Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Mar 1927, p. 9

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March 11, ~927 WILMETTE Valley route of the North Shore line, will be the speaker of the eYt"ning. . LIFE 1st C. ongregational The First Congregational, located at t·he point wh£>re Ll:\ke avenue crosses Wilmette a venue and . Eleventh · street, . is open to everybody every d:ty. 'l'he aim is to make it a House of fellowship and ]lrayer to all people. It::; ministers count it their· grf>ate~t joy when they may sen·e individual needs, and its officers are. honored when the church is permitted to as!'list in promoting the welfare of the rommunity. Twenty-one denqminations an' already represented in its memberl;hip and a whole-hPartcd wel('onw awaits all w~o will fl('('(·pt its hospitality. i~oys· · club nH·t·ts · (Jll F'riday at :'l ::~o P. ::u. urHh·r tht· h~adt·rship of l\[r. :\T<·C'ormack. Tht· Th..- \\'CJman'; 1 iuild will hold an aliday nwl'ting this Friday at tlw church. gamiiiiiiRJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt; . T·he Young People'~ choir practice Wednesday n'ight n.t 8 P. M. Porter W 6 Heaps, or.g~nist and director. The Cozy Corner Circle will be entertained at an afternoon social meeting at the . home of its ('hairman, Mrs. A. E. !{Iunder, ·909 Chestnut avenue on Thursday at 2 P. M. ~Irs. Frank Adams will assist l\Jrs. Klunder. St. Augustine's · Sunday, ::\larch 13, will be the second Sunday in Lent. There will be Holy C"ommunion . at 8 .-\. ll., Church schools at 9 :4 5 and :M orning Prayer with address at 11 o'clock. T·~lere will h·~ Holy Communion \Vednesday at 7 A. ::\T. and on Friday at 10 A. !\I. ·n.,.xt Wt"ek, as well as Evening Prayer with address \Yennesday at 8 P.M . I I CHRISTlAN SCIENCE Saturday by Ev:1n::!'o·~:rch 12, 1927 I I :\frs. A . H. Howard will give the Missicmary Study Book rt' \'it·w at 11 :30 ·-\. :\T. ~rrs. L. L. Pt·rry, prt>sident of the ( iuild, has <'allt>d a board m(·eting at Tlw \\yonwn · of the A:-;sociated Guilds 12 ::'ltJ P. ::\J. T'w nkmhPrs of th(· ~orth mN·t today in tlw C'lub House with lunchEnd Circlt· will s<>n··~ tlw 1 o'clock E:-on at noon. Tht-y will m ~d (·ach 1·-.riday luncheon .. 1 HrP('tly after luncheon Dr. during Lent. Lloyd will stwak on "Tlw ::\Iotlwr Church and Its C'hildrt·n So<'it· lit·s." The \Var-;hRe\'. H. B. <;wyn, n ·ctor of St. Lawing"ton avP. Cin·lt· will conduct a bakery rf'ncP, Libertyvillt·, was thE:- prt·acher at salt> all durin~· thP day at th chur('h. the \Vednesday eH·ning sr·vic·t· thh; Wt'ek at St. Augustin ~:: 'r-;. Dr. Carleton preached On Runda \' morn in~.:' tlw <lifft·rf·nt (l\>- tht· sanw night at Lihf'rty\'illt·. partrm·nts o'r the c .:nrreh school h f' gin thc·ir ::;<·rvices at 9 ::H! o'dork. The Half of the population of the Cnite<l (-,0\'(·nant (')ass mN·ts with nr. Lloyd in t lw ehur<'h offi<·.- at this tinw. .At 10 ::30 States lin:s "·ithin nne night's ride tht· ,JUI1itll' {'()Jl~l'(',!.:-;ttion St·n·in· OJlf'llS ill Chicago. tht · dntr·ch auditorium. PAUL STARK SEELEY, C.S.B. of Portland, Oregon Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church# The Fit·t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston; Maas. of I CENTRAL AVENUE :~:e ~:;:~ ::~::T. 1 WILMETTE, ILL. I ::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi~ .,. ··f L!oytl will pn·arll on th<· suhjc·ct "Our On-<~oin:.:- Faith" at tlu· Sunday llll·r·nlng- so·r·,·i··· ·s of "·or~ ·:lip h··l<l at 11 ·····lllt'k. Tho· \\'i lmd lt · ~untla~· 1 >r. Jn··· ·ts in this <'htin·IJ at I lfll<trt··rs o11 Ttlt ·:-;ilay at :::o 1'. I:; P . 1·:\'t· llillA' 4'1ul> :\f. ~r. ll<·C·:-;t· \'o ·ll TroliP :\n. 2 m ·· ··l:-; at h· ·ad"j: I : :~11 . T\1 \'!'day nigl1t Ill·· ~· · a :-:o·out:-; ll·· ···l at 1·:\\'art t 'ooli, s ldt>Jlt ·l'. "The Object of the Round Table Club"L_ et Swiney Tell It! Tho · :\o ·ighh··rlwnd riro·lo· will ho · t·nl ·· rtailll ·d at tht · hnm· · .,f :\Irs. E . H. Hur~· ·· :12 .1 Fnn·st :t\' 1'1111· · ··ll Tut ·!'<lay. :\Tt<. .\ . ll . Howard and :\lr:-: . Ita~· \\'arl'· ·ll \\·i ll as~i:-;t. Tit·· .lunior I ;irb' ··lltoir m· ···ts f,,,. r· ·h· ·arsal \\'t·dn. ·:-;cl:ty aft··I'n ··"ll :1 t ·I ll'<' lo r k \lnd.·t· tlw <lirt·t·tion nf ::\lr. ~f<'('orma('k, ;tS!·<ist· ·d J,y ::\Trs. 1.. F . <;a t· ·s an<l :\Trs . 1 ·:. .I. :\I <'I ira i t·~1. i MY G. 'vl. SWINEY, manager of the \Vilmette office of the Ajax Asphalt Shingle Co., I I 7 7 Wilmette Ave. --among those present. -No. 5 of a series. Th· · :.\lt ·n 's \\' ill h· · lwltl duh diliiH· r arHl lllt '<"tingJwxt \\"l' dllt · ~day niKht at 7 f!'t'l· ·dc :.\Jr. ('lark (i;qwn will hl· in t·h ;t l'g't · <·f till · lll'togTalll whi<"h )H'Oilli~l'S to 1,.. g·ocHl. I>. H. Hr,\\·a r<l, <·ltit·f t·ng·itlt'l'l' "" t !11· construrtinn of tht· SkokiP Nature's Rival FRIENDS have asked me what this Boosters and Kickers' Club is that meets at Fred Miller's round .table every noon. Well, all you do is take a chair at the big table when you come in for lunch and you automatically become a metnber. You'll see somebody there you know. and you' 11 know them all before you leave. The object of the Boosters and Kickers Round Table Club is to get so1nething good to eat and to meet a congenial bunch at noontime : PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF FRED A. MILLER OZV·. Corselets Brassieres Girdles! COMPLETE SIZE RANGE Spring Dresses. Coats and Hats on Display CENTRAL CAFETERIA Central A venue East of Wilmette Avenue UNIQUE STYLE SHOP WILMETTE !o....!:._! · + · + ·· · .· B. Coplan, Prop. 1126 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2403- . +..:..;·"'· 1 WILMETTE Support the Wilmette Contmunity Chest, March 20 is ·6, 4 ;,: A · · · · -' 1: ·I

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