issionary so- J>t·oplt ·' :-: gToups anrl many will want to ciety met on Thursday afte rnoon at t·~e avail tlwmsl'l\·es of the opportunity· of home of Mrs. K R . .TameR , 130.J Forrst nwt>ting· ·~lim anrl talking· with him . a\·enue. 'l'he d e \·otions WE' r E' IPd hy ~frs. Tht· four lJ·oops oi \\' ilm r tt l" (;irl Frank Brigg·s, and ::\Jrs. Lf'wis l't' \'iC'wc..' tl !·kouts will Ita,.,. an inn·stiturP arvl dinth e chat>ter. nc>r Friday t'\'f'ning, March 11, at the First Presbyterian church at 6: Ui. The Friday evening, March 2:-i, the Ripon parf'nts of th(· Uirl Scouts are im·ited·. · First Methodist + I i - I ONE WEEK ·SALE Women's Dresses for House and Afternoon Wear GROUP 1 Dresses of neat \\·ashahle prints. St, n ock:; of broadcl'oth . Very desirable t'1t $1.95 each . · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · GROUP. 2 . Beautiful dresse:; c1f fa~t colored Engli. h prints . We11 n.ade at the low price of $2.39. · · · · · · · · · · · · rr· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GROUP 3 Including Rayons. cotton charmettse and priiTts, sizes 38 to 52 at $2.98. GROUP 4 Beautiful f.Iowered dimities, fresh an<J. pretty embroidery trimmed, $3.35 each· ALSO Porto Rican night dresses. Every gown hand-made and dait~tily hand embroidered. These are of fine batiste in pink, peach and white. Very Special $1.00 . HOFFMANN BROS· 1716 Wilmette A venue, at Ridge Telephone Wilmette ·651 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Your Chevrolet Delivered At Your Door in Wilmette at These Prices The Coach ...... $648 The Landau . The Sedan ...... $750 The Touring The Coupe ..... $625 The Roadster The Sport Cabriolet . . . . $ 7 71 .$801 .$570 .$570 ~ I L. & R. Auto Service A. Rodenkirk, M gr . 332 Linden Ave., opp. "L" Terminal Ph. 3064 ·'

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